PA to Mothers: Celebrate your sons' deaths

Palestinian Media Watch (thanks to RB) has television clips and transcripts of Palestinian mothers expressing joy at the death of their children.

A Sample:

Moderator: "They [Israelis] accuse the Palestinian mother of hating her sons and in encouraging them to die. This is what we hear from Israelis. Is this true?

Mother Um Al-Ajrami: "No, we do not encourage our sons to die. We encourage them to Shahada [martyrdom] for the homeland, for Allah."

[She then talks about a group of women, all mothers of Shahids, who go to other mothers of Shahids during the period of mourning]: "We don't say to the mothers of the Shahids, 'We have come to comfort you', but 'We have come to bless you on the wedding of your son, on the Shahada of your son. Congratulations to you on the Shahada . . . ' For us, the mourning is joyous. We give out drinks, we give out sweets. Praise to God -- the mourning is joyous. occasion" [PATV, Nov. 17, 2004]...

There's much more if you can stomach it. This is, of course, nothing new: I discuss similar statements by mothers in Onward Muslim Soldiers.

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Dead children...for nothing.

You Canadians out there - did you know Marc Lepine, the mass murderer, was a Muslim?

The Toronto Star
NEWS, Sunday, December 5, 1999
Remembering the massacre points the way to progress
TOMORROW, PAUSE and force yourself to think about 5-year-old Gamil Gharbi, clinging frantically to his father's pant leg as blow after blow rained down on him till he bled from his nose and ears. His mother, a former nun and then a nurse, was forbidden to console him. She, too, was constantly cursed, insulted, humiliated, smashed up against walls and beaten. Gamil, with his little sister, was locked in his room for hours at a time so his father, a high-flying Algerian mutual fund salesman who believed all women were chattels, could have a leisurely brunch.
Gamil grew up brimming with rage and primed to hate the only creatures lowlier than himself - women. In his teens, he changed his name to Marc Lepine. If his father metaphorically loaded the weapon, our violence-saturated society showed him where to point it: at the "feminists" so vilified in macho culture for encroaching on male entitlements.
Because of Lepine and the promising young lives he snatched away, we may be the only country in the world with an official Day of Remembrance for women. Instead of poppies, our lapels sprout the now-familiar button with the red rose to commemorate the 14 women engineering students who were gunned down, in blood, shock and horror, on that ordinary afternoon at l'Universite de Montreal 10 years ago.
We need the candlelit vigils and concerts for Dec. 6 just as we need the solemn bells and silences of Nov. 11. We need the cleared space, the stopping of time's relentless clock, the ceremony and the heightened words that will unlock our feelings and make us remember.
It takes an effort of will to bring to mind the blows and the ugliness that lie just beneath the surface of so many lives around us. We must make the effort, because even as you read this, other hands are raised against other children who will grow up to take vengeance on those who never harmed them. The National Day of Remembrance is for all women killed by male violence - not in battle, not because they were criminals, but simply because they were female.
As usual, when we gather tomorrow, only the willing of heart will be present. Willing or unwilling, however, no Canadian had an option 10 years ago when the blurred, urgent, news crackled into our consciousness. We had to hear; we had to feel the sting of hatred's poison.
I didn't hear about the massacre until the next morning. I was cocooned in the welcome warmth of bed, waking slowly after a happy public event the night before - the Toronto debut of a feminist documentary - that had played to a huge, exuberant crowd. The glow of pleasure still wrapped me as my eyes opened to my husband bursting out of the bathroom, his razor still in his hand, relaying in shocked tones what he had just heard on the radio: "Somebody killed a lot of women . . ." he exclaimed. "Montreal . . . it's a slaughter. . ."
Within moments, it was clear that the young women had been cold-bloodedly separated out and executed solely because of their gender. The pain of that news was physical, like an arrow of ice stabbing my heart. Only equality - full, rich, deeply entrenched equality of respect, dignity and human worth, for all people of all colours, reflected in laws, popular culture and social mores - can ever heal that wound.
Our posters and banners for Dec. 6 all read: "First mourn. Then work for change." In these 10 years, thousands upon thousands of Canadians, women and men, have done both. The mourning was and is painfully real. For women who were activists, working at low pay or as volunteers in the front lines (a telling phrase) of the war against women, staffing the clinics, the rape crisis centres, the women's counselling centres, the incest recovery groups, the battered women's shelters, that bleak day was the final unbearable crisis. All the stifled rage and despair at the useless violence welled up and spilled over in tears, angry speeches, boiling words.
For myself, I regret now that The Star asked me, only hours after I heard the news, to write a front page reaction piece. Along with many others, I felt that at this raw moment, of all moments, I could say, without being misunderstood, how enraged and defiant we felt about the constant stream of blows and wounds inflicted on women simply because of their femaleness.
I was wrong.
Based on the angry reaction to our words, it apparently was still taboo to speak about male violence against women. As a learned man once explained to me, such blunt speech violates "men's right not to know" what their buddies are doing and what their male culture permits and even fosters.
Instantly, our hot tears and painful grief were dismissed as "political." The story, in countless broadcasts and news columns, became not the dead women but the outrage of "innocent" men, in a fury at being linked by their maleness to Marc Lepine. It was all about them - were their feelings hurt, were they being discriminated against because a few all-female vigils were planned. I regret that many of us spoke up so honestly only because it gave the backlash an opening for attack that served as a distraction from the real issue. (Sometimes it seems that anything will distract the public from the dead bodies of murdered women - 40 women a year in Ontario killed by male rage.)
Now, 10 years later, I'd rather draw people's attention to lessons we might learn from the life of Gamil Gharbi. His brutal, control-freak father - one of the real root causes of the Montreal Massacre - sued for custody, although he never bothered to visit or pay for his children after the divorce. Today, there are angry and violent men, some of them slick and plausible, who insist that they are entitled to custody of their children, and there are parliamentarians dedicated to promoting their cause.
Most men, thank heaven, took a different path. Patrick Quinn, chair of the Professional Engineers of Ontario, swore on the spot to make a difference, and he tells me that today not only have the number of women engineering students doubled, but attitudes have changed: "The young men are used to equality in their relationships now, and many, including older men, were awakened to different values by Montreal."
Gun control, new schools of women's studies, Statistics Canada data on the levels of violence against women, anti-violence education in schools, ever-diminishing tolerance for the stupidity of sexism, progress in legislation to afford women equal protection of the law - the advances are heartening. CBC Newsworld will devote the entire day tomorrow to remembrance and reflection, an unprecedented media breakthrough.
It may be many years, however, before we can shrink the pitiful roll-call of the murdered women and children on those annual lists of the dead. Tomorrow, on the national Day of Remembrance, let each of us think of those who died, and what we can do to stop the killing.
Just to start, if you see a woman selling red rose buttons, buy one. If your workplace doesn't have a remembrance service planned, stage an impromptu one. In the moment of silence, try on the word "feminist" and see how a passion for equality feels.
Michele Landsberg's column usually appears in The Star Saturday and Sunday.

