12 held as US flight from Netherlands sent back with a jet fighter escort

UPDATE: Dutch Gov't: Incident Not Terror-Related

Passengers of "South Asian origin" taken off the plane in handcuffs. No doubt South Asian Presbyterians. "12 held as flight is sent back with a jet fighter escort," from the TimesOnline, with thanks to all who sent this in:

POLICE arrested 12 passengers who aroused the suspicions of the crew on a US flight from the Netherlands to India last night. The jet had been escorted back to Dutch airspace by two F16 fighters.

A police spokesman declined to disclose the nationalities of those arrested or the nature of the suspicions against them. “I can tell you 12 people have been arrested,” he said.

It was not clear if any of the suspects had been charged, although the spokesman said that they were being held overnight.

One American passenger on board the Northwest Airlines flight NW0042 said that she saw a number of passengers who appeared to be of South Asian origin being taken off the aircraft in handcuffs at Schiphol international airport in Amsterdam.

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More silly Muslims clowning (PBUH) around.

I just saw Monita Rajpal on CNN interview an elderly Mohammedan named Siddiqui from the 'Muslim Parliament of Britain":

Nothing but appeasement, deflection & obfuscation, not One question of substance, and of course nothing but kitman and taqqiyya in return.

Infuriating how the media keeps pussyfooting around the issues, more infuriating how our governments refuse to tackle the Mohammedan infiltration and subversion.

Even if these creeps (who were taken off the plane) didn't have what it takes to hijack the plane, they certainly succeeded in their jihad of striking fear in the hearts of the infidels by disrupting the flight and the people who wanted to go on their very much deserved holidays...

Siddiquis 'suggestion' of course is more 'inter-faith dialogue', opening the mosques so that people can gain better 'understanding' etc. etc...

I think we've had enough of that.


The U.K. story above is at least mentioning that they are of "South Asian" origin. The U.S. press won't touch that detail with a 10 foot pole, and just leave it at "individuals".

But this U.K. story doesn't tell how the "individuals" were passing cell phones between each other and making calls on their cell phones (which, as everyone knows, is not allowed on an airplane), even after the sky marshal identified himself and told them to hand over the cell phones.

When it comes to stories related to individuals of South Asian origin, you really need to make an effort to pick up the drips and drabs that the various media let slip out. The media is not reporting the news, which is their primary responsibility, they are too busy self-censoring.

If this was a flight to Mumbai, were the 12 Indian Muslims, or Pak/Bangladeshi Muslims? If they are the latter, how did they get permission to travel to India in the first place? If they are the former, this is just a continuation of the Indian Muslim campaign against India. Which India can choose to take on. Or not.

If they are not Muslims at all, confiscate their passports, and put them on the next one way flight to Pakistan.

from an article ..."Nelson said he watched Dutch police come aboard in threes and escort a dozen men, 10 of them appearing to be of Pakistani or Middle Eastern descent, from the plane one by one in a remote parking area at the airport.

``Some they handcuffed before they took them out,’’ he said. ``One guy was a white guy, with a tie-dyed shirt, a beard and dreadlocks. He looked like a hippie. There was an older man who appeared to be of Indian descent.’’

No doubt, this was done by Catholic South Asians

Once Muslim, Now Christian and Caught in the Courts


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Aug. 19 — From the scant personal details that can be pieced together about Lina Joy, she converted from Islam to Christianity eight years ago and since then has endured extraordinary hurdles in her desire to marry the man in her life.

Her name is a household word in this majority Muslim country. But she is now in hiding after death threats from Islamic extremists, who accuse her of being an apostate.

Five years ago she started proceedings in the civil courts to seek the right to marry her Christian fiancé and have children. Because she had renounced her Muslim faith, Ms. Joy, 42, argued, Malaysia’s Islamic Shariah courts, which control such matters as marriage, property and divorce, did not have jurisdiction over her.

In a series of decisions, the civil courts ruled against her. Then, last month, her lawyer, Benjamin Dawson, appeared before Malaysia’s highest court, the Court of Appeals, to argue that Ms. Joy’s conversion be considered a right protected under the Constitution, not a religious matter for the Shariah courts.

