CAIR board member: right to free speech is not absolute

CAIR board member Mazhar Rishi maintains there is no right to defame religious figures -- in other words, no right to free speech at all, for if any person or group or idea is beyond criticism, then the society is no longer free. Note also the words of Rachel Lawton: "You cross the line when you threaten, intimidate or harass, and that is when free speech is limited." Very well; but the Muhammad cartoons do none of those things. By the standards of political cartooning they are tame. It has been Muslim groups worldwide who have threatened, intimidated, and harassed because of them.

"Panelists weigh in on cartoon controversy: Some express need for broader democracy; others say free speech is necessarily limited," from The Daily Pennsylvanian, with thanks to LGF:

Six local Islamic figures gathered Saturday for a panel to address the recent controversy over the Danish cartoons that negatively depict the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

The Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations sponsored the event, which took place in Houston Hall.

The discussion -- held in a town-hall style and followed by an audience Q & A -- covered a variety of topics, focusing largely on the alleged marginalization of minorities in Western media and culture.

"We need to analyze what democracy means and to recognize and represent not just the majorities but the growing minorities as well," Philadelphia CAIR vice-chairman Sofia Memon said. "In view of this, we need to ask how to broaden our democracy instead of narrow it."

During their introductory speeches, several panelists denounced the cartoons as slanderous while discussing limitations on free speech.

"People have every right to give an opinion on something," Rachel Lawton, executive director of the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, said. "You cross the line when you threaten, intimidate or harass, and that is when free speech is limited."

CAIR board member Mazhar Rishi agreed.

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

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"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

Oh, for goodness' sake, this is turning into a pantomime.

Zeus liked to put it about: take it from me; I've read Ovid's stories about him

There we are! Now come and arrest me.

Wrong. Free speech is absolute; especially, wrt critiques of islam and its low-life prophet.

I am beginning to understand why we must deport many of them.

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure. wrong this goofball is...

Watch.....Muhammad was a caravan raiding bandit who financed his new so-called 'religion' with the booty he stole.

Muhammad, while in his 50's married a 6 year old girl and did the deed when she was only 9.

Muhammad never used bombs to terrorize, because bombs hadn't been developed yet.

Muhammad ordered the deaths of his enemies.

Muhammad was a bigger fight promoter than Don King.

Muhammad invented profiling by making his dumb sheep grow beards so a difference could be seen between them and non-Muslims.

See, free speech includes speaking of and drawing cartoons of Muhammad. Where do these foolish mouthpieces get off telling us what we can and can't say?

Ah, give me a break!!!!

The last few weeks have been a teaching experence in the fine art of the double standard. In other words, get offended when it is cartoons of Mohammed, but be very supportive if it is an attact to another faith, say either Jewish or Christian in the newspapers in the Arab/Muslim world. This is hypocracy at its very worse.

These blokes are right out of their top paddocks. Who are they to say what can be said? The rats. What a load of brown eyed mullets in this group.

They can go roast in hell, with Muhammad.

OK...I want all Muslims to quit blaspheming Jesus stating that He was just a man and a prophet, not as important as the founder of Islam and not God/the Son of God.

Blasphemy laws were never intended to protect particular communities from (perhaps well-merited) ridicule.

As far as I can tell they seem to have originated as a response to the belief that guilt was communal. For the notion of communal guilt see, for example, Leviticus 16: the "scapegoat", notice, bears the sins of the community.

I suppose that the notion of communal guilt lingered for a long time. Certainly, some people concluded that the plague that struck London in 1665 was a punishment from God, and one could find far later instances of such thinking.

It might not be surprising that earlier societies, holding as they did this view of guilt, should have feared blasphemy, since they would have feared that God would punish the whole community for it.

Nowdays, in modern societies, guilt is seen as individual and personal and not surprisingly blasphemy laws have fallen into disuse. They should be allowed to moulder in peace not pressed into a new service as guardians for people who can't take a joke, and who see in them the means by which they can start to assert a dominance over others that they crave.

