How a Lone Diplomat Compromised the Hunt for Bin Laden

From the Keystone Diplomat Department, a real head-shaker from the New York Sun, with thanks to Romy:

Ambassador Nancy Powell, America's representative in Pakistan, refused to allow the distribution in Pakistan of wanted posters, matchbooks, and other items advertising America's $25 million reward for information leading to the capture of Mr. bin Laden and other Al Qaeda leaders.

Instead, thousands of matchbooks, posters, and other material - printed at taxpayer expense and translated into Urdu, Pashto, and other local languages - remained "impounded" on American Embassy grounds from 2002 to 2004, according to Rep. Mark Kirk, Republican of Illinois.

While the American government was engaged in a number of "black" or covert intelligence activities to locate Al Qaeda leaders, Mr. Kirk said, the "white" or public efforts - which have succeeded in the past in leading to the capture of wanted terrorists - were effectively shut down in the months following the September 11 attacks.

Mr. Kirk discovered Ms. Powell's unusual order in January 2004 and, over the past year, launched a series of behind-the-scenes moves that culminated in a blunt conversation with President Bush aboard Air Force One, the removal of the ambassador, and congressional approval for reinvigorating the hunt for Mr. bin Laden.

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This is really awful. How did she get away with this for so long? Who oversees her decisions? Will she be held accountable?

What else could on expect from a career foreign service bureaucrat?

These are the same kind of people that do minimal or no background checks on Saudi visa applicants.

This woman has committed treason against the United States of America and its people. Her stupidity has probably endangered American lives.

The government should consider trying her as a war criminal.

This fat PC cow is guilty of interfering with the apprehension of a mass murderer and should be tried as an enemy of America. Who did she think she was working for? The bitch looks like the lawyer who defended the blind sheik -- a potato with a face.

I hope she chokes on a ham sandwhich

Looks like someone didn't want the tall, skinny, ugly bearded terrorist, who needs help to even pee, to be captured.

What an out and out disgrace to the American people. Does this Government even want this cave rat to be caught? Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

Totally unbelievable!!!! There are no words to describe the stupidity and ineptitude displayed by this woman. If she is the typical example of consul, no wonder the diplomatic corps appears to be clueless and useless.

This is an example of how person can make or break a program.

The blood of many innocents is on her shameless dhimmi traitorous head.

Another April Glaspie... in reverse of course. Who appoints naive women to run these embassies? I am a feminist, but I daresay that you've got to have "the right stuff" to run an embassy in one of these theocratic hellholes. I don't see how it's any kind of place for a lady.

Giaour~ like kj, you have just proved to be a secularist *uck.

I am Polish/German. Even if I Was Jewish, your baseless assumptions would piss me off. Don't pay any attention to what a person actually Says, just assume, distort, demean, demonize, put words into their mouths and then lie about that, as well.

You have just renewed my resolve to make sure the Left Loses the next few votes, '06 and '08 at the very least.

I shall also continue to post the links to those Leftists the Entire American Public needs to be made aware of, in Academia as well as the MSM and Political pundits.

By the time islam is no longer a threat, your goals will set back by decades.

'stupidity has probably endangered American lives.
The government should consider trying her as a war criminal'
Really, i came across this site accidently and I was truly shocked at the stupidity of the people who post on it. I suppose the majority of those who post here are americans, can i tell you something, get over ureselves!
You americans are a bunch of cry babies u need to wake up and look at the world, Osama Bin Laden, he is insignificant, i feel sorry for how americans are brainwashed into robots who say the same thing over and over. Believe me we Brits have had enuff. I really pity u lot.
Before you say anything about the war, Britain went to war for its own interests.
You need to wake up and smell the coffee, you are such fools, read real news from sites like America is fighting 'Islam' for Israel, america has no problem with Islam, muslims only have problems with the us cos they support israel, real simple. Stop and think for a second, use ure own mind don't think about what the media tells u. Israel has infiltrated the US and the us is a whore for israel whether you want to admit it or not i don't care, but just know this we hate the direction ure country is going in.


