Saudi clerics still encouraging jihad

From the Stop the Presses Department, via MSNBC, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Inside Saudi Arabia today there’s a national campaign against extremism. Television ads, billboards and even ATM machines drive home the toll of terror.

The Saudis recently hosted a worldwide conference condemning all terrorism and declaring they've cracked down.

"When imams preach intolerance or hate towards others, they are dismissed or punished," says Adel Al-Jubeir, a Saudi Arabian foreign affairs advisor.

Senior U.S. officials say the Saudis have changed significantly. Many clerics now speak out against jihad. Yet when it comes to killing Americans in Iraq, some send a very different message.

"I praise the jihad against the occupiers in Iraq," said Sheik Ai'dh Al-Qarni on Arabic-TV. "Throats must be split and skulls must be shattered."

Ah, what a holy man!

Another cleric says suicide bombings are forbidden inside Saudi Arabia, but outside they can be "a good thing."

"There is nothing wrong with [suicide attacks] if they cause great damage to the enemy," said Sheik Abdallah Al-Muslih, also on Arabic-TV.

In fact, in November 2004, 26 Saudi clerics published a religious statement urging Muslims to wage holy war in Iraq. "Jihad against the occupiers is a must," said the statement. "[It is] not only a legitimate right but a religious duty."...

However, a senior Saudi official insists that these clerics represent "a vocal fringe minority," whose views do not represent the Saudi government or religious establishment. He says the government cannot control these clerics because most are not on the payroll, and they are exercising their rights to free speech.

What's that? A "vocal fringe minority"? So out the window again goes that media talk of "Wahhabi dominance." That was fast.

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Question Reference Number:: 10867
Title: Who are the Wahhaabis and what is their message?

Home > Inviting others to Islam > Calling Muslims to Islam >

i have recently come to islam and people have told me to stay away
from wahabis, who are they and wht do they preech?


Praise be to Allaah.

It is obligatory upon the Muslim to follow the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), according to the way of
the righteous /salaf/ who followed the guidance of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), the Sahaabah and those
who followed them ? may Allaah be pleased with them all. These
people are called /Ahl al-Sunnah wa?l-Jamaa?ah/ (the People of the
Sunnah and the Community). Everyone who follows the way brought by
the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
is one of them. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) brought the message of Tawheed (absolute Oneness
of Allaah) and rejection of /shirk/ (polytheism, or association of
others with Allaah); he called people to worship Allaah alone and
none other. With regard to the word ?Wahhaabis?, some people use
this word to refer to the message of Shaykh Muhammad ibn ?Abd
al-Wahhaab ibn Sulaymaan al-Tameemi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have
mercy on him), and they call him and his followers Wahhaabis.
Everyone who has any knowledge of the movement of Shaykh Muhammad
ibn ?Abd al-Wahhaab (may Allaah have mercy on him) and his message
knows that he sought to spread the message of pure Tawheed and to
warn against /shirk/ in all its forms, such as attachment to the
dead, or to trees and rocks, etc. In his ?aqeedah (belief), he was
following the way of the righteous Salaf and the Taabi?een [i.e.,
the earliest generations of Islam], as is indicated by his books and
fatwas, and the books of his followers among his sons and grandsons
and others. All of these books are in print and are in circulation
among the people. His message was in accordance with the Book of
Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him). Wahhaabism is not a new way or a new school of
thought; rather it is a call to Tawheed and the revival of aspects
of the religion that had been forgotten. What you have to do is to
beware of those who warn you against the Wahhaabis, because they are
warning you against following the truth and the early generation of
this ummah. Applying the word ?Wahhaabis? to those who adhere to
correct belief and warning people against them is the way of the
ignorant and biased. We ask Allaah to keep you safe and sound.

See /Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz/ (may Allaah have mercy on him),
3/1206; see also Question # 12203. And Allaah knows best/

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (


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"He says the government cannot control these clerics because most are not on the payroll, and they are exercising their rights to free speech."
So does that mean I can go there as a jew and denounce Islam and Muslim terrorists. Notice how subjective these sand savages' concept of free speech is?


