2 Muslims held on terror charges in Ohio

600 phones, $11,000 in cash, airplane passenger lists, and locations of Wal-Mart stores.

The phones provide a ready means of communication which, once discarded and replaced, are hard to trace. They also can provide ready cash -- by being sold to drug dealers and others who also don't want to be traced. Chips from inside the phones can also be taken out and used as bomb detonators. The airplane passenger lists are an ominous touch; Susan Vessels doesn't have to say what they're for -- it's obvious. Locations of Wal-Mart stores could involve planned attacks or simply an easy resource for finding those phones and other supplies. "2 held on terror charges in Ohio," from AP:

MARIETTA, Ohio - Two men were charged Wednesday with money laundering in support of terrorism after authorities said they found airplane passenger lists and information on airport security checkpoints in their car.

Deputies stopped Osama Sabhi Abulhassan, 20, and Ali Houssaiky, 20, both of Dearborn, Mich., on a traffic violation Tuesday. They found the flight documents along with $11,000 cash and 12 phones in the car, said Washington County Sheriff Larry Mincks.

Prosecutor Susan Vessels declined to say how the phones, cash or flight information involved terrorism.

Abulhassan and Houssaiky admitted buying about 600 phones in recent months at stores in southeast Ohio, said sheriff's Maj. John Winstanley. The men said they sold the phones to someone in Dearborn, a Detroit suburb.

Investigators going through the car after the pair were pulled over in Marietta, about 90 miles southeast of Columbus, also found a map that showed locations of Wal-Mart stores from Ohio through Kentucky, Tennessee and into North and South Carolina, Vessels said....

The charges allege the two laundered between $5,000 and $25,000, Vessels said. A conviction carries a maximum 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine.

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These men will be out of jail quicker than you can behead an infidel. In fact, they probably have a cause for civil action against the racist and Islamophobic police. A "trafic stop" indeed! This is a clear-cut case of racial profiling and a violation of the civil rights of these men. CAIR and other civil rights organizations will be on this in a matter of hours.

In addition to this outrageous display of rank Islamophobia, the authorities are attempting to arrest, torture, and probably deport eleven innocent Egyptian students who are at present apparently touring various parts of the country. Once again, expect the usual civil rights and Muslim advocacy organizations to come to the defense of these harmless tourists.

Don't worry, be happy!

Islam is a religion of peace!

Viva El Presidente Jorge bin Jorge al-Bush!

Allahu akbar!

These men will be out of jail quicker than you can behead an infidel. In fact, they probably have a cause for civil action against the racist and Islamophobic police. A "trafic stop" indeed! This is a clear-cut case of racial profiling and a violation of the civil rights of these men. CAIR and other civil rights organizations will be on this in a matter of hours.

In addition to this outrageous display of rank Islamophobia, the authorities are attempting to arrest, torture, and probably deport eleven innocent Egyptian students who are at present apparently touring various parts of the country. Once again, expect the usual civil rights and Muslim advocacy organizations to come to the defense of these harmless tourists.

Don't worry, be happy!

Islam is a religion of peace!

Viva El Presidente Jorge bin Jorge al-Bush!

Allahu akbar!

Muslims from Dearborn Michigan carrying around maps of Wal-Mart locations, airplane passenger lists and airport security checkpoint information, 11k in cash and 12 phones, eh? Nah, that’s not suspicious at all.

Are the Hezbollah cells in America starting to shake and buzz with activity? Are attacks on American soil imminent? Are the policing forces ready and prepared to deal with these criminals once they do?

The ball’s in their court. Then once they’ve done whatever it is they’re planning on doing, we’ll round the rest of them up and ship them off to the cesspools they came from, never to come back again.

Go on, you bastards –you get one shot. Do your worst and then you’ll see what we do to the remaining scumbags who are left.

"The men said they sold the phones to someone in Dearborn, a Detroit suburb."

Let me guess: the phones weren't sold to a member of the Baptist Women's League of Michigan.

