More cyber jihad: Faith Freedom forums hacked

A message at Faith Freedom (thanks to Norwegian Kafir):

The FFI forum is temporarily unavailable.

Someone probably gained admin privileges in the forum via a security vulnerability in phpBB. To prevent further damage, the script has been taken off-line.

The forum will be back when the extent of the damage has been determined and phpBB's holes fixed. Everything should be ready at 4 PM GMT, possibly sooner.

This is not the first instance of this sort of thing.

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Islam requires you to be ignorant to survive .
You do not need to cooperate.
They will kill people to keep them quite.

Never give into intimidation, cyber or otherwise. They may think they are smart and powerful, but every crime leaves its tracks.

Petty criminals. That can't stand freedom of speech. Trey Parker and Matt Stone's Team America song springs to mind...


This is in no way meant to be a rhetoric question. I really, really would like an answer.

(1) Are you safe from this sort of thing, this hacking? If not,

(2) Is the information provided by us commenters safe from prying eyes?

I know we have to give our email address when signing up to comment. A cyber jihadi can do a lot of damage to someone with "just" their email address.

I have two little girls at home and I don't want to see anyone here get the "Armanious Treatment," especially my family.

So much fuss has been raised over the "BTK" killer because he Bound, Tortured, and Killed his victims, the entire family. How is this different from the Armanious family case, except with the Armanious' there are NUMEROUS suspects, wiht MOTIVES?

Please, Mr. Spencer. I need to know what security precautions you employ to prevent jihadis from obtaining our email addresses and... etc.

Your fan,



The appealing thing about terror is that it doesn't just instill fear across the population, it creates a flood of terror that incapacitates the population to the point they can't move, like deer in the headlights.

Do terrorists have your name, phone number and address? Well, yes they do. They have the telephone book. Are they going to come after you just because you are so important to them or are they going to kill at random on as vast a scale as they can? Tes, the greater the carnage the less chance I'll be part of it. If they kill one person he might be me, but if they wipe out a city that's some other place I can read about in the paper.

I do confess to you all here that the one thing that pisses me off more than anything else is the time God takes out from His busy day just to wreck my life. But no, truly the thing that's even worse than that is the obsession the one billion Islamic jihadists have with killing me because I write at Jihadwatch. Yes, when I think about it it's more likely that jihadis will come for me than that God will wreck my day. Lucky for me I can think straight. Otherwise I would have been nervous. Scared. Panicky. Frightened. Terrorized!

I concur with your security concerns. Having your own domain name, makes it way to easy for jihad to find you.

The BTK, killer was President of his local Lutheran Church.. I think that makes it very news worthy.. Plus the fact that he taunted police for 30 years.

This is appalling, but unsurprising. This site will be the next attacked, make no mistake.

KJ and the rest - re-register with a FALSE email address, then can it and don't check it ever again. That's what I did. If I need to pass something on to RS, I use the website protocol. Islamicists hate you and they'll do about anything to get you. Trust nothing. It seems that fair discussion is unfair in the eyes of islamicists.


For those worried about using their email address, it is possible to get a gmail address (Google's email service) which is fairly anonymous. I don't recall having to give any personal information to get a gmail address.

Bar is right, having your own domain name does make it easier to find out who you are. Just do a whois search on a domain at and see what info is displayed. Network Solutions has a service called private registration that does not make your registration information public. Although I am not sure how just how private that info is.

Anyway, security is certainly a concern and the personal responsibility of each and everyone of us. Stay safe so we can keep fighting Muzzie.

re-register with a FALSE email address...

Did so months ago, Geoff, when the scam emails started coming in several times a day. I keep that email almost strictly for posting to this site (and contact with Co-jet). That way I can send those emails straight to spam... with the exception of some few that are coming straight from islamic sites (such as a certain bit of info I got from England, now on the Co-jet site).

Hey, if they want to see a name like that and not buy a clue... *lol*

The idea that we have to be fearful of death because of what we write on an internet site is outrageous. We are in the free world, not some totalitarian state. But because we have been infiltrated by a culture of murder and terror, we have to live with a siege mentality. I am locked and loaded, and am a very light sleeper, so intruders beware. The walls of my house are lined with assorted trophies of big game, and all who live in my house are VERY proficient with rifles, shotguns, long bow, compound bow, pistols, and if we must a good K-bar.

