UK: "porking yard" sign offends Muslims, owner hauled into court

Galloping UK dhimmitude alert. You just can't make up this sort of thing. (But what's an "Asbo"?) "Car Park Sign Asbo 'A Joke' Says Pub Landlord," from the Scotsman, with thanks to plishman:

A man who was made subject to an Anti-Social Behaviour Order for putting up a sign saying "porking yard" in his pub car park, because it was offensive to Muslims, today described the court action as "a joke".

Leroy Trought, 42, was given a two-year Asbo at a hearing at Bristol Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Magistrates ordered him to change the wording of the "porking yard" sign at The Swan With Two Necks in St Judes, Bristol, to "parking yard".

He was ordered not to display any signs that may be threatening, abusive or insulting at the pub, which is next to a Somali mosque....

But Mr Trought today said that imposing the Asbo was a joke.

He said the sign was intended to commemorate the large number of butchers' shops that used to be located in the area and he had never intended to cause any offence.

He said: "We ran a competition in the pub to think of a funny name for the car park and one of the customers came up with the name 'the porking yard'.

"I grew up in Bristol so I know that this area has traditionally had a lot of butchers. It was always known as 'pork alley' so 'the porking yard' just seemed to fit.

"There's a butcher across the street that has been here for more than 100 years. It's political correctness gone mad....

That it is, my good man.

Beat manager Adrian Williams, of Avon and Somerset Police, welcomed the Asbo.

He said he had received complaints about the sign from school teachers, community leaders and members of the Somali community.

He said: "We are very pleased that the order has been made following
complaints from the community.

"It shows that this kind of behaviour, which is provocative, will not be tolerated."

Will anything non-Islamic be long tolerated in Britain?

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Damn, now you just depressed me after the earlier good news. Britain is a mess!

An ABSO is a legal order requiring the person to desist from anti-social behaviour and was designed to deal with troublesome drunken youths ruining the life of decent people in grey rain swept towns frequented by such anti-social youths without going to the great expense of court action. It has been quite effective, but now another tool for the Islamofascists to use.

The more this sort of thing happens the more irritated the local population will get. Next thing they will go against the Pub for selling alcohol!!

While we have you in an answering mode about the English Language (English Edition), acronyms and others, let's slip in a few more queries:

gazump, quango, a sconceable remark (Univ. College slang).

No, just kidding. Those who are North Americans at this site promise, in the spirit of the English-Speaking Union (come back, English-Speaking Union) to look them up ourselves.

The owner of 'The Swan With Two Necks' (a neat ye olde English sexual pun -like 'the beast with two backs' -that the authorities have obviously overlooked in this ham-handed falderol) should simply put up a BIG new sign:


And then begin selling bar-b-q porkloin sandwiches, boldly advertised with window placards showing that popular Yankee marketing slogan from a few years back:


People who are so easily offended need to return to their lands of origin and sizzle in their own intolerance. Like Canadian bacon.

(Which I'm sure the cowards in the Great White North will change the name of, shortly, to something more palatably p.c.- perhaps:
"Formerly Inuit Land pinkish quadruped substance".)

The British coppers' helmet is highly offensive to Muslim women because it is shaped like, well, you know, a certain part of the male anatomy, though history does not disclose who the actual model was.

All the fuzz should therefore have ASBO's placed on them and the police need to come up with a new type of headgear, how about a turban?

Or perhaps the parking lot should be renamed 'the watering hole', with the image of a panting pooch gazing at a tree in the distance.

Unforgettable marketing and anti-dhimmitude may go hand in hand in this case.

Ok, so they make him change the sign. So he should get locals politically involved to change the PC that is going on.

In the mean time have free parking or free drinks to anyone that brings in pork. Then have regular Bar-B-Q's of pork in the parking lot. Since the mosque is next door what better way to saturate the mosque with a regular odor of great smelling pork on the Bar-B.

If anyone knows how to get ahold of the pub, I will be the first to donate money for a rack of pork ribs.

Would it be to much to have a wet T shirt contest?

The B-Q needs to be on Fridays during prayer.

For Lord's sake, what doesn't offend these people?

Local irritation is a golden opportunity to slip in some information about Islamofascism etc. Attack our pints (halfs in my case, I'm a lady)and even the mildest of us (a pun which our cousins will not get)will be roused.
And I do wish I could find an on-line link to the story of the pub called the Three Pigs or Ye Olde Jolly Pygges or suchlike that was the subject of a complaint from the local mosque. Do you remember it? About 3 years ago, somewhere in the Midlands?

