Pipes on media dhimmitude

Regarding the Ahmed Omar Abu Ali case. From "Big Media Demagogue an Assassination Plot" in FrontPage, with thanks to EPG:

While still living in the United States, Abu Ali developed ties to the “paintball jihadists” of northern Virginia, nine of whom have served time in jail. In 2000, he went to study Islam at its source, at the Islamic University of Medina. In May 2003, a terrorist attack in Riyadh left 34 dead, 9 of them Americans; a month later, the Saudis arrested Abu Ali for connections to this crime, incarcerating him until his recent transfer to the United States.

Conservatives focus on the hair-raising news that an Al-Qaeda affiliate had plans to kill the president of the United States. Liberals hardly note this development, focusing instead on the question of whether, while in Saudi custody, Abu Ali was tortured (Justice Department officials call this an “utter fabrication”). Note the editorials in four northeastern newspapers:

· The New York Times: This case is “another demonstration of what has gone wrong in the federal war on terror. …In an undisciplined attempt to wring statements out of any conceivable suspect, American officials have worked with countries like Saudi Arabia.”

· The Washington Post: “the courts need to ensure that no evidence obtained by torture—with or without the connivance of the U.S. government—is used to convict people in U.S. courts.”

· The Baltimore Sun writes (dripping with sarcasm) that, “By unsealing a federal indictment against Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, the U.S. government garnered headlines about an alleged terrorist plot, instead of the unexplained imprisonment of an American citizen in Saudi Arabia. … it portrayed Mr. Abu Ali has [sic] someone other than a victim of torture. The government may think its secret is safe. But it isn’t.”

· Newsday’s editorial is titled “Shame on Bush for rights violation.”

Many links in the original. Read it all.

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Media Dhimmitude is something we JW regulars are fully (and may I add, painfully) aware of.

Was wondering if there're blogs that focus on media dhimmitude as raison d'etre. And then realized that ios almost all that partisan blogs tend to do. Seems the conservative ones have had a far, far greater success in shining the spotlight on the dhimmitude aspect of the media though. Pipes above proves the claim beautifully.

Now if only the liberal shenanigans were tolerant enough of us conservatives to work together on recognizing and exposing this common enemy... After all the noble virtues of Tolerance have been invented and patented by the bleeding hearts, one would think...

an ex-liberal mugged by reality.

'Now if only the liberal shenanigans were tolerant enough of us conservatives to work together on recognizing and exposing this common enemy... After all the noble virtues of Tolerance have been invented and patented by the bleeding hearts, one would think...' ~ Voletti

Right you are! No pun intended...

This is why the pressure must be kept on the MSM and Academics that giaour and kj are so proud of (and which they don't want evidence posted of here on this site, with my morning lineup. Yes, I know you two also want to see islam given the Correct treatment in education. But one can see you are trying desperately to find a way without wrecking all the other indoctrination programs these same teachers and pundits are employing to dumb down the populace.
And speaking of dumbing down the populace... maybe that's why you lost in 2000 and 2004? Your guys turned everyone into conservatives! :P)

1: that last was a joke.
2: if you don't get the non-sequitur... well, that's your prob.

Yes Gary; I "get" your non sequiturs... and ad hominem attacks, appeals to unqualified authority, appeals to popularity, red herrings, and straw man arguments. It's all you have, because the simple truth isn't on your side.

You HAVE to lie, shill, and dissemble.

BTW it's not such a non sequitur. The people WERE dumbed down by the MSM and the consistent MSM desire to make more money via kissing up to Dub. That’s why 90% of the Bush voters think that Saddam was connected to the 9-11 bombings, and 90% of the Kerry voters accept the CIA and the Bush-appointed 9-11 Commission findings that he WASN’T.

You see, Gary, the MSM isn't here to push an agenda. They aren't here to inform. They are here to make MONEY. That's why FUX news calls the Shi'ites "Shia" while Mike Moore calls them Shi'ites.

You post your "morning line up" in all your puffing hubris as if everything you link MUST be the truth. I could do the exact same thing as a way of "proving" MY positions. But I respect my fellow JW-ers, and (for now at least) I'm not going to post a bunch of opinion pieces and call it "the truth the MSM doesn't want you to see! Truth Never To Be Silenced! Talent on Loan From Gawd!!!" and other blather.

Gary, the problem is this. You know damn good and well that I don't want to see Islamic crap taught in our schools. But you really get off pretending that I do. You are so good at pretending, that you really can't separate fact from fantasy any more.

So you and your ilk PRETEND to hate liberals for "what they do" e.g. marital infidelity, screwing interns, nation building, islamapologia, wasting gov't money, lying to the people, pissing off foreign nations, kissing up to foreign nations, being political, not being political, etc. etc.

But your side is only angered when the person that does this is a liberal. When a conservative does the same thing (or even more) you (and your GOPer buddies) shuck, jive, and make excuses. (Remember the spy plane in Hainan?)

You can say that I'm lying, but I'll be happy to provide as many examples as you want. Will two be enough? Twelve? Twenty? (I only have so much time, so please be reasonable. Will FIFTY be enough?)

Since you aren’t consistently bothered by any particular action, it follows that what really irks you are the people that take the actions. And the people that bother you are overwhelmingly liberal.

Meanwhile, you prop up every conservative thing done by every conservative except the Dixiecrats of the fifties and sixties. And if a conservative/Christian/republican does something that even YOU can’t revise, excuse, or explain away, then you fall back on the Muslim example: they weren’t REALLY conservative/Christian/republican. For example, consider Adolph Hitler, Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, J. Edgar Hoover, Timothy McVeigh, Ann Coulter, and Eric Rudolph.

Gary, you are living, breathing proof of the new adage:
"It's easy to win an argument with a fool; the hard part is convincing him that he's lost."

