Muslims reach settlement with Dell on prayer at work

Dude! You're gettin' a prayer room! From AP, with thanks to RB:

Muslim contract employees at the Dell Inc. plant in Nashville reached a settlement with the company on issues related to a dispute over prayer in the workplace, a national Islamic civil rights advocacy group announced yesterday in Washington.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations said the 31 Muslim employees, who left work last month in a disagreement over Islamic prayers, will be reinstated, receive back pay, and be granted religious accommodation. Managers also will also receive additional training on existing religious accommodation policies and practices....

The settlement came following a meeting yesterday between representatives of the council, Dell, the Muslim workers, the Metro Human Relations Commission and Spherion Corp., the company that provided the workers to Dell.

''We are pleased with both the terms of the settlement and with the cooperative attitude of all parties in the negotiations,'' CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said. ''We thank everyone from around the world who contacted Dell to express their support for reasonable religious accommodation in the workplace.''...

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What a spineless lot. If anything, these companies should learn from this, and figure out ways to not hire these jerks in the first place, telling these half ass temp agencies not to send them anymore Muslim workers unless they sign a contract to pray on their own time.

Another loss for humankind this is.

I will not support any appeasment policy and let it be known in the clearest terms.

My son's DELL is going up on e-bay tonight. Stock will be traded by the end of next week.

Farewell DELL.

I was about to buy some Dell severs for my business, goodbye Dell, I will buy them from someone else...

Speaking of CAIR and human rights,how did they resolve the issue of the Catholic worker fired from a Muslim owned business because she ate her
lunch in the staff lunchroom and offended Muslims
by not adhearing to Islamic laws for Halal foods.

I'm sure CAIR got her the job back plus backpay
and a special "Non-Halal" eating area inline with her religious teachings on diets,Islamic is tolerant and accepts pluralism because of Allah's love for all human live he created.

HELLO...Hooper? I can't hear you,must be the deafening silence drowning out your indeference.


Should we not be reminded who Nihad Awad is, and what he stands for? He is a supporter of Hamas, an organization now correctly described by the American government (which took its sweet time to come to the obvious conclusion) as a "terrorist organization."

Note to American businesses: do you want Nihad Awad coming to you and telling you what accomodations you should make for those 5-times a day shoeorbooremoval-cumprostratingqiblawards prayers, or would this get in the way of operations? Even in state offices known to me, there is considerable disruption to non-Muslim workers when even a single Muslim, the only one say of four employees sharing a space, gets down in the middle of the floor several times a day and begins to chant. The other employees (and I have heard many stories about this) are more than discomfited. They simply cannot do their work while the whole thing is going on.

There is a solution. Muslims should, ideally, work only with other Muslims, in Muslim-owned businesses, so that whatever economic or other dislocation takes place, it is their problem, and not shifted onto the backs of other employees, forced to psychically accomodate what, for many, is unpleasant and even repellent (and the more they know of what Islam teaches, the more repellent they will find their forced acquiescence).

How nice it would be if Michael Dell in busy Austin would take the time to come to this website, and learn something about Islam other than what apologists have been blanketing the country with. Just imagine, if he were to become interested in the matter, and refused to be satisfied with the Taqiyya-and-Tu-Quoque jive, and decided to throw his support to this or similar efforts. La vida es sueno, e los que suenan suenos son, of course, so why should we not also dream?

Got the Calderon wrong, and the Italian "e" was placed instead of the always more decorative, because serifian, Spanish "y." The original makes sense, but a little hippogryph is whispering in my ear that "if you don't rewrite, I will indict." So I should have written:

"La vida es sueno, y suenos suenos son."

Typekey can't tolerate the tilde. I don't know about you, but I still like my mistaken version. But then there's that damned hippogriff, insisting I be accurate. Better not cross him.


Do I get to take 5 additional breaks a day (in addition to those for cigarettes and bathroom) to chant the Talmud, or recite scripture?

I didn't think so.

This is what Muslims feel about being in other cultures. See the March 13, 2005 Washington Post article by Mustafa Malik (page B2)

"I have come to see as a dangerous failure in Europe to distinguish between threats from an extremist fringe and symbols of Muslims' rich cultural heritage. Unless Europeans learn to make that distinction, I am afraid their societies risk being torn apart.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has demanded that Muslims learn "Enlightenment values" and not live in "parallel societies." Other European politicians and intellectuals agree, excoriating proponents of multiculturalism and advocating instead an assimilationist policy.