Posted by: Rebecca at March 28, 2005 07:13 PM
If what you say is true about being a whore??

Haven't you seen any American Movies we all love to screw!!!!

You stupid mulsum woman??

Another EarthQuake Taken out more mulsums??

Lets look at an Earthquake 1 day after Christmas in a mulsum country and now an Earthquake 1 day after Easter in a mulsum country looks like being the whore of Israel as you say is working out for us how about you being the whore of ubl[YELLOW COWARD WHO RUNS AWAY] lots of Earthquakes in mulsum lands and we can't forget the bird flue killing your food suply or the Locus that eat all mulsum lands in Africa??

So I will pick Israel and have Fun!!


Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Not at all surprising given that the international and US leftists have infiltrated all aspects of our society -including the government "leadership" with the goal of dismantling our country. 'Giving aide and comfort to the enemy'is now the standard.

Rebecca, are you a monkey at a keyboard? U shr spl lik it.

We are at war because we were attacked. islam is a global threat, you will know this sooner or later.

In all likelihood, Ambassador Powell felt her life would be in danger should the reward info be distributed. Even so, I feel that her actions were just a tad bit traitorous and just how the heck do diplomats get to decide on these crucial intelligence issues anyway???!!!! I also sadly concur with KJ's remark about the pathetic April Glaspie, but managed to miss the post which caused such ire on Gary's part. Can someone please fill me in?

Rebecca, speaking of stupid, you could be the poster-girl for stupid. Your funny little trick of make believe spelling is an obvious compensation for your inability to spell. Get over yourself. Be brave and misspell if you must ... only a person convinced of her own stupidity would hide an inability to spell in the way you do. And don't read occult hate sites like and think yourself well informed. And do learn what whore means before you use the word. And don't use the word "Peace" as a closure to hate mail; it only indicates emotional, moral and social confusion on your part. And, for heaven's sake, do learn the origin of your own name. Or change your name to better fit your hatefulness. Really. Do decide. And stop your nonsense right now.

“Israel has infiltrated the US and the us is a whore for israel whether you want to admit it or not i don't care, but just know this we hate the direction ure country is going in.”

I support Israel because, against islam and jihad, as goes Israel, so goes all people of faith. No, sorry, all unbelievers.

Rebecca is probably long gone, but I would invite her to come and read some more, just a few things, just a few days. You don’t even have to read the ‘stupid’ comments, just the headers and links Mr. Spencer post. The evidence of islamic terror (or pick your favorite: imperialism, fascism, despotism, …) is overwhelming. Just read a little more.

I say this because I know a “Rebecca.” I’m still working on her. I want everyone I know to know about islam. I want all unbelievers to know.

Didn't the C.I.A. in Pakistan (or whomever produced these 'wanted' posters) notice that they never got distributed?

Is the concept of "follow-up" alien to the skulking class?

Didn't the station chief-cum-janitor notice that there were crates full of "Osama Bin Ladin" materials PILED UP somewhere in the embassay and waiting for disbursal?

Doesn't this derelection of duty demand at least a YEAR in prison, since it is at least twice as bad as what Martha Stewart did?

When we need a Bodaceia, we get a buffoon.

I'd almost be glad if she were stationed next in a bikini in Saudi Arabia.

Yes, "Rebecca", we have woken up to the world - the world that Islam insists on foisting on us. One of death, hate and trying to dredge up the Dark Ages.

Bin Laden insignificant? Ask the kids of those who died in 9/11. The wives, husbands, parents, siblings, etc. I doubt they're feeling 9/11 was an insignificant part of their lives. I'm sure they're still feeling the impact of that psychopathic creep. And he's not so insignificant in that he's influenced many other jihadi-wannabe's. Shown them how to feel empowered and good about themselves - by murdering people. The only way Muslims seem to be able to feel empowered - when others suffer and die.

Real news from Rense? LOL! Such chutzpa to admit she/he reads such rubbish.

Oh, and the whore for Israel bit. I suppose it's better to be a whore for the Islamic world, is it? Subjugated, licking their boots. If anything would make one a whore, it would be to kiss up to the Muslim world and do what it takes to be their friend. It would make a self-respecting person feel filthy and used, like a two-bit whore.

