Koran scholar: US will cease to exist in 2007

Well, it looks as if it's just about over. Might as well start rolling up the sidewalks. From the Jerusalem Post, with thanks to Doc Washburn:

A thorough analysis of the Koran reveals that the US will cease to exist in the year 2007, according to research published by Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi.

And he's not talking about that fraudulent "Qur'anic verse 9:11" that's making the rounds. He's serious.

The study, which has caught the attention of millions of Muslims worldwide, is based on in-depth interpretations of various verses in the Koran. It predicts that the US will be hit by a tsunami larger than that which recently struck southeast Asia.

"The tsunami waves are a minor rehearsal in comparison with what awaits the US in 2007," the researcher concluded in his study. "The Holy Koran warns against the Omnipotent Allah's force. A great sin will cause a huge flood in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans."

Silwadi, who is from the village of Silwad near Ramallah – the home of Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal – is not a world-renowned scholar. He said he decided to publish the findings of his research "out of a sense of responsibility because what is about to happen is extremely shocking and frightening."...

Silwadi said his study of the Koran showed that the US would perish mainly because of its great sins against mankind, including the Native Americans and blacks....

But the Islamic world, evidently, will not perish because of its subjugation of non-Muslims and annihilation of pre-Islamic cultures all across the Islamic world.

Silwadi pointed out that the US continued to commit war crimes and "ethnic cleansing" against humanity by becoming the first country to use nuclear weapons during World War II.

"International law penalizes such crimes," he said. "If these laws were not applied then, they are certainly implemented in heaven. If no one on earth is capable of punishing [the US], Allah was and remains able to do so. All these actions have been documented by Allah in a big archive called the Koran."

Silwadi said he reached the conclusion that several suras (chapters) in the Koran that talk about punishment for those who perpetrate heinous sins actually refer to the US.

As an example, he quotes in his study verse 40 of the Spider Sura, which states: "So each We [God] punished for his sin; of them was he on whom We sent down a violent storm, and of them was he whom the rumbling overtook, and of them was he whom We made to be swallowed up by the earth, and of them he whom We drowned; and it did not beseem Allah that He should be unjust to them, but they were unjust to their own souls."

Drawing parallels between Pharaoh and the US, who share the same "sin" of arrogance and excessive pride, Silwadi noted that the Koran mentions at least 12 times the fact that Pharaoh was punished by drowning for his evil deeds.

It would seem, then, that the actual tsunami that actually hit Muslim areas of South Asia hardest was punishment for their evil deeds, no?

The Narrative Sura, he noted, clearly suggests that the US will drown in the sea: "And Firon [Pharaoh] said: O chiefs! I do not know of any god for you besides myself; therefore kindle a fire for me And he was unjustly proud in the land, he and his hosts, and they deemed that they would not be brought back to Us. So We caught hold of him and his hosts, then We cast them into the sea, and see how was the end of the unjust [verses 38-40]."

Explaining his theory about the approaching extinction of the US, the scholar went on to analyze many numbers and letters mentioned in the Koran. He said a careful reading and analysis of words appearing in the Opening and Yusuf suras show that the US will exist for only 231 years.

How did he reach that number? Silwadi said that by combing a number of suras hinting at US sins he reached the numbers 1776 (the year the US achieved independence) and 231. He added the two numbers and the result was 2007, the year when the US is expected to disappear....

In an attempt to find a reference to this metaphor in the Koran, Silwadi said he counted 1776 verses from the beginning of the Koran until he reached verse 26 of the Ibrahim Sura, which states: "And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earth's surface; it has no stability."

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Sounds like someone needs to stay out of the opium dens....

If Allah is so omnipotent, and so favours Muslims, how come the IDF beat the pants off of as many as seven encircling Arab armies on three successive occasions?

I was looking at the map of Sumatra this morning: this latest Big quake (one of 6 in two days) was several hundred kilometers south of the Dec 26th quake. The whole fault line is catching up, they Will get more quakes over the next few years. Maybe it will start making the muslims in that region wonder why...