For many Europeans, Muslim assimilation means ridding Muslims of their distinctive lifestyles. These prognoses show an almost willful ignorance of Muslim history and contemporary culture.

But Islam didn't go through a church-state power struggle, an Inquisition or a Thirty Years' War, all of which make some Europeans disdain anything associated with religion. Secular Muslims cherish key Islamic symbols as part of their cultural traditions, and they are very upset by the vilification of these symbols. Hence many European Muslims, religious and secular, railed at van Gogh for having "smeared" the Koran in his controversial movie, while condemning his killing. Sixteen years ago, they denounced Salman Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses" because it portrays the prophet Muhammad as an impostor.

Ties to their transnational Islamic community, the umma, are also cushioning Muslims against assimilation. This solidarity is helping them remake their ethnic communities throughout Europe.

The best way to preserve democratic order in Europe, thereby lessening the chance of cross-cultural clash, is to stop trying to expect Muslims to give up their cultural traditions and instead adopt a multicultural policy.

Indeed, in Marseille not long ago, Abdel Aziz Mehdi, a retired linguistics professor, told me that he sees "multiculturalism [as] Europe's destiny."

Over a couscous meal at one of the restaurants, Mehdi explained that the rapid growth of their communities had heightened European Muslims' "cultural sensitivity [to a degree] I couldn't imagine 10 years ago." European societies would be "torn apart," he added, unless Muslims were allowed to nurture their cultures and unless they were accommodated in a multicultural setting. Without it, he said, there would be no social stability in Europe.

The best that can be hoped from Europe's assimilation campaign is its early demise. Because, as Naima Amzil and Rik Remmery would both attest, a head scarf should not be seen as anything more sinister than a simple symbol of cultural affinity."

Author's e-mail:

IS it just me or does that next-to-the-last paragraph seems ot be a threat?

This is what Muslims feel about being in other cultures. See the March 13, 2005 Washington Post article by Mustafa Malik (page B2)

"I have come to see as a dangerous failure in Europe to distinguish between threats from an extremist fringe and symbols of Muslims' rich cultural heritage. Unless Europeans learn to make that distinction, I am afraid their societies risk being torn apart.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has demanded that Muslims learn "Enlightenment values" and not live in "parallel societies." Other European politicians and intellectuals agree, excoriating proponents of multiculturalism and advocating instead an assimilationist policy.

For many Europeans, Muslim assimilation means ridding Muslims of their distinctive lifestyles. These prognoses show an almost willful ignorance of Muslim history and contemporary culture.

But Islam didn't go through a church-state power struggle, an Inquisition or a Thirty Years' War, all of which make some Europeans disdain anything associated with religion. Secular Muslims cherish key Islamic symbols as part of their cultural traditions, and they are very upset by the vilification of these symbols. Hence many European Muslims, religious and secular, railed at van Gogh for having "smeared" the Koran in his controversial movie, while condemning his killing. Sixteen years ago, they denounced Salman Rushdie's novel "The Satanic Verses" because it portrays the prophet Muhammad as an impostor.

Ties to their transnational Islamic community, the umma, are also cushioning Muslims against assimilation. This solidarity is helping them remake their ethnic communities throughout Europe.

The best way to preserve democratic order in Europe, thereby lessening the chance of cross-cultural clash, is to stop trying to expect Muslims to give up their cultural traditions and instead adopt a multicultural policy.

Indeed, in Marseille not long ago, Abdel Aziz Mehdi, a retired linguistics professor, told me that he sees "multiculturalism [as] Europe's destiny."

Over a couscous meal at one of the restaurants, Mehdi explained that the rapid growth of their communities had heightened European Muslims' "cultural sensitivity [to a degree] I couldn't imagine 10 years ago." European societies would be "torn apart," he added, unless Muslims were allowed to nurture their cultures and unless they were accommodated in a multicultural setting. Without it, he said, there would be no social stability in Europe.

The best that can be hoped from Europe's assimilation campaign is its early demise. Because, as Naima Amzil and Rik Remmery would both attest, a head scarf should not be seen as anything more sinister than a simple symbol of cultural affinity."