Dear KJ--(I'm waving an olive branch in your face: this is a friendly note that I hope you will find informative, this time). Speaking as a former Foreign Service Officer, my guess is that Amb. Powell early on mastered the all-important art of jumping through the exact hoops her superiors set for her, along with those of creative brown-nosing and appropriate bureaucratic timidity (a convenient cover for timidity of other kinds as well); and thus got to the highest ranks of the US foreign service.

At a certain period when people are preparing to rotate out of their assignments and bid on new ones, whe bid on the advertised (for State Department personnel) post of Ambassador to Pakistan, got picked, and then sent to the Senate for confirmation. I don't know how much the honorable foils from Maine and Arkansas and Idaho questioned her--they may have simply signed off to avoid wasting time (after all, State USUALLY weeds out its nincompoops in a timely manner). After that, she was given her briefings, told to pack her bags, and her black passport was sent to Islamabad's embassy in Washington or the foreign capital where Ms. Powell happened to be at the time for the appropriate stamps (I once did the same service for a Swiss dip being transferred from Bangkok to Washington; and an Irish one being transferred from Bangkok to the UN--New York is American, after all). That's how the system works.

While I agree that Powell proved a nincompoop, there are nonetheless lots of fine, capable people in State who have the country's interests at heart. It's just that this time; as in Baghdad back in 1990, we had the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time (possibly because the assignments people at State thought it would be great to have a woman representing America to those Macho Muslim Males; and thus letting them know we're serious about equal rights, yada yada). You don't have to have the Learned Elders of Zion, Bilderbegers, Trilateralists, oil interests, Illuminati,Freemasons, or anyone else pulling strings for such things to happen to anyone. Why, I daresay it even happens to the Chinese, French, Russians, and Canadians at times.

Interesting analysis Kepha. Thank you. So when does one get an chance to serve as ambassabor? When a new Prez comes to town? Or when an ambassodor dies or retires? (Something tells me that they have retirement plan every bit as nice as the foils that confirm them from Alaska, Wyoming, and the other places nobody lives.)


What a joke. Yeah, Gary... use your "considerable influence" to make sure the left loses in 06 and 08. It has nothing to do with the southern rabble leaving the party of formerly racist democrats and turning to the party of racist republicans.

Gobble it up, baby! Your side WILL overreach. They HAVE to. Conservatives ALWAYS do. And when you do succeed in outlawing abortion, sending the homosexuals to the camps, or whatever, I hope I'm still alive to see the pendulum come crashing back through your petty little sandcastles.

I can't tell you the truth about you in the same direct way that you lie about us because if I did so, some of you "sennnnsitive" types would go running to have me banned for insults, smears, and off-topic rants. (And anyway, I don't give tuppence if you do. I have other hobbies outside of visiting right-wing sites and correcting the fools that say Clinton sent 19 soldiers to die in Somalia.)

The right wing is hell bent for leather to dismantle every social program that the Greatest Generation ever made. GO AHEAD. I've got MINE.
If poor people get desparate enough, or maybe when a full HALF of all our money goes to the HMOs, maybe people will wake up, put down the tv remote, put down the joint, and get out their and vote the prissy little bible thumping bluebloods out of office. Til then... I'm damn glad I went to college.

I read the reasonable explanation by Gaoiur and then all the pithy little arguments that come after.

It's sad (for you) but true: all the bible fairy tales are based on fairy tales that preceded them. The flood, the baby in a river, the virgin birth. British "archeologists" were finding so MANY similarities between the worship of Krishna and the worship of Christ. Of course, that MUST mean that the primitive Indians' Krishna religion is just a perverted form of christianity... until they found archeological PROOF that it was older than christianity. And then, the whole case was dropped.

