Jihad, Hamas likely to join PLO

Thereby legitimizing jihad terror and the ideology that fuels it. But of course, the ideological distinction between them has never been all that sharp in the first place. From China View, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

GAZA, March 28 (Xinhuanet) -- The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad (Holy War) may join the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee, a senior IslamicJihad leader said Monday.

Mohamed al Hindi told reporters the issue was discussed at a meeting held late Sunday between Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and senior members of the two Islamic militant groups.

He said the meeting, which he termed as positive, would pave theway for merging Jihad and Hamas into the PLO executive committee....

The scheduled meeting would focus on "bases that the organization would be built on," the leader said, adding "all these bases are also based on what have been agreed upon in Cairo on March 17."...

Both Jihad and Hamas, sworn to the destruction of Israel, used to oppose the principle of joining the PLO, however, they modified their stances recently by opening merge talks with the mainstream PLO and agreeing to a temporary halt to violence....

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But of course; Lets all get together and call for a hudna, then we can all work to incorporate the Hamas charter into the constitution of Palestine, after all doesn't it represent the major goal we are all striving to achieve here.

The American government should not be encouraging Sharon's demented withdrawal from Gaza, which will only whet Jihadist appetites -- after a few months, or even a whole year, of pretend calm, and pretend sweet reasonableness. Then it will be the mixture as before. Compromise in the Western, non-Islamic world, means one thing; it presuposes a completely different mentality from that among Muslims, who will take any concession as a sign of weakness to be ruthlessly exploited.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Laskar Jihad, Gemaaa Islamiyya and so on, all ovr the world, can be given different names and solemnly differentiated. But their foundational texts, and what prompts their members, are all identical -- same canonical texts, same Qur'anic passages, same Hadith, same events in the life of Muhammad. Why should it be otherwise, when a very large part of Muslim existence, of Muslim Explanation of the Universe, of Muslim solace, consists of the worldview of these same texts?

All this attention given to parsing the nuances that might distinguish one group from another, or to find the ones "we can work with" (Alistair Crooke, the "consultant" to Arabs now busily helping to do everything he can to whitewash Hamas and to make sure that the real nature of Islam remains hidden from as many people, for as long as possible, as he possibly can), is a waste of time. It ignores an immutable reality. It helps everyone dither. It commits the American government to applying the wrong kind of pressure, of spending the wrong amounts of money in the wrong ways, in even subsidizing those who, inevitably, do not -- and can not -- wish Americans or other Infidels well, however willing they will be to pocket the money, arms, whatever we lavish so crazily upon them.

Israel is in an impossible situation. If, in June 1967, they had expelled to the area of 1948 partition "Palestine" all internal sympathizers with their external enemies ("ethnic cleansing") they would be better fit for security (Muslim-free), but even greater pariahs in the world press. They could have also removed all Israelis from that 1948 U.N. declared "Palestine", as a way to make the "two states" clear.

But, with the interpenetrating mess they are stuck with now, by NOT having now cleared things up when the time was most propitious (winners of the 6 Day War -of invasion- against their land) including a burgeoning Muslim population in Israel, it seems that Madagascar would have been a better homeland after all (one of Hitler's early thoughts before extremination seemed cheaper).

Gaza will not satisfy those who want Israel gone.

A two state solution was once reasonable, with "side by side" complete, discrete countries, but these unconnected bits of "Palestine" floating around in the Israeli state seem like a prescription for chaos to come.

Yawah's plan, as well as Israel's thinking, eludes me.

Allah's is proclaimed on a million websites:

breed, bleed, succeed!

There is as much a distinction between Islamic Jihad, Hamas, FATAH, Ansar al Sunnah, Black Banner Brigade as there is between wasp nests.

The umbrella, the mother hive is the Muslim Brotherhood, and all of these organizations (including and especially those in the US like WAMY, CAIR, MSA, etc, etc) are nothing more than cells spun off from the mother hive.

To understand the structure and relationship look at the cell structure of other subversive and terror organizations.

The Muslim Brotherhood Movement Homepage

Al-Ikhwan has branches in over 70 countries all over the world. The movement is flexible enough to allow working under the "Ikhwan" name, under other names, or working according to every country's circumstances. However, all Ikhwan groups, in all countries are characterized by the following with respect to their method [3]:

1- Following the Salaf: Rejecting any action or principle which contradicts the Quran or Sunna, and inviting people to nothing but them both.
2- Establishing the Sunna: Working -as much as possible- to spread the Sunna in every aspect of life.
3- Increasing the Iman: By concentrating on the purity of hearts, loving Muslims in the sake of Allah, and remembrance (plus being away of any Sufi mistakes).
4- Political Activism: By putting political programs for "Islamising" government in different countries (after realistic studies), and establishing these programs thru the convenient ways which do not conflict with Islam.
5- Stressing Physical Health: By forming sports clubs and committing members to regular exercises.
6- Enriching Scientific Study: By enhancing the knowledge of members and others about Islam. Members with "Shari'a" major have special study programs.
7- Establishing a Sound Economic Infrastructure: By supporting and/or sponsoring any Islamic project and facing its "fiqh" problems. By the way, the ONLY accepted source of money to the Ikhwan is its members' OWN money [3].
8- Fostering Social ties: By maintaining brotherhood links among the members of the Islamic society.

BTW Item 5 is code for combat training (Jihadi Camps). Item 7, the claim to be self financing is an outright lie, UNLESS by self financing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and George Bush's business partners and buddies are also members most certainly they are supporters, funneling funds via the various "Islamic Charities" and think tanks.

As the Road Map calls for the dismantlement and disarming of all terrorist groups, merging the Islamists into the putative secular-nationalist PLO is a brilliant stroke -- engineered by Javier Solana -- to cleanly circumvent this requirement and place all of the pressure on Israel to continue ceding territory while the Palestinians unite to build a "legitimate" national army under the auspices of their provisional state.

This force will be armed by the EU and Russia, successfully rationalising their militarisation -- a la Hezbollah -- as "resistance" to the Israeli "aggression" associated with holding on to settlement blocks and Jerusalem (which the Pals will of course, never negotiate away).

Thus, 2-3 years from now, Gaza and most cities in the WB will be entirely under Palestinian control operating under quasi-sovereign autonomy; the new Palestinian army will have been trained, financed, and armed by the Europeans; all formerly jailed Palestinians involved in the murder of Israeli civilians will have been released as a "good-will" gesture to the newly "reformed" PA; and... the casus belli will remain.

Israel however, will now be unable to launch defensive raids into Palestinian territory to disrupt illegal weapons smuggling or manufacture lest it create an international "incident" and we will be rolling frantically towards the sixth Arab-Israeli war.

Why is it that christians are only helping the jews because they think they will convert to christianity when Jesus returns. Do you expect Jews to fall for this, I have spoken to a Jew who says that these Christians are stupid and that the Jews don't give a damn about them


I of course have no Idea what you are about , but your comment makes no sence at all.

Christians help people of all religions muslims,buddhists,hindus other christians or even atheists because it doesn`t matter who they are. Its just about helping people.