Author's e-mail:

IS it just me or does that next-to-the-last paragraph seems ot be a threat?

It's not you.

Funny how they cling so fiercely to their cultural practices, customs and traditions, when those are the very reasons why they are so poor, backward and miserable.

The West:
Age of Discovery & Conquest
Age of Reason
Industrial Revolution
Triumph of the Markets

Tribal conquests
Scaled-up tribal conquests
Contraction under Western military pressure
Caliphate flushed down toilet of failed ideologies
Last gasp anarchic violence

It is the present Western generation's duty to shake the handle.


That Calderon quote: I don't get it, perhaps because I am dense, but nevertheless, the two statements do not have the same meaning to my mind.

"La vida es sueno, y los que suenan suenos son,"
translates as "Life is a dream, and those who dream are dreams." Better, "Life is dreaming, and the dreamers are dreams themselves."

Then your "La vida es sueno, y suenos suenos son," I translate as "Life is dream, and dreams are dreams."

Different meanings. Which one reflects the original intent of the writer?

As to DELL's caving in to the Islamic invaders, even if GATEWAY is intended to discourage repair and modification of its machines by the user, it is preferable to buying the product of a company that does not allow equal time off from productive work for all employees.

2.5 Earthquake today in TNN

Boy if that is not a warning to stop this shit giving the mulsums special right this will be the down fall of the USA!!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

I will never buy another DELL!!!


Sound the Death knell on Dell - another Dhimmi company to bite the dust! Cair will be laughing all the way to the Islamic Bank.

Boycott Dell.

Re the misremembered Calderon: no, you are right, they do not mean the same thing. The line reads in the original"La vida es sueno y suenos suenos son" which can be Englished as "Life is a dream, and dreams themselves are dreams." I misremembered it (gettin' old, by cracky) as "La vida es sueno, y los que suenan suenos son" which would be translated up to the comma as before, and then "and those who dream are themselves dreams." It sounded good to me, but I think what may have gotten in the way is a story by Borges about a Chinese man who dreams he is a butterfly, or the butterfly dreams he is the man.... Well, you get the idea.

So when I realized my error, I had to correct it. The prodding hippogriff/gryph (I offered both spellings to be fair, because I couldn't make up my mind) is first mentioned in l. 2 (I recall) of "La vida es sueno."

I would go on, in the spirit of James Joyce urging readers to "wipe your glosses with what you know" which applies to quevedos as well, but I would like to excuse myself to listen to a tape of Elmo Tanner and the Ted Weems Orchestra. Given that the entire country is likely to continue whistling in the dark for some time yet, I thought I might steel myself by listening to a past master.

Dell has gone to Shariah hell.

Will witches and druids and satanists and followers of UFO cults get special places and times off from work to worship Ishtar or trees or Beelzebub or Bug-Egged-Monsters?

I don't own their product, and now never will.

The theocratic camel's nose gets under the digital tent.

Next muezzins will be howling like castrated sheep over the lunchroom P.A. system and only halal foods will be acceptable on the menu. And then the materials used in the computers (aren't pigs somehow involved?) or the corporate buildings (idolatrous representations of the human form?) will be re-engineered to accomodate the Muslim 'tastes'.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we kiss the ass of thieves.


This just in......

di di..di di..di di........Dateline:Nashville Tenn.

Computer company resolves conflict with Muslims employees that want lunch,breaks and prayer time
during business hours.
To assure the high quality and un-interupted
assembly for top-of-the-line PC.....And the production of Sharia compliant units.......di di...di di di....Consumers can now order one of two new models......The first one will be named the "infi-DELL" ............Followed up by the "Nu-DELL-E" *Pc.B.U.H.* that's packed, built and untouched by the Christan/Jewish pigs that will rot in Hell from Allah's punishment to the unbelievers.

News item.........Arthur C.Clarke settles with
CAIR on a recall for all "2001" movies to change
the Computers name to the IBM "HALAL" 9000......Hooper was pleased but expressed anger over the lack of Governemnt efforts to force Public schools to teach Islam and the Quran to end the oppression
of Muslim victims of Racism and



Posted by: ala-sux at March 18, 2005 08:39 PM


Gold Star for you today!!

My Spanish must be all dicked up because it made no since to me??