Yes... that's the point.

"...most are not on the payroll..."

Glad to know there's a "payroll". Which means the Saudi government/state pays a host of clerics to preach the 'Islamic truth'.

But, MOST does NOT mean ALL.

So, the journalist should have followed-up (a lost art in reporting nowadays) by asking: "So, tell me, which ARE on the 'payroll'? What are THEIR NAMES? And WHEN will you stop THEIR incitement to terrorism?"

The rest of the 'clerics',, who are "not on the payroll, are clearly proclaming the EXACT opposite of what the Saudi "line" is.

But that is called "free speech"? A pathetic joke in a country that does not allow ANY speech but what they pre-approve of according to Muslim Law.

Hypocrites. Frauds. Liars.

That's all the journalist needed to add.

But, of course, then you don't get those nifty crescent and star pen sets or the embossed invite to the Saudi Embassy dinners in D.C.

Cowards. Lackeys. Suckers.

A ship of fools, sailing toward the 7th century.

Pedophile, ho!

Of course the 'religion of peace' is an ideological hate machine aiming at world dominance.
Why are we surprised.

Some serious nutters in Saudi; as ever, it's the 'religion of peace' that produces them. Dangerous f-king nutters.

Saudi Arabia claiming free speech?


Tell that to the reformers and Christians who are jailed on a regular basis.

Tariq Ramadan is peddling situational-Islam, to any dhimmi media organization that will have him. I recall that the Soviets deliberately withheld implementation of last-stage Communism until social-economic conditions for same, could be created. Ramadanians have their own end-game. Mohammed (pig-crap-be-upon-him) was equally deferential to the Yethribians, until he had sufficient power to control them, and change the name of their city to: Medina. Ramadan's innocuous smile obscures the jihad knife in his back pocket.

On Hudud, Islamic punishment:
"The majority of the ulamâ’, historically and today, are of the opinion that these penalties are on the whole Islamic," writes Ramadan, "but that the conditions under which they should be implemented are nearly impossible to reestablish. These penalties, therefore, are almost never applicable."

Morning all!

Today’s Extras:

The Leftist Academia’s propaganda machine. It's the perfect Anti-Science: Mention only the facts that back you up, ignore contradictory data, vilify anyone that questions you, stamp out calls for reform, repeat the lies again and again, and eventually you will win.

U Penn’s Terror Apologists:

Academic Rock Star:

A Prof tangles the Truth:

Liberal bias in the classroom:

Saddam website comes to the aid of Academia:

Arab Spring in Lebanon:

Another interesting thing is how the Saudis paying their clerics to preach relates to the old Western refrain about religion being the opiate of the masses; the assumption that political powers use religion to keep the people in line. Yet in Saudi Arabia, it's actually literally true.



It is more like a 'methamphetamines for the masses' in the Muslim mode. They get riled up, hyperactive, delusional, violent, murderous, and often blow themselves (and their neighbors) up.

'Opium' would be welcome in their case.

They might just loll about Mecca and giggle at the fact that they were all marching around a glued-together meteorite.

Or daydream about the houri gals in the sky.

"They will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches."
-SURA 37:40-48.

Hmmm - true. Glassy-eyed people sitting about and just pondering their religion would actually be a welcome change from the current reality, which seems overly concerned with the 'non-believers', that eternal 'distraction'.


And where did my knife get to? I know I had it here somewhere. Perhaps my filthy wife moved it; she may require a beating. Are those church bells I hear?!! This is an abomination! The music of instruments makes the baby Mohammed cry! I will go and tell them to stop - there's my knife! Found it! I will go and show it to them!

/sarcasm off

Well, there were elements there that were less sarcastic than insightful, probably. I leave it to the non-believer to use their mind to decide, and the believer to go only by blinkered faith.