Funny thing is, kj, you aren't winning. (but you are whining). Not by kerry, not by daschle, not by jackson, not by chomsky or rather. While I remain morally certain of where I am- ie, not lost, that's for sure. I'm also finding that many of my online friends- mostly in their 20s- are in agreement with what this site is about- the problem of islam. Just by coincidence, one of them works on the '24' set as part of security. Must mean that the dumbing-down of education in the US is not being completely succesful...

kj~ on your sneering reference to FOXnews and the word 'Shia,' perhaps you'd like to hear it right from the horses mouth:


but hey, maybe the muslims who wrote that are making it up also, eh?

'it follows that what really irks you are the people that take the actions'

Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice? I think they need to go farther, but no, not irked by their actions at all. Neither are a great many people in Lebanon, one Christian leader of which thanked Bush the other day for putting on the pressure.




But Gary, by refusing to answer simple questions and except simple facts, you are losing. You lose every argument with me.

You pretend to be offended by things that liberals do, while ignoring GOPers that do the same thing. You're like the young hippies that get worked up in such a tizzy over Israel and the security wall, the settlers, etc. while they ignore the more egregious crimes of other nations. The generic term for this is "hypocrisy."

You just can't accept it, which like I said, is the hard part.

See how you bring up Kerry, Daschle, Rather, etc. etc. as if you are arguing with them. You aren't.

I'll gladly keep Rev. Jackson on my side, and you can keep Fred Phelps, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson on YOUR side. (How many American POWs have your idols freed?) I'll keep Daschle, Kerry, and Mondale and Algore, and you keep Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, David Duke, and the other GOPer losers.

MY side ran with a decorated Vietnam combat veteran; while YOUR side spent millions lying about him and audaciously questioning his patriotism. Compared to the two DUI draftdodgers, this is especially repugnant. But, like the Max Cleland Vs. Saxby the Shamelss, the only important thing it that you won. Congratulations.

Now I know what you will say, that Clinton was a draftdodger too. BUT Clinton EARNED a Rhodes Scholarship to the most prestigious university in the history of the world, and DID register for the draft when he returned (unlike the cowardly GOP.) He drew a high lottery number.

AND I don't recall any liberals claiming that Bob Dole's injury in WW Two was self-inflicted or petty, or questioning his patriotism. I don't recall any liberals attacking the WIVES of candidates, which has been a GOP standard since 1992.

That's why 90% of the Bush voters think that Saddam was connected to the 9-11 bombings....the MSM isn't here to push an agenda ~ KJ

KJ, if the MSM doesn’t have an agenda, can you explain why C-BS news ran that false report on Bush at such a time as to effect the outcome, or why the Iraq war coverage is so lopsided?

Mr Clinton what is your opinion on Iraq and Al Qaeda?

"Al Qaeda also forged alliances with the National Islamic Front in the Sudan and with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies in the West, particularly the United States. In addition, al Qaeda reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al Qaeda would work cooperatively with the government of Iraq." Shortly after the embassy bombings, Mr. Clinton ordered air strikes on al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and on the Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan.

Those darn facts again....

KJ, just so you know where I am coming from, when you make repugnant claims about certain people being Christian. So lets put to rest the Christians are perfect theory and if they are not, well we just don’t call them Christian. In history there was only one man that was perfect, and you saw what they did to him.

Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God. By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. (1 John 3:7-10 ESV)

What is man, that he can be pure? Or he who is born of a woman, that he can be righteous? Behold, God puts no trust in his holy ones, and the heavens are not pure in his sight; how much less one who is abominable and corrupt, a man who drinks injustice like water! (Job 15:14-16 ESV)

See kj, I didn’t make the claim that those people are not Christians, God did!

TIME: Are you religious?

MCVEIGH: I was raised Catholic. I was confirmed Catholic (received the sacrament of confirmation). Through my military years, I sort of lost touch with the religion. I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs.

TIME: Do you believe in God?

MCVEIGH: I do believe in a God, yes. But that's as far as I want to discuss. If I get too detailed on some things that are personal like that, it gives people an easier way alienate themselves from me and that's all they are looking for now.

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941: National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things.~ Adolf Hitler

See what a good Christian, Hitler was!


but hey, maybe the muslims who wrote that are making it up also, eh?

No, Gary. Muslims never lie. Just ask Dub, he'll tell ya quick that Islam is noble and tolerant and respectful and peaceful.... LOL.

Hey Bar, tell me about Eric Rudolph not being a Christian, why dontcha? Or Constantine?

I have no reason to answer or argue any of that at all, kj. There is no need to answer Bilge.

I'll say it again: if kerry signs his Form 180 and brings all documents concerning him into the light, those will answer all questions about him. Right? Including why it took the Carter admin to get him an 'honorable' discharge.

Meh, enough. I shall keep posting links, and you can keep questioning the integrity of the writers. Until You post links proving them wrong/liars/whatever.

I have things needing done here, why don't you go read the latest news ratings? FOX is wiping them out.

I have no reason to answer or argue any of that at all, kj. There is no need to answer Bilge.

Well, you're halfway there. You've admitted that you can't answer me. Alas, your "reason" is that my argument is bilge. But, there's your excuse.

I'll say it again: if kerry signs his Form 180 and brings all documents concerning him into the light, those will answer all questions about him. Right?

So... are you saying that his exemplary behaviour that earned him all those medals and three Purple Hearts isn't enough for YOU? Of course. Gary, it doesn't matter to you what he did/didnt' do in 'Nam. Max Cleland, Al Gore, Wes Clark, Bob Kerry, etc. etc. all signed their 180s or whatever (for a non-server you sure do "know" a lot about the military.) The problem you have with Kerry is that he challenged Dim Son.