This is garbage.I am a charter member of the ATC and we got hit,and now its time we strike back,and start taking away the voice these satanic people have.lock them up and do WHATEVER IS NECESSARY so that technology and free people are no longer victims of this cult of satan.

All I have to say is that this is AMERICA,and not IRAN.I will speak as i choose to. I will conduct myself as I choose to within the law and do what ever is necessary to support it.What they are doing is actually creating their own death.people are not going to sit by and allow these ragheads to do this. They will be taken out.The islamofacists are creatihng vigilantes and sealing their own fate which is the grave of islam.

Someone should hack into their heads, no I mean websites!

I'll repeat the advice I left last week that KJ clearly didn't read:

I put up a sign on my front yard pointing out that the neighbors to my right are Coptic, and the guy to the left is a fat Dutchman who rides a bike. Just in case that wasn't enough to deflect the one billion jihadis and 20 million Lutherans who are looking for me, I signed the message with someone else's name: ala sux. They will never figure out who I am or where I live. My only concern now is that they'll bomb a building I'm hiding in or that someone will open fire on a shopping mall when I'm buying running shoes. If you're really worried I think you should do what I did and put up a sign to confuse them. Hey, I'm still around. Obviously it works.

There are some very simple things everyone can do to protect themselves. Get a stealth program. It scrambles your address. Mine says I'm in San Jose. LOL!

Download Spyware Nuker, and scan a couple times of week, it tells you whats been installed on your system and you can eleminate it (tracking cookies, etc.)

Give a false billing account (very easy to do, you can now buy pre-paid mastercards and use that to pay for your internet services).

Always use disposable email accounts. I have 6!

And don't give your personal email for contact purposes when you sign up.

You can download freeware for your system at or go to

But, most importantly, be cautious, but don't let yourself be a victim of the fear they want you to feel. Don't let them make you inpotent.

If anyone needs ideas or suggestions on how to protect your system, just leave me a message, I'll contact you.

For a basic introduction to personal Internet security, see this thread:

A general online security reminder

Internet Toolbox for Islam-critics

The recent suicide bombing in Iraq that's on has a interesting piece that didn't appear in the MSM,near the start of the clip there are two men that appear from the right side of the video and if you listen to them with the volume turned up you will see that the raised arms of anguish are really them saying "Allah-a-Akbar" twice before the camera turns away.

The video could be a terrorists filming of the event to observe rescue methods and the two men praising Allah with a smile on their face look to be doing a Promo spot for Al-Qeada DVD's on Jihad
and car bombings.

LOL im with sonofwalker on this. Im wearing my infidel t-shirt and I might just get drunk and scream out my fav quotes from the Koran from my roof top.

Plus if anyone does take me out for my outspoken views, then hey, rather that than get run over by a bus. Plus I intend to be a black belt soon. Bring it on.


Update on the forum tonight:

It looks like everything is now up and running again.

This is the first in a series of forums that we will hold.

Tonight, we hope to discuss the current events in the Middle East.

How will the demostrations in Eygpt and Lebanon effect the other countries and the global jihad?

What support should we give?

Islam in our schools and how we can counter that.

The Copt murders and freedom of speech.



Women's rights

The Jihad Watch chapters

Co-Jet and what we need to focus on there, ie, letters, petitions, flyers, etc.

It should be a very interesting discussion. Most of our members are very well informed and have alot of insight on these matters.

One member was the victom of a CAIR lawsuite and has alot to tell us on that.

We have several ex-Muslims that will speak to us.

Insight from members in other countries on the political climate there.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

Excellent advice Ali Dashti and Susan. Susan seems to be an expert on being The Woman Who Wasn't There.

Gary, you're getting emails from these guys? Holy crap. That's not good. I'll check out that co-jet thing soon though.

Me, I'll be safe and all soon enough. I'm hoping to rent Robert's pool house in the back of the new Secure Undisclosed Locationville when he gets that cool $1 million, and live it up Kato-style - minus the complicity in brutal domestic slayings. No, no, it's too late to ask him now - I already called it.


Geoff, do you know something about the Nicole Simpson murder that the police could use? You seem pretty sure of something. If you were there, why weren't you at the trial?

I think that it is by now common knowledge that anytime a cocaine addict is murdered, chances are that a cocaine dealer was involved.

