More Saudi window-dressing

"Saudi Prince Khaled Al-Faisal Against the Islamist Ideology" is a MEMRI report (thanks to RB) on an interview with Saudi Prince Khaled Al-Faisal about the jihad ideology.

Al-Dakhil: "You pointed out that those with a jihadist ideology have deeply penetrated many areas of life, official and social. What do you think should be done in such a dangerous situation?"

Khaled Al-Faisal: "The situation is dangerous, and we must acknowledge this. Making light of this matter is unacceptable to me. I drew the ministers' attention [to the problem] and I think that the attention of the provinces' governors should also be drawn to it. The princes, myself included, have an important role in paying attention to the spread of this ideology and monitoring its diffusion. The prince is responsible for security, as well as for the security mode of thinking, which is very important, and is no less important than security in the streets. We want security of the mind and the soul as well, security within the family and tranquility among people. Therefore, it is the duty of the province governor to monitor matters such as these: What is going on in the schools? In the hospitals? In the institutes, and even in the orphanages?"

Sure. But when Saudi Arabia hosts a conference that purports to include all the states that have been victims of terrorism but doesn't include Israel, pardon me if I suspect that Khaled's response to the jihad ideology will be tepid, superficial measures designed more for Western consumption than real internal reform.

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I may be over simplifying but correct me if I am wrong...

First, The Quran teaches that deception (lying) in war is fine, even necessary....

Second, the Quran teaches that until all inhabitants of earth worship only Allah, war is the order of the day for Muslims, so war will only cease when all are converted or enslaved?...

If these are true, then how can we trust or believe ANY MUSLIM about ANYTHING they say?

It is time to stop playing “PC” games. Non Muslims are to Muslims as braying donkeys...Less than human and due no modicum of respect or consideration or compassion...Any respect you think you are getting from any Muslim is deception, done to further their goal of world domination....

I had to log in twice to make it work...Keep trying if you are denied

To paraphrase Claude Rains as the Vichy commander in the film "Casablanca":

"There's gambling [jihadist planning] going on in 'Rick's Place' [Saudi Arabia]?

I'm shocked! Shocked!!"

As long as the journalists doing the questioning of these perfected prevaricators know too little about insidious Islam, this dance of dolts and deceivers will continue to plod in vapid Dante-an circles.

Strap a Koran to Dan Rather's forehead and let him redeem himself in his pathetic anecdotage by becoming the roaming Western gadfly against malignant Muslim lies.

Didn't he used to sign off saying: "Courage"?

Now let him show some.

Fight the enemy of Civilization.