For Lord's sake, what doesn't offend these people?

Anything in the name of Allah -- rape, forced marriage, pedophilia, female genitalia mutilation, pillage, slavery, stoning, lashings, beheadings, genocide...

... but BACON, now that really gets their goat!


First of all great articles, I thought I was knowledgeable about history, but I don't even come close...

Gazump, this is when a person who is selling a house to one person then states that some one has come up with a bigger offer and unless you up your offer they will sell it to the higher bidder. The person who most likely has had a survey organized their mortgage etc. has no choice but to pay up.

Quango, that is a type of group that has been funded by the government by the way of grants to carry out some sort of role, such as the Milk Marketing Board.

A sconceable remark (Univ. College slang). That defeats me, I think that its related to the scone which is a delicious pasty on which you put cream and strawberry jam, but I could be barking up the wrong tree, so to speak. I know a couple of people who went to Cambridge so I will ask.

Granny Weathermax

Sadly I do have a recollection about it, but I think it was you who mentioned it, I will ask me Pa on Saturday. And I have a client in the Midlands who might know.

I had a great victory the other day, I got some French Amercian hating socialists to admit that Islam = Nazism, I quite shocked myself at my debating skills... Though not up to the skills of Ali Sina.

I remember the incident in the UK when a women in shorts and short sleeved T-shirt was verbally abused for daring to walk near a mosque in London, our spineless Police force told her they had other complaints but could do nothing about it. It was in 1999 I think and was reported in the Evening Standard, Ken's favourite rag.

The climate of PC is so bad in the UK, everyone I know is disgusted with the Islamics and can't understand how they get away with it. The anger is growing, even some socialists I know are starting to get mad. That shows it is going too far.

Incredible that a tiny minority can dictate terms to change the social habits of millions. For this reason they should remain in the desert among themselves!

Everyone knows that a parking lot at a watering hole often becomes a "porking lot" in quite a literal sense. But I imagine that fornication is equally offensive. Sigh.

QUasi AutoNomous Government Organisation.
To be pedantic. Which as a good penpusher whose first job was with a Quango in 1976 is only to be expected.

Sconceable - a dismedeanour by a student meriting the challege of drinking a quantity of beer as a forfeit. I had to look that one up, I didn't go to Oxbridge. I always thought that downing a yard of ale was wasting good beer which should be savoured. As should the cream tea you describe. Yum.

They say it's paradise, lets put up a porking lot.


Lets move before they raise the porking rates.

I'd like to use these in a sentence:

"The quango [it does sound like an animal in the Outback] may have been a famous do-gooder in the eyes of the outside world, but he ruthlessly gazumped my bid on the house and messuage, which was only to be expected of someone who, even when he was a nere lecturer attached to University College made more sconceable remarks at High Table than anyone had within its walls since William Shawcross, or even Shelley?"

Cher Hugh,

I believe you deserve an Asbo for that.


Hugh's offer on a messuage gazumped by a sconcing quango?


Ahem, lay the blame where it is due. Lay it on Tony Blair, he who rules England, he who is responsible for the recent "hate speech" legislation that makes it a crime (7 to 10 years imprisonment) for speech that Muslims consider offensive.

Oh I forgot we can't blame Blair, after all he is Bush's buddy, and Bush is a "conservative". Yeh right, the personal friend of the Saudi Royals and business partners with same.

And Almoudi's (in jail for plotting terrorism) deputy, a Palestinian activist who sponsors an orphaned child of a Palestinian suicide bomber has unfettered access to the Whitehouse through Karl Rove.

China pigs controversy

The Times (26.05.98) reports that: "Nancy Bennett, 49, who faces possible prosecution after complaints from Muslims over a display of china pigs in the front window of her home in Leicester, had a quotation from the Koran alongside them, it emerged yesterday". The first national newspaper to report on the case was the Sun (25.05.98). To date, there has been no reports from Leicester papers. The Independent (26.05.98) reports that Ms Bennett, who lives near the Highfields Mosque, claims the complaint about the pig ornaments "was made after she went to the police to report allegations of harassment. It is understood that the pigs were displayed alongside a quote from the Qur’an which said: ‘Let there be no coercion in religion’. Leicestershire Police were investigating the matter and would be sending a file to the Crown Prosecution Service, who might consider bringing charges against Ms Bennett under the Public Order Act (Dundee Evening Telegraph, 25.05.98).