Although I am a feminist and never back down on the truth about domestic violence, Islam-Sharia, reproductive rights, and other poignant issues, it seems to me that OJ may have been framed by a dealer. (Why didn't it come up at trial? Perchance said dealer told OJ his kids were next if he blabbed...)

I know that a lot of men kill their wives, ex-wives, etc. I also know that sports stars tend to think that they demigods, and above the law. But given Nicole's cocaine habit, I have to be suspicious. And if you don't think that a dirty policeman can be bought or blackmailed into tampering with evidence, then you probably think that Islam means "peace."

I guess for me the question is, "What is more likely: that (A) a multi-millionaire risked everything to hack up his ex and her lover, or (B) a drug dealer killed a client that couldn't pay and framed her ex that wouldn't pay?"

Given the ambiguity of the evidence, witnesses, and sundry other losers from the trial (Ito, Cato, the illegal maid, etc.) I am forced to conclude that the most likely prospect is the latter.

However, I have had many people absolutely GUARANTEE that OJ is 100% guilty. They just know that he must be guilty. I don't think that way.

Later of the Armanious Affair I have some fear

As I don't see a link on the left to this most excellent anti-jihad site I want to draw your attention to it. It's hosted by Christian Arabs. They have a very good post from Feb 23 called " Hate mail from a dhimmi acquaintance". I think these guys could use your support.

The site is

I hope Mr. Spencer will provide a link...

In the meantime I'll have a go at it -

islamthreat blogspot

Re the threat to everyday citizens who speak out about Islam? It seems to me that the best solution is to just multiply the number of people who will be truthful about it (or even just be truthful about their fears about it if they aren't sure) to the point that any average person is statistically safe to talk about it - like getting into a car every morning.

On that note - I would suggest that any average person who bothers to stop by and read this thread - take the time to register - and make a brief comment. That's all it takes. Relative statistical safety in sheer numbers. Simply lend your voice in solidarity with the people who take risks to make themselves visible. Look what it accomplished in both the Iraq elections and in the Ukraine. Even liberals who follow this site should at least have the guts to stand in solidarity for the right to free speech.

Good link, Caroline. I have bookmarked it.

My neighboring state of Ohio was treated a few years ago to a Highway Sniper who radomly shot people as they drove on the highways and he killed one lady passenger....I had the unique pleasure of a temporary assignment in that coming from up north and approaching Columbus was like playing Russian Roulette,while making this trip numerous times and spending some overnights in Hotels of off I-70 and I-270.

I approached several vendors to make me a shirt with a big target on it and the caption "Go ahead...make my day". The one who acually liked this wanted too much $$$$$ so it never appeared and then they caught the guy.

However with the CYBERNET I have taken the many procautions to maintain my anonymity and caution everyone else to do the same.

One of most favorite heroes is a man who goes by the names of: Shark man of the Delta,Dicky Doom, ?SOB?,Red Cell Leader and a few others, his name is Richard Marcinko, Author of ROGUE WARRIOR(biography)and producer of RED CELL....whats that you ask?...good question....Red Cell was a probing force that would challenge security systems to their utmost abilities any where in the world....the breeches of security these guys perpetuated was their own downfall.....they had taken over a nuke weapons facility at one time, a sub another, hell they even kidnapped an Admiral all the while showing vulnerabilities and corrective actions to prevent them....they were so affective and made the faces in Washington Blush with anger with were dismantled rather abruptly I believe.

We need people on our side to probe our security features and if they find weak link then we would be able to make predictive enhancements eliminating any threats.

Just a thought today.

Wha?? Isn't this kinda an OT thing? Actually I was just kidding about Kato being complicit in it. Just needed a hook there.

Actually, although I totally disagree with KJ on this one, I have to admit before I really get going that he was nowhere this extreme. But the whole 'drug dealer' thing strikes me as being so completely unrealistic that it's more like a conspiracy theory than an actual theory, and I felt like a laugh and so although it's OT, I'd rather do this than read some damn student's thesis chapter, and heeeeeeeere we go:




Look, I don't know if I should be telling you this. [Looks nervously left and right.] I don't know who else knows, or what they know, or what they know about what I know, or if they know that I know that they know something about what I know - if you know? Listen closely:

Damnit, not THAT closely. Back off, man! OK, that's better. Here it is:

I think O.J. Simpson may have killed his wife.

