Philippines: Retaliatory attacks feared as relatives bury slain prisoners

Pretext alert: they will retaliate for the deaths of the prisoners, with no admission whatsoever of the fact that their own actions led to those deaths. From AP, with thanks to Nicolei:

MANILA: Grieving relatives buried yesterday 22 Muslim inmates killed when police stormed a maximum-security jail seized by suspected Abu Sayyaf guerillas, while troops secured the capital and key cities, fearing retaliatory attacks by the terror group.

Three of the slain detainees were prominent commanders of the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf who authorities said led the 29-hour standoff that ended when police special forces stormed the jail in Camp Bagong Diwa in a hail of gunfire on Tuesday.

The jail in Manila's Taguig suburb housed 425 inmates, including 129
suspected Abu Sayyaf members and leaders.

Relatives of the victims raised clenched fists and yelled "Allahu Akbar!" - God is great - as they carried the bodies in white blankets to a mass grave. A Muslim religious leader recited a prayer before relatives pushed earth over the bodies using shovels and hands.

"There is anger and sadness, but this is a reality we must accept," said Mujib Hataman, a Muslim negotiator who unsuccessfully tried to end the standoff peacefully.

Many relatives criticised the government for the attack, believing the inmates were mercilessly killed and falsely made to appear to have put up a fight with smuggled weapons.

"They didn't have guns. They were killed without the slightest chance of defending themselves," Haji Maimuna said, wiping away tears.

Metropolitan Manila Police Chief Avelino Razon blamed lapses by jail officials for the violence, saying some cell gates were unlocked and guards carried firearms when they approached inmates on Monday.

He also admitted that jail officials had been warned of an Abu Sayyaf escape plot, and that not enough was done to prevent it.

An Abu Sayyaf leader still at large, Abu Sulaiman, warned in a radio interview on Tuesday that the militants would bring war "right into your doorstep" in Manila....

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What this story points out is that if you have to fight back from the Islamic terrorist trying to kill you and you win the fight !!

That makes no difference to other mulsums they will try to kill you and yours so running away from the fight will bring you nothing??


Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight, and Courage to stay the course to Victory[FREEDOM] to Destroy ALL islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Amen

I just watched a documentary on LinkTV, an Afghan German artist revisists Afghanistan.

Interesting comments. Prior to the Taliban, Afghanistan was westernized, women could drive and could walk around uncovered in western clothes, in fact Afghanistan gave women the right to vote, even before England.

Despite George Bush's war on terrorism and the invasion of Afghanistan, democracy (at least in our understanding of it) has not returned to Afghanistan. Women can no longer drive, they still wear the Burka, and in Kabul some brave ones wear the Hijab or head scarf if they don't wear the Burka.

The subject of the documentary had a conversation with the most prominent Mullah in Kabul. He said that the only reason the mullah would talk to him is because they are distant relatives.

Then this Afghan German (obviously of good intentions but also ignorant of his own religion) asked the Mullah about Islam and Terrorism (but first prepped him with his own views). The Mullah said, that Muhammad/Koran forbids the taking of innocent lives.

That is true, in and of itself, but it also begs the definition of "innocent" in Islam.

Since everyone, in Islamic ideology, is born naturally Muslim, then those that don't submit to rule by Islamic clerics, are liars (Kafirs) and thus are not innocent.

I think if one scratches the surface, one rapidly discovers that as far as Muslims are concerned there are no innocents. Akin the Biblical concept of blood guilt, guilt handed down generation to generation, such as Germany not ever being able to assuage it's blood guilt for the Holocaust.

Back on topic, the threat of Abu Salaiman, is real and worth taking seriously, problem is how much longer non Muslim countries and their leaders will continue their self deception about Islam, and take seriously the threat that it poses to civilization.

Will these Islamoterrorist acts, finally force the reluctant west, and non Muslim worlds to call evil by it's name?

I doubt it, look at how long the racist and religious genocide in Sudan has been going on, I thought that it was a rather recent thing, until I read Bat Ye'or's book Islam and Dhimmitude, it has been going on for decades, with the Arabization or attempt to Arabize and Muslimize the non Muslim inhabitants of Sudan, not to mention the slave trade, rape and wanton massacres.

Yet for decades there has been nary a word, and even today President Bush's policy is noticeable for it's inaction, and he is still afraid to call it genocide or call evil by it's name.

Perhaps because Sudan has oil, and is closely connected and supported by the Bush family friends: The Saudis.

BTW, even non Arab Muslims are having problems with Arab Imperialism. I just learned about the
Amazighe (Berbers) of Morocco, non Arab Muslims who have their own language and culture, which were the majority in Morocco, but are now an oppressed minority fighting for their own civil rights, language, alphabet and culture.