They are chomping at the bit because they are tasting blood. Our blood. Every time we give in to islamists, no matter how small a gesture, we send them the wrong message.

This must end.

U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and the top American commander in Iraq called the bombings a deliberate attempt to foment sectarian strife and warned it was a "critical moment for Iraq." They also promised the U.S. would contribute to the shrine's reconstruction.

"Given the historic, cultural, and religious importance of this shrine, this attack is a crime against humanity," Khalilzad and Gen. George Casey said in a joint statement.

Why don't you just amend the constitution to accomodate the Muslims?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech..."....except where it might offend Muslim feelings. The decision as to whether offence is caused will be determined by whether any Muslim throughout the world is offended.

There's your answer.

Yeah,wouldn't want that free speech thing to get out of hand.
People often point out that you can't stand up in a crowded theater and yell "FIRE".
What they fail to point out is that this is entirely permissable if the theater is in fact on fire.We call those people heroes.

"we need to analyze what a democracy means" CAIR

A democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for lunch.Does that clear it up any?


Freedom of speech is not absolute or allowed by Islam. Enough said.

The war with Isalm is inevitable.

Prepare be armed be read.

The Texican.

Freedom. The only choice at any cost.

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

Of course, truth is an absolute affirmative defense to an allegation of defamation. As Mohammed is a historical figure, there is much history written about him in the Hadith and in non-Islamic sources. Any truthful matter, no matter how unsavory to the sanitized image of Mohammed that CAIR wishes to promulgate in its touchy-deely dawa sessions, can be said and repeated with impunity.

It was Mohammed himslef that commanded Muslims to strike terror into the hearts of the unbeliever so that they fear you. Any statements relating to Mohammed's unsavory past that are recorded in either the Hadith or the Koran are not evidentiary heresay and admissible in a court of law as statements agains the interest of the party proponent in a defamation action.

"You cross the line when you threaten, intimidate or harass, and that is when free speech is limited."

She must be speaking about the radical moslems, right?

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said.

He is correct.

Free speech means the right to freely discuss matters pertaining to the common good and matters of personal conscience. Free speech does not permit one to utter any calumny that one chooses to. The victim of slander or libel has recourse to legal action.

That said, it is incumbent upon those who demand that restrictions be placed upon publication of the Danish cartoons to show how they are in anyway libelous of Mohammed (deceased).

I would personally like to see this matter brought into the courts for a ruling. I wonder what the evidence would look like?

Helloooooo!!!! unwanted Muslims , this is America and free speech is our right.

We aren't going to change ourselves (and our laws) just because you don't agree with us (or our laws) Free speech is what you're being allowed to cry about.

We might stop with the toons when you people fess up and bring Mo out of the closet with all his heinous deeds. Until then, tough.

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

I lost myself in the secondary legal argument above. The primary legal argument is that the dead cannot be defamed! An element for the prima facie tort of defamation is damages. The dead can not suffer any such damage.

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

+++WRONG bozo we have the right to insult anyone we jolly well please. Many of us throughly enjoy shooting sacred cows and you can't stop us.

Here is an article by the always insightful Robert Fulford published in Saturday's National Post.

Blasphemy has set us free

"We may not be able to prove George Bernard Shaw's claim that all great truths begin as blasphemies. Still, it's closer to accuracy than the opposite, which would be something like: When in doubt, consult the authorities. As we know too well, the authorities often get it wrong. History demonstrates the priceless value of blasphemy. That's one reason why anyone now trying to revive anti-blasphemy laws should be seen as an enemy of progress as well as an enemy of freedom."

"In 1633 Galileo was tried for heresy by the Roman Catholic Church and forced to repudiate his claim that the Earth moves around the Sun; 359 years later, in 1992, a Vatican commission decided that, on second thought, Galileo had it right. Everyone agreed that was very nice of the Vatican, admitting they were wrong and all. In the middle of the 19th century Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection looked clearly blasphemous to many Christians; it still does, to some."