Including why it took the Carter admin to get him an 'honorable' discharge.

No, little boy. Carter pardoned the draftdodgers that at couldn't get the deferments or cushy non-deployable positions reserved for the cowards on YOUR side (Newt, Armey, Shambliss, DeLay, Nugent, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Will, Hastert, Kemp, Gramm, Cheney, Dub, Jeb, Quayle, etc.)

Meh, enough. I shall keep posting links, and you can keep questioning the integrity of the writers. Until You post links proving them wrong/liars/whatever.

I don't question their few facts. What I question is the selective outrage (a.k.a. "Moral Relativism") they use to determine who gets the jab.

I have things needing done here,

Oh yeah... now you "don't have time"... LOL... how many times have I heard that? LOL.

... why don't you go read the latest news ratings? FOX is wiping them out.

Ooooh! THAT is called "Appeal to Popularity." Yep, let me go right out and join them RIGHT NOW. I WANT Scalia to tell my daughters what they can do with their bodies. I WANT Jeb to decide if I can die with dignity if I'm made a vegetable. I WANT to be able to carry guns into bars, churches, and hospitals. I WANT Muslims and Branch Davidians to take my taxpayer money and use it to preach fairytale bullShi'ite. I ESPECIALLY want a trillion-dollar hole blown in Social Security. I REALLY, REALLY want to see US Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers go get their legs blown off so that the Mullahs of Iraq can take over and impose Sharia. I WANT the AG of Kansas to subpeona every woman in Kansas who's had an abortion, because it is BIG GOVERNMENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO PATROL THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE AND ENFORCE BIBLICAL MORALITY. We NEED a Nanny State. We can't be left to do what we WANT! NO; we NEED those who know what's best for us to rise up and save us from ...our own sinful selves.

So what if FUX wipes them out? Howard Sterm makes THREE TIMES more than the Palm Beach drug addict Rush Limbaugh.

All of your so-called "High Morals" cheerleaders are the most depraved and weakling sinners. Dr. Laura is a spread-legged adulteress. Bill Bennet is a wifebeating glutton that smokes three packs a day AND squanders millions in Vegas. Liddy is a convicted felon that advised his sheep to shot Federal Agents in the head. North is a traitorous felon that perjured himself (!!!) AND gave arms to Iran and Hezbollah. Coulture is an over-forty, never-been-married lesbian. Ditto for Condi. Asscroft is a Crusader that lost to a dead man and hates everything. Imus and Glenn Beck are both admitted cokeheads. Drudge is a "bachelor" that “just happens” to live in South Beach, Miami.

Dan Rather made some mistakes, repeated some lies he was told, admitted his mistakes, and lost his job. Dub made some mistakes, repeated some lies he was told, refused to admit that he’d made a mistake, and was re-elected. Rathers lies cost him his job; Dubs lies cost 1500 GI lives (and counting.)

Now can you understand the difference between Dan Rather and George Bush?

Gary, if you can’t “find time” to debate me, how do you find time to read all those articles and supply all those links?

BTW Carter's pardon was at the behest of that "Born on the Fourth of July" paralyzed Vietnam combat veteran (and no, Ann Coulter; he wasn't on liberty when it happened). I can't think of the guy's name rigth now. If HE didn't have a problem with it, why do you?

AND the selfsame Vietnam combat paralyzed veteran ran as a DEMOCRAT for public office. (House or something like that. Guess what ran against him?)

Just imagine, if all those GOP chickenhawk draftdodgers had actually GONE to 'Nam, some of them might have actually been killed there! Wouldn't that be a great loss! (Oh yeah, I forgot earlier to add Trent Lott to that esteemed list.)

Hack's Target
Once More a Nation Divided

By Colonel David H. Hackworth

The Vietnam War rages on. Witness the barrages being fired by Viet vets on the right and the left: “George W. Bush is a draft-dodger”; “John F. Kerry isn’t a war hero.”

Once again, that tragic war divides America – and this time around it’s vet pitted against vet.

Sure, Bush dodged the draft, along with a reported 14 million other Americans with the savvy to work out that Vietnam was a no-win, sorry war. But although he had the luck and the connections to land a spot in the Air Guard, he did put his butt on the line flying a machine for which he was entitled to hazardous-duty pay – and that's because zooming around in a jet fighter was and still is highly dangerous.

And sure, Kerry’s campaign push on how he Ramboed his way through the war – for four months – rubs a lot of vets the wrong way. And it does take its toll on those of us who prefer our heroes to be modest, unassuming types like Alvin York – who stayed the course until it was “Over, over there.”

But politics and style aside, Kerry did serve with distinction in Vietnam when he easily could have avoided that killing field. His service to his country shouldn’t be diminished by the same despicable, politically motivated tactics visited upon Sens. John McCain in South Carolina and Max Cleland in Georgia, also Viet vets. This kind of gutter-bashing doesn’t belong in American politics, and vets shouldn’t allow themselves to be used as ammo for cheap shots at one of their own.

The stalwart Brown Water Navy warriors who fought at Kerry’s side say he was A-OK, which is good enough for me. The muckrakers such as John O’Neill and his Swiftboat snipers – who didn’t sail on his boat but served anywhere from 100 meters to 300 miles away – are now coming off like eyewitnesses when in fact not one of their testimonies would hold up in a court of law. A judge would call these men liars and disallow their biased statements.

I’ve been in a fair number of battles in my lifetime, first fighting for my country in several hot wars, then covering a dozen conflicts as a correspondent. And I’ve learned that if you can’t see the fight right up close, smell it, hear it and touch it, you can’t possibly bear witness.

This isn’t the first time Kerry’s been sniped at. Joe Klein wrote in The New Yorker that Nixon aide Charles Colson formed the Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace in 1971 solely to attack John Kerry.

