Robert Spencer and Ibn Warraq on the air today with Janet Parshall

Today at 3PM EST, "Janet Parshall's America," a nationally syndicated conservative radio show (which also airs nationally on Family Net television) will feature an interview with Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer and Jihad Watch Advisory Board member Ibn Warraq.

The Show airs from Arlington, VA to 130-140 stations nationwide and XM satellite radio.

From the Parshall Show site:

This hour is one that will make you think, specifically about Islam and its law. Join us at the discussion table as Janet talks with author Robert Spencer and editor and author Ibn Warraq, about the new book, 'The Myth of Islamic Tolerance: How Islamic Law Treats Non-Muslims.' Spencer, a freelance writer and researcher who has studied Islam for more than twenty years, is the director of Jihad Watch, and an adjunct fellow of the Free Congress Foundation. Spencer has also written three books on the subject of Islam, and also wrote the bestseller, 'Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith,' as well as this current project. He is also the author of 'Onward Muslim Soldiers: How Jihad Still Threatens America and the West.' Warraq, dubbed 'Islam's Tom Paine' by 'The American Prospect,' has authored or edited five books, including the classic 'Why I Am Not A Muslim.' Warraq has also contributed to may journals, magazines, and newspapers, including The Washington Post and Free Inquiry. This collection of essays by some of the world's leading authorities on Islamic social history focuses on the judicial and cultural oppression of non-Muslims in Islamic societies. This critique exposes a significant human rights scandal that rarely receives any mention either in academic circles or in the mainstream press.

Listener call-in number is (800) 343-9282.

Hope to hear from you.

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Rats! I shall be interviewing for a job right at 3. Knock 'em dead!

CGW said I should post this in a few places??

so here it is?
Posted by: nippon at March 12, 2005 12:51 PM

You get the Gold Star for the Day!!
Gary see what you started ??
Some people are blind for their nose??
As I told CGW I would rather have an enemy in front then on my 6??
If we look at history we will find that without Russia we would not have won WW2 we had let Germany advance to far before we got in the WAR??
Now ask yourself did we like what Russia did to their own people? No and I would go as far as to say HELL No?
But we got them to see the threat was against them too!! and did Fight with them and when the war was over and we had won we both went to our corners?

Now spiting in Peoples faces will only make them your enemys and prove what they think of you??
If a KKK member or Neo Nazi falls and say breaks his neck does he ask who the surgen is or will he deal with it??
Does the Doctor not treat the person before he knows what tribe he comes from??
So sad that geiff likes to shoot his wad early??
Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight, and Courage to Stay the course to Destroy ALL islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Amen
Posted by: Catherine at March 14, 2005 07:14 PM

you ask what Nipon said??

Although I cannot speak for Catherine, she's not Antisemitic.
Look at her statements:
1."makes you wonder why none of them talked about the Black mulsums??"
Well, my interpretation:
It's an ironic statement concerning the irrational logic of white supremacists that they only blame the jews.
2."It would be smart to educate these people on the Threat and when the fighting starts fight together when we win then go back to our own corners and figure what to do as we have been for years???"

My interpretation she wants to say: What silly morons they are that they don't recognize that there's no Zionist plot but rather a jihad front in every part of the world.
I think shangalla is right. Catherine often spoke about judeo-christian values she's just a bit confusing.
Posted by: nippon at March 12, 2005 12:51 PM

gotta post see what time it is in EST

Explovis subect in St.Louis??

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight, and Courage to stay the course to Victory[FREEDOM] to Destroy ALL islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Open the Worlds Eyes to their Threat and let let not the World be Deceived by them Amen

Sounding Great!!

The word is spreading and hope some help with the books to libiarys I give to mine I buy always 2 books and donate one!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight, and Courage to Destroy ALL islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Open the Worlds Eyes to their Threat and let not the World be Deceived by them Amen

Good interview, but man did they have a lot of interruptions.

Im pissed I missed that' here is the final action alert fron kaosktrl and fruit of Islam.