Shhh! SHHH! We don't know who else is listening! [presses ear to screen] OK, no one can hear us, I think we're in the clear. I just feel like we're being watched, like someone is reading every word I say. Eerie, isn't it?

I'll say this much: I didn't see him do it, but I can tell you that I think it's pretty common knowledge that anytime an ex-abused wife is brutally hacked to death, chances are that the ex-husband was involved.

Listen - now listen, damnit - I know you were there that night and I wasn't, but I'm telling you: you didn't see what you thought you saw. I know, I know: you, unlike me, were there and watched OJ brutally stab his wife to death and then some guy whose only crime was carrying some sunglasses. (Were they Rayons?, it doesn't matter. Not this time.) But it wasn't that. Are you listening? [i]It wasn't that. You're on the right trail, citizen, but you're not following the clues. You've gotta make the connections. Hear me? Gotta make the links.

What was that?? That noise...Karl Rove? Maybe not.

Look, I know - and you know - that the DNA evidence was inconclusive. It doesn't matter that that subtle combination of nucleotides would able to place Simpson among the entire population of China; hell, lots of people have the same blood type, right? It doesn’t matter that not a shred of evidence that the cop that found the glove was on any take from anyone. It doesn’t matter that bloodstains were tracked right into Simpson’s home.

Because I know that OJ did it – and he didn’t do it.

It wasn't some dealer - think about it: what simple drug dealer would have had Simpson so afraid he'd do anything - even finish the job on a woman he'd been beating for years? No. NO. You have to look deeper, citizen. All the way to the greasy bottom of the barrel. You have to ask yourself: who would want Simpson out of the way? Who'd need him as a patsy to take the fall?

And the answer’s plain, like a dead-pan joke about about not calling someone ‘Shirley’, or slap-stick comedy, or an agent of the right-wing Canadian intelligensia working his deadly game in plain view:

Leslie Nielsen.

I know, citizen – it’s crazy. It’s madness. It’s crazy like a weasel. Or a fox; I always get those two mixed up. But listen. Nielsen’s got leverage up the wazoo like a child molester held in general population.

Nielsen’s a classic deep-cover neo-con, making happy slapslick double-liner entertainment about planes falling out of the sky (and what does that symbolize?) and bumbling cops – an apolitical, inoffensive back-bacon Cluseau. He’s not a threat. He’s a Chaplin. He’s hiding in full view – in the middle of the limelight.

Now you may be asking yourself: why? What would Nielsen stand to gain? And the answer’s as simple as Lt. Frank Drebbin after a hard day’s stepping on rakes: money.

Ask yourself: how many ‘Naked Gun’ movies were OJ and Nielsen in together? Every single one – until 1994, the year of the murders – I mean, conspiracy. Then nothing. It dries up like blood stains tracked into a Rockingham estate. Nielsen was pushing for the big dough, a one-man fandango on a wide-screen stage: only in THIS sequel, he doesn’t just own the show, he IS the show. He plays all the characters. He rakes in all the cash. No more bit players to share with. Don’t think he can do it, citizen? Just look at Mike Myers, ANOTHER Canadian south of the border and loose among us. This guy plays, what? Ten, twelve characters a film? These people have a talent for it. They fade in and out. Jim Carrey. Sarah McLauglin. And look at the name connections: MICHAEL Fox. Lorne MICHAELS. LORNE Green. And green’s the thing – the name of the beast, and it’s what Nielsen wanted. You think “The Canadian Conspiracy” was a mockumentary? No – it was a DOCUMENTARY, covered by a riddle, hidden in an enigma, wrapped in Back Bacon. They’re here, and they’re trying to take us down (hint: Gary. Need I say more? I thought not. Make the connections.).

But you’re asking questions, citizen, and that’s good – how’d he do it? The answer? Simple: hypnotism. It was a major part of ‘Naked Gun 33 1/3’ – Nielsen learned it from the grand guru master, another member of the conspiracy – none other than Ann Coulter. Why Coulter?

Hell, why not? Nielsen’s brother was the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, and Nielsen himself was a upright RCAF boy, so you know he’s got the connections to make it happen. And who was the Prime Minister when Nielsen’s littermate was the Deputy PM? None other than Brian Mulroney, the tainted tuna man, another right winger and personal friend to: Ronald Reagan. Who probably met Anne Coulter. Make the connections. Forge the links. (Actually, OJ's probably on the links right now.)