"But then, Christianity began as blasphemy. In the Gospel (Mark, 14:61) the high priest asks Jesus, "Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?" and Jesus answers Yes. The high priest claims that's proof enough -- "Ye have heard his blasphemy"; crucifixion follows."

"Blasphemy, or something like it, stands near the centre of modern culture. The first page of Joyce's Ulysses, the greatest 20th-century novel, plunges us into what any Catholic will recognize as a parody of the Eucharist, with an appropriate Latin quote to underline the point. Denunciations of religious practice in Strindberg's early stories drew a costly, complicated but finally unsuccessful suit for blasphemy. (Strindberg was often said to have a persecution complex, but he was, after all, persecuted.)"

"The major figures in modern cinema, from Luis Bunuel to Martin Scorsese, assume that religion can be treated with the same abrasive imagination they bring to other subjects. In Viridiana, the film that created Bunuel's mature reputation 45 years ago, a gang of drunken, slobbering beggars play a record of Handel's Messiah in a rich man's house while they enact their own Last Supper, following Leonardo's seating plan. Scorsese (a Roman Catholic by heritage, like Joyce and Bunuel), moved deep into blasphemy with The Last Temptation of Christ, which he made 18 years ago from the famous/notorious Nikos Kazantzakis novel. People like the Monty Python gang in England correctly consider it their right to parody religious belief, as in their Life of Brian."

"Many countries have anti-blasphemy laws, which long ago fell into disuse. Today many Muslims, and some non-Muslims, want to make it a crime, once more, to deny the existence of God, scoff at scripture or otherwise offend the faithful, any faithful. A Muslim lawyer in Norway said the other day that his adopted country needs anti-blasphemy regulations to protect minorities against derisive and hateful expression. "The point," he said, "is not to restrict freedom of speech." (A good rule: anyone who says that is in the process of doing just that.) We are heading toward the creation of a new human right, the right not to be offended. But surely we all know that to live is to be offended. As a humanist I'm offended by a rule forcing women to cover their faces."

"The proposal to punish blasphemy implies that we should avoid showing disrespect for any religion. But what (to put the question in a way that many Muslims will instantly understand) if a religion doesn't deserve respect? What if it deserves to be treated as, for example, Christianity is treated in Pakistan? That's one place that won't need any new rules in this field, Pakistani law being already more than adequate."

"n 2003 a court in the Punjab city of Faisalabad sentenced Ranjha Masih, an illiterate 52-year-old Roman Catholic floor-sweeper, to life in prison because he may have thrown stones at a wall on which were written Koranic verses mentioning Mohammed -- and, just to prove they were serious, the police tore down his house as well, leaving his wife and five children homeless. He had been arrested five years earlier, during a memorial procession honouring Bishop John Joseph, who committed suicide to protest Pakistan's treatment of Christians."

"This should make Muslim propagandists hesitate to seek legal remedies: The more we discuss the subject, the more we will learn about religious laws in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other centres of bigotry. As for the West, it can maintain its integrity only if it insists that freedom of religion includes the freedom to blaspheme."

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.



You won't get any soft sell from me on this issue. The gloves have been off for months.

CAIR is always wrapping themselves in the US flag and proclaiming what great Americans they are. Yet here they are, attacking the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights, the very keystone of American political identity, a sacred birthright for which several million Americans have shed blood for more than 200 years.

Oh, no, Muslims would never denegrate any of the "prophets". But they certainly denegrate the religions of two of those prophets in all sorts of ways in order to elevate their own and hate, revile and persecute "infidels" at every opportunity.

Jingoist....I could not have said that better myself. I am a new poster to the board and am just checking in to say hello...and pronounce a HUGE second to everything Jingoist said!

Foehammer, you don't go quite far enough.
It should be:

'Reform Islam or get out of the West'.

On behalf of The Danish Society for Free Speech I can assure all that the Society works activly to make free speech absolute.
The present limitations in danish law for free expression is a disgrace to a free nation and ought to be rewoked as soon as possible.
Unfortunately there seems not to be a majority for this action in our present parlament but it may come in the next assembly.
Peter Buch

I hope that those from "CAIR" and their supporters are reading this. It's dumbfounding to listen to their pontificating about what "free speech" means.