The life is I sound, and the ones that sound dream are

The life is I sound, and dream dream are."

"The life is I sound, and the ones that sound dream are,"

guess something is lost??

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

I will not buy Dell either. I know this is a
wild thought. But its far easier to control a
computer if you build it. What is to prevent
some hardware chip from inserting a control
progam when it monitors some event on the web
or to save up key strokes or other files to
send over the net
ANSWER nothing!

I have bought my last Dell, and I really like their computers. I'm using one now but when it's time to update, bye bye Dell.

This is a shining example of dhimmitude. What is Dell going to offer its other employees in the way of religious accomodations? It has opened the door to a destructive and incessant cycle of chaos. All for a bunch of temporary muslim troublemakers who aren't even genuine employees of the company. This is one of the dumbest corporate blunders I have ever witnessed.

Before muslims invaded America, religion was not an issue at work. I'm sure many Christians would prefer not to work on Sunday, but since they value their jobs and need the income to support themselves and their families, they compromise by attending evening church services. Muslims don't compromise. We don't need muslims in America. They do nothing but complicate and sully our lives. I would not work in a place that provided a prayer room for muslims. I wouldn't work for a company that hired scores of muslims; their motives would be highly suspect.

Dell will probably begin outsourcing everything soon and none of its employees will have jobs because of this.

This country is falling apart at the seams. The unbelievable power and clout of C.A.I.R. is extremely suspicious and very troubling. A group representing one of the smallest minorities in America has unprecedented impetus and success. Speaking of conspiracy theories----something is rotten here and it stinks.

Sorry to go OT, but I found this important item regarding an islamofascist working at the University of Waterloo, in Canada - that would be Ontario, wouldn't it? I posted it elsewhere on the site, but I felt it was important enough to bring up on the incorrect thread. Apologies.


Well, well.

I went and looked up this Mohammed Elmasry - apparently he's a university professor and here is the sum toto of the conversation with a Michael Coren (apparently a radio host up yonder) where he said that all Israelis over 18 were military targets:

Dr. Mohammed [sic] Elmasry (National President, Canadian Islamic Congress): We'll go back again to the basic. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there is an aggressor. This is Israelis. They are occupying the West Bank and Gaza for the last 37 years. It's a fact. It's an illegal occupation.
Guest (unidentified): Well, I would disagree.

ME: So this means the settlement there -- I'm quoting the United Nations -- is illegal settlement. These are armed...

Michael Coren (host): Let's go to pre-occupation of the West Bank.

ME: No, but let me give an example, one example from European history. If you look, actually, in the resistance of the French against the Germans, they did the same thing. They blow up bridges. They did kidnap people; they assassinate people.

MC: Who?

ME: The French. They assassinated soldiers and their collaborators, and French. French civilians.

MC: But Mohammed, I think that's a rather tenuous argument. I mean I know little about the war and the French resistance and the lack of it, sadly, but there is no... I can't remember of one case where the French resistance, the Maquis (?) or even their allies, communist or Gaulist or nationalist, would go into a school where German children were and kill them all.

ME: That's why we saying that totally innocent people...

["We"? "WE"? Who's "we" all of a sudden - the Canadian Islamic Council? Or just the upper echelons? - Geoff]


ME: ... and totally innocent people, obviously, is the children. But they are not innocent if they are part of a population which is total population of Israel is part of the army... From 18 on, they are part of the soldiers, even if they have civilian clothes.

[Interesting...did US and NATO troops regard Soviet/Bloc civilians as valid targets, since after all those nations had a draft also? I mean, heck, millions of them could have been under arms within weeks in the event of WWIII. And yet, I kinda doubt that even Reagan thought that way, y'know? Funny, the contrasts between end-points in political and racial ideologies. - Geoff]

MC: So if Israeli children are killed, that is a valid use of military force by Palestinians?

ME: No, they are not valid...

MC: So what are you saying?

ME: I'm saying that it has to be totally innocent, OK? Totally innocent are the children, obviously, OK? But they are not innocent if the army [inaudible] in civilian clothes, OK?

MC: What about women?

ME: The same, if they are women in the army...

[Wow, islam is really equal after all. Women also can be murdered, too. And Allah knows best. - Geoff]

MC: Anyone over the age of 18 in Israel is a valid target.