I can't seem to find a common denominator among all these "terrorist" attacks and plots and missile/rocket tossings, murders and the like. Can someone please help me figure this out? I'm just a dumb Western lemming that doesn't want to offend anyone, even the people trying to KILL ME!

This is interesting. It was only a few months ago that we heard about middle-eastern men attempting to buy large quantities of disposable cell phones from Wal-Mart. This fits the suspicion that they were going to be used for terrorism. Our authorities had better start taking the danger of islam seriously.

On another note. I received an email talking about the 12th Imam this morning. I want to post it here, because it is very interesting.

The most important bit is that this 12th Imam is supposed to rule 7 years. Since Christians believe that the anti-Christ will become a ruler that will 'bring peace' by getting Israel to sign a 7 year peace covenant, I think this is significant. That covenant will be broken in 3 1/2 years and all hell will break loose.

The article:

"Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom? A nation with martyrdom knows no captivity." - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, Speaking on the virtues of suicide bombing

Iran's nuclear program has long been the subject of debate. It is viewed by most as one of the greatest threats to international security. Yet some have condemned efforts to stem Iran's nuclear ambitions as hypocritical. One such commentator wrote, "The US government cannot make a reasonable case as to why it's OK for Israel to have a stockpile of nuclear warheads but it's not OK for any other nation in the Middle East to pursue nuclear weapons technology." Such sentiments may seem reasonable to some. However they do not take into account some of the key dynamics behind the Middle East conflict.

Unlike Iran, Israel is not a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and, as such, technically does not have to abide by nuclear anti-proliferation conventions. Over the past five decades Israel has developed a nuclear-weapons program but has neither denied nor admitted the existence of its nuclear arsenal. Israelis call this policy "strategic ambiguity." Israel is surrounded on all sides by enemies bent on bringing about its destruction. Israel, therefore, developed its nuclear program to serve as a deterrent. Israel's nuclear arsenal is one of the primary reason nations like Iran have not yet succeeded in their plans to wipe Israel "off the map."

Iran is governed by Shiite Muslim clerics committed to a stern interpretation of Islamic law. Hatred of the United States has been a key component of Iranian foreign policy since the 1978 Islamic revolution, and Iran's leaders often refer to the United States as the "Great Satan." Iran's distaste for the United States is surpassed only by their utter loathing of Israel. Iran's political and religious leaders have repeatedly called for Israel's complete destruction.

The State Department calls the Islamic Republic of Iran the world's "most active state sponsor of terrorism." Iran continues to provide funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups based in the Middle East and elsewhere. Iran mostly backs Islamist groups, including the Lebanese Shiite militants of Hezbollah (which Iran helped found in the 1980s) and such Palestinian terrorist groups as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Iran uses such groups to carry out a proxy war on Israel and the West. It is therefore folly to allow Iran, and consequently its terrorist allies, to obtain nuclear technology.

The Dark Horse

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected in June of 2005 with more than 60 percent of the vote. He is Iran's sixth president since the 1979 revolution. He ran on a populist economic platform and beat former president Hashemi Rafsanjani - who was hugely wealthy and purportedly very corrupt. Unlike Rafsanjani, Ahmadinejad appealed to the people. He is seen as an honest and simple man. According to reports, he lives so modestly that his personal assets include only a 30-year-old car, an even older house, and an empty bank account. Ahmadinejad projects the image of a humble and devout man. He is motivated, not by wealth or power, but by his conservative Islamic ideals.

Ahmadinejad is a controversial figure in the international community, but he has the support of the Iranian people and the backing of Supreme Leader Ali Ayatollah Khamenei. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad graduated from college with a degree in civil engineering and joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps during the Iran-Iraq war. During the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Ahmadinejad was a member of the radical student group that took control of the US embassy. Ahmadinejad reportedly played a central role in the hostage crisis, which included interrogating captives.

