Turkey: Guides twist Gallipoli into a "holy jihad"

From our Fabricating History Department comes one from the Australian Advertiser, with thanks to Twostellas and RB:

THE Anzac legend is being corrupted by unlicensed Turkish tour guides who claim the Gallipoli campaign was a "holy jihad" decided by the hand of Allah.

In lectures delivered on the battlefields, the guides tell their audiences that "Muslim saints" repelled Allied artillery attacks and enemy soldiers were swallowed by a "green mist".

The lectures have sparked outrage across Turkey and have prompted a court challenge to the guides' right to speak about the Gallipoli campaign.

Turkish academics, historians and official guides have launched a campaign to ban the talks, which are being delivered at hallowed sites such as Lone Pine and Chunuk Bair.

The RSL has reacted angrily and vowed to raise the matter with the Turkish Government.

"There is only one Anzac history, and that's the real one that has been thoroughly and meticulously documented," said New South Wales RSL president Don Rowe.

"If these guides are spreading mistruths about the true deeds of any soldiers in the campaign, we would have grave concerns."

The Turkish Government ordered a crackdown on unofficial guides last year - but The Advertiser has learned senior members of the Turkish Government are now backing them....

Let them into the EU!

And for the truth about what happened at Gallipoli, see here. An excerpt:

"The Australians rose to the occasion. They did not wait for orders, or for the boats to reach the beach, but sprang into the sea, formed a sort of rough line, and rushed at the enemy’s trenches. Their magazines were not charged, so they just went in with the cold steel, and it was over in a minute for the Turks in the first trench had been either bayoneted or had run away, and the Maxim guns were captured."

[Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett, from the first report in Australia of the Australian landing at Gallipoli, reprinted from the Hobart Mercury, 8 May 1915]

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Our guides at Gettysburg National Park must go thru extensive training and personal research on the battlefield before they can be licensed to give lectures on the battle, and I am certain that is the case for all other major battlefields of the Civil War.

Of course I am sure there are differing versions of the D-Day landing as well, depending on who you talk to... I'm willing to bet these liars at most get a slap on the wrist, and a bit more of their 'take' confiscated.

For those of you that don't know much about the intended invasion at Gallipoli, you should read up on it. It haunted Churchill his whole life, and the D-Day invasion especially worried him.

Yet he was so courageous, he wanted to invade with the troops on the first day (G.D, that reminds me of the amazing General Cotta.) Lucky for the world, Montgomery and Eisenhower forbade it.

Historical revision is a hallmark of Islam that allows them to claim every country and region as their own and always puts the other guy as the aggressor or in the wrong...

Ever heard the Turkish account of the Armenian genocide? Simply put, the Turks claim they were merely putting down an armed rebellion.

As much as I support Mr Spencer and his work, I am forced to disagree with what is implied in this post.

There are several reasons why the Gallipoli campaign was a failure.

Poor organisation? Probably.
Poor leadership and coordination? Almost certainly.

However, that wouldn't have mattered one bit had the Ottomans not made such a courageous (and costly) defense that forced the Allies to re-embark their expeditionary force. The ANZACS were probably the best that the allies had to offer and their courage is not to be questioned, but the truth is that the Turks make good soldiers. They proved it during the Korean war and they proved it during WWI.

Whether Turks would make good Europeans, it is a whole diferent matter, but it is undisputed that historically they are a courageous people with a proud military tradition.

This is an amusing story from so many angles.

Maybe the Turks are right, though: maybe a "green mist" did swallow Allied soldiers.

And then it deposited them right on top of the Turkish positions, where they slaughtered the Turks.

Allah must have been on our side that day. Of course, if he weren't, then that means we BEAT Allah on the field of battle, which is also pretty amusing.


I can picture it now. An old digger comes to pay homage to his fallen comrades and hears this trash being spouted from his tour guide. He'd bitch slap the guide so fast with his cane the A-hole would be seeing little allah's circling around his head.
God bless our ANZAC heroes and may they rest in peace.