Ms Bennett explained that on 24 May: "I arrived home to find the police about to break into my house. They had a warrant. They said they had had complaints about the pigs from neighbours, they considered it was a public order matter and took about 17 of them. I have been told not to replace them. I am sure I am not the only person in Britain who collects ceramic pigs". Leicester Federation of Muslim Organisations’ spokesperson, Yaqub Khan, said that people believed Ms Bennett was aware of the possibility of causing offence, particularly as her house was on the main route to the Central Mosque. He said: "There are a number of people who keep china pigs in their houses and we have never objected to those" (Kidderminster Express & Star, 25.05.98). [BMMS May 1998 Vol. VI, No. 5, p. 2]

Can't eat pigs, can't READ pigs, can't keep pigs

The owner of The Swan With Two Necks should change the name of his pub to something more porcine. The Hog With Two Jowls, perhaps?

Regardless of religious beliefs, everyone should wear large crosses - might scare away Islamic vampires. Better still, vote Blair and his pro Muslim minions OUT! Otherwise this is the end of Pork pies, china pigs, and anything else which offends these stupid bigots. Notice that legally being able to rape girl children, female mutilation and 'honour killings', don't raise an eyebrow amongst the pious followers of Muhammed.

I'm not in the UK (and I don't know if I want to fly to London in regard to what's happening over there) but I'll probably put a "Vote Veritas" banner on my website. At least I know where I stand with Kilroy-Silk (I guess).

"All pigs are equal, but some are more equal than others."

How can any self-resepecting English 'bobby' follow such a patently lunatic order as to confiscate a windowful of ceramic swine?

Didn't I see this SKIT on the "Best Of Monty Python -Redux" video?


CONSTABLE CUTLET and INSPECTOR HAMHOCK burst into the chintz-covered parlor of MRS. EVANGELINE SOW, startling her so badly she drops her TRAY OF FRESH-BAKED scones.

Get yer bloody hands in the air, you insufferable yob! (smashing a porcelain piglet-shaped lamp at his elbow with a mightly flex of his nightstick)

What in the name of all that is merely English!?

Shut yer bleeding yap, you racialist downtrodder of the sacrosanct immigrant underclass! (his eyes light up with an "Aha!")
Aha! (gesticulates at a sunlit bay window brimming with an assortment of curious ceramic pigs)
"The sow who devours her farrow." to quote Joyce!

"Joyce", who runs the deep frier at Iranian Joe's Fish 'N Chips shoppe?

(sighs at HAMHOCK's cultural illiteracy)
The author of "Finnegan's Wake", you stupid git.

He's dead? (to CUTLET) Was that one of your cases?

Cor blimey! (lifting the largest porcelain pig from the windowsill) Here's the major culprit!
(turning accusatorily to MRS. SOW) The porcine piece de resistance! Such nerve! Displaying a 4-footed, hoofed beast, that does NOT chew the cud, to the helpless and unavertable gaze of passing members from the local Chutney Downs Reformed Al-Bino Mosque!

(grabbing MRS. SOW by her filigreed lace collar)
What do you have to say for yourself, you hate-speaking nationalistic twit?!

(completely nonplussed)
Will you lads have a rasher of bacon and some bangers before you beat me to a blood pudding pulp?

BOTH CUTLET and HAMHOCK instantly change into paragons of civility and old-fashioned charming public servants, saying in unison:

Crikey! This is the life, eh wot!?
(as THEY gaily sit at a dining room table, piled high with a cornucopia of pork chops, sliced ham, pickled trotters, an entire suckling piglet-with apple, and other victuals oozing steam)

About my ceramic pigs?

Don't worry, mum, we'll smash them all to a million indistinguishable pieces later!
(and they dig in, swinishly, practically grunting as they shovel the food in)

(muffled by a mouthful of jellied hoof)

But the real story is far crazier!

And funnier!

England, O' England!!!

I wonder if this event is setting a precedent? What will it be like in someday in the future?

"Mrs Hodges will be brought infront of a court for using a name that clevely diquises the word hog when the d is removed. The court decided that the fact her family had used the name Hodges since the Norman Conquest was no excuse. Also a Sharia law abiding muslim called Osama bin Laden was able to see a small pig on Mrs Hogdes farmhouse mantlepeice using a very large telescope while he was on the roof removing leaves from the gutters on his palace 5 km away. This proves she is obviously an evil pig displaying terrorist and under new emergency anti-piggery laws she will be severly punished."