“She’s trying to live her life with someone she loves,” Mr. Dawson said in an interview.

Threats against Ms. Joy had become so insistent, and the passions over her conversion so inflamed, he had concluded there was no room for her and her fiancé in Malaysia. The most likely solution, he said, was for her to emigrate.

For Malaysia, which considers itself a moderate and modern Muslim country with a tolerance for its multiple religions and ethnic groups of Malays, Indians and Chinese, the case has kicked up a firestorm that goes to the very heart of who is a Malay, and what is Malaysia.

Her case has heightened a searing battle that has included street protests and death threats between groups advocating a secular interpretation of the Constitution, and Islamic groups that contend the Shariah courts should have supremacy in many matters.

Some see the rulings against Ms. Joy as a sign of increasing Islamization, and of the pressures felt by the government of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi as it tries to respond to the opposition Islamic party, Parti Islam Semalaysia.

About 60 percent of Malaysia’s 26 million people are Muslim, 20 percent are Buddhist, nearly 10 percent are Christian and 6 percent Hindu.

Malaysia has powerful Islamic Affairs Departments in its 13 states and in the capital district around Kuala Lumpur. The departments, a kind of parallel bureaucracy to the state apparatus that were strengthened during the 22-year rule of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, run the Shariah courts.

“Malaysia is at a crossroads,” Mr. Dawson said. “Do we go down the Islamic road, or do we maintain the secular character of the federal constitution that has been eroding in the last 10 years?”

In rulings in her case, civil courts said Malays could not renounce Islam because the Constitution defined Malays to be Muslims.

They also ruled that a request to change her identity card from Muslim to Christian had to be decided by the Shariah courts. There she would be considered an apostate, and if she did not repent she surely would be sentenced to several years in an Islamic center for rehabilitation.

Mr. Dawson said Ms. Joy had been interested in Roman Catholicism since 1990 and was baptized in 1998 at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Kuala Lumpur. Because she considered herself a Christian, Ms. Joy did not believe the Shariah courts applied to her. In an affidavit to a lower civil court in 2000, she said she felt “more peace in my spirit and soul after having become a Christian.”

Because of the death threats, including some calls to hunt her down, Mr. Dawson said, he could not say where she was, and could not make her available for an interview, even by telephone.

Similarly, her fiancé, whom Mr. Dawson referred to as Johnson, a Christian of ethnic Indian background whom Ms. Joy met in 1990, had received death threats and was not prepared to be interviewed.

Last month, Prime Minister Badawi appeared to side with the Islamists when he ordered that forums organized around the country to discuss religious freedom must stop. The forums, run by a group called Article 11, named after the section of the Constitution that says Malaysians are free to choose their religion, were disrupted on several occasions by Islamic protesters.

The chief organizer of the Article 11 forums, a well-known human rights lawyer, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, a Muslim, received a death threat this month that was widely circulated by e-mail.

With the heading “Wanted Dead,” the message featured a photograph of Mr. Malik and said: “This is the face of the traitorous lawyer to Islam who supports the Lina Joy apostasy case. Distribute to our friends so they can recognize this traitor. If you find him dead by the side of the road, do not help.”

Mr. Malik, 36, who presented a brief in support of Ms. Joy to the Appeals Court, said he was seeking police protection. “We must not confuse the crucial distinction between a country in which the majority are Muslims, and is thus an Islamic country, and a country in which the supreme law is the Shariah, an Islamic state,” Mr. Malik said.

Conversions of Muslims to Christianity are not common in Malaysia, though most converts do not seek official approval for marriage and therefore do not run into the obstacles Ms. Joy confronted. One 38-year-old convert, who said in an interview at a Roman Catholic parish that he would provide only his Christian names, Paul Michael, and not his surname, for fear of retribution, described how he led a double life.