Since so many in the west are so "sensitive" to Imperialism,maybe it is time to raise the level of consciousness the spectre of Arab Imperialism, which is what the Abu Sayyef and Muslim Brotherhood movements are all about. The destruction of native cultures, in the propagation of the Arab Culture in the guise of a religion, but actually an ideology - Arabism.

And that is why the Saudi Royals are behind it all, Saudi Arabia is the heartland, and chief source of support and financing of Arabism.

"I summon my blue-eyed slaves anytime it pleases me. I command the Americans to send me their bravest soldiers to die for me. Anytime I clap my hands a stupid genie called the American ambassador appears to do my bidding. When the Americans die in my service their bodies are frozen in metal boxes by the US Embassy and American airplanes carry them away, as if they never existed. Truly, America is my favorite slave." King Fahd Bin Abdul-Aziz, Jeddeh 1993

And guess what name these blue eyed slaves have, currently, Bush Cheney RNC DNC, our money-to buy their oil, is then used to purchase the hearts, minds and souls of our "leaders" in business and politics.

The slave markets of old are obsolete, bribes, contracts, corporate positions, loans are still forms of slavery.

For instance when a kafir accepts employment in KSA, on arrival they must turn in their passport to their employer, who then owns them, and if the employer doesn't want to let you go, or to pay you, you are in position to cry for help or complain, not even complaints to the American embassy will relieve the distress.

In simpler terms, whoever controls the vital resource, controls the person who needs that resource.

If Region A controls the water that Region B needs to live, and Region B is incapable of wresting away that control from Region A, then Region B is the slave of Region A, and exists at the whims of the Head and people of Region A.

The west cannot live without oil, the Muslim nations control most of the worlds oil.

Not hard to see who is the real master and slave, not hard to see who has the upper hand in this assymetrical relationship.

And not hard to see the future either, especially when those who control the resource are fired with
an ideology of perfection and hegemony, who also believe that submission to them is inevitable and who proclaim their patience, the patience of inevitability.

Posted by: Giaour at March 18, 2005 02:16 PM

So now you are starting to see the truth and it is the arab world that has fu-ked things up and not just the last 4 years??

wow almost there but the honey pot was working!!

not good to spit in some ones face if you want their help and by the way how do you heat your house or run your computer or get your food??

from the store I'd bet??LOL!!

The left in the USA holds us hostage to the arabs never forget that when they will not let the usa build a refinary or another Nuk plant or cut off drilling then think about being held hostage to the arabs??

then study a little history as you are doing[GOOD Work]

Again spiting in some ones face is not a good way to get your point[if you have on] across??

But since you skip what I write the lessons you could learn will be for not??
Reichstagsakten 1888/89, 7. Lp., Vol. 121, Attachment 41: Collection of Documents pertaining the Uprising in East Africa, No. 27: Directive to the Imperial ambassador in London
Friedrichsruh, October 21st 1888

The movement of the Muslim Arabs, supported by slave traders, which first found its expression in the Mahdi revolt in the Egyptian Sudan, has since expanded and had also resulted in collisions with European enterprises at other points of the African continent. The raid on an Italian expedition in 1886 by the Emir of Harar, the threat to stations on the eastern border of the Congo Free State by Arabs, the treatment of Stanley and his companions by Tippu Tip, the attacks on English mission stations in Uganda and on trade settlements on Lake Nyassa, the rebellion in coastal stretches of the Sultanate of Zanzibar which are under British and German administration - all these events give the impression that they are connected with each other, a connection which provides evidence for a slowly increasing, but freely forming movement among the Muslim population in the direction of a reaction against Christian and civilisatoric efforts, namely in the area of slave trade. All nations interested in the promotion of Christian morale share an equal interest in counteracting the dangers posed by such a movement.
The rising importance and expansion the Muslim agitation has gained over the last years in Africa, goes hand in hand with a rising export of powder and arms from Europe to equatorial Africa.
Ample equipment with arms and ammunition facilitates the slave trader's raids and the Arabs' attempts to keep the European opponents of slave trade from penetrating further and to repel them from their present positions.
Therefore it seems to us a common obligation of the European nations engaged in the peaceful opening-up of Africa to obstruct both the slave trade and the arms trade with greater emphasis, than it has been done so far. Such an aim seems only feasible by a blockade of the entire East African coast, which is strong and firm enough to obstruct the export of slaves and the import of arms more effectively as before. If the Royal British government does approve such a measure, we are prepared to enter negotiations with all other concerned powers in order to obtain their approval. I would regard it especially appropriate to obtain France's accord in regard to reject Arab slave trader dhows the right to sail under the French flag.
I ask Your Excellency most humbly to communicate with Lord Salisbury according to the beforementioned comments and to report his answer.

signed von Bismarck

His Excellency the Imperial ambassador
Count von Hatzfeldt



Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength Wisdom, Sight and Courage to Victory[FREEDOM] to Destroy All Islamic terrorist and ALL who Support them Open the Worlds Eyes to their Threat let not the World be Deceived by them Amen