Prior to running for president, Ahmadinejad was the mayor of Tehran, Iran's capitol city. He was appointed mayor in the spring of 2003 by the city council. Before becoming mayor, Ahmadinejad was a relatively unknown figure in Iranian politics. In fact, the city council members that appointed him came to power in an election that could only boast of a 12 percent voter turnout.

The Return of the 12th Imam

When Ahmadinejad addressed the United Nations General Assembly in October of 2005, he ended his speech with a prayer imploring God to hasten the return of the 12th Imam. Ahmadinejad refers to the return of the 12th Imam, also known as the Mahdi, in almost all his major speeches. In the Islamic faith, the Mahdi is the ultimate savior of mankind. His appearance will usher in an era of Islamic justice and bring about the conversion of the heathen amidst flame and fire. The Mahdi will establish Islam as the global religion and will reign for seven years before bringing about the end of the world.

In a speech last November, Ahmadinejad is quoted as saying: "Our revolution's main mission is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi. Therefore, Iran should become a powerful, developed and model Islamic society. Today, we should define our economic, cultural and political policies based on the policy of Imam Mahdi's return. We should avoid copying the West's policies and systems."

The beliefs of Sunni and Shiite Muslims differ on the identity of the Mahdi. Sunnis either believe that he is yet to be born, or that he was born recently and has yet to emerge. Shiites hold that the Mahdi is Muhammad ibn Hasan, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad born in the 9th century and the 12th and final Shiite Imam. As a devout Shiite, Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam was hidden away by Allah at a young age and will someday emerge to bring justice and peace by establishing Islam throughout the world. After taking office Ahmadinejad allocated $20 million for the expansion of the Jamkaran mosque, a religious pilgrimage site where Shiites can drop messages to the "Hidden Imam" in a holy well.

Ahmadinejad ardently believes in the imminent return of 12th Imam, which he anticipates will happen in the next two years. He believes he has a personal role in ushering in the return of the Mahdi and is preparing Iran for Judgment Day. Understanding this perspective is vital to understanding the Iranian threat.

Related Links:

• Divine Mission Driving Iran's New Leader - Telegraph
• Profile: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - ABC
• Ahmadinejad, One Year Later - CFR
• Iran leader's Messianic End-Times Mission - WND
• Strategic Trends: The Rise of Islam - Koinonia House


If another terror attack occurs in the west, then deport all current backstabbing muslims living in the west. Send them back to their dirt caves. They do not deserve to enjoy the quality of life that we have worked to create.

I am afraid that Francistan (France) is a lost cause. Sorry about that Frenchie, but every war has it's sacrifices and frankly, you brought it on yourselves.

Time to take some terror to islam. Round up the mothers, sisters, fathers and brothers of the current airline attackers and give them martyrdom.

Bodies of homicide bombers will be wrapped in pig skin before being cremated.


Haha, if we call Dr. Pipes' post about routine traffic violations causing arrests of jihadis, we can safely say LONG LIVE PATROLLERS!

Haha, if we recall Dr. Pipes' post about routine traffic violations causing arrests of jihadis, we can safely say LONG LIVE PATROLLERS!

Haha, if we recall Dr. Pipes' post about routine traffic violations causing arrests of jihadis, we can safely say LONG LIVE PATROLLERS!

This all sounded familiar to me...and after an internet search, voila...in two texas cities at the end of last year sales of massive amounts of disposable cell phones caused target and wal-mart clearks to contact authorities....surprise, surprise...Arab decent customers...hMMMMMMMMMM

sorry bout the multiple posts

Re: 2 Muslims held on terror charges in Ohio

Maybe CAIR will express indignation, followed by a loss of reason, and violently attack reports who ask any embarrassing questions about this. Correct belief is important.

HMMMMM. BUYING 600 cellphones, shouldn't that ring a bell like buying 2,000 pounds of nitrate fertilizer does?

Do we have CARROT TOP working as WalMart clerks. A purchase like this and I am calling 911.

Two Muslims? You don't say!