ME: Anybody above 18 is a part of the Israeli army...

MC: So everyone in Israel and anyone and everyone in Israel, irrespective of gender, over the age of 18 is a valid target?

ME: Yes, I would say.


MC: We're back on the Michael Coren Show. I want to push you a bit on this, Dr. Elmasry, because you speak about the French resistance. Now the French resistance to the Nazis, first of all you have... the Nazi army occupies your country. It rounds up communists, Jews, gay men, any gypsies who are present, members of the Catholic clergy, some Protestant leaders. It takes them off to gas them. It takes away the entire elite of your nation. The French resistance forms; it does what it can. It... armed resistance against German soldiers -- very few German civilians in occupied France anyway. It assassinates SS leaders. It does assassinate major collaborators who were helping the roundup of victims and so on. You're saying that that is the same as Palestinian military campaign -- and some of it, I think, is understandable and valid -- but you're saying it is the same as the Palestinian campaign. For example, a suicide bomber gets onto a bus and sees that there are people there -_ no one's in uniform -- and just blows herself up and kills everybody. They're morally...

[An excellent point: the French Resistance targeted a few people, killed major collaborators exactly as Coren says, as a response to an invader than murdered millions. They didn't walk onto a bus with a bomb and deliberately blow up women and children. I wonder if Elmasry knows the difference? - Geoff]

ME: But Michael, really, the definition of terrorism is really a means to an end, which is actually ending terrorism, either by a group or an individual or a state...

MC: It sounds like sophistry to me, actually.

[Yep. First they're the "French Resistance", but when the targetting of kids gets dragged out into the open, well, it's a "means to an end". Riiiight. So then, are Israel's supposed crimes in the West Bank all right then, since they're a "means to an end" also? Might makes right, right? - Geoff]

ME: No, no, it's true; it's true. I mean I would like to wake up one day and there is no terror either by state...

MC: You mean you'd like to win?

[Ding. - Geoff]

ME: No, I would like actually for the conflict to stop, for the aggressor to stop the aggression, OK? So does this mean that, for example, when you look at any conflict, there is an aggressor and their victims...

MC: Not as simplistic as that, I think.

[Ding ding. - Geoff]

ME: It is actually... if you look at the Chechenyan against the Russian, I know the history; I know the history of Iraqi... American occupation of Iraq. You don't have to have a Ph.D. in political science to identify that in the Israeli West Bank, occupied West Bank and Gaza, the Israelis, for the 37 years, are the occupying power. So the resistance is the same as the French resistance. Use low-tech. You don't have helicopter phantoms, and they do whatever they want. They make mistakes; they make mistakes, yes, and we have to condemn it.

[Good. Now let's see you actually do it. Not the first time he's equated the Israelis with the Nazis, I'm sure. - Geoff]

MC: I've got to tell you I think you've just dug a very large hole for yourself there. I am not unsympathetic, and I do believe that Israelis use way too much force and I believe that Palestinians are blanketed with the term "terrorist," which is very unfair, but what you've said there, I believe, is very dangerous talk. There's a massive difference. ...

Now, the website that I got this from was an apologist site (actually it was the Marxist-Leninist Daily; remind me to burn my Democratic membership forms and become a Republican), so naturally the rest of Mr. Coren's point was cut off. One imagines that the remainder of Coren's comment was particularly damaging somehow; can't tell, of course, since the ML Daily cut it off (they also like the word "Zionist" quite a bit...I wonder what word they'd rather use, and if they've used it. Just curious, of course).

I liked how Coren was going there at the end. Of course, maybe it was a little too damning - probably better the ML Daily cut it. Good call, guys, especially since you really fucked up by posting any of it. That was NOT a good call, 'cause it ain't helping your position.

Interestingly, whilst searching for more information about this twit, I found the following on the Canadian Islamic Congress website:

When Jews Target a Canadian Muslim
by Dr. Mohamed Elmasry - February 25, 2005

"Dr. Elmasry, we received intelligence reports that the Jewish Defence League is having two bus loads coming to town this Sunday. We will give you police protection," the senior local police officer informed me in person. "You are a man of honour. You have our support." It was not clear if the JDL was coming from the U.S. or from Canada, or from both countries, he told me.

