Two Arrested in Murder of N.J. Family

Sources are saying that Edward McDonald was indeed one of those arrested, although that may turn out to be a red herring. From AP, with thanks to all who sent this in:

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Two people have been arrested in the murder of an Egyptian Christian family, authorities said Friday.

The suspects were to be arraigned Friday afternoon in state Superior Court. The Hudson County prosecutor's office would not release the identities of those arrested or the charges they face until they appear in court....

It was not immediately clear whether the man, identified by The Record as Edward McDonald, was one of the people to be arraigned. His aunt, who would only identify herself by her first name, Marie, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that he was not involved in the slayings.

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As Mr. Spencer says, we will have to wait and see about for more details. But, at a first reading, it doesn't make much sense. If Mr.McDonald was living upstairs, why didn't he just wait until his neighbors were gone, help himself to money, jewelry, etc. and leave. Why murder four people so brutally, when he could have committed a fairly easy and convenient robbery and been on his way....

Well, well, well. And here my good muslim friend Ahmad from the forums at told me that muslims had nothing to do with the murders!

He must be shocked. No, surprised. No, wait...
unsurprised. Yeah, that's it.


I just got an e-mail from CAIR's head office. It wan't Moslems at all. The butler did it.

What, would they lie?

It´s strong, we´ll see

Fox News just announced the name of the second person arrested. The second name sounded like a Hispanic name. I am sure the story will develop more..

From Free Republic--->>>

Edward Mc Donald and his accomplice Hamilton Sanchez arrested. News conf. in one hour.

This is a surprise--two homegrown New Jersey punks.

String 'em up! They tortured the 8 year old to get the father's PIN number Bastards!

Islam as a religious alternative with it's condoned violence and retaliation of the "man" is offered up in prison. While on one hand rehabilitation and leaving the criminal life is emphasised by the prison authorities, hatred and victimhood is cooed into the ears of hardcore criminals by the State appointed imams. What better religion than Islam for the responsibility shirking felonious mind?

How many Islama-cons do you think come out of prison "moderate" muslims?

I want pictures.

According to the latest Northeast Intelligence Network post (on the link given) the man arrested was heavily involved with Islamic propaganda while in prison. Indeed, he may have acted out of religious motivation (or had close associations with those that do).

John Walker Lindt,Jose Padilla,Lee Malvo,Richard Reid and others were jihadists but their names were not relevant,until, we found out they were muslim converts...

A 'perfect' scam: The Muzzies use converts such as these losers to get rid of these noisy, proselytizing coptic Christians. Problem is, they can't resist killing them in the 'halal' fashion, so when the pictures are released, we'll probably see some beardy dudes in kaftans, complete with coffee filter on their heads....

We shall see...

How many 8 year olds would know their father's pin numbers?

The prison connection is the obvious one here...

Think about the heinous murders of this Coptic Egyptian immigrant family who sought the 'safety' of America in light of the following verse from the Qur'an:

Qur’an 8:59 “The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.”

I submit that the fundamentalist Wahhabi Islam taught in US prisons, mosques, and Islamic centers commands these crimes. When will we brand this inciteful activity for what it so clearly is?

Something doesn't add up - these guys likely had a gun, came in planning to merely 'rob' the family, and end up ritualistically killing the entire family with their own cutlery?

The only thing that could compel common crooks to such extremes is the call of Allah, which, whether or not we ever know, was likely what drove these crimes. Terminator's theory makes a lot of sense. Send the sub-standard Muslims (non-Arab Islamic converts) to do the dirty work - and hey, make it profitable too.

This statement in the latest article of 17:14 hrs. By Wayne Perry of AP-- sounds as if the suspect(s) apparently spilled his guts out to the detectives and the prosecutor. since their where no other witnesses to the crime. The question still remains ; Was this made to look like it was committed by muslims?

"DeFazio said that during the robbery Monica Armanious had managed to loosen the bonds with which she was bound and gagged and recognized McDonald as the upstairs tenant. McDonald killed her out of fear of being identified and Sanchez killed the other three people, DeFazio said".

Lived up stairs caught useing ATM on video??

Why did it take so long to catch them??

Only after the Family members went to the White House then Bam Bam both arrested??

Can you say Patsy?? Not that there is no dought this is how the killers gained entry!!


Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Remember a gun in hand is better than 2 cops on the Phone!!!

From :

Although once strange and feared, Islam is no longer an unknown entity within American prisons and is almost accorded the same recognition as Christianity and Judaism. Currently, there are approximately 350,000 Muslims in Federal, state and local prisons - with 30,000-40,000 being added to that number each year. These inmates mostly came into prison as non-Muslims. But, it so happens that once inside the prison a majority turns to Islam for the fulfillment of spiritual needs.

I am sure the inmates find the violence of Mohammadanism quite appealing.
Malcolm X, aka Malcolm Little rings a bell....

These converts to the moon god do this because they dont belong to other gangs with priveledges they are promised protection,extra food and (family like) ties. the majority are loner blacks and it is the only stucture that they have known and are able to fit in and feel like a rebel.

These converts to the islam do this because they dont belong to other gangs with priveledges they are promised protection,extra food and (family like) ties. the majority are loner blacks and it is the only stucture that they have known and are able to fit in and feel like a rebel.

CAIR seems to have the proof that they're guilty so why waste the money on a trial to prove guilt,use Shariah-Law like in Saudi Arabia and
chop their heads off for this evil un-Islamic murder of followers of Jesus who happens to be in the Quran as a Prophet held in high esteem.

CAIR has shown how Shariah would work in America,they never used the word "Alleged"
killers and in the past they had the nerve
to called Richard Ried "Alleged" bomber and a victim of post-911 hysteria.
Lets not forget CAIR's press release on 9/11/01
that people shouldn't look for a group to blame
based on bigotry and racism,boy,amazing how just one day after it(9/12/01) CAIR blamed the wtc attack on Muslims that hijacked their Peaceful
tenets of Islam.

Lets wait until the jury gives a verdict,Hooper will being eating his words
on this one since I feel it going to come back to bite him on the ass.

Wayne Parry of the Associated Press writes many of the muslim related articles for the AP.

What is known of him?