Today’s Extras:

Leftist Academia loves Jihad:

Juan of a Kind (Leftist Academia and Terrorism)

Freedom in Security:

Reducing overseas oil dependency (which would also reduce dollars to terrorists):
ANWR is the size of South Carolina: 19 million acres. Of this, only 2,000 acres along the "coastal plain" would actually be disturbed by drilling and development. That’s 0.01% — one-twentieth of Washington, DC — 20 of the buildings Boeing uses to manufacture its 747 jets!

On ecological grounds, wind power fails even more miserably.

A single 555-megawatt gas-fired power plant on 15 acres generates more electricity each year than do all 13,000 of California’s wind turbines — which dominate 106,000 acres of once-scenic hill country. They kill some 10,000 eagles, hawks, other birds and bats every year.

On West Virginia’s Backbone Mountain, 44 turbines killed numerous birds and 2,000 bats in 2003 — and promoters want many more towers along this major migratory route over the Allegheny Front. Bat Conservation International and local politicians are livid.


Um...yeah...OK...whatever you say dude.

What a friggin' nutjob. I see these same type of guys wandering around the park smelling of urine and cheap alcohol. Staring into the Sun and mumbling to themselves.

I can almost hear the other family members shaking their head and saying "Makmood's turban is tied too tight, he's an embarrassment to the whole village."

In order to avoid sharing the Infidel fate, surely it would make sense for Muslims to promptly leave the United States (and Canada, and Mexico, for tsunamis are no respecters of borders), and then, after 2007 and the Flood, they can return to pick up the loot, and claim the land, for Allah and for themselves, the "Best of People" and the only ones who count.

This is from ALL THINGS CONSIDERED on NPR News. Robert Siegel interviews King Abdullah and they talk about how Muslim preachers come from the bottom of the educational barrel.

SIEGEL: One problem that seems to be if not unique to Jordan, at least something that Americans wouldn't think of that you've spoken of, are the educational qualifications of Muslim preachers in Jordan.

King ABDULLAH: Again, unfortunately, the way that our old education system worked--and, unfortunately, that system is pretty much standard in the Middle East--those that got the lowest university entrance exam grades would go either to media or into religious studies. And as a result, you got people that were at the lower level of education being responsible for some of the most important. And so we've now made it into a master's program for religious studies, with a lot of humanities thrown into it, so that we have the right-caliber intellectual people that are going to go into the clergy, so to speak, to be able to do the right message.

Read it all.

Only the worst and dullest leading the way! No wonder they are causing so much trouble. They've got what should be the "PE" majors running their religion!


"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction". -Blaise Pascal

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things." —Descartes

This fellow is due for an invitation to a colloquium at the University of Frankfurt on the Qur'an on Oceanography and Infidels.

Its the latest thing, you know. Students are really interested in piecing together human history and science with the help of Qur'anic archives. And this cutting edge scholarship is only available from Muslim scholars. That's why its so important to make sure universities hire only Muslims to teach about Islam; university administators have an obligation to make sure that their students have access to the latest fields of knowledge. Study of the Qur'anic archives should yield a whole new understanding of science as we know it; medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, will never be the same. Just think about all the discoveries, the new medicines, treatments, the new insights, the ability to predict future events, perhaps a whole new physics that explains how the universe was born.

This scholar is a shining star on the horizon of Islamic truth, a perfect example of what Islam means for the future of human understanding.

One of the best ways for Muslim youth to spend their time is to engage in numerological studies of the Qur'an. But why stop there? Why not go back to the several hundred thousand Hadith that Bukhari had to wade through, and winnow. What better way to spend a half-dozen or dozen years of one's life than in going over all those Hadith -- with the Qur'an the Repository of All Wisdom -- and seeing if just perhaps Bukhari or Muslim missed one or two key Hadith. You can't be too careful.