I wonder what the Moslems will make of this pub's name

Some thoughts for Mr Blair:

I do not need lessons in 'living together' from the most anti-family, lesbian feminist, crypto communist government in the history of our nation.

Three years ago, I predicted that the UK had five years left in the form it was, a democratic nation where the population were allowed to think freely and live unmolested by the government. Mr Blair has created literally thousands of petty laws to justify his existence, and thousands more to appease the European Soviet, and yet more to realize his grand plan for remaking the country in his own utopian image.

He has wrecked pensions, families, law and order, education, has allowed no win, no fee solicitors to destroy social capital and has reduced us to a nation of battery farmed animals, watched from every building by unknown beaurocrats who can seize us at any moment for infractions of any one of the thousands of rules that his government has created, of which one is sure to have broken many unwittingly.

Unless one is a special protected group member.

The government is playing this game with the most dangerous group of all - muslims. They do not respect our laws and customs, and wish only to see them replaced by their own. The radicals by force, the 'moderates' by immigration and demographics.

Understand this: a 'good' muslim walking down the high street in any British town will of necessity be outraged by everything he sees. The depictions of living things, the women, the advertisements, the public houses and drinking establishments, the newspapers, the statuary, the ornaments in people's windows. The 'good' muslim walks around in a state of rage, or acute moral panic. This distinguishes the 'radical' from the 'moderate'. Their ways are incompatible with our society, and all of Mr Blair's bending of the knee will not appease them, but be seen as just tribute, and nothing more than a sign of the acute weakness and decay of our society.

Mr Blair I know you are watching me and you or your politicised secret police are sure to read this.

But back to the point. Five years left. Three years ago. By my prediction (not prophesy you understand), that leaves us two years to go. Where will you be Mr Blair? Not here I'll bet. Nobbing with all the champagne-socialist rats abandoning the sinking ship that they have destroyed with their policy of uncontrolled immigration, militiant feminist social policy and muslim appeasement, in Australia or New Zealand maybe.

Meanwhile, the muslims will hack heads and create mayhem with righteous fury, and, out of the fire a new, islamic state will emerge, as has happened many times before when muslims encountered a peaceful people who did not understand the threat until they felt the scimitars on their necks.

But Europe will not stand idly by - their muslim throngs will gain strength from our plight, and the conflict will spread throuought the continent. Europe will be in flames for the third time in a century, and when the flames die once more, Europe will finally be gone.

"Europe will be in flames for the third time in a century, and when the flames die once more, Europe will finally be gone."

Europe will bleed from this, but it won't die. You're being too pessimistic.

Europe will survive.

They'll just be hugely embarrassed that they created this mess in the first place.


I cheated -- therefore no Abso merited -- by employing the word "quango" to mean not only to a non-governmental or quasi-governmental organization, but also a person who is a member of such a quango. I was thinking of a haunting melody for some future Eurabian Hit Parade -- "A Quango Met a Qadi on the Boulevard one day." They would trade platitudes about abrahamic faiths, and tolerance and peace. It would closely mimic the style and content of "A Babbitt Met a Bromide on the Avenue one day" (made famous by Fred & Adele Austerlitz).

It is ridiculous,unbelievable and yet it is true...
I guess the britons will only start to wake up when the muslims will try to ban the liquor!


Mr. Orwell would be proud of your prose.

Chillingly telling.

If it gets to that point, there are still a host of sane spots in America where resistance fighters would be more than welcome.

We'll keep a bottle of Bass pale ale, cellar cool, on hand for you.

Even though it is najis ["unclean"] according to the oppressors.

Speaking of language, and Arabic in particular, does anyone know if there are any psychological studies of the effects of languages that are written and read in 'uncommon' manners? And if this causes any specific effects on people? (Learning disorders, unusual emotional states, discernable cultural traits, etc.)

Since most humans are born right-handed (Muslims, paradoxically, go out of their way to despise the left hand), and most written languages 'move' from left to right -in order to keep the writing hand from smearing the ink as it travels across the page- a language going 'against the natural grain' would appear to disrupt some primordial (neurolinguistic?) flow. It may even be psychosomatically 'irritating'.

Arabic 'goes' from right to left. Which may account for its specific curlicue forms - as adaptations to the need to avoid smearing the wet ink as you move in a manner not adapted to the shape of the hand. (Which is also why 'southpaws' tend to curve their hands over and around, in an unnatural comma-shape, to adapt to writing in a direction against what would be their natural flow.)

If Arabic writers were left-handed, it would make more sense, ergonomically.