Since it's highly unlikely that we'll be
expelling Muslims soon, it's important that
a continuous stream of ridicule from the
West be directed at this grim cult and it's
depraved founder. That will make them a tad more
uncomfortable, and hopefully hasten the departure
of some of them.

It's also important that infidels be educated.
If you know someone who is "without a clue", you
must provide the clue.

Time is short, the enemy numerous and ruthless.
But despair is not an option. I support Israel
and Denmark, and as an American, I apologize to
Serbia and her people for our horrible,
unprovoked attack on their nation. That was a
ghastly mistake which I shall forever regret.

"Sold the cell phones to someone in Dearborn"
Is Dearborn the national headquarters for CAIR??

A hint I've forwarded to the geniuses at "Homeland Security": Wal-Mart sells the phones. Hence the maps.

And Robert, I just saw something from AP that suggests the airliner plot might be linked to some islamists!!! Now, don't you feel ashamed for willy-nilly jumping to conclusions and first blaming the Methodists?

A quick search of Dearborn and CAIR reveals:

currently over 80% of the students in Dearborn MI public schools are MUSLIMS.

Kucinich headlines Muslim fund-raiser
... Ismail Randall Royer, a CAIR communications specialist between 1997 and October ... evidently going for the Moslem vote, so Dearborn is in his pocket but he can ...

Dhimmi Watch: Comment on Khomeini in Dearborn
... Islamist movement is gaining strength in Dearborn

Anti-CAIR? ... Right now, in Dearborn Michigan, there is a Muslim majority in that municipality. ... of the White House and Republicans in Congress,

I did another search of "Dearborn and radical islam" and came back with enough to make my head spin. Perhaps that was a poor choice of words.


Islam belongs in the sand, not on the pavement.

It should be disqualified as a religion, and lose all protections. From Muhammad forward, it has brought nothing but misery to this earth.

Debbie Schlussel has more info on her site:

Terror in the Skies: Brit Plot is Operation Bojinka All Over Again; Tied to Dearbornistan Terrorists Arrested in Ohio? Islamic Jihad Link


All-American Terrorists: How Dearbornistan Boys Went From Football Field to Islamic Terror; TracFone Detonators & Passenger Lists


But...but...They played American football!


That Debbie Schlussel article looks good. I'm reading it now...

Here is some additional info and background:



The police were tipped off by suspicious Radio Shack employees in Marietta Ohio when the two “misunderstood entrepreneurs” refused to give their names (policy for cell phone distributorships) when purchasing nine pre-paid cell phones. They tailed the “communication technology enthusiasts” until they made a minor traffic violation giving them an excuse to pull them over. The K-9 also detected traces of marijuana in the vehicle. Road trip indeed!

After lying about why they purchased the phones they were arrested for the misdemeanor of obstructing official business. They finally indicated they would sell the chips inside the phones to someone in Dearborn for $5 more than what they paid. The individual in Dearborn buying the chips is already under FBI investigation.

The article made reference to the large Lebanese population in Dearborn (You know, they all look the same…) and that it has been the site of pro-Hezbollah rallies recently. It said the police department WAS NOT PROFILING, but admitted that because of the suspects’ descent the incident “caused a bit of a stir.”

The article says 45 phones were purchased from one store and 25 from another, but doesn’t mention which stores.

From my experience managing a wireless retail store in a mall, the kiosk locations are often broken into and phones frequently go missing. There are also a lot of distributorship owners that are of Arab descent. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to curb this kind of crime except to require biometric info (photo, video stills, fingerprint, etc.) on the individuals making purchases.

Getting the name of the customer does no good with the amount of identity theft going on these days. We had a man call our store to have us set up a cash purchase for 5 phones twice. He wanted to be in-and-out as he was pretending to be an attorney whose I.D. he had stolen. Eventually we picked the scoundrel in a photo line-up.