Colson told Klein that Kerry “was a thorn in our flesh. He was very articulate, a credible leader of the opposition. He forced us to create a counterfoil. We found a vet named John O’Neill and formed a group called Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace. We had O’Neill meet the president, and we did everything we could do to boost his group.”

O’Neill and his chorus of haters are still in their get-Kerry mode. I suspect the decades-long fury is still fueled by Kerry’s high-profile anti-war stance when he returned home. That was a position that was taken by hundreds of thousands of other Viet vets, including myself in 1971 – which, according to Joe Califono's recent book, Inside: A Public Life, almost cost me my life.

McCain has already asked President Bush to distance himself from this “dishonest and dishonorable” attack. Advice that Bush should take one step further by ordering Vietnam draft-dodger Karl Rove and the rest of the character-assassination squad who zapped McCain and Cleland to back off. And then publicly stand tall and say that this type of behavior insults every vet who’s served America in peace and war.

As our commander in chief, Bush also needs to bear in mind that the U.S. Navy and its high standards for handling awards are now on trial as well. Hopefully, the president’s righteous actions will expedite that institution’s exoneration along with Lt. John Kerry’s heroism.

Hopefully, too, these angry, troubled vets still haunted by the Vietnam War will eventually find closure. But one thing I know for sure – it won’t come from fratricide.

That's Colonel Hackworth, "not exactly" a bleeding heart liberals MSM type, you know.

Now, this just in:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman --------------- said Tuesday he would push to apply broadcast decency standards to subscription television and radio services like cable and satellite. "Cable is a much greater violator in the indecency area," the Alaska Republican told the National Association of Broadcasters, which represents most local television affiliates. "I think we have the same power to deal with cable as over-the-air" broadcasters. "There has to be some standard of decency," he said.

Now, there's a senator that lives in Alaska who thinks that HE and his FAIRYTALE myth book should decide want YOU watch on tv, even CABLE! Guess who it is? None other that Ted Stevens, a republican! That's from the "Less Government; More Freedom" party. I guess freedom is on the march here too, eh Gary?

LOL.... eat it, suckers. When Scalia and Ashcroft tell you that you MAY NOT watch "Sex in the City" and "The Sopranos" etc. don't come crying to the ACLU and libs.

Here's a link to Canada's "Paintball Jihadist"
and CAIR did the usual rant of Islamophobia and Profiling when this "Good" Muslim boy was arrested in the post-911 era of anti-Muslim
paranoia,this is the 4th case that the CAIR backed
Muslim ended up having stacks of eveidence of a terror connection or confessed for the sake of plea-bargaining,and no one retraction from CAIR
for their bigotted assumptions that all non-Muslims are Islamophobes.

Allah says all Muslims are innocent and all infidels are guilty until proven innocent by a conversion to the death-cult started by a misogynistic pedophile.

Yikes,here's the missing link.



That's it. All I need to know someone's an idiot is to hear that word used without irony.

If it makes you feel better, go ahead a vilify Mr Charles Colson.
But the fact remains that he has done what liberals only talk about.

Today there is no larger outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners, crime victims, and their families in the world than Prison Fellowship Ministries. The Christian nonprofit has more than 50,000 prison ministry volunteers in 88 nations. Its programs range from various programs for prisoners and ex-prisoners; to Justice Fellowship, aimed at reforming the criminal justice system; to Angel Tree, which annually provides more than 500,000 children of inmates with Christmas presents on behalf of their incarcerated parents.

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
(Isaiah 53:6 ESV)

Bar~ one only needs to remember: we're as much the enemy as islam, to people like kj and giaour. As soon as extremist islam is taken down, they can get back to their own agenda. Deconstruction of heroes (ie, moving as far away from people like Mr. Spencer as swiftly as possible) will then be not too far behind.

Hey KJ and Gary and Bar:

Can you at least agree that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a good thing?


These culture wars have to stop at some sort of intellectual firewall. Is the Universal Declaration that firewall?

Hackworth is a hack. And a hypocrite.

The media,politicians, and institutions are more or less following the agenda of the CFR and Trilateral Commission. They are connected.
Moral/cultural relevatism is neccessary for the world-change they envision.
Differences = conflict. Therefore they must be eliminated. All of the traditional things that have seperated or divided humanity regardless of its basis in reality or prudence. In the nuclear world it is seen as the solution to the threat of anihilation.
I almost think they were a go-between in the Cold-War, and came up with a compromise, which is the real reason the USSR supposedly collapsed.

Bar, please spare me the commercial for your cult. I'm not interested. They had me hooked for a while in High School, but my faith is gone and I'm not a believer.


Bar~ one only needs to remember: we're as much the enemy as islam, to people like kj and giaour. As soon as extremist islam is taken down, they can get back to their own agenda. Deconstruction of heroes (ie, moving as far away from people like Mr. Spencer as swiftly as possible) will then be not too far behind.

First of all, I admire many christians. I know there are some good ones. I can't think of too many offhand that are living, but some dead ones come to mind immediately: my Grandfather, Mother Theresa, and Father Damien to name a few.

Gary, you're a goddam liar. You know I don't think that christians are "as much the enemy" as Islam, nor do I think that about conservatives.

YOU are the one that lumps democrats, liberals, academics, secularists, etc. with Islam. Remember your cutesie little "Al-qaeda for Kerry" slander?

AND YOU STILL try to make me look bad to Mr. Spencer. I guess if I was banned then you could just come here and slander liberals with gay abandon, couldn't you? Too bad for you.

AND FURTHERMORE, don't lump me in with the anti-Zionist Israel basher Gaior or whoever he is.

You can only counter my charges with lies, fallacies of logic, and bullshit.

For all I care, you and your 20-something-year-old buddies can go worship Strom Thurmond, the quintessential American conservative and "Southern Gentleman."