What I'm getting at is: perhaps the very written Arabic language is itself a kind of subconscious psychological 'irritant' to those who have to learn to read and to inscribe it. And might explain some of the excitability of the followers of the Koranic creed, being attached to an essentially "contrary" script that travels opposite to the natural direction of the limbs.

To write (move the hand and arm) from left to right is also 'to go from inside to outside'. 'From within to without.' Literally 'opening up to the world'. Expanding from the ego to the external. A 'scattering of seeds' type gesture.

To inscribe from right to left is 'to take the outside and pull it in'. 'To close up to the world'. To withdraw, -in the most basic bodily form. A 'hoarding of seeds' motion.

There has to be some effect.

Just a thought.

Big sleep
Hebrew goes right to left as well. I'm not sure about Sandskrit, Hindi and Gujurati but I think they do.
Chinese and Japanise go top to bottom. Which does make sense.
And I am left handed and so are most of my family.
But its an intriging idea.

Remember the Florentine Boar!

Muslims and pigs don't mix. And the Brits are quick to keep them separated. And not in favor of the pigs or the people who own them.

Absurd that a tiny minority can dictate to millions public policy and decide what is a chargeable offense. Absurd that this minority can dictate as to the decor of a private home.

In fact, just about everything that this tiny minority touches in the West becomes absurd. These people should reside among themselves, but not in the West.

Seems to me that a lot of the "humiliation" expressed by the RoP is a political ploy that has the politicians wrapped around their little finger.

Surely you have come to realise that most of what they say, in English, is lies?
If they can mould you to their will; if they can force their political will on you by lying, it's OK. All according to the Koran.

Then of course with Brown'n Blair courting their vote it's obvious that any chance of a porter and crackling is tickets.

Watching those lying hypocritical Princes from the Arabian Peninsula imbibing Scotch and Champagne, and partaking of Brazillian dishes full of pork during carnival in Rio makes one aware of how hoodwinked the West is.

Poor England. So guilty for your Empire that you have descended into pathetic self-destruction and self-loathing?

Then again the perpetual rape of India in the form of Pakistan and Bangladesh goes on so why shouldn't your penance as well.

Sink Britannia under the waves!
Britons, Britons will 'opefully be slaves.

What's the purpose of having a car if I can't pork it?

Big Sleep: Interesting and humorous at the same time.

Humor aside, for a moment, this is just another symptom. Europe, including the UK, sadly, is just has not hit the ground yet. Imploding native populations (birth rates so low as to be virtually unrecoverable) and a tidal wave of unassimilated third world immigration (modern europe appears to worship the third world) has been a formula for cultural suicide.

What disfunctional group-think would lead hundreds of millions of people to enthusiastically commit themselves and their posterity to oblivion?

Islamofascism is the catalyst which promises to accelerate the decline of the native populations and cultures of europe but it is europe's inexplicable embrace of its own destruction, so evident in its pusillanimous appeasement of its third world tormentors, which has sealed its fate.

Demographics (native european birth rates)alone guarantee the physical extinction of europe's native population as well as a cataclysmic social welfare train wreck. That is a simple mathematical certainty which is easily observed and understood. What is not understandable is europe's fatal embrace of its own demise.


Will anything non-Islamic be long tolerated in Britain? Posted by Robert at March 24, 2005 12:01 PM

Nope.. it is now English Law (extension of the Hate Speech Law recently passed by Parliament).


I do not need lessons in 'living together' from the most anti-family, lesbian feminist, crypto communist government in the history of our nation.

Being lesbian, feminist friendly has nothing to do with the problem, however your irrational and fearful comments are one of the reasons that erstwhile allies (such as lesbian feminist types) will defend the rights of Muslims to civil liberties and speech and even join those who (share exactly the same attitude and mindset as you do) would deny and persecute them, as they do in Muslim lands.

All told you have more in common with the Muslims than not, if you want to find a society that is the epitomy of family values, who jails "feminists", executes gays, and will not tolerate any challenge to the patriarchy, then go to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and Iraq.

Point here is keep attacking the "other" and you will continue turning what should be natural allies into enemies, and then we will all loose, but apparently you are so full of irrational fear, rage and anger that you would pull a Sampson act and pull down the temple around you.

