Web to have 'terror watch' team

But coming from those governments, I wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down more anti-jihad and anti-terror sites than actual jihadist and terror sites. From the BBC, with thanks to RB:

Five European governments are setting up a hi-tech team to monitor how terrorists and criminals use the net.

The group will make recommendations on shutting down websites that break terrorism laws....

The five countries also agreed to make it easier to swap data about terror suspects and thefts of explosives.

The interior ministers of Spain, Britain, France, Germany and Italy - the G5 - met in Granada this week for an anti-terrorism summit.

Easy sharing

To combat terrorism the ministers agreed to make it easier for police forces in their respective states to share data about suspects connected to international terror groups.

Information shared could also involve intelligence about money laundering, the forgery of identity papers, stolen cars, DNA data, missing persons and unidentified corpses.

Part of this anti-terror work will involve the creation of the technical team that will keep an eye on how organised crime groups and terrorists make of the web.

Many criminals have moved many well-known crimes to the web because the returns are so good and the chance of being detected is still relatively low.

The group is also likely to make recommendations on shutting down websites that contravene laws on inciting acts of terror....

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'I wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down more anti-jihad and anti-terror sites than actual jihadist and terror sites'~ JW

I have to agree with you, Robert, very much so. I won't be surprised if 'hate language' laws that seem to favor muslims get pulled into this. What a great way for Leftists to shut down all dissent! As well as jihadist sites. Gotta keep the people uninformed.

Yes, I too suspect that these moves will be more against those trying to expose the threat than those promoting it.

On the library's computers the word 'dhimmi was censored as hate speech but the word 'jihad' isn't.

Also I saw a nice librarian helping a gil access Jamacian reggae artist 'Elephant Man's' site (no relative) although his lyrics include incitements to murder.

This article raises the specter of state-sponsored anti-jihadist cyber-warfare, a silent battle that has already raged for years in some quarters.

Such efforts can deny internet sanctuary for Jihadist websites and other traffic through a variety of techniques, from the simple use of Domain Name Servers to sophisticated Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks.

Other strategies are used to uncover the relationship and whereabouts of individuals or groups, intercept messages or file transfers, and provide statistics on Jihadist traffic levels.

Various forms of trojan horse software can be implanted on suspected computers and routers using back-door invasions, innocuous computer viruses, or even SPAM e-mail messages. Once installed, these programs allow stored data snooping, capture of keystrokes, remote control of webcams and/or microphones, etc.

Most of these clandestine anti-terrorism efforts go unreported and unacknowledged. They are necessarily secretive, preferring the shadowy world of cyber-espionage to the glamor of public exposure. Often these strategies employ stealthy intelligence collection rather than actively denying access to suspected Internet resources.


By Dr. Jack Shepard

One Committed Atrocity against a child; is an example how hatred against America is created


By Dr. Jack Shepard

Dr. Jack Shepard says, America is blamed and hated throughout the Islamic World because of the Atrocities committed by the Israeli Military under the policies of Ariel Sharon toward the Palestinian Men, Women and especially things like the targeted cool blooded murdering of children like poor Aboel Samad Shamalakh, who was shown moments before he is killed in the morning by Israeli gunfire from a Israeli tank while he was working in his family field.

He may seem just another forgotten victim, but atrocities like this Israeli Military’s cold blooded killing of a defenseless child like Aboel Samad Shamalakh seen here kneeling to taking cover as an Israeli tank fires at him and his brothers after an Israeli army bulldozer demolished a Palestinian police post on a road near the crossing of the Jewish Netzarim settlement in southern Gaza, Friday June 21, 2002 cause the entire Islamic World to also hate America for the actions and policies of Ariel Sharon.

Aboel Samad Shamalakh, only a child, was killed shortly after this photo was snapped. This photo shows how really defenseless a child, Aboel Samad Shamalakh was as he was trying to take cover a few seconds before he was killed in cold blood by an Israeli Soldier firing at him from a Israeli tank. Actions like this create extreme hatred toward America because of the action of the policies Ariel Sharon Government uses.

Dr. Jack Shepard says, America is blamed and hated throughout the Islamic World because of the murder and treatment of Palestinians by the Government of Ariel Sharon. The cold blooded killing of a child like Aboel Samad Shamalakh is just one of 1000's of Atrocities committed by the Israeli Military under the policies approved by the Government of Ariel Sharon toward the Palestinian Men, Women and children.

Dr. Jack Shepard hopes to educate his fellow Americans why we are blamed for such past atrocities of the Israeli Government of Ariel Sharon.

That until Ariel Sharon sincerely and immediately works for a permanent peace and the immediate creation of a Palestinian State living side by side in peace with Israeli State President George W. Bush's vision we can never have world peace.

My fellow American have to learn to understand that atrocities like this cold blooded murder of this child are used by extremists and terrorist to recruit Islamic men and women from all over the world to call for a holy war to destroy America and presently to come to Iraq to kill our fellow American Soldiers fighting to defend the Iraqi people and bring Democracy and Freedom to the Middle East.

The American public has to understand the success of our mission in Iraq and getting our American soldiers home depends on the immediate creation of the Palestinian State according to President George W. Bush's vision..

The American Public has to understand that any delays and wasting of time in the peace negotiations by the government of Ariel Sharon in the creation of a Palestinian State will cause hundreds of additional American lives to be unnecessarily lost in Iraq.