Thanks to the powers that be we have lost our freedom.
Need something at Wal-Mart? Better think twice. Want to go to a movie? Don’t get too caught up in it, you can no longer afford to ignore the goings on around you. Pizza anyone? Better make that a delivery. Want to take a vacation? The skies are no longer friendly. How about sending your kids off to school in the morning? Never forget to kiss them goodbye you may not see them again. Both the dems and reps are responsible for this predicament and all those responsible need to be fairly tried for sedition and then fairly shot. No more lethal injections, too expensive. Traitors need to be fully alert and know exactly what is about to happen. This makes me sick to my stomach.

from ben"

But...but...They played American football!

Posted by: Ben-Hur at August 10, 2006 12:12 PM

Did you see what they did to the soccer players?
They were just scouting.

"It should be disqualified as a religion, and lose all protections. From Muhammad forward, it has brought nothing but misery to this earth"

It is not a religion. Since religion is somewhat hard to define, I think it is compassionate. And commands its followers to be the same. (This is as basic a definition I could make. And I am no scholar). This element, is entirely lacking in islam. When a rapist, paedophile, looter, sadist, thug, is the ideal, in a "religion", who divides the world in 'dar-ul-islam' and 'dar-ul-harb', who is considered by his followers to be the perfect man, the example to emulate, what does one get ? One gets around 1400 years of genocides. And that is all.

l used to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins in Dearborn had found memories as child, now its all gone down hill. l would be a stranger going there now.

YOU COULD be in dearborn or you could be dearlydeparted.

Goobs, that was a very informative post. So, it now made me wonder if the anti-christ could be a muslim emerging from the revived Roman empire. I used to correspond with a Shiite doctor in Iraq, until his wacky religious viewpoints came out. He said they believe we are in the end time and they're awaiting the Al Madhi, who is a descendant of Mohammed. Then, Al Madhi would go with Jesus, the prophet, standing behind him, to destroy Israel together. The Jews also believe we're in the end time and the Rabbi's have prepared a home for the Messiah fully furnished.

After the arrests today and hijacking plot exposed, I'm wondering if you still have that feeling of impending doom? I'm still quite nervous believe it or not.

Bonniea, yes I do believe things are going to go from bad to worse FAST. Take heart girl. You're a Believer!

Consider this:

1. The monkey thinks he can bring about the return of the 12th Imam on the 22 of August. For this to happen, there must be world chaos. That leaves 12 days for Islam to manage this before the Imam appears. So, expect a lot of bad things to either happen or to be stopped between now and then.

2. What did Jesus say? "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: SEE THAT YOU BE NOT TROUBLED: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation (people) shall rise against nation (people), and kingdom (country) against kingdom (country): and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in different places. All these [are] the beginning of sorrows."

I'd say we are seeing these very things in a greater scale than we have ever seen them.

Look at the scripture above....Jesus is COMMANDING Believers NOT to be troubled. He is telling us that we are going to see things go from bad to worse....which he describes as being like labor pains. They get greater in intensity and come closer together.

We should take comfort in knowing that HE has told us this in advance. This should serve to remind us that ultimately GOD is in control. We are in good hands.

This is why I am so against organizations that tell their members that things are going to get better! It's in direct contradiction to Jesus. When that happens, I'll stick with Jesus every time, thank you very much.

Although we are witnessing the beginning of the end...I do not think that those of us who belong to the Lord will be here when He pours out HIS wrath. Unfortunately, we might be here when the enemy begins to create chaos on the earth.

Personally, I'll endure the chaos by the enemy who is limited by God, over the wrath that is coming upon the Earth when God says "enough".

Need something at Wal-Mart? Better think twice. Want to go to a movie? Don’t get too caught up in it, you can no longer afford to ignore the goings on around you. Pizza anyone? Better make that a delivery. Want to take a vacation? The skies are no longer friendly. How about sending your kids off to school in the morning? Never forget to kiss them goodbye you may not see them again.
Posted by: tgusa at August 10, 2006 12:23 PM

Americans will not live in the misery that Israel has lived in for decades in bombings and murders by muslims.