LISTEN—OUR Constitution is above ANYTHING that Islamic law says about what is right and proper for people. We’ve got it right. The right to disagree with Islamic law and your “prophet” is absolute. If you wish to debate what I think about your “prophet,” then let the discourse begin. Debate is a good thing. “CAIR” wishes to squelch debate, and that’s their fascism showing.

I WILL speak out against Mohammad, and I’ll do more than that, regardless of what “CAIR” and their sycophants think. When it becomes a crime in this country to do so, then that will be the day that Constitution has died, and has been replaced by the sharia. (Sharia=fascism)

I'd like to ask CAIR's mealy mouthpieces for Mohammad:

-just how the hell DO you 'defame' a pedophile warlord assassin of women poets who approved of deceit against infidels, theft for the good of his "God", and threatening death to anyone who dared to leave his cult?

What exactly does the 'defame' part refer to?

His beard color?

Should the cartoonist of the "turban bomb" image made it a more historically-accurate henna?

The truth is a bitch, Umma.

And we are her pups.

Plus, we bite.


"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.

Uhh... actually, it does. At least in the USA, while the Supremes have ruled that the right of free speech is not absolute, the only things that are really outlawed are incitement to violence or yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

Certainly, mockery of a 7th century pedophile with delusions of grandeur (PB&J) is in bounds.

Freedom of speech is only limited by what we are NOT willing to give up for it.

If security, (not peace,) in the form of conforming to what the adversary wants from us is worth giving up for our freedom of speech, we delude ourselves. What is the definition of that security?




Work stress

Over committment to business and social activities


Imagine all those things and then add the bloody Islamic thought police on our backs day and night.

The delusion is that we are receiving something of value for giving up our right to freedom of speech. We are only trading a temporary situation like fear or fatigue, for a form of bondage that took the Spanish over 3/4 of a millenium to throw off.

It will never end there. The Islamists have made their desire known for our lands, our minds, our tributes and truthfully, our very lives. They show us their determination to make this desire a reality with every article posted here at Jihad Watch.

Once our freedom of speech is gone the slippery slope becomes vertical. And since so many of us just aren't sure if we want to be that mean or if we are easily shut down by someone calling us a racist or a hatemonger or whatever so many of the lying trolls on this site and in CAIR and in the mosques throughout the world throw at us to shut us up, we could lose everything. We have to stop buying into the bullshit and rhetoric of those who clearly lie and who we KNOW clearly lie to us daily.

"...I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You've come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Fight? Against that? No, we will run, and we will live."

"Aye, Fight and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, JUST ONE CHANCE, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!"

From Mel Gibson's, "Braveheart"

Every man dies. Not everyman really lives. Give me Liberty or give me death.

A slave of allah can't conceive of freedom.
An American can't submit.

It all comes down to slavery versus freedom.

The real issue of the cartoons is not that Muhammad was defamed because as Lisa said, you can't defame the dead. The real issue is that with the help of radical imams and their inflammatory rhetoric, Islam, thus all muslims, were defamed, insulted, and "dissed", as they say in the hood. Muslims think that they can impose respect for themselves and their religion through violent rampages and threats. They are too primitive to understand that respect must be earned.

Before muslims immigrated en masse to the West, we didn't have these problems. For centuries they were content to impose the rigors of Islam on themselves, kill each other with wild abandon, blissfully exist in their fifth dimension of delusions where Islam was the purest form of enlightenment, freedom, and justice. But when they saw the greener grass on the other side and couldn't resist it, they were shocked to find a world that was light years ahead of the one they left.

Who knows what they expected but what they found left them stunned, confused and humiliated. Islam was the advanced civilization; muslims were the rightful rulers of the world. It didn't take long for the clerics to set up shop and convince them that everything they found in the West had been stolen from them, and their humiliation soon turned to anger and resentment, accompanied by attitudes of entitlement and victimization.