And Bar.... are you actually going to maintain that WW Two Germany wasn't populated mainly by Christians? Nor the KKK of the old South?


Hackworth's a hack? How many combat medals have YOU earned, dung beetle? You couldn't lace his boots.

Another thing, Miss Gary. You have never seen me write that equivocative crap like "The KKK was just as bad as Islam is today" or "The Jihadis are freedoms fighters, just like George Washington." That's a bunch of hooey and we all know it.

You see, when someone on "my side" fouls up, I correct them. You just turn a blind eye. And throw out a red herring. Like I say "Strom was a child-molesting, race-mixing rapist" and you immediately fly back with some crap that Byrd or Algore Sr. did forty, fifty years ago.)


Who was that that asked about the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights?

You're damn right I support it. In fact, I say it doesn't go far enough. You see, the enlightened leaders of the world are working RIGHT NOW to try to add a woman's right to choose to the UN Charter. Guess who's fighting it, tooth and nail?

(1) The Vatican (all 200 acres and 500 citizens. Like giving nationhood to Disney World. I remember when those dotering old robe-wearing incontinent men made it so that the thousands of Bosnian women raped and impregnated (out of many more total raped) by Milosevic's goons couldn't have RU-486 pills. But I digress.)

(2) Muslim nations.


(3) George W. Bush's Amerikkka

Gary, aren't you proud of your fearless leader?

These same three factions were in cahoots back when the UN tried to ammend the Declaration to include the Human Rights of Children.

are you actually going to maintain that WW Two Germany wasn't populated mainly by Christians? Nor the KKK of the old South? ~ KJ

No I am not. I was trying to point out that they went against what Jesus taught.
Just so you know kj, I don’t lump all liberals in the same boat. Some Democrats I admire and agree with. I had read that Teresa Heinz had given large amounts of money to Palestinian suicide bombers, that is way I made the Al Qaeda for Kerry crack. Along with the fact that Kerry seemed less likely to be a hard ass when it come to Islamic jihad. I would never advocate for you to be banded from this site, America is a great country, only because we have Democrats and Republicans, which keep each other in check mostly. Just because I may disagree with you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear your sometimes over the top opinion.

Yes, I mostly support the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Ya, right-- hes a god. Beyond question.

Nah, he's just another slut. Like Kerry.And Rangel. And all the rest who hide behind their medals.

Heres another-

Birth of a Political Urban Legend
Don't believe the Dems' cock-and-bull story about why Max Cleland lost."
"Mr. Cleland tried the patriotism-as-shield strategy himself during the campaign, a fact not lost on the local press. Jim Wooten of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote in June that "This 'how-dare-you-attack-my-patriotism' ploy, replete with feigned outrage . . . is a device to put Cleland's voting records off-limits." But Mr. Chambliss didn't allow that to happen, and on his way to winning 53% of the vote he picked up a Veterans of Foreign Wars endorsement, which specifically cited his voting record on national security. Was the VFW also questioning Mr. Cleland's patriotism?"

KJ, you have this in common with jihadis, that you are a lump of hatred wrapped in the language of claims and demands. There is a wonderful image that describes the mind of the liberal and the Arab/Muslim: a big bunched fist, waved threateningly in our face, which suddenly opens, becomes an open hand, and says, "give!" There are so many falsehoods in your last few posts that I do not have the time to disentangle them all, but let's talk of a few:

"A woman's right to choose" means abortion. This is not a right I will ever accept, and hundreds of millions of people (including hundreds of thousands of wretched women who were given that "choice" and have never stopped regretting it) will not. To declare it a right by UN decree is to insult the democratic debate. But the thing is that you abortionists know that you stand no other way to defend your vile goal.

The majority of Germany before 1933 was actually not Christian. The churches, especially the Lutheran ones, were empty, as they are today, and supported only by State money, as they are today. Go to Germany and look for a Christian - you will not find it an easy task. The whole mood of the country was one of disillusionment with old beliefs and search for new truths - which were offered them by cheap snake oil salesmen such as Hitler and the Communist Thaelmann.

And if you want us to believe that Christians and Christianity are not your enemy, drop your pathetic rhetoric against the Vatican, which represents more people than John Kerry ever did.

Of course, I have no hope that any of this should enter your skull. Please do not waste my time with an answer. This comment is not intended to start or prolong a discussion; it is rather in the nature of taking position against you and your likes, since I have put up with your nonsense long enough. I will add that I see a difference between you and Giaour. Giaour is someone who sounds like he has personally paid for his views. You are an uneducated, hostile and prattling product of the MSM, with the depth of a rain puddle.

Frankly, al-Qaeda's interest in assiassinating American political figures is nothing new. Bin Laden declared all of us legitimate prey years ago. The great shame in all of this is that had Kerry won and recognized that the country is at war, the NYSlimes probably would be leading the pack crying for large-scale incarcerations, excusing violations of the Bill of Rights, and pounding the drums of war.

This media dhimmitude is a very dangerous sign. It shows that Americans cannot put partisan politics behind them when their country is under clear attack. On the other hand, we cannot expect the old media to be anything but rabid now that the American people recognize them for the partisan voices they are.

Ever notice how liberals,and left wing Ideologs develop the first stages of the "Stockholm Syndrome" when it comes to Islamic terrorism. They start identifying with the enemy before they are even terrorized, or captured. This happens because they are so insecure in their beliefs and don't have the foundation to defend the freedoms they enjoy in the free and civilized world. They simply dont take the time to Identify and recognize who is the good guy. They seem to find comfort in criticizing everyone but the enemy.

KJ, you have this in common with jihadis, that you are a lump of hatred wrapped in the language of claims and demands.