Pathetic, pure pathos. You should convert to Islam Areader, you sound just like a Muslim and share their values, and you don't have to worry about pesky liberals, leftists, gays, feminists, because Islam takes care of them with stoning, beheading and imprisonment

Islam and Abortion

This last religion of God allows no sex whatsoever before or outside marriage. It, however, honours sex in marriage and raises it to a lofty standard. When a Muslim gets married he secures one half of his faith thanks to this contract. So sex in Islam is not at all a filthy sin as long as it is inside marriage. Not only this but a Muslim is rewarded even when he gratifies this desire. In one tradition the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "To cohabit with your wife is charity." Hearing this the Companion asked: "O Messenger of Allah. Is it possible that each one of us will be rewarded when he satisfies his sexual desire?" He said: "Yes indeed." Therefore, the Messenger of Allah concluded: "When he satisfies it lawfully he will be rewarded for it." (Narrated by Muslim).

Thus Islam does not look at sex as an end in itself, but as a means to an end. The end of sex according to Islam is to have children. So, it is not allowed in Islam that a woman can have abortion simply because it is her wish to do so, under the pretext of keeping her beauty and to avoid responsibility. This is considered as selfishness. Should a pregnant woman make abortion without any justified reason such as the expectation of risk on the mother's life, then this act amounts to murder according so Islam.

Islam is the religion of strong family relationships. Once marriage is achieved, the two partners should have no sex with anybody else. Not only this but Islam has imposed a severe penalty on those who commit adultery even before marriage. Thus the society Islam tries to establish is a pure and chaste society where women and men are modest. It is a society that does not raise the madness of sex nor does it exploit women's bodies under the false claim of freedom. It is a pure society that is immune from all evils resulting from sex. It is thus free from AIDS, Herpes, and other evils and epidemics that became rampant in modern free-sex communities.

For humanity to be saved of all the ailments of modern civilization, it has to follow the laws of Islam in sex relationships. We can safely say that Islam's attitude towards sex is the middle and the best attitude. Will people understand this and follow the path of happiness, Islam?

Abortion is not permitted in Islam except to save the mothers life


I have nothing against homosexuals, and do not wish to see them harmed in any way, for any cause. 'Lesbian feminist' is a description which is perhaps not adequate to describe the militant, ex-student radicals who have sought, for example, to remove the word 'marriage' from official documents, and have undermined the institution with destructive tax policies. So in that regard, I stand corrected. I have no wish to alienate lesbians or any other potential allies.

As I understand it, feminism encompasses a broad spectrum of belief which ranges from an extreme in which all institutions of perceived male oppression should be destroyed (in which marriage is included), to a more moderate mindset that seeks to highlight positive female characteristics which may have been overlooked in earlier times.

The type of person I was trying to describe is the former, of which examples can readily be found in the British establishment. For example:

Brenda Hoggett QC (now Mrs. Justice Hale), when a member of the Faculty of Law of Manchester University wrote:

‘Family law no longer makes any attempt to buttress the stability of marriage or any other union. It has adopted principles for the protection of children and dependant spouses which could be made equally applicable to the unmarried. In such circumstances the piece meal erosion of the distinctions between marriage and non-marital co-habitation may be expected to continue. Logically we have already reached a point at which rather than discussing which remedies should be extended to the unmarried, we should be considering whether the legal institution of marriage continues to serve any useful purpose..’”.

[reproduced in (now available only from the internet archive)]

This is the type of mindset I was trying to describe, and I agree that I did it tactlessly. I offer the excuse of being outraged at the story which lead to the posting, and of allowing my fingers to type without being fully in communication with my brain.


Always great to hear your comments. The only people that we should be attacking on this forum are muslims and Islam.

For everyone on this forum: this is not the forum for attacking gays, lesbians, feminists, socialists and anyone else that you don't like. Don't act and sound like muslims.

Don't bring your personal agenda into this forum.

We will only defeat Islam if we focus our energy on defeating it.

Now that we have ASBO, does that mean that anything that we do that muslims don't like will be subject to an ASBO?

Why don't you locals get together and complain about the pagans-moslems - calling you 'unbelievers and/or heretics?'
I am sick and tired of whinging carping bloody pagan moslems why oh why don't they bugger off to a decent pagan nation there they could live in peace or pieces Regards, numbat

And the mosque was buillt on a site where pigs where slauhtered

I fully support the idea of an ASBO to control violent sociopaths.

But this will give a carte blanche to muslims to say that non-muslims who just go about their normal behaviour are guilty of anti-social behaviour.

Granny Weatherwax

You write that Hebrew is written right to left but are not sure about Sanskrit, Hindi and Gujarati.

Hindi and Gujarati are derived from the ancient Sanskrit script and all are written left to right.

Posted by: Londoner