These mothers do not hate their children: They do that for 'the love of Allah'- I just wonder what's in it for them?!

It's similar to wearing the hijab: 'We do that for Allah...'
They don't tell you that they are beaten to a pulp if they don't, they don't come out and say "they throw stones, they spit on us, they call us dirty names and we are afraid that they throw acid in our faces..."-

They do that for Allah.

The money (US $ 25.000.00) is still being paid to them. Don't know who pays it to them, but in their bizarre and twisted world it also comes from 'Allah'- So they breed for Allah, they blow up for Allah and they get paid by Allah... The perfect world of terror: Islam!

Gives 'Motherly Love' a different altogether sinister meaning!Whether these Mums are pressurised by threats or do it for money, Islam is a despicable Death Cult.

Nothing has changed in the region. The descendents of the worshippers of the heinous false god Molech still sacrifice their children to a false god now named the deity of Islam. Their children again are being sacrificed in fire...only this time burned alive by bombs...and sacrificing other children with them. It makes you wonder who the "god"of Islam is who makes mothers teach their children to commit suicide--this "angel of light" who revealed a belief system where men strap bombs on special needs children telling them to press a button or whatever and blowing them to bits...while those who worship the true God of Israel stopped one of the Muslim special needs children and got the bomb off of him in order to save his life.

Should we ban-the-koran? I say yes, because the book is nothing but a concoction, designed for Mohammed to inflict revenge for the social humiliation that he suffered having served as the sex-toy for an rich woman, who was 15 years his senior. It is no accident that he sexually victimized children - his rape-bride, Aisha, was six-years old - to balance his shame by means of an ideological prop. (I believe that he murdered his first wife, after creating a legal basis for his repressed philandering and pedophilia).

Freedom-of-religion is debased where our short-sighted laws allow it to be invocable by Muslims. We don't tolerate Aztec cannibalism, and native-American rape-marriage rituals, so why should we indulge the prescribed Murder rites of Islam? Ban it on a global scale, while popularizing refutations of Mohammed's crude, self-interested fabrications, perversity, usury and banditry, and liberated peoples will turn against their parasitic ruling classes.

Be aware that an serious legal attempt to ban Mohammed's Murder manual ("koran"; "recitation" from Mohammed's sick mind), was once made in India. Download the following book by a late Hindu humanist, and see how the perverse fiction-architecture of human misery, did in a court of law:

Read of Mohammed's subjective trances. They indicate psychotic conduct and sociopathology. He couldn't cope within his current social environment, so he faked "prophet" status so that he could create a benign environment, conducive to his perverse values. Mohammed was the worst monster ever to inhabit the earth. Hitler and Ghengis Khan were pitiful amateurs in comparison to the bestial savage of Mecca. If you love liberty and democracy (not including the sham cleric manipulated "elections" - read prescribed voting - in Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq) then you will work 24-7-365-infinity for the nullification of the Islam slave scheme.
I would start by disclosing all tax records of West-Muslims, and where funds were found to have been directed to terror-charities - all Wahabist and Khomenist organizations must be so designated - the slave-of-allah (read: proponent of the Saudi, Persian and freelance terrorist entities) must be forced to show cause as to why their personal assets must not be totally confiscated. Any uncovered jihadi who was foreign born must be deported forthwith, unless they have committed capital offenses. Constitutions must be altered, to deny protection from self-incrimination, to the mortal Muslim enemy.

