London "faces election terrorism threat"

After all, it worked in Spain. From Reuters, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

LONDON (Reuters) - Terrorists may try to strike the country in the runup to an election expected within weeks, just as bombers struck Spain shortly before a vote there, London's police chief says in an interview.

"I don't see this in the sense of some huge security operation, but I have pointed out that -- with an election coming up -- terrorists might just remember the bombings in Madrid only a year ago," Sir Ian Blair said on Thursday.

"We must be aware that al Qaeda will see the opportunity this year for a worldwide statement," he told Whitehall and Westminster World, a magazine for civil servants.

"I know my professional intelligence assessments and I know that we are facing a threat more significant than anything we have faced since the Cold War and the Nazi tyranny before it."

Good of you to notice, Ian. Now if you keep on cracking down so hard on miscreants like that "porking yard" fellow, you might find that your enemies have won without detonating a single bomb.

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The Brits are so p.c. lately (you can't even kill an obvious little predator like a fox... therefore what will they do with the more subtle one coming from the Koran?) that if a jihadist bombing campaign hit during the election run-up, they'd likely roll over, raise their cowardly rumps to the ayatollahs, and cry "Pork me!"

Then they could install LED signs, at 500 foot intervals, inside the Chunnel -with short suras from the Koran flashing their legally-undoubtable messages to all train passengers approaching the 'former home of Winston Churchill' and 'future home of the Grand Mufti of al-London'.

Andrew Lloyd Weber needs to write a new musical, and stop with the Phantom-esque fluff.


"The Mohammadland Express"-

A wacky work about a little Middle Eastern narrow guage choo-choo train who hears the voice of an angel (named Gabby-) and, with this inspiration, decides to spread the word. The choo-choo, named MO, proceeds to roll over the entire unsuspecting world, its wheels made of razor-sharp discs. With the 'rails' composed of the tied-down, side-by-side necks of everyone on the planet who is not asleep.

(They each get a song before they get the ax?)

But the cutting-edge [sic] Brits are all too busy STILL 'making fun' of Christianity... (e.g.- the Madame Toussaud's wax museum flap from last X-Mas, in London, with Bush, etc. mockingly added to the Nativity Scene...) to pay attention to anything currently threatening their artistic freedom. Or their existence.

Knowing that this 'blasphemy-lite' Church-bashing is about as risque or daring or avante garde as defying a "KEEP OFF THE GRASS" sign.

Chickens who don't even need to go 'home to roost'.

They're already there.

My father was English and still have relatives in
Blighty. People like myself visit the U.K to sample its traditional culture and history not to see ugly great mosques spreading like cancer over the land, Hijabi Barbis and Black Burka Brigade!!
Am personally apalled by what is happening in Britain.Have no objection to Immigrants who integrate and add to fabric of society such as Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs etc. Moslems have NO intention of integrating only spreading their awful Death Cult, 'honour killings' and Stone Age Sharia to surprised, unknowing natives.
This may sound cruel but only way to wake up Britain would be a terrorist attack on its soil.

I am with Havoc here.

I'm not so sure the Brits would roll over like the Spaniards. A terrorist attacks could very likely provoke the same response a certain yellow-belly hiding in the Hindu Kush received after he threatened Americans to vote Dhimmicrat last year.

Does any body kno where Timbo and ED are posting now
Many thanks in advance for info
Seems like ths site has lost another great poster!!

also nasseen[no sarcasm]

Hi Morgane
I think you are right about integration.

Completely OT but you remember our thread a few weeks ago about knitting? Well, while looking for materials I came across an Islamic Cross stitch site - It's a perfect gift for your wife, daughters and friends too. Why give an ordinary gift when you can give them something that will make them remember Allah!
Sorry to seem faceitious during a thread of national importance but I have been waiting to bump into you again.

Seriously our intelligence is good, and we, the public, have 30 years experience of vigilance re terrorist threats from a different quarter. Mind you so had Spain.

Greetings Granny Weatherwax
Hope you don't live in London which I fear will be terrorists No 1 Target. Have gone to Islamic Cross stitch site and am gob smacked!! Is nothing sacred to Moslems [sarcasm off]. When they say Islam is a total [brainwashed] way of life, they sure ain't joking...
Take care there

Thank you for your good wishes. You have hit the nail, very accurately.

A terrorist attack would make voters kick Blair's ass and vote in a Labour government. That'll teach him.