In fact, I can think of few things as welcome as seeing tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims spending all, and not just part of their time, engageed in numerological pursuits, and perhaps in rereading, and even memorizing, ten or twenty thousand Hadith. What could be better?

maybe this guy has been doing his home-work a bit better than the posters above
...Living on borrowed time?
First published January 2003
Updated : Saturday, 19 February, 2005 1:22 AM

Author preface
This page has received many thousands of visitors since the earthquake off the Sumatra coast and resulting tsunami on 26 December 2004. It is obvious from many of the comments that I have read that many would prefer to consign the doomsday-type scenario outlined in the below article to scaremongering. That is perhaps understandable, but not very helpful. The author is not a scientist but a journalist who over the years has researched many unnerving stories. The objective to publishing these possible scenarios is to draw attention to them and their very real possibility so that committed minds may be applied to the problems.
Keith Harris

The entire east coast of the USA from Maine to Miami in addition to the South Americas rests on a potential timetable to destruction that could take place at any time with a future eruption of the remaining active volcano on Las Palmas in the Canary Isles.

This is a predicament that is constant, very real, but eclipsed by the realities of living in the present, as was surely the case in the Indian Ocean where a relatively small scale tsunami has wreaked monstrous catastrophe across the most densely island populated area of the world. The Malay Archipelago (the East Indies) consists of some 7,000 islands of the Philippines and more than 13,000 islands of Indonesia.

The tsunami that struck was relatively small scale in that tsunamis have been know to reach over 100ft in height, and could in reality be higher on impact with shore. The Indian Ocean tsunami has been estimated at averaging 30ft at its maximum peak contact with shore—horrific, but still on the medium scale of such events. Its effect was reduced by the fact that the upheaval occured on the ocean bed. In the case of Las Palmas, the effect would be similar to a large meteorite hurtling into the sea, forcing a much greater surge of water to follow.

A scientific computer simulation study indicates that landfall waves up to 400ft high could be generated by an asteroid strike into the Atlantic Ocean.

“Outside the Pacific, no tsunami warning systems or centres exist, although the tsunami hazard exists on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, in the eastern Indian Ocean, and in the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Black Seas.”
(source: http://www.oceansatlas.com/unatlas/issues/emergencies/tsunamis/tsunami.htm)

Scientists have learned that a single or future eruptions on Las Palmas will lead to the eventual and unavoidable collapse of the volcano into the ocean. Up to half a trillion tons of rock will drop into the sea, sending a mega tsunami—a giant tidal wave—racing across the Atlantic Ocean towards the Americas at speeds of up to 720 kilometres an hour. It will take approximately eight hours to reach the United States. There will be little warning of the collapse of the volcano other than the eruption itself signifying its imminent possibility.

It is unclear if any early warning system is in operation for countries along the Atlantic coast. A few hours’ notice will not be sufficient to save material possessions, but will provide sufficient time for those on threatened coastal communities to escape to safer territory.

Scientists have estimated that the wave from the collapse of Las Palmas will be over 650 metres high (from root to peak) and its 'crest' will stretch from 30 to 40 kilometres from front to rear, or more. The huge wall of water will annihilate every coastline city on the Eastern shores of the Americas and could cause similar destruction for up to 20 miles or more inland. The Bahamas will be devastated and Florida could be submerged. In turn a backlash from the wave would rebound and reach Europe and western Africa. Few coastal countries of the Atlantic would be spared, though some would fare much better than others. In the Pacific regions, the effects would be marginable.

It is not a matter of if but a matter of when. The volcano will eventually collapse during an eruption due to the presence of water trapped in permeable rock sandwiched between pillars of impermeable volcanic rock; pillars formed and left by the eruptions of the past. In a new eruption, as the erupting lava moves from the magma base to the surface, the trapped water will expand as it heats, causing huge pressures within the volcano. The water will literally lift the top of the ridge-shaped volcano from its base allowing it to slide into the ocean. What is not known is how many more eruptions are necessary to cause the eventual collapse.

