US says Bashir's sentence "disappointing"

Well, no. When you hope to go on a picnic and it rains, that is certainly "disappointing." When a man gets two and a half years for conspiring to murder 202 human beings, a word like "disappointing" doesn't begin to cover the situation. From AFP:

"We respect the independence of Indonesia's judiciary and welcome the conviction of this known terrorist leader," US embassy spokesman Max Kwak told AFP.

"However, given the gravity of the charges on which he was convicted, we are disappointed at the length of the sentence," Kwak said.

Judges at the South Jakarta district court on Thursday cleared Bashir of more serious terrorism charges but found him guilty of involvement in a "sinister conspiracy" that led to the 2002 nightclub bombings in Bali which left 202 people dead.

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Welcome, everyone, to the Republic of
BIN-donesia. It's disappointing to us that it's no longer the Indonesia we all once thought we knew.


Bet he knew the Quran pretty well too, and the Sura, and the Hadith, and the 5 pillars of Islam...and...and..and...

I am surprised that he didnt walk and get compensation

I told my friends that this would happen and they didn't believe me,well they believe me now.
Lets not forget this is the same country that wants the entire north of Australia and didn't they also give until March to get out of Ache(spelled wrong but I don't care).As I have warned my friends NEVER TRUST A MUSLIM.

"disappointing"..........that has to be the most extreme understatement I have ever heard. As an Aussie I am disgusted at the pathetic sentence handed out when this excuse for a human being was proven to be guilty in a court of law. Over 220 people died in Bali and by looking at his sentence in days served, he will serve a sentence of around 4.25 days per victim. So that’s the Indonesian version of justice, a man proven to be guilty of conspiracy in the ruthless bombings of 220 innocent civilians and he gets a sentence of 4.25 days per victim.

Imagine someone in the western world being found guilty of conspiracy in the murder of an individual and serving 4 and a quarter days in jail. What a load of bull#*%@, it would never happen and if it did the outcry would be massive and the sentence would not be allowed to stand. But I suppose that is the key point, Indonesia isn't a western country and I suppose we should be lucky that he was even found guilty and got any sentence at all, but it still makes me mad as hell.

I would more likely substitute “disappointing” with “horrific” “appalling” “unacceptable” “unbelievable” “disgusting” “revolting” “sickening” …..etc or any number of more apt descriptions of this travesty of justice.

Boycott indonesia, indonesian products, indonesian vacations.

Withdraw all US and Australian military and civilian humanitarian aid workers from indonesia. It is obviously a dangerous place for us to be. Let the Saudis help them out instead. They have contributed so much so far.

Then we'll see what the Indonesians do.

The pathetic cowardice shown in this sentence is a classic. The judges imagine that if they go easy on the crocodile, the crocodile won't devour them. Bullshit. They are still its enemy, and if it ever gets on top, they will be eaten alive same as everyone else.

As for Indonesia, a good idea would be to arm the Christians and Hindus who are still willing and ready to defend themselves against jihadist aggression. Properly armed and supported, they would be able to inflict on the filth the bleeding they deserve.

This was a token gesture to try to make nicey-nicey with the West. They loathe us. And given that spilled Kafir blood is so inconsequential, the sentence is actually surprising in its severity. If they weren't concerned about being a little diplomatic to the countries that hand them millions of undeserved, unearned dollars that does nothing more than feed the corrupt machinery of that country, they'd have let him go free. Same with the convicted bombers, whose idiotic grins we're continually subjected to on the TV, and reports of them sipping lattes at Starbucks.


Nice one, pythagoras.
Lorenzo here calls for Boycott indonesia, indonesian products, indonesian vacations.

So far so good. The biggest negative impact of the vacation boycott, unfortunately, will be on the island paradise of bali, which (incidentally?) is non-muslim [Its in fact the easternmost outpost of Hinduism n the world.]

The BBC covered this Bashir affair and even reported some of his more egregious statements 'America is satan', 'This case is being orcheastrated by the jooos' etc. Seems even the BBC cannot whitewash everything with the sweet milk of dhimmitude, eh?

Feralee, they loathe us and we loathe them. I'm so glad I didnt donate money to Aceh.

One can only imagine the result if it had been the other way around and Australia had been hit by a similar disaster - they would see us starve and praise Allah for killing off the infidel.

Amazing how this murdering old skank gets two and a half years and good treatment from all his supporters inside the prison system - wonder how long the Australian girl accused of drug-smuggling will get?

I think westerners, especially Australians, should boycott Indonesia. See how well they do without the constant handouts.

A poisonous Rat in Sarong!

The scum of the earth, ALL of them in that courtroom!

And the president, Yudhiono is on public record for denying that Jamaiah Islamiah 'exists'- he IS ONE OF THEM TOO!!!

It's like you ask the godfather about the Mafia:

'there's no such thing...'

guys guys guys, i am sorry for this, realy i am sorry.
I don't mind for a fair trial anywhere you want (if he is guilty, he should be punished and if he is not then he should be out of gail), but at the same time we should judge Osama Bin laden, Ariel sharron, palestinian mujahedin,American armies and presidents (nuclear bombs on japanees, unfair war in veitnam) W.Bush and the whole world.

Why do you always remember other people's mistakes and not yours(are you angels walking between us or maybe god gave you the green light to "JUST DO IT").
you people makes me laugh that sometimes you make me want to bee on myself(excuse my arabic).

I don't think that all christians have a "corrupted mentality", and not all muslims are mujahiddin and terrorists.

There are a lot muslims prisoners in "abu graeb" prison in iraq,Afganistan and Gouantanamo bay, and nobody knows what is their situations and what is their charge.While there are a lot of westeren journalists and others are captured by the Iraqi resistance and we see their videos on public TV and they get realesed later.

We are not " sexual homos" like the soldiers of the most strongest army in the world.

If the Iraqi resistance are sluttring people's head because they are invadeors, then the American Democratic people shouldn't be like animals and behave in a barbarian way.

"For every action, there is equal and opposite reaction."

If you behave like animals, you will be treated as one.

A Note to 'ZMAN'--

You state that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. Correct. But you are unaware of the original action to which the world is reactingn Islam legalized the crime of murder 13 centuries ago. It broke the covenant human beings set up, that is outlawing killing of human beings for anything other than self-defense.

"And when the sacred months have passed, slay the infidels everywhere, besiege them, capture them, prepare for them each ambush of warfare." This is a central teaching from Islam's counterfeit bible, the so-called "Glorious Koran." And it proves that Islam legalizes slaughter of human beings for reasons OTHER than self-defense.

Islam perpetually reaches out its blood-soaked hands to the remainder of humanity under the unprovable assumption they are "infidels"--and ready for slaughtering. The remainder of humanity actually has an obligation to protect itself using whatever means necessary to defend itself from Islam's legalized murder (killing for reasons other than self-defense). This is the reason for what you see and do not understand. It is Islam that transgresses--it invades, it kills, and it enslaves under the assumption that it has the right to kill non-Muslims whenever and for whatever reason it chooses.

Al-qaeda, Islam's leading conversion tool is designed to go right in and invade any infidel nation of its choosing and start a lethal "Holy War" to force non-Muslims into "submission." The main tool of al-Qaeda's choosing of course is slaughtering non-Muslims which America found out on 9-11.

ZMAN, islam is the cause of all this violence. It is Islam that is the 'animal' you talk about. Without Islam none of these things would be happening. Because no one else ever legalized murder.

Islam was The reason for WW1 and WW2(millions of innocent kids and women died all over Europe), the reason for japaneess and american war(nuclear bombs on both cities), veitnamies war and many others.

Without muslims (your people would be angels and living in heaven)