Muslim leaders seek bias crimes prosecution in anti-Islam comments

The family is dead. The Copts' suspicions were based on centuries of lived experience in Egypt. This is just adding insult to injury. From AP, with thanks to all who sent this in:

NEWARK, N.J. -- Leaders of the Muslim community in northern New Jersey want the state attorney general to determine whether anti-Islam comments made by some Coptic Christians implicating Muslims in the killings of a Jersey City family should be prosecuted as bias crimes.

Sohail Mohammed, the lawyer for the American Muslim Union, wrote to Attorney General Peter Harvey Wednesday seeking an investigation of comments made by some in the Coptic community in the days following the slaying of the Armanious family in January....

"We are concerned that those comments were deliberately intended to incite the public," Mohammed said. "If it was intentional, we want Mr. Harvey to do an investigation and determine if it was a bias crime. If there was bias related to it, it becomes a bias crime."

Lee Moore, a spokesman for the attorney general, said Wednesday his office had received Mohammeds letter, but added Harvey had not had a chance to review it. Moore declined further comment.

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That cannot be allowed to succeed. It will only add to the possibility of shutting down any and All criticism of islam, by making such a 'hate' crime.

This is a classic case of trying to intimidate away freedom of speech for non-Muslims. You Americans are now facing the same threats as Europeans are. This case MUST be defeated. It is important all Americans gather their resources in support of the Copts in this matter.

Internet Toolbox for Islam-critics

Well it certainly isn't like Muslims haven't committed murder, rape, and theft all over the world, now is it?

Typical disrespect for grieving people. This case is not even over with yet. Word has it that one of the goons arrested was hanging out with Muslims while he was in jail. By the way, did these Muslims just decide to show up at a funeral they weren't even invited to?

No manners, no social graces, and no shame.

Back to the story, does this mean we can all file charges when we hear about the incitement to kill non-Muslims being spewed out all over earth by Imams, Islamic clerics, and Muslim lobby groups?

The laws do work both ways. It's time for Muslim opportunists such as this to stop flopping around, squeaking about. Perhaps a few thousand lawsuits against Muslims need to be filed, as they preach hate and disdain for anyone who knows that Mohammad was a mentally deranged creature, and refuses to accept Islam as a legitimate faith of peace.

File those suits ladies and gentlemen. I know of a group of Muslims who should be slapped with one as soon as possible. Contact attorneys, and sue any Muslim who you feel is threatening to you, or is inciting hatred for you. Document everything. The Islamic school in Virginia would also be a good start.

No one sues people better than Americans. Use the talent that God gave you. Attorneys are hungry. Find one that actually has a working brain and sue sue sue.

They've had their run in this country, and it's time for them to adhere to civilization, or travel back to Bedrock where they came from.

Ok Fred?

Yea like when the Jews tried to stop the Nazis from marching through Sk. ILL Court said you don't have the Right not to be Offended??

The Muslums go to far!!


They ain’t in the clear yet!!

The prison angal is still on the table and we can not forget the drug thing??

Love it when they shoot their wad to early!!
United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Terrorist Recruitment and Infiltration in the United States: Prisons and Military as an Operational Base.
October 14, 2003

Senate Committee on the Judiciary

14 October 2003

Thank you, Chairman Kyl, and members of the Subcommittee for holding this important series of hearings. Thank you also for inviting me to testify on the subject of terrorist penetration of the U.S. military and prison systems via corruption of the chaplain programs, and how it fits in with a larger foreign-sponsored campaign to build terrorist support networks inside this country.

I am testifying in my capacity as Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school of statecraft and national security in Washington. My expertise is in the political warfare of terrorist groups, not the theology of Islam.

Enemies of our free society are trying to exploit it for their own ends. These hearings ensure that policymakers and the public know and understand how our enemies’ operations work within our borders.

Chaplains are only one avenue terrorists that and their allies have used to penetrate and compromise the institutions of our civil society.
The recruitment and organization of ideological extremists in prison systems and armed forces is a centuries-old problem, as is the difficulty that civil societies have had in understanding and confronting the matter. While in tsarist prisons, Stalin and Dzerzhinsky organized murderers and other hardened criminals who would lead the Bolsheviks and their Cheka secret police. Hitler credited his time in prison as an opportunity to reflect and write Mein Kampf. Terrorist inmates and others communicate and organize among themselves and with the outside world via the rather open nature of our correctional system, and are known to do so in secret with collaborative lawyers by abusing the attorney-client relationship.

