Kuwait: Writer convicted of mocking Islam plans asylum bid

More on the Islamic jihad against the truth about Islam, from AP, with thanks to Ted Robertson:

KUWAIT CITY, A Kuwait professor convicted Sunday of mocking Islam said he will seek political asylum in a western country to protect his life and family and his freedom of speech.

Ahmed al-Baghdadi was sentenced to a suspended one-year jail term for a June column saying he wouldn't send his son to state schools where ''ignorant'' teachers would tell him ''how to disrespect women and non-Muslims.''

Let's see now. What part of that sentence is untrue?

He told The Associated Press he didn't insult Islam and only criticized the way state schools teach it.

Ah. That clears it up.

Al-Baghdadi's Monday column for the Al-Siyassah newspaper spoke of asylum plans and said he would ''stop writing about religion'' until a higher court hears his appeal.

The writer previously blamed extremists for teaching intolerance and encouraging young citizens to take up arms alongside militants in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya and Iraq.

In 1999, al-Baghdadi was convicted of blaspheming Islam for writing that the Prophet Muhammad initially failed to convert nonbelievers in Mecca, but was pardoned after serving half of a one-month sentence.

When does any of this become embarrassing? Two plus two equals, um, how many again?

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"Two plus two equals, um, how many again?"

BIG ALLAH: Correct! "How many again" is the right answer. However my all-time favvourite correct answer would have to be "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! anything you say, please stop!"

These Muslim Islamophobes are definitely getting out of control. Is he a member of a clandestine extreme minority, or is he expressing the sentiments of the vast majority of Muslims in the orthodox mainstream? If he is in the majority, why does he feel the need to seek asylum in the West? Is he threatening to hijack Islam and turn it into a religion of peace and tolerance?

"In 1999, al-Baghdadi was convicted of blaspheming Islam for writing that the Prophet Muhammad initially failed to convert nonbelievers in Mecca..."

What was the Court's conclusion? That Muhammad did not fail, initially, to convert nonbelievers in Mecca? Then what were all those battles about? Why did he need to sign the Treaty of al-Hudaibiyya? Why did he order the killings of certain Meccans?

How crazy can they be?

BIG ALLAH: you see the truth (as I decreed it) on the Monday before this hurtful thought crime occurred was that Mohammad did fail initially to make converts.

However that truth (according to me) was then changed on the Tuesday (just before the thought crime) to Mohammad had initial great success in converting people.

Sigh. So simple really. The electrocutions will never end.

Just a "small" "minority" of extremists. About 200 million.

"Adherents of militant Islam account for some 15-20 percent of the Muslim world..."