Did you note the magic word? It was right at the start. When "JEWS" target a Canadian Muslim. Not "when supporters of Israel target a Canadian Muslim". Not "when Zionists target a Canadian Muslim". Jews. Nice.

So does this 'report' from the cop also belong to Mr. Elmasry's abundant fantasy world? Because it's abundantly clear he's not an honest man at all.

"A man of honour". What cop talks like that? Elmasry's a liar.


There is probably more to this than meets the eye. Dell's hardware is hardly unique in the marketplace. I wonder what kind of market share Dell has in Muslim countries? Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait...Such sales might easily be influenced by negative publicity or a fatwa or two; plenty of other companies out there to buy from.

Has Dell caved to a religious discrimination claim or to veiled threats of boycotts throughout the Muslim world? If the latter is the case, then this little incident is a shining example of how the money we spend at the pump comes back to haunt us in unexpected ways, in this case, how one company deals with demands of Muslim employees.

Time to sell Dell stock short.

The dream, the dreamer, and the jihad.

"Life is a dream and those who dream it are themselves but dreams," is reminiscent of "Maya"--what we perceive with our senses is illusion (Maya) and not reality.

Can this dreamy digression be tied to the topic at hand (DELL and the demanding of prayer time while on the clock by Somali Muslims)?

We can try.

[By the way, why are these Somali Muslims in the US? I mean, has Mogadishu, Blackhawk Down, and grinning Somali Muslims dragging US Special Forces corpses through the dust been forgotten?]

Anyway, here goes the tie-in.

If life and All is but a dream, the dreamer who dreamt up the koran from bits and pieces of other dreams that were snatched out of the all-encompassing universal dream turned the dreams of those who did not dream the same dream into nightmares.

Was that dreamer, the one who dreamt the dream of world conquest via an ideology that praises murder, rape, and pillage of the "Other" unhinged or cunning? Whatever he was, he dreamt up a dream that not only permits but calls for what a prior moral code had forbidden. That it is permitted to be only inflicted on the "Other" and not on those who are dreaming the same dream as the primary koranic dreamer (or dreamers) can always be pointed to as "Yes, but we are forbidden to murder, rob, rape, lie, etc." What is always omitted in these protestations is that this moral code does not apply to those who dream dreams different from that of the apologist.

Say goodbye to American productivity!!!


The tilde ~ symbol is missing over the "n" in the conjugated forms of the verb "sonar" (Hugh said it wouldn't work in Typekey). With the tilde ~ the verb means "to dream"; without the tilde ~ it means "to sound".

unicorn6200 has taken the word "dream" and run down the field with it, a regular crazylegs, and scored a touchdown.

As for the tilde that I was not able to produce in the proper place, and for which I blamed Typekey, prompted by the new knowledge that it can be produced, I tried kicking the computer several times (it worked for Keenan Wynn with the coke machine in "Dr. Strangelove), but so far nothing happens. I'll try later, with hobnail boots.

The West:
Age of Discovery & Conquest
Age of Reason
Industrial Revolution
Triumph of the Markets

Tribal conquests
Scaled-up tribal conquests
Contraction under Western military pressure
Caliphate flushed down toilet of failed ideologies
Last gasp anarchic violence

It is the present Western generation's duty to shake the handle.

Posted by: Hulegu Khan at March 18, 2005 05:47 PM

Good show, Hulegu!

It IS the present Western generation's obligation to shake the handle.

The level of support for notions like PC, multiculturalism, "diversity," and collectivist, nihilistic doctrine of all kinds is steadily increasing, because of the active efforts of the nihilists to teach their unnatural beliefs to our children.

If our generation doesn't conclude this fight, then it will be up to the next generation to carry on with it; we must begin the effort to turn around the progress made by the nihilists in our schools, or there exists the possibility that we will endure another Dark Age.

In the free market of ideas, the best ideas, the ones most consistent with life, will win. That's not the problem. The problem is whether this particular battle in the war of ideas will be won or lost, and how long will it take for the New Englightenment to emerge from the latter-day Dark Age, should Islam prevail in the short run.


I've followed Elmasry's crusade for several years,local TV debate shows used him as a source
for the Islamic viewpoint in Canada but his Jew-bashing tirades caught up with him and I believe
the M.Coren show was his last public appearence
on mainstream cable Tv networks.