Chaplains are a vital part of military and correctional life, and until recently they have been above reproach. For several years, however, some of us have been alarmed that the small but important Muslim chaplain corps in the military has been harmed by those with an agenda that is more political than spiritual. This raises legitimate – indeed pressing – national security concerns.

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

No one sues people better than Americans. Use the talent that God gave you. Attorneys are hungry. Find one that actually has a working brain and sue sue sue.

Posted by: DCWatson at March 10, 2005 09:03 AM

ROTFL ROTFL!!! I Feel much better now!!
2 Gold Stars for You Today!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her Amen

I know with me being a "muslim troll" and all (thanks nippon for the dirtiest name I have ever been called but I bear in mind where it comes from) I should probably understand...but is it actual family members or members of the coptic community in general? Either way it takes alot of nerve for muslims to want these people who have been violated in the most horrible of ways to now go through silly court proccedings because the oh so delicate feelings of some in the muslim community have been hurt. Muslims showed up on the day this family was being laid to rest and caused riots inside and outside the church, they wouldnt even allow this family a bit of dignity on what is they most horrible day in any familys life, when they must put beloved family members in the ground and say goodbye to them forever (at least in the flesh) Have there been reports of any muslims suffering damage because of the accusations? I havent heard any, but still the muslim community (some not all) are going to pursue this...and Gary is 100% correct, this will effectivly shut down out ability to discuss or critisize islam in any way...and thats what this is all about.

Find out who thes 26 are??

Then vote them out of OFFICE!!! YOUR FREEDOM IS AT STAKE!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2005 3:58 p.m. EST
26 Congressmen Target Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter called liberal columnist Helen Thomas an "old Arab" and suggested she may be a security threat to President Bush in a recent column, and 26 members of the U.S. Congress are steamin' mad.
The Detroit Free Press reports that in a letter to Universal Press, which syndicates Coulter’s column, the lawmakers criticize Universal's response to the potential controversy as inadequate.
Exactly what did, and didn't, happen?
Coulter, while arguing that liberal attacks on ex-White House reporter Jeff Gannon, formerly of Talon News, were a response to the "public disgrace and ruin of New York Times editor Howell Raines, CBS anchor Dan Rather and CNN news director Eason Jordan," also took a shot at longtime Washington correspondent Thomas (who, by the way, called Condi Rice a "monster" and a "goddamn liar").
Coulter wrote, "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the president."
Although Universal removed the "Arab" reference before sending the column to Coulter's 110 newspaper clients, the politicians are upset because Coulter kept "Arab" in the version of the column that appeared on her Web site, The politicos point out that she also kept the Universal copyright under the column and didn't include a disclaimer explaining that the column was worded differently from the one syndicated by Universal.
They wrote: "Just as we would expect that similar slights against African-Americans, Jews, or Hispanics would not be tolerated, equal disapproval should be shown toward these repeated slanders directed at Arab-Americans," adding, "Loyal Arab-Americans have made heroic contributions to our military, intelligence, and Homeland Security efforts."
As a result of the stir, Coulter and Universal have reached an agreement on removing Universal's copyright from columns on that differ from columns sent to newspapers.
Until now, the line under Coulter's columns said "copyright Universal Press Syndicate." Under the agreement, all columns on will say "distributed by Universal Press Syndicate (c) Ann Coulter" if the print and Web versions of the column are the same.
If the versions are not the same, the line will say "(c) Ann Coulter" only. "This applies to columns that may be of different lengths, with different headlines, and with different copy from the edited version," Kerr said.
Using a Coulter copyright "corrects a longstanding error," said Kathie Kerr, director of communications for Universal. "Universal does not hold the copyright on Ann's columns."
However, as this story was being posted, Coulter had yet to drop the Universal copyright from the Feb. 23 column on her site. "We fully expect it will be removed," Kerr told Editor and Publisher.
Kerr added that she knew of no newspapers canceling Coulter’s popular column because of her "old Arab" remark.
Nor should they. It is an "opinion" column, after all, is it not? And this is still America, is it not?



Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, sight, and Courage to Victory to Destroy ALL islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Amen

The laws do work both ways.
I wish. Compare Ward Churchill's incitement and actual strategic planning to overthrow the U.S. government with Larry Summers at Harvard daring to suggest women might be different than men. Larry Summers has to say 100 Hail Steinem's to keep his job. Ward Churchill becomes a media darling and cult hero. This is a civilizational war and the barbarians are winning.

If Muslims were held accountable for hate speech we could burn every Koran and shut down every mosque. To be fair, those crazy Christians who run around with the "God hates fags" signs aren't doing us any good. Perhaps they haven't received a copy of the so-called New Testament.