Ariel Sharon has created a situation in the Middle East by his policies of mass atrocities toward the Palestinian People these last 4 years; that Islamic Extremists and Terrorists have used to recruit 100’s if not 1000’s of suicide murders like though who destroyed the World Trade Center on September 11 and those are presently being recruited as new terrorists who are being rushed to Iraq to kill our fellow American Soldiers not for what America has done in the past but only because of the hatred of America received because of the actions of Ariel Sharon's Government in the past 4 years.

Very very unfortunate but very typical; to me one of the sadist examples; there can be no explanation or justification for the cold blood murder of a defenseless children like Aboel Samad Shamalakh.

Actions like this by a uncontrolled Israeli military toward unarmed Palestinian child has enraged the whole Islamic World to hate and blame America for these unjustified actions of Ariel Sharon Government.

It has to by made very clear to my fellow Americans without 100% complete control of Ariel Sharon actions to immediately end his present policies and he immediately begins to treat the Palestinian people humanitarianly we will never have President George W. Bush's vision of the two states of Palestine and Israel living side by side in Peace; and until we have peace between the Israeli Military Machine and the Palestinian People the hatred created by Ariel Sharon’s policies will block sucuess of our American Mission of spreading of Peace, Freedom and Democracy in the entire Middle East.

Everyday Ariel Sharon wastes time in his half hearted peace process with the Palestinians Leaders in all truth it costs our brave American soldiers fighting for peace in Iraq more deaths and more injures. Even more scary the longer Ariel Sharon played game with this peace process, it also raises the likelihood of another major terrorist attack on American Soil.

Mr. Sharon the world can not longer be held hostage by your policies and atrocities. Your policies has presently brought the world to what can be really called a World Civil War. Your unfair and unjust policies have created mass hatred toward America and Israel in the Islamic World.

The whole world is watching you. The real peace process really began this week. When President Abu Mazen got the Islamic Terrorist Group in the Occupied Palestinian Territories to agree to a cease-fire with Israel.

You have to be aware that the very future of Israel and peace in the entire Middle East will depend on the rate of your promised release of Palestinian prisoners, and how fast to you act on the returning of the Gaza Strip and West Bank to the control of the Palestinian People under their new President Abu Mazen.

In the case of a few of Israel's largest settlements in the West Bank and equal amount of Israeli territory that the Palestinian People find acceptable is an acceptable requirement to peace.

Another more important requirement for peace is the issues of the Palestinian Capital; it must be allowed some placed in some part of East Jerusalem. You have to remember you all not dealing only with the Palestinian people but you are dealing for an Israeli peace with the Arab World. I only can warn you; if you continue to do things that God finds displeasing you are gambling with the very future of peace in the whole region.

To fulfill President George W. Bush's vision of having the states of Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace these issues can not be used to waste time or deadlock negotiations. This maybe our last chance to achieve a complete peace including all the countries in the Middle East.

Remember Mr. Sharon with our mission in Iraq and the emerging of God willing of a democratic Lebanon the world does not have time for anything but a one step jump to final status; if you wish continued American support you must follow immediate and in as shortest time as possible President George W. Bush's Vision.

May God Bless the Middle East with Peace,

Dr. Jack Shepard, March 20, 2005

Tell your story to Dr. Shepard at middle.east@flashnet.it

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Dr. Jack-

You've been reading the Book of Revelations and the Aryan websites a little too closely and too long. (And perhaps the Quran and hadiths even more so, perhaps?)

How a few million utterly-surrounded Jews trapped in a chunk of what was their Biblical homeland (before the imperialist Romans and then the Imperialist Islamists forced them out) threaten the world's fecund billion plus Muslims is one of those weird statisical details that sound laughable when considered "cool" bloodedly. (You need a better translation program, "Doc".)

Only the fact that the wildly outnumbered Jews have NOT lost militarily to their constantly attacking Muslim 'neighbors' is what galls the Islamic world.

The dirty Zionists keep beating them back.

How dare they! Allah is obviously a greater God than Yaweh! It just isn't fair!

If a kid was killed, as you claim, let the courts decide if it was an actual crime or a tragic casualty of the de facto war. Sometimes shi*t just happens. And a soldier mistakes a kid for a potential suicide bomber. Especially when both sides are at a fever pitch of readiness.

Since a few millions Jews DO NOT threaten the world with a global 'holy war' as the billion Muslims DO, I tend to discount the Islamic calumnies against the 'Zionists' as the chatter of planetary bullies who can't get their way, so they villify their intended victims for fighting back successfully. (The cunning, duplicitous bastards!)

P.S.- learn to cut and paste and edit a little better in the future, "Doc".


Who is this loony tunes jack the shepherd.

Osama demands Spain be returned to the moslems jack; you going to give that to them too.

islamic hatred for the non islamic world, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist ( remember those fab huge ancient statues of Buddha in Afghanistan that the muslims just had to destroy ),Jewish, Zoroastrian, Pagan ... predates modern Israel by 1300 years, and hundreds of millions of non-muslims have been slaughtered over that time in the name of allah.
Do you really think that the Christians being murdered daily by muslims in Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, the Phillipines, or the Buddhists being murdered daily in Thailand by muslims, or the Hindus murdered daily in n.w.India, by muslims, and i can give you a far more comprehensive list if you want, have anything to do with gallant Israel's fight for survival against a surrounding arab world of 260 million.

I wish the Christian and Druze people in Lebanon had the same opportunity of maintaining their civilization against islam that the Jews in Israel do.

You're a nutter jack.

Hey, dby speaking of Looney Tunes...


Shepard, whoever he is, is also a dupe of the ISM/PSM propaganda wing of the PLO... ...and very deeply self-deceived if he thinks he will find any converts to his way of thinking around here.