Muslims do not comprehend the concept of reciprocity because they are single-minded and inculcated with the belief that they are superior. They will always set one standard for others and another for themselves because just like playground bullies, they transcend the rules of fair play. They caterwaul for tolerance and bemoan "Islamophobia." They demand respect for their abominable prophet while they denigrate Christianity and vilify the Jews. They are insidious hypocrites and inveterate liars, and our governments have done us all a grave injustice by allowing these imperialist savages to invade our countries.

Qur’an 5:17 “Verily they are disbelievers and infidels who say, ‘The Messiah, son of Mary, is God.’”

Qur’an 5:51 “Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other.”

Qur’an 5:72 “They are surely infidels who blaspheme and say: ‘God is Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary.’ But the Messiah only said: ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.’


Qur’an 9:3 “Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle.”

Qur’an 9:3 “And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Pilgrimage is that Allah and His Messenger dissolve treaty obligations with the Pagans.”


Qur’an 49:9 “If two parties among the Believers fall into fighting, make peace: but if one becomes aggressive, then fight against the one that transgresses until it complies.”


Qur’an 9:7 “How can there be a covenant between Allah and His Messenger and the disbelievers with whom you made a treaty near the sacred Mosque?”

Qur’an 9:8 “How (can there be such a treaty), seeing that they get an advantage, the upper hand over you? They do not pay you respect, or honor you or the ties of kinship or covenant. With (good words from) their mouths they entice you [out negotiate you], but their hearts are averse to you.”


Qur’an 9:12 “If they violate their oaths and break treaties, taunting you for your Religion, then fight these specimens of faithlessness.”


Ishaq:544 “Muhammad commanded the people to prepare for the foray [raid, incursion, sortie, attack, or assault]. The Messenger informed his troops that he was going to Mecca. He ordered them to prepare themselves and ready their equipment quickly. He said, ‘O Allah, keep spies and news from the Quraysh until we take them by surprise in their land.’”


Me I was thinking about Monster Garage last how Europe could take all her air plans and make bombers and the such boy was that a thought or what and think if the Europeans got really pissed at the arabs for pushing them to far?

Just think at 30,000 feet just streaks in the air??

Would the USA come to the rescue??

No zogbe you are pissing on the wrong tree!!

I am so happy today is the First day I got to be a girli girl after breaking my foot Short skirt and high heels what a great feeling!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer

Denmark may want to look at the UAE about their down web-sites seams they are big into that kind of thing????



So glad to hear your foot is all better now. You go, girli girlfriend! Here's to skirts and high heels, unencumbered by Islamic hefty bags.

Give me Liberty and give me cute summer sandals, painted toes showing!

A Memo to Mr. Rishi--

You will notice that free speech in and of itself has never resulted in the death or injury of a human being. It is intrinsically harmless. It may on occasion prove annoying. Sometines it is need of being corrected with countervailing speech if it involves public exposure. But free speech and expression of one's thoughts, beliefs, and feelings is one of the things that has made the United States the world's greatest nation and the most avanced. Freedom has resulted in Americans unparalleled creativity and inventiveness.

You will notice that Islam can make no such claims. Islam kills and has left humans stranded en masse in horrible, hopeless political and economic conditions and passes it off as "God's will."

Note as well if you will that Americans have invented the light bulb, the steam engine, the telephone, the telegraph, sound recording, elevators, automobiles, traffic lights, the skyscraper, the airplane, the national park, the laser, the internet, the vcr. The commercial airline. The polio vaccine. Americans sussessfully landed men on the moon. And so on. In part because they were free enough to accomplish these things without "religious" interference. We can therefore say with certainty that-----

Americans do NOT need some idiot theologians with political aspirations of conquering and Islamizing the United States mouthing off to them about the limits of freedoms.

If freedom bothers you--no problem. Why not explore the option of going back to the Islamic hellhole you crawled out of (and seem to genuinely prefer) and and leave Americans the hell alone!