The C.I.C.,CAIR,M.A.T.(Muslims against terrorism) and some outspoken self-professed Islamic scholars backed Elmasry based on
edited transcripts of the MC show that were
posted on Islamic websites.
I can assure you that after watching the first
live airing and the re-airing a week later to
counter the attacks on M.Coren , Elamsry was given three chances by Coren to qualify the
comment he express on targeting all Israelis over 18 for suicide bombings.
He also re-asserted the view to a newspaper about 48 hours later,but when a viewer exercised their right to requestthe Police look into the
public comment as a possible "hate Crime" violation,Elmasry did a 180 and denied he said it until the re-airing showed he did,then he said it was taken out of context,when that didn't work he then said he was only repeating what Palestinians
felt based on his meetings with them.
When the Palestinian Org.'s in Canada hit the roof over the new claim that'swhen the CIC website and himself shifted the focus to the "Zionist controlled media " attacking him
as part of the Anti-Muslim post-911 era.

He's a really sorry individual and it's so sad when someone that old has been on Earth for all those years and yet is so stupid.

The West:
Age of Discovery & Conquest
Age of Reason
Industrial Revolution
Triumph of the Markets

Tribal conquests
Scaled-up tribal conquests
Contraction under Western military pressure
Caliphate flushed down toilet of failed ideologies
Last gasp anarchic violence

It is the present Western generation's duty to shake the handle.

That's the most perfect little synopsis I've ever read. Thumbs up.


O ye of the good posting handle, thanks for the info. He does seem to be kind of a thicko. I take that back. He's a complete moron, truly as you say a "sorry individual". And yet he's a professor at the University of Waterloo; Canada's own little Ward Churchill. You guys must be as proud as we are here. =/

Oh well, at least Ward Churchill's not a racist.


I am curious. Jews are required to pray three times a day although only Orthodox Jews do so. Does Dell intend to set aside a prayer-room for them as well? If not, why not? Seems to me that Jews now should go on the offensive and demand equal facilities and equal treatment.

Secondly, if Muslims at Dell intend to take time out for prayer, whilst their Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Buddist, Zoroastrian, Parsi, 7th Day Adventist, Mormon and atheist colleagues stay on at their desks and work places, effectively carrying their Muslim colleagues burden, will Muslims be docked pay for time taken out? Is there'nt a case for suing for discrimination? Come on, Dell non-Muslims, take this all the way to the Supreme Court! Don't be supine! You owe it to us all over the world.

I will not purchase another computer from Dell because of this. I own a Dell laptop that has served me well and I have been considering purchasing a new one from Dell. Forget that now. Also, my recomendations concerning computer purchases will now exclude Dell.





Anyone have an address, email or otherwise, where we could send our sentiments to Dell?


I guess f.g.'s comment were addressed to me. You're mis-interpreting what I am saying. I too do not believe in bringing religion into the work place. What I do believe very strongly is that Muslims should not get away with the precedents they are setting down. Other faith members must attack Dell's decision in the courts by making it as tough as hell for other companies to cave in on this issue. All US citizens should have the same privileges and be treated equally before the law. If Dell sets up prayer rooms for Muslims, then it must set up prayer rooms for all other faith communities. No deal? Then Dell should pay damages. Maybe this is a subtle way for Muslims to wreck the US economy. Or Dell can establish differential pay rates. One for people who work full time and another for those who take time off work.

Perhaps Dell can tell us if they are prepared to give time off to Muslim workers who want to make hadj to Mecca on top of their annual vacation time. It is difficult to believe that Dell doesn't have the wherwithall and the savvy to realise that it opened up a whole can of worms that are likely to prove very expensive.

Yes. M. malik is right: Europe will be torn apart and perhaps that won't be a bad thing - if they insist on learning life the hard way. One thing for certain, if malik's promise is true, is that the first people to suffer will be the muslim communities of europe. It will be 1605 again, date when the last Muslims were forced out of Spain. If he does'nt believe this can happen, I suggest he look at what happened in 1945 when 17 million Germans had to leave their ancestral homes in Silesia, Czech Republic and elsewhere. Malik has grasped the wrong end of the stick: it is Islam which has to accomodate to Judeo-Christian values and not the other way round. There's a red line there, buddy: cross it at your peril