In a similar manner you monkeys refuse to believe in global warming... just like your ancestors refused to believe that the earth is round and that tiny, invisible creatures called "germs" and "viruses" make us sick. It has to be flat because the bible says it's flat, and "everybody knows" that demons and haints are what makes us sick. And all those "natural" disasters predicted by Saint John the Crazy are "proof" for you that we are in the End Times© but floods and landslides always seem to follow logging upstream in the mountains... how strange. Must be God's will or somesuch, since Rush Limbaugh says that we CAN'T damage the environment.

You make all your determinations on the basis of whether it suits what you already believed, and what you already believed is based on what you believed before that and....etc. all the way back to childhood fairy tales and superstitions. Lies your parents told you. Whatever the FOR-PROFIT MSM tells you. Whatever the right-wing p***ks tell you.

One issue in particular is the "belief" that homosexuals are aberrant hellbound sinners that choose their paths. Meanwhile, virtually every homosexual says that he/she ( pun intended) was born gay and perfectly miserable being unable to express it. (BTW don't bother writing back to call me a sissy. I'm not but even if I was, so what?)

You base your irrational hatred and/or fear on childhood bs. Sure, you hate Islam (and good for you that you do) but only because they aren't Christians. Lah-di-dah.

(Sidebar: I was working a crossword puzzle recently and saw a five-letter word that started with "I" whose clue was "It means 'peace.'" I thought, oh God; don't tell me that it's "Islam." I was going to write an angry letter to the writer of the puzzle (name of Merl Reagle btw, an excellent puzzler. About 60-65% as hard as the Sunday NYT.) Thankfully, the correct answer turned out to be "Irene." But I digress.)

Now run along Gary and tell Mr. Spencer how the dread lib'rul kj insulted you.

As for Gaiour, you seem to be a very thoughtful, reasonable, articulate, liberal gentleman. I can't figure out why you hate Israel/Zionism so much... towing a line, perhaps? Saw a sweet young cunny on campus with a "free palestine" pin on her braless chest? What's up?

And thou, Rebecca. Thinkest thou that "palestine" is going to be a place where artists, free thinkers, feminists, and homosexuals will even be allowed to live, much less flourish? Why do "we" liberals WHORE FOR ISLAM?

Despite the best efforts of and, Israel has nothing to do with Islamic terror. Israel is what happens when Islam meets resistance. You can see a similar situation on virtually every Muslim frontier: Nigeria, Lebanon, Sudan, Kashmir, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, etc.

I hate to cite Mike the Savage Weiner, but please tell me how the situation in Israel "made" the Bali bombers blow up the discotheque full of innocent civilians. Please tell me how the West Bank settlers "made" the Mujahideen of Pakistan invade Kashmir. How has the IDF "made" the Mullahs of Iran treat their own people like dogshit (they don't even have decent building standards, but have enough money to make nukes?) Please tell me how Ariel Sharon "made" the Abu Shayaf and M.I.L.F. (LOL... no; really. It's Moro Islamic Liberation Front or somesuch) kidnap, bomb, and behead innocent civilians in the Philippines. Please tell me how Rabbi Kahane made the white Arabs of Sudan murder TWO MILLION black Africans since 1990. Please tell me how AIPAC "makes" gangs of punks in Europe destroy Jewish cemeteries. How did the dreaded Zionists "make" the Jihadis of Chenya murder hundreds of innocent children?

Rebecca, Gaiour, please. Take Israel out of the picture and explain the rest of Islam. 90% of all Pakistanis will never even SEE a real Jew. Explain Islam prior to the founding of modern-day Israel. Explain the expansionist crusades across northern Africa and southern Asia. Keep in mind that "converting" to Islam means consigning ALL of your non-Muslim forebearers to hell and explain all those millions of conversions.

Israel is not populated with saints and angels but compared to their neighbors, they are very humanitarian and patient to a fault. Have you been poisoned by Noam Chomsky (who's specialty btw is linguistics, not history)? Amy Goodman? Ralph Vader?

For the record I am neither a christian nor a jew nor an Israeli. But I am a Zionist and not ashamed to be so.

Rebecca, Gaiour please write me at...let's see here...

(Henry Rollins that is.)

"Should" I be banned, please remember: the important thing is to NEVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS. Always question the opposite side, and always question your OWN damn side. Never stop.