Waterdragon52, Ala-sux, Gary and other Canadians concerned about the relative complacency of the Canadian Government in dealing with Islamic terrorists:

I think that you all would be interested in my new book Royal Canadian Jihad, which is about the threat of Islamic terrorists to Canada and breaks all the constraints of political correctness. While it is a novel and not a work of non-fiction like those of Mr. Spencer, those concerned about Canada's national security will not want to miss it because of the way it tackles head on the central issue raised by September 11 for Canada. And it does this by telling a very exciting story, which takes you right inside the heads of an Al-Qaeda operative who comes to Canada as a refugee claimant and his adversary an RCMP constable who shares most Canadians misconceptions about Islam as a religion of peace. Check it out:

The U.K. doesn't need a terrorist strike on its soil in order for the U.K. to wake up. The U.K. is wide awake.

It's all about cracking down on key terrorist supporters and imposing torture wherever needed in spite of any liberal public outcry.

We will win the war on terror and we will make you apathetics cry.

"Does any body kno where Timbo and ED are posting now
Many thanks in advance for info
Seems like ths site has lost another great poster!!"

Posted by: shiva at March 25, 2005 12:46 AM

I'm afraid Shiva, they have gone the way of the Brits who posted before; We tire of people like "BigSleep" (above) who feel they have the right to slate all the people of my great nation and tar us all with the same brush when we actually come to this site to fight the same fight. His/her ignorant comments only serve to ostrecize us and we inevitably leave.

All regular posters know I'm a fan of this site, but I fear it will soon only be middle class Americans who post here because it seems to us from other nations they are the only ones welcome.

That is the reason I haven't posted for months; I just tire of this prevalent attitude.

Regards everyone;

KC, please don't quit posting. We need the European Jihadwatchers. For every perceived anti European poster,there are many who support you.

Don't leave KC, I'm already outnumbered.

It appears that the majority of JW and DW posters are indeed (self defeating, self righteous) so called middle class Americans, look at bigsleeps rant, he is mimicking the Muslims by crying about Christian victimization.

But the cutting-edge [sic] Brits are all too busy STILL 'making fun' of Christianity..
. As a former right wing fundamentalist Christian (now a free thinking atheist), I know for a fact that Christian "family values" (especially as epitomized by Dominion Theology) are mirrored in Shari'a.

In fact the culture war being waged by the "right" in America has all of the earmarks of an Islamic Jihad (sans the suicide bombings and beheadings) in and of itself, same values (patriarchial, family values, anti "feminist", "pro life", anti contraception, intolerance of infidels and apostates). And just like the Muslims they get orgasms crying persecution and victim, while exalting themselves as perfect and pure, the salvific and saved, the "elite" of their god.

From where I stand, I see no difference (in the long run) twixt the two, and thus if I was forced to choose I would choose the side which is most likely the winner, and that is the side that actually does believe it will go to paradise if dying in their cause. You see there is no "pro life" movement in Islam, because Muslims do not hypocritically fear death as Judeo Christians do.

In battle terms, the willingness to die is a force multiplier

In Bosnia the fanaticism and willingness to die by Afghan Arab Mijahadins enabled mere handfuls of assault troops to overpower battalions of Serbs and Croats.

A European mercenary who fought with the Bosnians, and alongside the mujahadeen told Even F. Kohlam (Al Qaida's Jihad in Europe), after watching and listening to them "They scared me, and I'm still scared".

As regards the plight of England, I have an internet friend who lives in Leeds, and he has enlightened me as to the horrors perpetrated their by Muslims youths, from gang rapes, honor killings to senseless slaughter, most of which is not reported or goes uninvestigated, but when reported the Muslimness of the perps is never mentioned, nor is the religious motivations behind their crimes. He blames of course Tony Blair and British Politicians, as evidenced in "Operation Ore" the investigation and exposure of pedophile rings in Britain, and he has provided me a list of current labour and conservative politicians who have been exposed, arrested and scandalzied for involvement in these sex crimes.

It is his theory that Blair himself has been blackmailed by the Muslims, in particular the Turks, who feed the habits of these pedophiles.

I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a pedophile ring (young girls and boys) stretching back to our own white house, there are underground indications of such anyway. Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring

Of course our righteous middle class Bush worshippers will ignore, rationalize or apologize any implications or sins of Bush (just like Muslims do for Muhammad).