And the EXACT same thing could be said of the xtian, fundie, right-wing conservatives. The exact same thing. You may as well have said that I breathe oxygen. In other words, what you said has no real meaning, but only conveys a perception. That works pretty good for weak-minded fools, but not on me. Nice try though.

There are so many falsehoods in your last few posts that I do not have the time to disentangle them all...

Sigh... how many times have I heard this? "I don't have time"... "I won't dignify you with an answer"... "My counsel advised me not to testify".... etc.

"A woman's right to choose" means abortion.

Yeah. So? Where is my falsehood? Why is abortion YOUR business? Oh, wait. I forgot. YOU know what's best for EVERYONE. Just like a Muslim.

BTW... it also pertains to the right to choose birth control. But you probably don't like that, either.

This is not a right I will ever accept, and hundreds of millions of people (including hundreds of thousands of wretched women who were given that "choice" and have never stopped regretting it) will not.

Yeah. So? Who the f**k are you? Why do you get to make decisions for everyone? Oh, wait. I know. You're perfect! Just like a Muslim.

To declare it a right by UN decree is to insult the democratic debate.

Wow... that sounds good. Too bad it doesn't mean anything. Too bad EVERY CIVILIZED NATION agrees with the pro-choice crowd. (I.e. all except the "nation" of the Vatican, the Muslims hellhole theocracies and Bush's AmeriKKKa.

But the thing is that you abortionists know that you stand no other way to defend your vile goal.

I have a way to defend my goal. What if you had a daughter, aged 11 that had attained menarche (look it up, insect.) And your wife was 30 and had diabetes. And your mother was 48. Now, say OJ Simpson, Willie Horton, and Bill Clinton rape them. Now they are all three pregnant. The doctors inform you that your mother will almost certainly have a Downs Syndrome baby, and the delivery will very likely kill her. Your wife will suffer great health risks as well. Your daughter's tiny body will be wracked with pain for a year, IF she survives the labor.

Better yet, say that for whatever reason, the doctors conclude that all three women are likely to die if they carry the babies to term. AND the kids will be black. AND the kids will be products of RAPE.

Now, what do YOU do?

You fetus crusaders don't know the facts about pregnancy, birth control, and rape. If you really wanted to prevent abortion, you'd promote sex education and birth control. You'd encourage the use of the Emergency Contraceptive (not "abortion") Bill. And you'd fight Big Tobacco, which kills 120,000 American unborn babies every year. BUT since Big Cancer is in bed with the GOP, you don't care.

Paolo, how many unborn babies do you think died in Sodom and Gamorrah?

The majority of Germany before 1933 was actually not Christian.

LOL... I know, I know. And the conservative KKKers of the old South weren't xtians, either. And neither was Strom Thurmond and Eric Rudolph. I know. Anytime a xtian f**ks up, "he's not a real christian." Just like a Muslim.

And if you want us to believe that Christians and Christianity are not your enemy, drop your pathetic rhetoric against the Vatican, which represents more people than John Kerry ever did.

Then stop trying to convert me. The Vatican is a joke. 206 acres and 500 people get their own country? Why not give Disney World a seat at the UN too? What really frosts my jimmies is a bunch of bible thumping eunuchs telling victims of rape that they may not us Emergency Contraception, they may not have an abortion, and they must carry the "blessed event" to term. Even after a war, when the orphanages are already crowded enough.

BTW, hatemonkey. The Vatican "represents" more people that Geedub ever did too. You know that, but you were trying to promote a perception. And any fool knows, perceptions are waaay more powerful than facts.

Of course, I have no hope that any of this should enter your skull.

Of course. You know I can't be swayed by meaningless bullshit, non sequiturs, intense feelings, and “strong” perceptions.

Please do not waste my time with an answer.

Oh.... nice. That way, it would appear that you "won" the debate? I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you. Too bad.

This comment is not intended to start or prolong a discussion;

That is plain to see. It was meant to let us know what a great xtian you are, condemning “all those wretched women” that did something YOU don’t like.
It was also meant to be some caustic graffiti that would explain away the truth and bolster your opinions. Just like Geedub tried with Kerry during the "debates" when Kerry said several times that he would have signed onto the "partial birth abortion" law IF it had stipulated an exception for the health of the mother. And Monkey rattled on and on about, "It's very simple. He voted against it. Therefore, he's in favor of abortion."

... it is rather in the nature of taking position against you and your likes, since I have put up with your nonsense long enough.

Well, if you don't like what I have to say, don't hit the "comments" button.

If you don't like abortion, don't have one.

If you don't like porno, don't look!

If you don’t like pot, don’t inhale.

If you don’t like sodomy, don’t …. um…..”do it.”

If you don’t like gay marriage, don’t marry a man.

If you don't like secular "government" schools, start your own. With YOUR money.

I will add that I see a difference between you and Giaour. Giaour is someone who sounds like he has personally paid for his views.

With what? His blood? What in the HELL are you talking about, Monkey? Gaiour PAID for his views? Did Kerry PAY for his views? Did he PAY for his right to criticize Nixon's disastrous Vietnam policies? What about Colonel Hackman? Did he PAY enough to satisfy you that he has the right to criticize Nixon and Dub? What about Cleland? Did he PAY enough? Apparently not.

I served my country for four years in the United States Marine Corps? Have I “paid” my dues? Am I entitled to criticize?

You are an uneducated,

I earned a Bachelor of Physics degree from USF, Magna Cum Laude. GPA 3.899. I missed Summa Cum by one-thousandth of a point. I worked full time all through college, including four years as a construction worker. I didn't even start college until 31. I didn't get any money from mommy and daddy. I'm three classes away from a Summa Cum degree in Philosophy. I've been accepted into a grad. program in Physics, all I have to do is show up. (As it happens, I have two little girls so I don't have time for school.) I am currently employed as a mechanical engineer.