And if anyone knows a Nazi, Muslim, or other conservative that can actually debate, please send them my way.

Monkeys, don't bother using that email name I just made (it took all of two minutes) to try to backtrack me to my home. (And should any would-be martyrs try the same let me assure you that you will be meeting Allah with a hole in your chest big enough for a donkey to "make love to".)

BTW I'm reading Alan Dershowitz' "The Case For Israel" and--can you believe it--I'm halfway through the book and their have been NO insults of the Clintons, Jesse Jackson, and other hell-bound liberals!

I actually bought it in a BOOK STORE, those repositories of satanic thought and evil nastiness. And said bookstore was actually on A UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, you know; where the lib'rul queer commie academics and make us all lib'rul queer commie haters of Amerika and Muslim apologists.

Buy one today for that special liberal in your life. I'm sending mine to Amy Goodman when I'm done, but I will be happy to send it to you first, Gaiour or Rebecca.

Mayhap their will come a day when "we" will finally figure out that some issues should be important to both parties.

As liberals and conservatives alike SHOULD be all for repelling an attack by aliens intent upon destroying earth, we SHOULD all be able to understand that fighting terrorism is important.

We SHOULD be all for helping veterans to our utmost ability... which includes preventing them from being sent off to phony wars designed for political ends. But alas...

We SHOULD be all for helping the people of Israel and all other democratic people defend themselves from Islamic (and the occasional "non-Muslim") terror. But alas...

It starts with jihad awareness, and pulling the plant out by the root (which in the case of terrorism lies in Bush's precious Saudi Arabia.)

Cordially yours,



God save the Hugh

I dont care what anyone else thinks,

I belive that was a great kj post.
thanx kj
And "god save the Hugh" indeed "herehere" I concucurr.


If what the liberals claim is true, that American political ideologies switched, there should be some evidence of this. I am not just speaking of a few people who jumped ship, but the entire ideology jumping ship. Evidence to this switch would exist in the voting record, all southern states that I have looked at, only elected Democrat senators from 1880 to around 1980. I can find no moment in America politics where those voting for the old southern racist Democrats made a sudden change and started voting Republican, at least not until the 1990's. When do you think this switch took place?

And yes it is hard to buy “global warming” when it, by their definition will produce just another ice age, common sense suggest they should call it “global cooling”.
In essence, these scientist are taking a line who’s original length was 1.00 foot and projecting said line 5,280 feet. Their error is now 5,280 times greater then what they started with, yet they masquerade their numbers as without error. That is what makes them bad scientists.

Evidence to this switch would exist in the voting record, all southern states that I have looked at, only elected Democrat senators from 1880 to around 1980.

Oh bar, you're so funny. How many times must I explain this? Let's try it yet again.

Before the Civil Rights movement, democrats controlled the south. This is because the "Party of Lincoln" was depsised in the south. I don't have to tell you why, do I?

When rumblings of desegregation began, around the time Harry Truman deseged the military (late 1940s) Strom Thurmond and many other racist, conservative democrats were so incensed that they "left" the democrat party. Yet they (and their constituents) hated Lincoln and "his party" sooooo much that they would NOT become republicans. So instead, they formed the "Dixiecrat" party. It was mostly symbolic.

Ike continued the deseg efforts. The old south Dixiecrats had nowhere to go.

After signing Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson predicted that doing so would cost the democrats the south for a generation. Was he wrong?

"Democrats" like Ronald Reagan, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, and etc. hauled ass immediately.

A few took a while to come around, like Senator Shelby of Allah-bama who turned his coat in the 90s with the wave of Clinton "atrocities."

Some waited until they retired, like Zell Miller.

Eventually, the entire coterie of southern democratic Senators were replaced by republicans. Some exceptions included the charismatic John Edwards (R-Lousy Choice) who pretty much bought and charmed his way into the senate. Mary Landrieu won in Lousiana by the slimmest of margins in 2000 and probably won't see another victory in 2006 (congratulations, Gary!) ... and at long last, the trend fills in with Florida going R with Mel Martinez (R-Cuba) and Bill Nelson will surely lose to Charlie Christ, Kathy Harris, or even Jeb in 2008. Like Landrieu, Nelson won by the skin of his teeth. I don't see him winning again unless the Big Depression hits sometime soon and conservatives aren't able to blame it (like everything else) all on the lib'ruls, blacks, etc.