The last eruption was in 1942. On average, the volcano has erupted every two centuries. Similar collapses of island volcanoes have been known about elsewhere and traces found of the destruction caused by the resulting massive tsunami. The collapse of a volcano on the Hawaiian chain sent a gigantic wave that crashed ashore on Australia and devastated many smaller islands on route

I am with Hugh, all muslims had better get their airline reservations now! You don't want to be swept away with all these "infidels" do you? Please go back to your safe homelands, whack your heads on the floor five times a day and prosper (in your islamic prosperous way).

"The United States will cease to exist in 2007", and the Islamists are doing their best to see that this happens while most other Muslims, some overtly, some secretly, cheer them on, as they pray for a tsunami or other natural disaster to take out what the jihadists don't destroy.

Look at the throngs chanting "Death to America," the speech of clerics and individual Muslims to know this to be true.

He's using the wrong calendar. The end of the U.S. will be in 2007 A.H., which translates to 2568 Anno Domini. So until that date, we can expect that the USMC will be conducting "security and stability operations" in the heart of the defunct Islamic empire.

CAIR should organize the exodus back to native muslim lands, they should probably leave first and organize there.

It is a very strange coincidence that the muslims have started to use more and more the same kind of rethorics as the western radical liberals,when they talk about the US oppression of the black slaves and native Indians.
They fail to admit that slavery has begun more than 3000 years ago,long before the pilgrims ever sat foot on the North American continent,it has been abolished more than 150 yearg ago and the US has been a leading force in this process.
They also fail to mention the fact that slavery is still practiced in a lot of muslim countries in Africa and the ME.
CAIR has started an attack campaign against huge american corporation such as Dell and Boeing and so far they seem to be succesful...if we don`t stop them now,later will be too late.

Allah = Shaytan = Iblis.

The dumbass moonbat moon god was, I gather, just practicin' with that tsunami last December. Funny he chose mostly Muslims to practice on.

What a clown.

And my scholarly evaluation based upon numerous open source ephemera indeed reveals that at some point before the next Ramadan the aforementioned Muslim scholar will discover the business end of one of my combat boots squarely and efficiently inserted into a particular part of said scholar's ass. Now, let's see....what am I doing next Wednesday? Hmmm.......

Get 'em jim!

Adela, if Jesse Jackson could extort millions from bold, brave, domineering corporate America by threatening to cry "racist", why can't CAIR?

As for the Moonbat Ziad Silwadi, something tells me that if he sees Old Glory flying from the US Consulate General in Jerusalem (the Embassy's in Tel Aviv) during 2008, he'll scream that it's a Zionist plot.

And it is indeed interesting that the whole rhetorical armory of such people seems to come from the Western Left. It seems these people never had an original thought of their own in a million years.

Kepha, Gary et el. Yeh, yeh, yeh the enemy is the "lefist", sure you guys are surrounded by the enemy, and where you have none you go out of your way to make them, even out of allies.

Ever hear of rapproachment or common sense, I don't think so, you don't find much of that on the right these days (oh, how I miss the old days when the Right was truly right, and not wild eyed enraged fanatics).

This is for Gary if he drops back in.

Documents show FBI helped Saudis depart after Sept 11Dateline March 29, 2005.

Want to find out more how your "conservative and beloved President" is in bed with the terrorists the Muslims. Read Paul Sperry's Infiltration.

Hmmm, lets see from Chapter 27, it seems that Grover Norquist is best friends of Karl Rove, aka Bush's political brain, and Norquist is a founder of the Islamic Institute, friends of indicted and imprisoned terrorists, and is engaged to a 31 year old Muslim woman (which means he has converted to Islam), and is responsible (through Rove and Bush) for putting Islamists with known terrorist ties in sensitive positions in Homeland Security, Department of Transportation and the FBI and then there is Robert Mueller, whom should rightfully change his name to Muhammad Mueller, Mueller bends over backwards to accomodate CAIR and the AMC, more so than National Review. In fact AMC is the Muslim wing of the GOP.

Question for Gary. Are you a paid agent of the Saudis. You (as so many other "conservatives") fight, quibble, distort, deny and lie about suggestion of alternative energy.

