Indonesia ousts Christian groups

From Sharon Behn in the Washington Times:

Christian groups and some other private relief agencies are being asked to halt their work in the tsunami-ravaged Indonesian province of Aceh and leave the area by March 26, Indonesia's defense minister said yesterday.

The decision likely will target Western and smaller church groups as the government moves to tighten control over reconstruction work in Aceh, the home of a decades-old separatist insurgency.

"We want each of the relief agencies to be transparent in their programs: Some of them are not clear about their mandates," said Juwono Sudarsono during an interview in a Washington hotel.

"Aceh is mostly Muslim, and some church groups from Australia and the United States are too eager to be there and do their part," he said.

Mr. Sudarsono said his government had set March 26 some weeks ago as a target date for moving from the disaster-relief phase of post-tsunami operations to the reconstruction phase.

With that goal in sight, he said, the overwhelming presence of U.S. and Western relief agencies could make members of the local Islamic community uncomfortable, adding that they would be replaced by Pakistani and Saudi Arabian workers....

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Pack up, Christian soldiers. And make sure you bring the money and supplies back with you.

"Aceh is mostly Muslim, and some church groups from Australia and the United States are too eager to be there and do their part," he said.

A simple thank you would be sufficient

"Western relief agencies could make members of the local Islamic community uncomfortable, adding that they would be replaced by Pakistani and Saudi Arabian workers...."

Where are they? Silly me. Ofcourse!!! There must be thousands of them using an invisibilty device to hide themselves.

"Too eager to help"?

"Oh, Allah, please send someone to help us! Wait, not you, you're too eager."

Well, since it's Indonesia saying this (and therefore an unimpeachable muslim voice) I must agree. No one should have bothered. Astounding ingratitude.


Yes, the Saudis are well known for their roll-up-your-sleeves and get-down-to-work ethic. I am sure that they can get the job done. But, wait, maybe they can just supervise from air-conditioned Mercedes. They can keep the locals busy rebuilding their own country and, hopefully, keep the Aceh Muslims distracted enough that they don't feel the need to burn down any homes, schools or churches that their fellow Aceh Christians are trying to rebuild.

Well after all, Indonesian Government officials said from the beginning of the relief efforts that 3 months would be long enough for the infidels to be in the country, so no surprise there. I know that my contribution to the disaster was put to good use though, because it went to Jihad Watch.

After the heavy lifting is done, the Saudis and others roll up to get the glory...

Here's my link from yesterdays posting about the Tsunami scam by Islamic Org.'s to raise money for global Islamisization of the world.

Mr.Hooper from CAIR attacked Christian Org's for exploiting the victims of the Tsunami by
linking food and aid to Christianity,well guess what,the below link shows the "Islam for Aid"
that's tied to Orphanages built through funds from Islamic charities.

BTW,with all the bitching about Islamophobia
and the failure of the west to help victims that are Muslims,Canadians donated a total of 422 million dollars and part of it was matched funds
by the Government but as of yesterday, Canada's
International Aid department has only heard from 2 of the 25 groups claiming to be on the ground
to give direct aid to Tsunami victims.
With over 200 million dollars sitting in reserve at the Governments Tsunami-Aid account
Canadians now wonder why the victims are still
homeless and starving.
The Saudis appear to be in the drivers seat and funding the Orphanage will assure future Jihadists raised on Whahabbism and sent to the Finsbury Mosque for their final orders for their mission.

Right from the start when U.S. military aid was rejected I stated that this was to increase
the death toll to blame it on the infidels since
the Earthquake was said to be a Jewish plot with a Nuclear bomb.
When the deaths climbed from 5000 to over 100,000 the World jumped into action as fellows humans caring for the welfare of survivors and not making it a religious issue.

I for one am not the slightest bit surprised at the ingratitude of Indonesia and I'm so glad that not one cent of my money went to Aceh.

Howard was wrong to try buying friendship with Australian cash - anyone with half a brain can see that neither charity to others nor gratitude is part of the Islamic mindset.

But then again, why not leave it to the Saudis and Pakis - maybe we should have done that in the beginning, rather than rushing to act like decent human beings on behalf of people who obviously have no understanding of that concept.

Here's a thought....
The reason why the Indonesian powers that be want the Christians turfed IS because they are making a connection with the afflicted and the religious leaders (not unlike the Jewish Pharisees of Jesus' day) bloody well know it! Nobody knows what Banda Aceh will be like in 10 or 20 years from now, but make no mistake, any competition with Islam for the hearts and minds of the little people will NOT be tolerated. The seed of the Gospel has been firmly planted and what God places in the soil of the human heart cannot be weeded out by man. This may be the first time anyone over there has heard the Word of God and the religious 'authorities' are running scared. The Great Commision WILL be fulfilled in it's entirety, no matter what. As always, JHVH knows best.

If a portion of the Aceh population converts to Christianity and a much, much larger proportion decides, after receiving relief, that Christians really aren't such bad people to have around, the Indonesian government would probably find Aceh a much easier place to integrate and govern. However, I say, respect Indonesia's wishes. Let the Christian aid groups leave, and let Indonesia deal with the jihad financiers the Sa'udis will send. It might ultimately mark the end of Islam in the island of Sumatra.

If the revolt in Aceh picks up steam with the exit of the Christian aid groups, the Christian aid workers will only have done their duty to God and their fellow man, and the Indonesian government will have only itself to blame if it finds itself bleeding again.