Today's LA Times has one article on the Bush regime's inclusivist policy towards Hizballah, and another on the Hitler cult in pre-Euro Turkey. The Bush regime has supported the inclusion of Turkey into Europe (which will enable easy infiltration of Turkish jihadis into America, on tourist visas), and opposed France's prohibition of Islamic slave-garb in State institutions.

Notwithstanding the Hitler cult, Turks are also interested in reading about Washington being destroyed by nukes. When Muslims get an earful of Karen Hughes' public-diplomacy (read: airhead-dhimmism) they might just look at America as ripe for the picking. And why the hell not? A country that would shell out $300,000,000,000 to facilitate legitimation of Islamofascism through sham elections, after those same animals slaughtered over 3,000 innocent civilians, clearly needs a cure for its Pollyanna-addiction.

By Amberin Zaman, Special to The Times

ANKARA, Turkey — "Mein Kampf," Adolf Hitler's notorious work outlining his anti-Semitic world view, has become a bestseller in this officially secular but mostly Muslim nation. Its sudden rebirth has alarmed the country's small Jewish community and raised concern among officials in the European Union, which Turkey aspires to join.

Remzi and D & R, Turkey's two largest bookstore chains, rank the work among the top 10 on their bestseller lists this month, as they did in February...

Though nationwide sales numbers are not available, the number of publishers releasing editions of "Mein Kampf" in Turkey has grown to 13. One of them, Manifesto, announced a press run of 50,000 for its version, which jockeys for shelf space with such titles as "Hitler's Secretary" and "The Unknown Hitler." The German dictator's work appears prominently in most bookstore displays here...

Some analysts say the appeal of "Mein Kampf" probably has to do with the rising anti-Americanism here, a result of the U.S.-led invasion of neighboring Iraq. Among the work's chief rivals on the bestseller lists is "Metal Storm," a gory thriller that depicts a U.S. invasion of Turkey. The hero, a Turkish spy whose training includes shooting his puppy, avenges his homeland by leveling Washington with a nuclear device.

In a country where conspiracy theories are commonly used to explain international politics, "it is accepted wisdom in some circles that Israel dictates U.S. policy," said Dogu Ergil, a Middle East expert at Ankara University. Thus, his theory goes, anti-Americanism morphs into a hybrid strain of anti-Semitism that in turn arouses curiosity about Hitler...

This is the same view of children as property that we see in the so called honour killings. Child may bring disgrace to the family? Kill her quick ! Need some prestige to boost the family? Get a child killed quick!

The wisest women build up their homes; the foolish pull them down with their own hands.
Proverbs 14:1

OT but the post above reminded me, the picture of the Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler is not on show in the newly reopened Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. The Bleedin' Biased Corporation is pleased about this.
"The old museum had what appeared to be some fairly clumsy Zionist propaganda within: a picture of the Grand Mufti - a senior Arab religious figure - meeting Hitler seemed particularly inappropriate. The new museum does not include that picture"

Dead children...for nothing.

Posted by: Carolyn2 at March 15, 2005 05:20 PM

Not exactly. Saddam and Yasser may not be able to cut the martyrs parents any cheques anymore, but I'm sure that someone else has stepped up to the plate (Hezbollah has very deep pockets).

Sad truth of the matter as Golda Meir put it, was that there will be no peace until they love their children more than they hate Israel and the Jews, and, so long as the PA/Islamist propaganda machine churns out the bile and spleen that it does, a significant number of them will continue to believe they have been victims of Zionism and rather than of Islamism.

Terminator asks:

The money (US $ 25.000.00) is still being paid to them. Don't know who pays it to them, but in their bizarre and twisted world it also comes from 'Allah'- So they breed for Allah, they blow up for Allah and they get paid by Allah... The perfect world of terror: Islam!

Duh the Saudi Royals are the benefactors of these murderous idiots aka Shahids.

Muslims want to be taken seriously and respected, how can anyone when they allow themselves to believe this antihuman, insane nonsense, the self justifying ramblings of Abu Qassim,aka The Praised one (Muhammad). Not only do they choose to believe it, but they clamor to destroy their own bodies, to take out the infidel.

I wonder just how much sex and fun they can have in Paradise when their bodies are atomized and disassembled by explosives. I hear that suicide bombers carefully wrap their genitals in gauze before blowing themselves up. Imagine the illogic in that act.