So you're right about me again. I am uneducated. Not like you, I'm sure. And I'm also, as is plain to see, stupid. Not like you at all.

hostile and prattling product of the MSM,

...which I don't have any faith in at all, and which I only read/watch in passing. Looks like you're right again. I get my education in Islam here, at secularislam.org, apostatesofislam.org, and faithfreedom.org. You know, the “mainstream” media

with the depth of a rain puddle.

Oooh. That's telling me. Well, with an argument like that, I guess you've won me over. If my girls are raped, I'll let Scalia or some old perverted priest forbid them from aborting the "miracle from God."©


Ever notice how liberals,and left wing Ideologs develop the first stages of the "Stockholm Syndrome" when it comes to Islamic terrorism

Is THAT why James Baker is fighting for the source of Islamic terror (Saudi Arabia)?

Is THAT why Dub fellated the Koran at his State of The Union address? LOL...I know you'd LOOVE to forget that, wouldn't you?


Take that, monkeys.



Again I say, all this whining about the ubiquitous "MSM" is a bunch of crap. Some media will--like some colleges and some politicians--decide that the petrobucks handed out by some wealthy benefactors in Saudi Arabia is "worth" not telling the truth about Islam, excoriating Israel, propping up the "palestinians", etc. etc.

I keep telling you, the MSM is not here to inform or educate us. They're here to MAKE MONEY. Whoever pays the bills sets the tone of the coverage. Believe it or not, reporters have to make their bosses happy. Just like the rest of us.

I don't trust the MSM any more than I trust the "alternatives" like Drudge, frontpagemag, townhall, newsmax, or hate-wing radio.

The right-wing media will USUALLY--not always--tell the truth about Islam and nothing else. The left-wing media will usually tell the truth about everything BUT Israel and Islam.

Somewhere in between you'll have to find the truth...

I am currently employed as a mechanical engineer. ~ kj

I would have guessed Architect,
because you seem very efficient at using a “rubber scale”

"Al-Qaeda for Kerry" is actually a correct statement.

Or does no one else remember Osama Bin Laden releasing a taped statement before the election promising states that voted for Kerry would be exempt from al qaeda attacks? How else can you interpret that?

Do you mean this....

The tape of Osama bin Laden that was aired on Al-Jazeera [1] on Friday, October 29th included a specific threat to "each U.S. state," designed to influence the outcome of the upcoming election against George W. Bush. The U.S. media in general mistranslated the words "ay wilaya" (which means "each U.S. state") [2] to mean a "country" or "nation" other than the U.S., while in fact the threat was directed specifically at each individual U.S. state....


Facts like that are considered offensive.

kj writes "I keep telling you, the MSM is not here to inform or educate us. They're here to MAKE MONEY. Whoever pays the bills sets the tone of the coverage. Believe it or not, reporters have to make their bosses happy. Just like the rest of us."

you come across as a fairly intelligent person, but here you've taken a completely narrow, marxist view of an entire industry. it's alot more than money that sets the ideological tone of major media. believe it or not, the individual views of key individuals plays a major role, not to mention special interest groups that have nothing to do with paid advertising. the publishers of the ny times and washington post; the managing editors/anchormen of cbs, abc and nbc news; the creator of cnn..........these are all very liberal personalities who influence the content and context of the news they present and do so very often for ideological reasons.

i suggest you read 'arrogance' by bernard goldberg who is by no means a conservative. he spells it out very, very clearly. peter jennings instructing reporters in nicaragua to report favorably on the sandanistas is a perfect example. the sandanistas are not paid advertisers to the times, but they do conform to the ideological sympathies of peter jennings. another example would be when tammy bruce was the head of the l.a. chapter of now, she was contacted by a reporter of the latimes and asked the correct slant to report on a given feminist issue.

kj, you write that the conservative media gets it right about islam and nothing else, the liberal media the reverse. you're too smart to pidgeonhole such a complex phenomenon into such a simple formula. just one example would be the oil-for-food scandal; the liberal press tried to ignore it, the conservative media kept the story alive with hard-hitting investigative journalism. i could site many other instances. please buy 'arrogance' and educate yourself.

Small world, is'nt it James_Gang??

Okay. You say the media isn't here to make money. Riiiight. They're here to "inform us"....LOL.

Could it be that Goldberg was also trying to make some money? Naaah. No one wants money, right? LOL.

Yeah, that lib'rul media. They sure did try to bring Bush down, showing "Farhenheit 9-11" every night on every network. And remember how they all refused to air anything about the Lewinsky affair? LOL. Remember how the lib'rul media made a biiiiig deal out of Bush pardoning all his Iran-Contra co-conspirators? Even though they hadn't even stood trail yet? Oh yeah baby.


Bar, you talk like you reeeeally know a lot about engineering, architecture, etc. What's your background in these fields? A correspondence course from the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Republican Studies?

And you know how "Germany isn't Christian nation"? Well, I went to the CIA world factbook website,


selected "Germany", and guess what popped up? This:

Ethnic groups:
German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, other 6.1% (made up largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish)

Protestant 34%, Roman Catholic 34%, Muslim 3.7%, unaffiliated or other 28.3%

Poor Bar. "Those darned facts" just keep tripping you up, don't they? Well, time to redouble your efforts. Maybe you can make the case that your "faith" trumps the KNOWLEDGE of the CIA. Or you could throw out another red herring. Maybe you could call me a commie or something.


"Al-Qaeda for Kerry" is actually a correct statement. Or does no one else remember Osama Bin Laden releasing a taped statement before the election promising states that voted for Kerry would be exempt from al qaeda attacks? How else can you interpret that?