I still love you, USAgirl! : - )


Me neither! Explains a lot though, doesn't it?


Paolo has a wee bit of a temper and being Italian bridles at any criticism of Italians. He's new but has a lot of potential.

Within 12 hours of the 9/11 tragedy, a local Muslim professor known to me, went to the NPR radio station and demanded that the station manager read a press release in which blame for the day's horrific events be put on the Mossad. Thankfully, the manager said no. I have heard that charge over and over. Occasionally on C-Span a caller will repeat that charge, along with the charge that no Jews showed up for work that day in the Twin Towers because they knew what was coming. Which organization is responsible for that story and all of the widespread hatred that it has generated? Has that organization ever been held accountable? As to the NJ charges, I agree with DC Watson. No one has a right to attend a funeral unless invited by the family. I also agree that if the bogus charges go forward, we must all stand behind those charged. This cannot be tolerated.

Thanks GCW, but the comment was made by nippon (or is that the same person) either way I left a comment for them on that thread if they care to read it. If it made them feel better to call me names (like I give a rats ass I dont even know these people) and act like drama queens then I have done my service for the day, myself I am not much into personal attacks and name calling, I am more of a sarcastic smart ass.

They actually have the audacity, hate to use the phrase but bring it on, comes to mind, I do think
a counter law suit would be just great.

I wonder what the punishment for a “bias crime” of this magnitude is?
Im thinking it should be around a $1.00, and time served.
What a looney bunch these Moslems are.
Apparently one must be an accredited preschool teacher in order to deal with the Moslem properly. If this was to be successfully prosecuted, then all Mosques would be equally fair game for “hate crime” prosecution.

I think a push to prosecute these Imam for treason, would be plausible today.

United States of America, Constitution, article 3, sec. 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

I wonder if Wart Churchill has read the Constitution?

Have you sued a Muslim today?

If not, why not?

We all have rights. Imagine the media frenzy if a boatload of Muslim organizations and individuals were all sued at the same time. They certainly wouldn't be frivolous lawsuits. I know a few Muslims who have caused me great anguish and suffering, and they should pay for it.

These weeds need to be trimmed down, then yanked out. If they wish to pursue the world's greatest lawsuit filers, then let's begin the game.

This absolutely can not be allowed to happen. Surely we have congressmen and senators that still have the spine and vision of freedom to stand up to these infiltraters (infiltraitors).

Of course, it's bias. We have a right to be biased - after all, we are Americans.

No muslims. No mosques. Let the deportations begin.


yes I read it! I left you an answer on that thread and hereby apologize for my bad behavior.

Nippon no need to apologize, everyone has a right to their opinion, you have yours, I have mine, they may differ, but in general (although I havent read many of your posts, mainly because I dont pay alot of attention to the nics, other than catherines whose posts I enjoy reading) I think we are all after the same goal. Isnt it wonderful that we are free to have differing opinions, even call someone a name if we feel frustrated enough and can discuss subjects such as these without threat of persecution or death! If we ever have to suffer the indignity of living under islamic rule, forums such as this one will be finished, so for now (and hopefully forever) lets enjoy our differing points of view and opinions...and lastly although it may be a bit misunderstood I do stand by my opinion that ms sgrena is a liar(I mean honestly she stated that she picked up handfuls of bullets from the seat..) and it is SHE that is responsible for the death of the agent, the investigation is not finished but I dont feel that he had anything to do with the fiasco that happened...besides she looked a little too relaxed in her "hostage" clips..time will tell and the truth will come out, funny how the truth usually ends up sneaking out in the end.
A final me what you like, but for the love of God dont call me a muslim...I would make a HORRIBLE muslimah, I am too mouthy, I have no idea how to play second fiddle to my husband, I leave the house alone, and wearing what I please, and yes that includes short skirts and tank short I have too much self worth and sense to get mixed up in islam :)

So be it!

A storm of law suits would have a tremendous/catastrophic effect,it would expose the true face of islam to the world and i do think it could bring down islam as we know it today...

About the commie reporter picking up "hands-fulls of bullets", did the bullets suddenly lose velocity and fall into the seat? Or is she so stupid that she thinks the hulls fall off the bullet at the point of impact? What did the bullets hit and then fall into the seat? It doesn't add up.


Correct spelling: INFILTRAITORS! I like that!

Havoc: 'No Muslims, No Mosques, Let the Deportations begin"-

that would make a great bumper sticker or T-shirt!

