Jihadists recruiting in Belgium

"Brussels commune 'fundamentalist recruiting ground' says journalist," from Expatica, with thanks to jabbathetutt and RB:

Hind Fraihi, a Flemish-Moroccan freelancer, spent two months living in Molenbeek, which has a large North African population....

Fraihi claims to have spoken to dozens of young Muslims who have been offered arms training in Afghanistan to join Islamic extremist ranks....

Gunther Vanpraet, the managing editor of the two newspapers, said Fraihi had wanted to see "if the rumours about an increase in the number of Muslim extremists in Belgium were true."

Vanpraet said hundreds of young adults had been studying Islam for years.

"They are future Muslim leaders," he said.

"Alongside them is a significant group of young people who have very little hope of a normal future in our country because of their lack of training and because of the job market. This is a breeding ground for thousands of Jihad candidates who are ready to commit terrorist attacks and to lead the religious war against the infidels."

All right. Give them job training and good jobs thereafter. Then see if all of them will really turn away from the jihad ideology and the desire to see Sharia in Belgium. The many studies that have shown that jihadists are generally well educated and relatively prosperous indicate that she might be surprised by the outcome.

Vanpraet said these extremists were using Belgium as a base for planning terrorism, rather than as a target.

Fraihi found extremist Jihad writings in several Molenbeek libraries and said such documents were also in frequent circulation in the commune.

"The majority of the mosques which circulate these dangerous documents
operate in the greatest secrecy and are difficult for the security services to infiltrate," she wrote...

Ms. Fraihi is obviously not a Jihad Watch reader. I doubt, for example, that she has heard of the Freedom House report.

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Then there is the Dimmi responce???

same old story they are poor and have no hope ??

but they are in the west and can pull themselves up can't they or is this thinking and excuse for they are mussis so they are stupid and can do nothing else but war??

what a sad state of affairs Europe has let it'self get into??

liked this part??

"The majority of the mosques which circulate these dangerous documents operate in the greatest secrecy and are difficult for the security services to infiltrate," she wrote.
Extremist recruiters approach Muslim residents in the street or in mosques, found Fraihi.
Molenbeek mayor Philippe Moureaux and the police played down the findings in the investigation, saying the number of Muslim terrorists was small and that many were already known to the authorities and under surveillance.



Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her Amen

This constant refrain about young Muslims turning to "militant Islam" or "Islamism" or somesuch because of poverty can be answered in two ways.

The first way is to point out that the extensive studies by sociologists of the backgrounds of many hundreds, or even thousands, of Muslim terrorists have all concluded that on the whole, they are much better off and much better educated than the average Muslim. The terrorists have included the scions of both what may be described as among the First Families of Egypt (Ayman al-Zawahiri's grandfather's brother was Azzam Pasha, the first Secretary of the Arab League; Al-Zawahiri was a doctor) and Saudi Arabia (the Bin Laden family is, after the Al-Saud, possibly the richest family in Saudi Arabia), as well as urban planners (Mohammad Atta), successful computer engineers ("Mike" Hawash), mild-mannered accoutants, and so on.
So the idea that poverty is the problem, which simply helps everyone avoid looking squarely at the theory and practice of Islam over 1300 years, can easily be shown to be nonsense.

The second way, however, is to pretend, for a minute, that "poverty" might have something to do with it -- that when Muslims are poor, they necessarily find solace in Islam and become "immoderate" Muslims. Suppose that were true? What would that mean? Are Infidels supposed to guarantee a particular standard of living to all Muslims living in the West, not to mention elsewhere, so that they never feel sufficiently put upon, do not feel that they are falling behind in their own standard of living? Would that make sense? Is that the Infidel man's new burden?

And what about other kinds of setbacks? What about the Muslim who is rejected by an Infidel woman he is courting, and feels slighted as a result, and resentful, and....well, you know. What about the Muslim who loses his job, and is mad at his Infidel boss, and....well, you know. The problem is this: there are a thousand, or a million reason, why people feel bad, how they suffer in one way or another. We who are not Muslim do not have at hand a ready grid for the universe which teaches us to blame and hate the Infidel. We who are not Muslim do not have at hand a prism, constructed from the verses of Qur'an, and the Hadith stories, and the supposed facts of supposed Muhammad's supposed existence, a prism through which Muslims can view the universe -- and again, blame the Infidel.

And so what are we Infidels to do? Spend the rest of our lives making sure that no Muslims are unhappy, or going directly to the problem itself -- the ideology of Islam, and working to deprive Muslims of the major means of doing us harm, through terrorism and outright warfare (taking away their major weaponry), or through demography (ending all Muslim migration to Infidel lands, and reversing the flow wherever that can be accomplished), and Da'wa (identifying, and countering, all the ways that Da'wa is conducted, all the places it finds its most likely victims).

And then creating the conditions where Muslims themselves, through simple observation, can learn or be forced to learn that what is wrong with their societies, politically, economically, socially, and intellectually, is entirely owed to the teachings of Islam itself. The Soviet Union collapsed because Communism was found to have failed. The outside world, chiefly the United States, helped create the conditions in which that failure was impossible for Soviet citizens to ignore or explain away. The same thing can be done, much more slowly and much more difficultly, with Islam -- showing its own followers that, for example, it is inshallah-fatalism that keeps them from having developed real economiies, and it is the spirit of submission to authority, and blind obedience, that makes despotism such a natural part of Islam. And if Muslims wish not merely the goods and services of the Infidel world, but to be able to produce those goods and services themselves, they will have to at least constrain Islam, as Ataturk did, if they cannot -- out of filial piety -- recognize openly how Islam holds people back, and prevents individual achievement, scientific inquiry, artistic expression.

I am so sick of hearing the same old hackneyed excuses for muslim ineptitude, arrogance, terrorism, and ignorance!

They leave their native hellholes and invade the West, presumably for better lives through job opportunities, higher wages, education, health care; all the things that are nonexistent in their homelands. They are ambivalent about freedom; they want the freedom to live exactly the way they lived in their homelands and to torment the citizens of the country they CHOSE to occupy.

They create their own ghettoes which isolate them from mainstream society (by choice), where they pretend they're still in the third world and spend most of their time plotting to overthrow the national government of their adopted country and impose Shariah.

Then the local, guilt-ridden multiculturalists wring their hands, offer more incentives for them to assimilate, provide generous welfare benefits, but NOTHING IS EVER ENOUGH FOR THESE INSURGENT MISFITS. All the while, they remain loyal to their native country and consider it to be "home."

Why does the West put up with these vile creatures? What could they possibly have that any Western country needs? I can think of absoultely NOTHING.