True, the "switch" really started to pour in the 90s. That's because moral relativists like Rush, Liddy, Bennet, Newt, etc. etc. droned on and on and on and on and on in their selective outrage and convinced many a person to start voting against their own self interests.

The end result is this: conservative democrats hated black people and opposed them in every way they could. In the late sixties, the democrats became the party that wanted to see black people treated like human beings. Some formerly racist democrats accepted reality, realized they were wrong, and embraced the new idea. I’m talking about guys like Senator Byrd (whom you guys looooved when he was calling for Clinton’s resignation, btw kind like the way your party BEGGED Theresa Heinz to run for senate back in ‘92), George Wallace, and James Carville.

Carville… in one of his books he describes growing up in the racist, democratic southern Louisiana, a typical redneck kid that joins the Marines. He said he came home from the Corps around the time the Civil Rights protests started. Like most racist, redneck, southern, conservative democrats, he was angry that black people would start so much trouble.

Then he read “To Kill A Mockingbird” and realized that HE was wrong, that HIS SIDE was wrong, and the OTHER SIDE was right. He became a liberal overnight and has never regretted it.

Now Bar, are you still going to pretend to not understand why even 45 years ago virtually the entire south was democratic and are now republican? Go ahead, pretend that race has nothing to do with it. I am a racemixing liberal and have lived my entire 39 years south of “the Line” and know a thing or two about racism and southern politics. I spent my childhood in very rural central Florida, spent four years in South Carolina and Virginia in the Marines, lived for two years in SC near Parris Island, and returned to Florida where I’ve been every since. If I move anywhere it will probably be DC or New Orleans.

Bar please explain your silly comment about "projecting" a foot-long line in a mile-long line. You really don't know anything about science, do you? About error propagation? I never studied EP until I was a junior majoring in physics. (It wasn't required until then.)

IF in fact they took a line as you claim and projected it to 5280 times its original length, the error would not necessarily be 5280 times the original amount. Even given that it is, what if the error is on the order of one-millionth of an inch? At one mile, the one-millionth portion of error amounts to 5/1000 or 0.005 inch in error. That's close enough to zero for my tastes.

And the medicines you use and all engineered stuff you use from transporation to electrical power is studied, made, designed, and consumed with errors probably a heck of a lot greater than that.

Even given that it is, what if the error is on the order of one-millionth of an inch? At one mile, the one-millionth portion of error amounts to 5/1000 or 0.005 inch in error. That's close enough to zero for my tastes.

Of course I meant one-millionth of a foot (not an inch) extrapolated into one-millionth of a mile.

And another thing....

The Dem. party changed in the sixties. Most of America didn't. We are still feeling the effects.

That's why Reagan chose as his first campaign stop after the nomination to stump in Philadelphia, Mississippi. With Trent Lott and Strom Thurmond in tow no less. The topic was, as with all of Ray-guns lines, "The Federal Government Ruined America."

Why do you think he chose Philadelphia, Mississippi? Have you ever heard of Philadelphia, MIssissippi? They have only one claim to fame. It was where a couple of white desegregationists were killed by the Klan back in the sixites. And speaking of the sixties, what do you imagine was the most poignant example of the federal goverment "ruining peoples lives" in Philadelphia, Mississippi? Hmmm?

This topic really should be beyond acceptance by now. I can accept the fact that "my side" has some problems (did you see the stern talking-to I gave Rebecca and Gaiour above?)... why can't you accept that conservativism has some problems too?

KJ: You ask how to become an ambassador? There are two ways:

(1) Be very good friends and a major contributor to whoever gets to be President. Be sure you play a lot of political golf and write lots of checks. Chances are, however, that such people end up Ambassador to places in Europe. Sometimes Japan. Stasser, Clinton's ambassador to China, who didn't know squat about one of that country's biggest human rights abuses (the plight of unregistered Christians), was the rare political appointee who goes somewhere other than Western Europe or Japan (then again, China's a business "hot spot").