Maybe Alqaeda hates Bush like pretty-much everyone else? Do you really believe that Alqeada would've called it all off if Kerry were elected? But I thought that you guys said that Clinton was the reason Alqeada attacked us? And he was liberal, and "refused Bin Laden on a silver platter"... see how hard it is to make sense when you lie and lie?

Now please tell me that the KKK DIDN'T vote for Bush. Please, I need a good laugh.

And does anyone remember how the Mullahs of Iran supported BUSH for president? (They probably knew, like everyone else except the dittomonkeys, that Iraq would become--in every way--an extension of Iran. Way to go, Dub!)

Trudge, the book to which you refer is chock full of anecdotal evidence (look it up insect)... anyone could very easily write a book that is just as full of evidence to the contrary, i.e. that the media is conservative.

While slugs and buggerers are wont to bring up the survey that showed that the majority of journalists are liberal and tend to vote democratic (like MOST college-educated people), there's yet to be a survey as to the politics of the OWNERS of the media outlets.


Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr--

"Publisher of The New York Times and Chairman of The New York Times Company
Arrested twice in 1960s anti-Vietnam War demonstrations
Said he preferred to see an American, not a North Vietnamese, get shot during Vietnam War because “[i]t’s the other guy’s country”
Supported racial quotas at Times
“We are enormously powerful, and we are very scary.” -- Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., 2003 Associated Press interview"

I could spend the rest of the day doing this...

"Les Moonves-

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CBS, a division of giant media conglomerate Viacom
Co-President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Viacom
Visited Communist Cuba in 2001 and brought back cigar box personally autographed for him by Fidel Castro
Green-lighted The Reagans miniseries that attempted character assassination of former President Ronald Reagan
Democratic Party supporter who sat alongside Hillary Clinton at 2000 Democratic National Convention"

first of all, calling me an insect does nothing but reveal your adolescent mindset. i tried to treat you with a degree of respect and this is how you respond.

secondly, hiding behind claims of "anectdotal evidence" is a total cop-out, particularly when the evidence is overwhelming. the only way possible that one could compile a case for painting a conservative bias in the media would be to confine ones research to one cable news network (fox), talk radio, and two very small newspapers that are hardly influential (ny post, wash times). no way could one call this collection "mainstream."

the publisher of the nytimes is indeed a flaming liberal as has been documented here. peter jennings, the managing editor of abc news has acknowledged publicly that he is a liberal - and that the mainstream media as a whole leans that way. dan rather, managing editor of cbs news, refuses to acknowledge as much but has been quoted as saying that the ny times is "middle of the road." his efforts to discredit the president using forged documents leading up to the election speaks for itself. the president of abc news directed his reporters in a memo to go after bush's claims with greater scrutiny than kerry's.

are you honestly suggesting that the ny times, abc news and cbs news are liberal because their paid advertisers demand that of them? do you honestly believe that? because if you do, you are more ignorant than anyone here has given you credit for.

Those figures are from the year 2005, how does that relate to Germany in 1930-1940 ?

As you are well aware of, Islam claims to follow the same God as Jews and Christians, by your reasoning kj, it must be true! Why cant your 3.899 GPA understand that, my 1.909 GPA, gets it! I include scripture as evidence to the point I am attempting to convey, I am not trying to convert you into my “cult” or any other cult.

Bar, you talk like you reeeeally know a lot about engineering, architecture, etc. What's your background in these fields? A correspondence course from the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Republican Studies?

I didn’t take that correspondence course. I must have been at the Republican bigotry seminar, or I was at the Geomatics seminar for Republicans that couldn’t spell it yesterday, but today they is one.

I have the worlds oldest most “honorable” profession, describe in the following passage*..

Rev 11:1 Then I was given a measuring rod like a staff, and I was told, "Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there,

* Disclaimer: I am not trying to convert kj to my "cult".

Oh, and looky-here...
The Los Angeles chapter of the "Great Leader's" propaganda apparatus:

N. Korea, Without the Rancor
A businessman speaks his mind about the U.S., the 'nuclear club' and human rights issues.

"The North Korean, dressed in a cranberry-colored flannel shirt and corduroy trousers, described himself as a businessman with close ties to the government. He said he did not want to be quoted by name because his perspective was personal, not official. Because North Koreans seldom talk to U.S. media organizations, his comments offered rare insight into the view from the other side of the geopolitical divide..."

That last sentence is wonderful. Hmmm, "rare insight".

wHOOPS, it's "Dear Leader" , at least to his minions, but to the National Lawyers Guild, and a surprising number of others, he's "Great" too.

The Preliminary Report of the October 2003 National Lawyers Guild/American Association of

Jurists Delegation to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea"

"XI. Final Observations and Future Activities.

Multiple reasons exist for having international delegations such as ours. First, we can be witnesses for peace and observe what is going on in another country. Second, we can carry messages of peace and friendship to countries under attack by our policies. Finally, we can carry back information to our country to have people better understand what is going on. We have engaged in all of these tasks and will continue to perform them. The above report seeks to share our observations and activities.

We are currently planning three delegations in the year 2004 and have invited DPRK to the National Lawyers Guild Convention in October 2004. One of the delegations will focus on women’s issues and one will combine the trip with a visit to South Korea for a regional progressive lawyers conference.

As to messages of peace we have taken steps to share them at every opportunity. Congressman Dennis Kucinich told the delegation to carry a message to Kim Jong Il that “there is someone running for President who won’t demonize him, genuinely believes in peace between our nations and will stop all the rhetoric.” At Mt. Myohyang we left a written message for all visitors to see that was immediately written out and translated in Korean:"...

'While slugs and buggerers are wont to bring up the survey that showed that the majority of journalists are liberal and tend to vote democratic (like MOST college-educated people'~ kj

MOST. Read: Indoctrinated, by the very people who are pro-islam, anti-US.