Gannon by the way is the pseudonym (Jeff Gannon) for a gay man, who was vetted by the Whitehouse, who played at being a reporter and asked Bush during interviews prescripted soft ball questions, and who was, despite his sideline as a gay prostitute - he has his own website, was able to get special treatment and a security clearance and Whitehouse approval to attend Bushs press conferences and ask suck up questions.

It's not that I have anything against gays, in fact the opposite is true, I support their civil and legal rights, it is just that I enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of Bush and the Republicans who make political capital at the expense of gays and women, while giving the Muslim maniacs not only a free pass, but sanction and succor.

Is Bush a Girly man?

And like all such, Bush overcompensates with his "macho swagger" and tough talk, and his hoo rah image, like landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln, or "Bring 'em on", but that only plays into the stereotype of gays as limp wristed fags, in reality the "queens" are a minority in the gay community, the vast majority are "butch" and straight acting (it is how they succeed in the macho business and political world).

Compare the macho charade and facade of George Bush with the ease and aplomb and suave of William Jefferson Clinton. There is no doubt about Clintons sexuality and sense of self and manhood, it is international knowledge thanks to a woman name of Lewinski.

Clinton had a strong enough ego to marry a strong woman, whereas Bush had to marry an egoless mouse.

A phenomenon which more or less distinguishes the so called left from the so called right.

It's the difference between knowing who you are, and having the need of artifices and social constructs to prove who you are, and reinforce that image.

Kind of like the steroid scandal in American Baseball, these men need artifices (artificialities)to prove their sagging manhood and worth.

Islam provides men with that artifice, it is called the Qur'an and Shari'ah, which spares the male from proving his superiority by claiming it is the will of Allah. (There is a lot of that in the old and new Testament as well, but Jews and Christians question and self interpret their scriptures, a Muslim who does that is an apostate and offers his neck to the sword).

How anyone could bring up an embarrassment like Bonkin Bill Clinton is beyond comprehension. Not only bring it up but to attempt to spin it into something positive is even more bizarre.

This illustrates the extent of how the left has lost it completely.

To the one who wrote that post you should have your head examined for early Alzheimer’s disease, seriously.


Bill Clinton and the Democrats Tough on Terrorists? You decide.

1. 1993 World Trade Center Bombed, Clinton does nothing.

2. Somalia 1993, 18 US Solders killed with another dragged around the streets of Mogadishu. Clinton pulls out and runs away with his tail between his legs. This allows OBL to call America a “paper tiger”.

3. 1995 Muslim terrorists kill 5 Americans and wound 30 with a car bomb in SA. Clinton looks the other way.

4. 1996 US Air Force housing complex was bombed by Muslim terrorists in SA. Clinton did nothing.

5. 1997 Hussein refuses to allow UN weapons inspectors in and threaten to shoot down US spy planes. Clinton just shut his mouth and did nothing.

6. 1998 Clinton tries to act tough and threatens to bomb Iraq but caves in when the UN says no. What a real he man. Suave and cool is the mighty military leader Bill Clinton with his goofy sidekick Janet Reno at his side.

7. 1998 US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim Terrorists. What did the brave dashing ex Governor of Arkansas, William Jefferson Clinton do? Nothing.

8. 1998 Monica Lewinsky testifies before the Grand Jury, what does “bonking Bill” do, he bombs an aspirin factory to “wag the dog” to try to take the focus off his lies about getting his *ick sucked by Monica Lewinsky. Why not just admit it, what’s the big deal. He would rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

9. 1998 impeachment looming and Clinton responded by ordering major air strikes against Iraq.
10. 1999 the only time Suave William Jefferson Clinton decides to fight any Muslim terrorists and what does he do? He attacks the Serbs, The Serbs who were fighting Muslim Extremists. He fought the wrong people!

11. 2000 USS Cole attacked by Muslim terrorists. What did brave suave international debonair Clinton do. Absolutely nothing.

The facts show that he sat by and watched all this extremism build up for 8 long years and did nothing about it. He wasn’t a total *ussy however, he and Janet Reno did send in fully armed storm troopers in the middle of the night to bust down Elian Gonzales’s door and grab him from hiding in his closet and ship him back to Cuba.
Yeah, that Billy Clinton was really one tough hombre when it came to protecting America. That and biting the lips of the women he attacked.