AS regards wind powered energy, whether it is enviro friendly or not is irrelevant, it, nuclear power, any and all sources will liberate us from mid east oil and the clutches of the Saudis and Iranians.

Europe produces 17% of it's electrical power from wind, and thus reducing demand for (and of course the price of) mid east oil.

As an aside, conservatives supposedly place "family values" at the top of their priority list, but they act as if the world has unlimited and self renewing natural resources, like God will automatically replenish the cornucopia, and evidently aren't worried about resources running out, the pollution of the air and water they and their children and grandchildren will breathe and drink.

BTW, as the President of Haliburton said, Water is the liquid gold of the 21st Century, and fresh potable, non toxic water is becoming increasing scarce. (And expensive, 16 ounces of bottled water cost more than 16 ounces of gasoline)

There is not enough water in the oceans to flood the United States' 3.7 million square miles with water by dint of a tsunami.

The USA is a democratic nation that draws its strengths from the development of its human resources. Ancient Egypt was a totalitarian state/empire built on slave labor. Americans WANT to be part of the nation they have built, the same cannot be said of ancient Egypt( where slavery was part of the economy as in the Muslim countries).

During WW2, Imperial Japan slaughtered over 35,000,000 Manchurians at Unit 731 under Dr. Ishii. The death toll by US-dropped A-bombs was less than 3% of Manchuria's under Japan's conquest. Isn't it funny, they don't care about THAT...

No Quranic teachings are verifiable by facts. They are unproven and unprovable. The world does not have to accept its 'morality.' Hell, the Qur'an even states the world is flat (whoops, CAIR says mentioning that's a hate crime!).

The moral of the story: NEVER LISTEN TO ANYTHING A MUSLIM SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With any luck, it will be Islam that will cease to exist in 2007. Then we can get on with important things in life versus wasting phenomenal amounts of time, money and energy dealing with these brainwashed barbarians from the Dark Ages.


Oh, Giaour! You've found out who Gary and I really are! Yes, we're really a couple of Sa'udi Arabian agents! He's a Chechen whose folks got deported to Kazakhstan by Stalin due to suspicions of being pro-German, and he's held a grudge against anyone left of Ronald Reagan since then; and I'm really a Hui, born in Yunnan, China, right on the Burman border(I can't do Arabic, but my Chinese is pretty good)! I weigh 350 pounds at 5'7", and have six gold rings with rubies as large as pigeon eggs on each hand; Gary's whiplash thin, wears a curly black beard down to his navel, and condemns my ostentation, even though the shehada is inscribed on each piece of jewellery I wear! And do I look good in a red fez!

Hey! Join us for halal camel's hump and mutton, and check out the dancing girls we have! All Midwestern co-eds seduced by our limpid brown eyes and polished manners! Olly-olly-bakar--or is it olly-olly-akbar--or is it olly-olly-kebabs----I forget which.

Gotta go. Prince Abdallah's on the other line.

I have some sympathy for the koranic "scholar". Since the Boxing Day tsunami, many muslims have asked why it is that the majority of dead were muslims. In their views, it should have been the kaffirs and not the believers that should have been carried away. So the mullahs justified the large scale deaths of muslims by exorting their flock that they had been sinful and that was why allah punished them.

In keeping with this and extending it further, the message being sent is that the ummah should not be disheartened, as the US will suffer an even greater tsunami, as it is a kaffir nation - a kind of wish and hope.

Well, latest news is that Britain is devising a tsunami alert system


Apparantly, extensive research was undertaken by scientists with advice from koran "scholars", but for PC reasons, the latter item has been suppressed.

It is certain that a tsunami is going to strike the US, and an even bigger one on Britain for demolishing the calliphate etc. As I do not wish to see the believer muslims destroyed when the tsunami strikes the US and the UK, I'm in agreeement with Hugh and others- muslims should pack up and leave.(Advice - Pack light and leave the remainder on high ground, for later retrieval.

Okay, when this guy's prediction doesn't come true, does that mean the Koran is wrong? If not, why not?