“Church members know us as who we are, and the outside world knows us as we were,” he said. He was fearful, he said, that if his conversion became public the religious authorities would come after him, and he could be sentenced to a religious rehabilitation camp.

One such place, hidden in the forest at Ulu Yam Baru, 20 miles outside the capital, is ringed like a prison by barbed wire, with dormitories protected by a second ring of barbed wire. Outside a sign says, “House of Faith,” and inside the inmates spend much of their time studying Islam.

Paul Michael said he and other former Muslims moved from church to church for services to avoid detection. They call themselves “M.M.B.B.,” for Malay Muslim Background Believers. “It’s a group of Malays who are no longer Muslims,” he said.

"For Malaysia, which considers itself a moderate and modern Muslim country with a tolerance for its multiple religions."

There is no such thing as a moderate and modern Muslim country with a tolerance for multiple religions.

"Last month, Prime Minister Badawi appeared to side with the Islamists when he ordered that forums organized around the country to discuss religious freedom must stop,"

Islam hates other religions, does not allow religious discussion and refuses to allow Muslims to become a member of a religion of their choice. The penalty is usually death but can be years of prison. Members " could be sentenced to a religious rehabilitation camp." They use the word camp rather loosely. It is more like a political reindoctrination center. China and Russia have used this tactic extensively. If people survive, they are usually rendered useless to society.

What would Islam say if we imposed a death sentence to those who convert to Islam from any religion in our country?

What would Islam say if we encircled Muslim neighborhoods with barbed wire and electric fences and retitled the neighborhoods "religious rehabilitation camps"?

We should ban Muslim Immigration NOW. We must deport Muslim violators of our laws (do not waste our tax dollars supporting them in prisons--our prisons are already filling up with Muslim convicts) or Visa violators.

We should definitely Profile, Deport and Ban Immigration of Muslims NOW!!!

The Muslims running around misbehaving remind me of the movie "Gremlins". (those narly,nasty, bloodthristy creatures running around creating havoc where ever they go).

I am getting very tired of this "South Asian" stuff.

I am getting very tired of this "South Asian" stuff

ME TOO!!. I will bet the Muslims are rolling on the floor laughing when they read that. It would appear the Muslims have the mainstream media so scared that their reporters will be killed or kidnapped that the mainstream media uses aliases.

South ASIANs should be incensed.

Maybe the correct term should be "South Asians formerly known as Muslims".

I've been thinking about how the Muslims lately have been trying to scare passengers and then cry "Islamophobia" when people escort them off the plane. Here is what I would do if I were sitting at the gate waiting to board an aircraft and I saw a Middle Eastern looking man doing something suspicious. I would make eye contact with him, then put my right hand up to my ear, lift my collar with my other hand, and start speaking into my collar as if I were the Secret Service. I would start by describing what the suspicious person looked like. If they can play games, other people should too. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Yes, yes, I would alert the authorities too, of course.





Thanks Machira.

We should be grateful to the pilot and the alert crew for thwarting any untoward incident.Instead the muslim appeasing channel rants about "discrimination" against "minorities" "brown skin" yadayada.

Indian news channels make me puke.Also the moron prime minister who alacritously hastened to disapprove the cartoons has not cracked down upon a fellow moron that has named a restaurant after hitler!

Israel's help and assistance to India cannot be overemphasised.Yet,such appalling ingratitude and apathy!!

The dhimmies of India simply love being bombed.

Oh boy, they just trip over themselves making sure we don't think it is terrorism.
A refinery blows up, with several points of ignition- but it's not terrorism....that announced before things even stopped burning.
Planes being terrorized....but it isn't terrorism, just a few "south asians" calling friends at the same time.
This is all to take the heat off of muslims,
the protected class. Are we dhimmi yet?

aggiegabe quoted

In rulings in her case, civil courts said Malays could not renounce Islam because the Constitution defined Malays to be Muslims.

They also ruled that a request to change her identity card from Muslim to Christian had to be decided by the Shariah courts. There she would be considered an apostate, and if she did not repent she surely would be sentenced to several years in an Islamic center for rehabilitation.