We do not believe you. We do not agree with you. We have put up with Islam leaders' defaming of our land and people on an epic scale without letup for long enough (much of which goes on IN the US itself).

As long as Muslims feel free enough to hijack commercial jetliners into our city buildings and massacre our people with impunity we will feel free enough to criticize YOUR "religion." We do not think Islamic terror attacks around the globe are ever going to stop. If anyone's freedom needs reigning in it is that of Islamic followers not western critics who do not kill people (unlike Muslims).

Islam's violence against those who are free (or not free) to criticize it, is a protection anyway, is it not? Could it be that Islamic leaders do NOT want non-Muslims to know that Islam is really a human sacrifice cult disguised in Judeo-Christian wrapping? Too much discussion of this might let the cat out of the bag, no? We are starting to see through Islam's violence no matter what you have to say about it.

Hillaire Belloc, who was a friend of G.K. Chesterton who lived from 1870 to 1953 predicted that Islam would rise again. Check out the following link:

Pythagoras - James Watt, a Brit, invented the steam engine. The internal combustion engine (gasoline) powered automobile was invented by Karl Benz, a German.
Of course, your point was: "What of significance has been invented by Muslims?"

Now I am beginning to understand why we must deport ALL of them.

Uncle Sam-

The Muslims invented the camel hobble.

Henna beard dye.

The suicide belt.

The burqa.

Alcohol (al-kohl, although the original meaning is 'powdered antimony' used as eyeliner for women).



Usin boxcutters to slice the throats of helpless stewardesses.

And plagiarism.

(Oh, and flying jetliners into occupied skyscrapers.)

lt will not happen, "The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said. "It does not give a right to defame Prophet Muhammad or any other" religious figure.. What a load of garbage! Knowledge is freedom and no amount of intimidation will suppress the truth. Susanp said it all, Muslims are insidious hypocrites and inveterate liars, and our governments have done us all a grave injustice by allowing these imperialist savages to invade our countries. Skirts and high heels, waahooo!!

profitsbeard- When you say the Muslims invented alcohol, I assume you mean distilled alcohol.
Too bad they're not allowed to enjoy it.
Maybe they'd mellow out a bit after a few margaritas.

Time to Stop Immigration from Countries with Majority-Muslim populations -- except for persecuted minorities in those countries

Right to free speech is limited, huh? Yes, of course when it comes to shouting fire in fireless crowded theater. But speaking against Muhammed? Muhammed was a dictator, as anyone who researches it with a modicum of thoroughness can discover, and the Muslims look set to replace an open society with their dictatorial cult, as soon as demography allows -- surprisingly soon in Europe. Those who follow M. (may God forgive him his tyrannical religion and plan of world domination) ought to stop following him, or be ashamed and laughed out of town.

A recent poll of British Muslims found that 31% thought Western society decadent, and agreed that Muslims should seek to bring it to an end, though not by violence. Another 1%, or 16,000 Muslims, were prepared, perhaps even eager, to achieve the change by violence. It's time for a temporary stop of Muslim immigration to the West. Let them stew in their own beautiful non-Western societies, their own Dar-al-Harb.

Hey profitsbeard, I think they invented algebra (some guy named al-Jabbr or something like that).

"The right to free speech is not absolute," Rishi said.

The right to free speech of CAIR should never be absolute.

Given the right leadership, that can be arranged.

CAIR should be disbanded, at the very least.

I can't believe that organization is allowed to flourish and its members' anti-American, anti-Western statements tolerated. CAIR should be eradicated and its members persecuted until they go back to the Middle East.

No hesitation, no mercy, no remorse. Our very survival is at stake.

I think someone should send/email an unflattering picture of Jesus to majhar rishi,just to inflame him more so. Oh wait, I'm sure he won't mind.

HOW does this FU@KING group stay in business !?!?!

Why hasn't the incidents documented at been enough to toss this bag of $HITHEADS out of the country ?!?!

PLEASE can someone tell me ?