Nobody is going to shut me up.
Nobody is going to lock me up either. They might bury me, but I won't be the only one.

Hows that for melodramatic??

Muslims have now reached a new low,these weasels
are morally bankrupt and before the trial has even be set for a date to start the Muslims are treating people as "Guilty before proven innocent"
which is what they abhore when Muslims are blamed.

Four people are dead,they were slaughtered
in a style that mirrors Quranic and Islamic methods approved by Muhammed and Allah,CAIR's effort to absolve Islam of any connection will only backfire when court evidence exposes a link.
This is a ruse to avoid making public statements
since they'll claim the matter is before the courts and they can't comment.
It's a trick folks,Politician do it all the time
to deflect questions.

(although I havent read many of your posts, mainly because I dont pay alot of attention to the nics, other than catherines whose posts I enjoy reading)

A final me what you like, but for the love of God dont call me a muslim...I would make a HORRIBLE muslimah, I am too mouthy, I have no idea how to play second fiddle to my husband, I leave the house alone, and wearing what I please, and yes that includes short skirts and tank short I have too much self worth and sense to get mixed up in islam :)

Posted by: USAgirl at March 10, 2005 02:41 PM

Don't know what is a nics but had me ROTFL!!

and Short Skirts are worth Fightig for

A Gold Star for you!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

How much likelihood do you think there is that the Moslems are suing merely to let their local hit squad get a good look at the infidels who made the comments, with their names being made a matter of public record?

The Qur'an states "when the sacred months have passed, slay the infidels everywhere they are found, capture them, besiege them, prepare for them every strategem of warfare." Ad nauseum.

We consider THIS the ultimate crime of 'bias'. A death sentence for those at variance with someone else's beliefs. There's nothing the Americans or anyone else could come up with to top THAT for a crime of bias!

The Qur'an, as the Islamic community is fully aware of (but in permanent denial with regards to), is full of 'crimes of bias' (to stay with this ridiculous phrase). Does this bother them?

What these folk currently are claiming is bias can be seen as legitimate and justifiable self-defense measures. Maybe because the US Islamic community has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams in prejudicing Americans against their so-called (and bizarrely cherished)'religion.' These so-called crimes of bias therefore will continue regardless.



I ALWAYS enjoy reading your posts...they are by far some of the most entertaining and honest posts on this forum. You say whatever you are thinking whether or not anyone likes it or agrees with it...I love that! You are here to give your opinion and not to win any popularity contests (not that youre not popular ;) Anyhow like I said no muslim man would ever get along with me, before the end of the day he would have a fat lip and a size 7 boot ...well you know where...I just dont take crap like that, never have and wouldnt start now!

The muslims talk like commies. Bias this, bias that, and bias the other thing.

Since when did "bias' become a sin/crime?

Oh, I know, after the counter-cultural revolutionaries consolidated their institutional domination. Ya, lets dumb down everything so we're all equal, just so the incompetents,lazies,thugs and mentally disturbed can feel good about themselves.

Be smart-- discriminate!!!

I hope each and every one of us gets to go to jail for pissing off Moslems. allow me to begin the process of my own incarceration:

Mohammed was a child-molestor.

Islam is a fascist ideology posing as a religion.

Moslems are trained from birth to be liars and thieves.

Allah is a figment of the imagination; but if there were such a thing, Allah would be a pig.

Officer, I'm over here. Hello. Hello.

You can reach me at

Pig, pig, pig.

Saudi Arabia is a pig stye.

Ali is a turd.

So sue me. Pig.

We must retain the right to criticize, satirize and mock all religions and all aspects of all religions, just as we are able to do the same with politicians and political parties.

This is basic to freedom of speech, for which countless millions have died over many centuries.

And this must include islam.

"Representatives of the state Attorney General's Office will meet soon with leaders of the northern New Jersey Muslim and Coptic Christian communities to "discuss issues of mutual concern," a state spokesman said Thursday."

Uh, huh. OK, so can we now expect the NJ State Attorney General's office to respond to concerned non-muslim community about published materials espousing institutionalized "INTOLERANCE" as outlined in the Freedom House Report (Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology fill American Mosques).

Here, the report even helped us out by identifying these fine NJ institutions:

Islamic Center of America
215 North Oraton Parkway
East Orange, NJ 07017
School name: Madrasatu Ahlis Sunnah
previously known as The Islamic Day School

320 Fabry Terrace
Teaneck, NJ 07666

So, can we expect to have a similar 'airing' of concerns . . .when?