(2) Then there's the hard way of rising through the ranks of the foreign service--an up-or-out outfit just like the military. This is the way both Glaspie and Powell went. When you're overseas and you need to renew your passport, add a few pages since you travel a lot, have a kid and need a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (if you've been a US citizen for five years, two of which were spent in the USA after the age of fourteen, you transmit citizenship to any of your children born abroad), or get caught with a kilo of horse in your luggage and need a list of local lawyers, you'll deal with a junior consular officer who you should see as someone equivalent to a lieutenant or captain in the army. Think of the people doing the political and economic reporting on foreign countries as the equivalents of majors and colonels. Ambassadors and Undersec's. of State are like generals.

Thanks for the reply.
I will accept the fact that my side has more than its fair share of problems.
I disagree with your claim that the Republican party holds an ideological hatred for blacks or other minorities. Some in our party I know do, but the party as a whole does not. The same holds true for the Democrats. The Democrats just so happen to have a much better written history of their unjustness.

Regarding my silly comment about geometric projection. The only thing I understand about error propagation is from within my line of work the civil engineering field. I never did like school much, as you can tell, so I never had the patience to attend any collage.

I believe that whatever error you have in your basis in this case an angular error, you would have at least that error at your conclusion and only if you could possibly exclude all additional error from basis to conclusion, which is completely impossible.

Your analysis of 0.000005' which happens to be about 1 second of a degree in angle in one foot, multiply that by 5,280' would equal 0.026400' or about 2/8's of an inch, not bad. Now to get a picture of what science is doing, they are taking the foot in this analogy and projecting that 100,000 miles, and missing by say only 2,640 miles. Science is taking very small snap shots (represented by the 2 points that define the 1 foot line) of this giant time line (represented by the history of the world), and projecting it enormous lengths, way beyond what my stupid analogy implies.



Someone such as REBECCA is NOT interested in peace. 'Peace' here is a handy subterfuge meant to hide Islam's global campaign of genocide. Could this girl (IF SHE IS A girl) have an IQ too low to fathom the evil she is assisting? And Islam, which has legalized murder as a way of life for 14 centuries, can definitely be construed as evil.

Ousamah bin Laden and his Islamist thugs have murdered over 4 million innocent people in recent years. He cannot be called insignificant in any way; he is a mass murderer of historic proportions. The United States, if no one else measures up to the task, must stand up to the plate and remove persons such as bin Laden for the survival of the world. Bin Laden has actually promised in the Al-qaeda jihad manual written in blood found in Kabul in 2001) to wipe out the world's 5.5 billion non-Muslims aka infidels. If taking out a bastard like this constitutes being a 'crybaby'...FANTASTIC!

Our 'friend' Rebecca IS NOT AWARE OF (as 'she' spouts off 'America has no problem with Islam'!!) is that Islam attacked the United States in 1794, 1795, 1801. The Muslim Brotherhood colluded with Hitler during the 1930s to develop V-2 rockets loaded with nuclear explosives and attack the United States with them. No one in the United States is EVER going to forgive Islam for the horrors of 9-11-2001. And certainly no one at Jihadwatch is ever going to forgive this wretched individual called 'rebecca' for the savagely ignoranct chicken scratching 'she' posted.

Presumably "rebecca" is European. Where history is no longer emphasized in schools (I know this is true incidentally). She probably has no idea that Islam is responsible for over 400 million homicides througout the past 14 centuries. She has no idea how Islam operates andputsitself in places where it is able to pull off such colossal campaigns. And ultimately how much danger even 'she' faces without the slightest awareness.

But I'm suspicious. The fact that this person would undermine Americans efforts to thwart homicidal campaigns against their people tells me something is not right here.

IS 'Rebecca' Osama bin Laden under a nom de plume??

Especially since she fundamentally and graphically condemns Israel without showing even once that there is something wrong with it or is inhabited by human beings.