If the tsunami waves that wiped out mainly large islamic areas were a "minor" rehersal....why did allah decide to practice his tsunami skills on muslims, he could have easily wiped out florida or even a US virgin island...that allah what an odd sense of humor.

"palestinian scholar" LOL

The Canary Island volcano as described above by Shiva, is a fact. Perhaps the good cleric has been listening to CoastToCoast.Am Radio...Art Bell, Geo Noory, who have discussed this possibility numerous times with various experts...if such a tradgedy did happen, you can be sure it was building magmatic pressure that causes the problem, not Allah meting out punishment to Infidels. However you can be sure that intellectually dis-honest muslims will give Allah the credit. They like nothing better than large and violent displays of Allahs temper tantrums....

Kephar wrote:

And it is indeed interesting that the whole rhetorical armory of such people seems to come from the Western Left. It seems these people never had an original thought of their own in a million years.

I'd be really interested in someone doing a study of why that is (Robert?). Is it because Muzlims are too dumb/uncreative to come up with anything original? Is it because Western liberalism so dominates public discource now that even its opponents must argue from its tenents (so that even conservative Islamic jurists now justify sharia law's subjugation of women on the "feminist" grounds that it protects them?) And why do they think they can throw such charges around without being exposed as utter hypocrites, given the horror show nature of Muzlim history? Are they really too stupid to think 1 step ahead and see that any charges of slavery, imperialism, and exploitation can be thrown back in their faces 10 fold?

I think it's a combination of all these things, but most importantly it has to do with the schizophrenic Muzlim psyche, which I've never seen dissected better than in Bat Yeor's "Eurbia" essay (http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-yeor100902.asp):

For iniquity engulfs those who hate, who kill — and not the hated victim. It is those who hate who are sick: sick from envy; sick from the frustration of having failed to achieve an absolute, pathological domination; sick from a schizophrenic lust for power.

It's this same schizophrenia that allows them to claim that Muslims would never have perpetrated 9/11 while in the same breath saying America deserved it.

Giaour wrote:

they act as if the world has unlimited and self renewing natural resources, like God will automatically replenish the cornucopia, and evidently aren't worried about resources running out, the pollution of the air and water they and their children and grandchildren will breathe and drink.

Giaour, I completely agree with you about our energy policy; the ubiquity of SUV's would make horrific domestic car bombings pretty easy now, since no one would think anything suspicious about a large truck with tinted windows (chock full of explosives) driving around in a densley populated urban area. But more mundanely, a small percentage of every petro-dollar is siphoned off to support terrorism. No Saudi oil wealth, no money to spend on grandiose building projects, no billionaire Saudi construction magnates, no disgruntled millionaire scions of said maganates going off to Sudan to wage jihad...

However, your fear of running out of natural resources has no basis (though I'm surprised how many smart, educated liberals keep making this mistake- Jared Diamond, promoting his new book "Collapse", said basically the same thing recently). Assuming a resource does not suddenly go away, the market will take care of everything by itself. If oil becomes scarce then alternate forms of energy (nuclear, solar, wind, etc.) become more competitive and society will gradually switch over to these without much of a hitch. The only thing needed is to make sure pollution is factored in to the cost of an energy source, so that coal (which the U.S. has enough of to meet its energy needs for centuries) is not nominally cheaper than pollution-free energy sources.

No wonder why these people are so undeveloped, they are still stuck in the 10th century!

I too have been studying the Koran, and if you take the number of times mentioned in the Koran that Mohammed raped at 9 year old girl which = 106 and you add that number to the number of times that the Koran mentions that all muslim men have extremely small penis = 1900, then you come up with number 2006 which is the year that the Middle East well disappear.

This Palestinian scholar,ha..., just hates America, like all Muslims do, because it a Christian state. He wishes that America could disapear from the map, and so he tries to find what might support his wishful thinking.


This Palestinian scholar,ha..., just hates America, like all the orthodox Muslims do, because it is a Christian state. He wishes that America could disapear from the map, and so he tries to find what might support his wishful thinking.