Then in another exercise in resolve and toughness they set their sights on Christian Branch Davidians. Killed them all I think, even the little children. Liberals don’t like killing animals or harming trees but they sure seem to like killing American people a lot. Just look at how happy the Democrats and Libs are right now that Terry Schiavo is going to die. Look at how emboldened they have become since some Judge in Florida thumbed his nose at Congress. How stupid are the Democrats and secularists anyway? Pretty goddam stupid.

Giaour, I don't know how to break it to you... KC is a dedicated Christian.

KC & Giaour-

Don't know how to break it to either of your, but I'm an agnostic freethinking non-middle class citizen of the world.

I guess mocking glaring absurdities - a quaint old English trait- is also withering away in that Green and Pleasant Land?

My point above about the parodying of The Nativity (a Bible story which, in itself, is a fine little metaphor for humble human worth, -although the 'divine' part doesn't really interest me) is that the Brit twit-wit class finds it cosily easy to kick a dog -Christianity- whom they know won't bite back.

While they are too weak or unimaginative or cowed to fight the pit bull from Mecca eating its way into their midst and guts.

Worry more about the Great Anti-intellect plague from Arabia and less about protecting the reputation of your nation.

If it stands against the doom of the West, as it did in the Battle of Britain, we'll all be better off. But there are damn few signs of it lately.

Last time I was in London, it looked more and more like Cairo. (And I don't mean the Egyptian exhibit at the British National Museum.)

Fight for your land.
Understand who your allies are.
Read some Jonathan Swift.

Laputa wasn't built in a day.

Thanks for your response
Your silence along with Timbo,s-ED,s and Nasseens speachs volumes
Good luck on you all

An earlier post by ed
Here is a draft version of a petition for a new law that might help us do something practical(comments and improvements would be most welcome):

WHEREAS currently almost all majority-Muslim nations do not permit freedom of religious or intellectual belief and expression;

WHEREAS there is no consensus and much doubt among Islam scholars as to whether Islam will in the future and over the long term prove more compatible with pluralist democratic institutions than has hitherto been the case;

WHEREAS Islam differs from the other major world religions in the greater extent to which its central documents promote theocracy and the use of violent means to attain it;

WHEREAS Islam's central documents contain a plan to spread Islamic theocracy over the whole earth, if need be by force;

WHEREAS, pursuant to statements in Islam's central documents, and as repeatedly shown in historical practice, Islamic theocracy entails second-class status, at best, for persons of non-Islamic faiths, including frequently appalling economic, political and cultural discrimination and repression;

WHEREAS these troubling aspects of Islamic governments and of Islam's central documents and plan have not been explicitly repudiated by a majority or even a plurality of Muslims in any nation anywhere;

WHEREAS Islamic partisans and organizations are currently involved in dozens of violent conflicts all over the globe, with Hindus, Christians, Jews and persons of other faiths;

WHEREAS very few Muslims have been willing unambiguously to speak out against the intentional targeting of civilians that is a hallmark of terrorism;

WHEREAS there are moderate Muslims, but Islam itself, considered worldwide, is rarely moderate, either in its central documents or in its political practices;

WHEREAS Muslim immigration to the U.S. will over time increasingly put at risk liberal institutions achieved through millennia of struggle for the advance of civilization;

WHEREAS citizenship and its accompanying influence over U.S. governing institutions and documents must be withheld from persons with allegiance to a worldwide movement that in practice widely supports eventual establishment everywhere of dictatorial theocratic rule;

NOW THEREFORE, we urge passage of legislation affirming that until a majority of majority-Muslim nations become pluralist democracies respecting religious and civil freedoms as described in the Universal of Declaration of Human Rights, immigrants from those nations to the U.S. shall be ineligible for U.S. citizenship.

Posted by: ed at December 20, 2004 12:21 AM


Your WHEREAS is a 'whup-ass'!

And the THEREFORE a coup de grace.

Let's get this petition to the U.N. and Congress and EU parliament ASAP!

I would only add:


And we would hope that all currently believing Muslims, living as guests in non-Muslim lands, would return to their appropriate Islamic countries, where they will feel spiritually more at home until such a Transformation comes to pass.

Carolyn2; Giaour, Shiva;

Thank you for your comments.

Giaour; could you contact me off line? Susan has my details in her 'list of posters.'
Although I'm away over Easter now 'til Tuesday.

Regards everyone;