And Simpson can't remember. Get it? He can't remember. Who pulls the levers? and who stands to gain? Like a blind man in an orgy, you have to feel things out.

But Simpson knows, subconsciously, who's pulling the strings. He's looking in the deep, dark places for the truth - deep, dark holes - like the holes on a golf course, all eighteen of them. Or maybe only the back nine; he still has a bit of that 'stabbers elbow' from back in ‘94. (And Nielsen always said: ‘The reason they call it golf is that all the other four letter words were used up.’ Make the links. Get the connections.) But he knows, damnit. Subconsciously, like a man seeing pictures tripping over his subconscious - flashes of bright lights and deep distorted voices - he's on to the solution: he's got the link, somehow. Blonde women. He knows they were involved, or that one, particular blonde woman was involved – a shrill conservative voice behind the bright lights, Nielsen’s deep monotone (don’t those damn Canadians ever use inflection?) shrieking about liberals and whether or not Canadians were involved in Vietnam (news flash for you, citizen: they WERE [gasp]). He's got the beat of this tune, somehow, through the post-hypnotic haze, and he’s going to date every tall blonde woman there is until he finds the right one. (And then, presumably, stabs her to death.) Now, that’s going to take some time. But he’s moving on this one, citizen. He’s making dates, teeing off. And what are YOU doing?

And don't forget Cochrane: he had it all. The whole damn enchilada. He was trying to get it out, doing his damndest in a angst-ridden ‘Funny Man’, walk us to the evidence, heel-steps like gavels pounding out the truth: if the glove don't fit, you must aquit. He knew it all and he was screaming the link from the loudest pulpit he could find into a mass of sheep glued to their TV sets, watching the trees sway without seeing the replanted forest behind. For who - who could have the kind of sheer leverage to ensure that OJ's hands swelled up just before the trial? So Nielsen’s cunning little conspiracy uses Simpson, discredits him from any future ‘Naked Gun’ revenues (and that must be – what? At least a buck fifty) and then cuts the chain before Simpson does hard time. The whole thing just drops on an acquittal and twelve sweaty morons in a closeted room, avoiding a lot of unnecessary, exposing media coverage (!). "If the glove don't fit, you must aquit." Cochrane knew it all. Maybe that's why he met his end in a dumpster behind Starbuck's, a bullet hole in his forehead, open briefcase full of legal briefs - all empty.

Wait…Cochrane's still alive. Maybe that means even more. Like a midget in a urinal, in this game you have to stay on your toes.

Follow the links. Make the connections. You have to ask yourself "What is more likely: that (A) a wife-beater with a history of violent jealous rages stabbed his estranged wife and her possibly boyfriend to death, or (B) that a multinational right-wing conspiracy hypnotized Simpson into thinking that his wife was a big cake in order to cut him out of revenues for a terminated movie series that no one watched anyway?" Given the links and the associations, you have to conclude that it's really the latter.

And trust no one, citizen. Not even me.


Secret Undisclosed Locationville
Behind the Stucky's Dumpster

Yes Mate
I think you need a lie down with a nice cup of tea and a digestive.

Very entertaining, Geoff. I think O.J. is still looking on all the golf courses for "the real killer."

We need people on our side to probe our security features and if they find weak link then we would be able to make predictive enhancements eliminating any threats.

Just a thought today.

Posted by: chuck H. at March 2, 2005 09:07 AM

Good thought, chuck H.

Susan_b, thank you.

Judging from the length of this thread, it appears that the security threat represented by Islam really gets under people's skin.

Keep it up, mullahs--one of these days you may get us mad.

I am convinced beyond any doubt. The answer to the OJ question is B.

The guilty person has to be the evil white devil himself, Leslie Nielsen. Thanks Geoff for solving the mystery. This was a brilliant exercise in logical reasoning and deduction. Kudos’ sir.

People like kj would reach the same answer (B) but much faster. Because a member of a minority cannot be guilty because that would be politically incorrect, discriminatory and prejudicial. After all they don’t think like that. More accurately kj should say that she can’t think like. Translation, does not have the mental capacity to think logically.