U.S. Suspect in Bush Plot Admits Guilt -FBI

That media dhimmitude looks even more disgraceful in light of this. From Reuters:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - A U.S. citizen accused of plotting with al Qaeda to kill President Bush admitted his guilt, an FBI agent testified on Tuesday, but the man's lawyer said the confessions should be disregarded because they were extracted during Saudi interrogations.

In a hearing to decide whether Ahmed Omar Abu Ali should be jailed pending trial on charges of supporting and conspiring with al Qaeda, government officials said Abu Ali had admitted his guilt multiple times in a written statement.

An FBI agent testified that Abu Ali, 23, admitted he joined al Qaeda while studying in Saudi Arabia. The agent said Abu Ali also admitted to discussing plans to kill Bush, to carry out various possible Sept. 11-like hijackings and other attacks on or in the United States.

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I have some questions;

Do these “U.S. citizens” go to Arabic countries to “study” their “religion of peace” or religion of terrorism?
When these “U.S. citizens” study or convert to the Muslim Cult, they become terrorists?
Should these individuals be watched more closely - - oh oh I forgot - that would be racial profiling?
If he confessed, shouldn’t that be enough to convict him?

Good evening everyone. Finally, the fellas at CAIR are happy with our Government, so to speak.


Now, let's wait and see if they express such glee when the little rodent that headlines this thread, who just admitted to his crimes, is handed his dose of justice.

THSIMJ:Should these individuals be watched more closely - - oh oh I forgot - that would be racial profiling?

In parliament today, The Home Office minister stated that muslims must expect to get greater attention from the police, as terrorism was coming from that source.

"Ethnic" profiling has started. This is just the beginning.

Mahdi "I'm-just-a-country-Muslim-from Norfolk- Virginia" Bray has insisted on the inoffensiveness of Abdurrahman Alamoudi (now doing 23 years for his participation in a Libyan plot to assassinate Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia) and on the mistreatment of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, distinguished graduate of the Saudi Islamic Academy. Should the latter be conviced, one wonders whom Mahdi Bray will be defending next, and what the prospects of that person will be.

Incidentally, if the American people are disturbed, as they should be, about the massive and largely unseen effort at Da'wa all over the Western world, especially among the most vulnerable or alienated, it is certainly time to consider limiting Da'wa by Muslims in prison among the non-Muslim populaiton by creating, for the purposes of administrative "convenience" (i.e., special diet, prayer-time, etc.) special all-Muslim units, so that Muslim prisoners like Alamoudi or the blind Sheikh cannot mix with the psychically vulnerable non-Muslim fellow prisoners. Again, it has to be repeated: the Infidels have a right to defend themselves. Islam threatens their wellbeing and everything that makes their own civilizations worthwhile (this is not meant to endorse the decadence and idiocy of much of what goes on in the Infidel world now, which is another matter altogether).

The atrocities that we as citizens are treated to everyday have become transparent through blogs and some media coverage. We are not only persecuted by muslims but our own government as well,I would not advocate that the seriousness of his crimes were a mere matter,no, this is a serious offense. The wheels of justice need to include the muslims when defining hate crimes and true justice must be handed down on muslims.

I'm just wondering if the mainstream media (media dhimmitude) would be as silent if the presidential target was say, a Clinton or a Kerry.

I wonder if this guy thought long enough to realize that if he knocked off Bush, he would get Dick Cheney...


Hell the main stream media would probably LOVE an assassination! Especially of Bush...he's too soft on Islam for me but he must be doing something right to be so hated.

THISMJ, speaking as a former US consular officer, I assure you that the world is full of people overseas who approach US consular windows looking for visas and get told, "You have to go across the hall and settle a citizenship claim first." This is because we have both jus soli and jus sanguinis citizenship; and a lot of other countries have jus sanguinis citizenship that is hard to lose. Visa seekers who need to settle US citizenship claims are typical cases that crop up regularly during student visa season in countries like Thailand, South Korea, and Taiwan where there are family traditions of overseas study coinciding with early married life (husband gets Ph.D'd; wife gets PHT'd--pushed husband through). I'm sure the same thing happens in a lot of the rest of the world, too. I suspect that this is what happened in the case of the would-be Bush assassin.