Last month, Prime Minister Badawi appeared to side with the Islamists when he ordered that forums organized around the country to discuss religious freedom must stop. The forums, run by a group called Article 11, named after the section of the Constitution that says Malaysians are free to choose their religion, were disrupted on several occasions by Islamic protesters.

Ah, the Religion of Peace, of tolerance. Bush/Condi, please tell us again how we are all the same, we all want the same things: freedom, democracy, plurality, and financial prosperity. I can't believe I used to fall for that cr*p, back in highschool when I had a Sunni teacher telling us about the 7 Pillars of Islam. Why didn't I look at any of the examples of Islamic societies anywhere in the world? Why don't the general public do that yet today, five years after 9/11?

"The dhimmies of India simply love being bombed."

Crowsandcows, it is not the *#@** politicians being bombed. It is the common Hindu population being bombed. The major temples look like fortesses, with all the commandos and metal detectors and body searchings, a Hindu guy on the ground wonders when the *#@** politicians will see the light.

Whoops, another problem with blockquote. Everything before "Ah, the Religion of Peace" is part of the quoted article.

Arjun and exsgtbrown

It could have been worse - they could have simply called those 12 Indians

Sohail Abdul Aziz Nizami, Ayub Qadir, Sajid Qadir, Yusuf Haji Ghaffar Memon, Nur Mohammed Batliwala, Shakeel Usman Chotani, Ayub Khan, Ehsan Farooqi, Ghulam Mustafa, Mohammed Yusuf, Mohammed Imran and Mohammed Iqbal Batliwala


Who named a restaurant after Hitler?

As an Indian, I have no objection to ethnic profiling whatsoever, and I strongly support it. Those of us who have nothing to hide have no wish to be protecting those who do.

India itself has very tight measures on airplane baggage checks because of the constant threat of terrorism, which is now starting to target our trains instead.

I strongly disagree with what Naseem and Tushar wrote in a previous thread. I'd rather face an inconvenient delay at the airport then be dead and splattered across the landscape. Security comes first - there's no contest.

People should behave in a responsible and reserved way when traveling on planes. They should not be horsing around or otherwise disturbing the peace. I would even suggest that the International Civil Aviation Organization require a code of conduct to be handed out with tickets or boarding passes, advising ticketholders of their responsibility of conduct during a flight. Passengers need to be held liable for any flagrant actions that violate the sense of safety of their fellow travelers at 10,000 feet.


Quite agree with you. However, the question on that thread was a hypothetical one - namely, asking whether passengers should boycott a flight that not only has people who are obviously Muslim, but those who look like them. From a law-enforcement/airport authority standpoint, I have no problems with being ethnically/racially profiled.

However, if fellow infidel passengers were to mistake me for a Muslim and force me off a flight, without giving me a chance to prove that I wasn't one, I wouldn't mind that either, provided I wasn't forced to fly with the Muslims in the passenger list. (I'd do everything to avoid looking like a Muslim, but one can only go so far.)

None of this had happened on either the Seattle, or Malaca flights, so those Infidels who might have had a genuine concern about a hypothetical situation, as spelt out above, should hold their horses, and not hand over propaganda ammunition to Jihadists.

Infidel Pride,

A restaurant in Mumbai was named so.Latest news reports say,the name has been changed after the Jewish Community expressed their outrage.


Found it - thanks. It's way beyond disgusting, and given that it perpetuates the association of the swastika with Nazism in a country where the swastika generally has a more innocuous meaning, I'm surprised that Hindutva groups didn't cry foul.

The banner on the outside of the restaurant indicates that even if they did decide to follow a sane route, it will take some time and effort to do it. The proprietor should relocate to the Gulf - with the Nazi wannabes down there, he'd be a lot more appreciated.

Infidel Pride,

Yes indeed.
Swastika symbol,being auspicious is commonly found on main doors of our homes.However,Star of David called *Shatkonam* is considered so sacred that it is not be drawn as floral patterns or on doors.It is drawn inside one's alcove and the sanctum sanctorum of Temples.