A talk show host this morning noted that if the muslims start committing acts of terrorism in America, there is a high probability of extreme backlash from Americans including a high probability that muslims will be placed into concentration camps for their protection.

The future is starting to look very bleak and ugly.

Prepare, be armed, be ready. You have the responsibility as an American to protect and take care of your family, friends, community, state and country. You can not do this by being unprepared, unarmed or unready.

God bless America and Israel and give us the strength and will to defeat this enemey.

The Texican.
Freedom, the only choice at any cost and the cost will be immense.

CNN online is running a story entitled:

Bush: U.S. at war with 'Islamic fascists'

I'm so disgusted that Bush, who calls himself a Believer, is still not saying it like it is. Not telling the whole truth is, in my humble opinion, the same as telling a lie.

Whilst the nutters in the middle-east are bold enough to say what they REALLY believe about Israel, US, UK, etc. Our president is busy trying to appease muslims and lefty-liberals.

Someone tell him to sit down. We need someone who has the courage to say it as it is.

I'm sick of politicians playing the game. It's really beyond time for them to speak the truth....whether the media, muslims, etc. like it or not.

Damnit, I'm not voting for anyone (Republican or Democrat) unless they are critical (in a politician sort of way) of islam. It's not nor never has been "nice". It's bad.

I am afraid most of our elected officials are blind to the threat of islam.
I was listening to the Laura Ingraham show this afternoon and there was a congreeman guest hosting for Laura. A man called in and gave an informed view of islam, well the congressman disagreed with the caller. "Why it can't be islam that's the problem", he "knows a nice muslim",/b>
As Hugh and others have said here, there can be moderate muslims, but there is no moderate islam.
I don't know about the moderate muslims myself, I have observed to much "sudden jihad syndrome".

Look back in recent history and you'll see minority Japanese Americans did far less than these muslims in Europe and America to undermine thier host countries. I asked my Grandfather if he though we could see internments again either in Europe and America. He looked me in the eye shook his head and laughed. So went his answer. It only took a few bad apples to get all Japanese interned in WW11. It will have to be a huge attack, which is inevitable, but we will probably see internments within the end of the next few decades.

congressman...you know what I meant.

Congressman J.D. Hayworth,
I heard that myself and started talking back to the radio, the problem is their religion Congressman! Read some history before you open your mouth. I had to tune him out after that. Laura feels the same, she has bought into the tiny minority of extremist’s idea. She also feels that if we just help them out with electricity, outdoor plumbing, cell phones and medical care they won’t hate us anymore. Laura is a kind hearted woman and I understand her reluctance to believe the ugly truth. It is after all, bizarre to say the least.

The jihadists are the tip of the iceberg that we can see... no one wants to mention the so-called millions of moderates in the ummah secretly supporting them out of sight below the waterline.

Goobs, with the chaos surrounding us in the world, you've reminded me of Jesus' words, that we shall not be troubled, giving me a sense of calm. There are different interpretations as to whether we're to remain thru tribulation period or be raptured. I like to hope we'll be raptured. But, it is interesting to watch this begin to take shape, this that I knew would happen in my lifetime, this that will be brought on by the descendants of Ishmael in the generation that Israel becomes a nation.

I see you're upset with Bush not calling it truly for what it truly is. I suppose what he says publicly and what he thinks are two different things. I agree with you in that our politicians must stand up and speak publicly about what is really happening here. Someone posted a comment on this site saying that we should vote all new politicians in office. He has a good point there. Rep. Tom Tancredo is the only politician I've heard tell the truth about muslims. We're stuck here like sitting ducks waiting for these demons to kills us. I believe the day is coming when we'll be fighting them hand to hand in the streets to save our lives, as our government refuses to deport them, keeping us all in danger. How many attacks do we have to endure before the government wakes up?

Tom Tancredo definitely "gets it". He's my guy for Pres. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum from get it from what I've heard and read.

I do not get the obvious use of the passenger lists. Can someone explain?