2nd German jihad terror plot suspect arrested

Inner Spiritual Struggle Hamad has turned himself in in Lebanon. "2nd German terror plot suspect arrested," from AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

BERLIN - The second main suspect in a failed plot to bomb two German trains turned himself in to authorities in his native Lebanon on Thursday, German federal prosecutors said.

Jihad Hamad, 20, was arrested after turning himself in to police in Tripoli, prosecutors said in a statement. The other main suspect, a 21-year-old Lebanese student identified as Youssef Mohamad el Hajdib, was arrested in Germany on Saturday.

The men are suspected of planting crude bombs July 31 on two trains at Cologne station, where they were seen in grainy surveillance camera footage pulling wheeled suitcases.

The detonators on the bombs went off, but failed to ignite the devices, authorities have said. The bombs were found later in the day on regional trains in Koblenz and Dortmund.

El Hajdib's arrest came after a tip-off from Lebanese intelligence, according to German authorities. It was not immediately clear whether they were also involved in Hamad's decision to turn himself in.

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Since the bombs didn't go off as planned, we can be thankful that Allah sent two morons to do the work of planting them. And shouldn't someone with the name Jihad Hamad automatically be in jail, even if he is a moron?

This muslim problem seems to be on the rise everywhere, and it's apparently gone global. I don't like the disturbing lack of leadership being shown around the world. No one seems willing to solve this problem, or even to acknowledge that this problem exists, except the readers at this site. And it's getting more widespread and happening more often.

What's it going to take to move our leaders to act? Another 9/11 ???

We heard how "normal" Youssef E., the first 'suspect',was a few days ago:

myblog.de/policicallyincorrect says: According to the vice-president of the Islamic Federation in Berlin, the attack could have been a spontaneous reaction to the humiliation of Lebanon by the Israelis in general, and the death of his brother in particular.

And after we've been told that neither the unbelievers nor even the muslims themselves could have had any knowledge of his inner thoughts, we learn this[from Die Zeit]:

"Juissif was anything but a friendly, unobtrusive young man. The suspected 'case bomber' from Kiel struck his classmates for months before the bombing attempt as aloof, surly and radically islamic.

The publication of the Mohammed cartoons could have been a deeply shocking experience for the young Lebanese. Clearly, he was deeply offended in his religious feelings. Investigations by Die Zeit reveal that he took a prominent part in the demonstrations against the cartoons in Kiel.

During a discussion about the cartoons, Juissef had said that violence against the publishers of the cartoons was legitimate. A witness who sat in the same classroom told Die Zeit: 'he was completely radical and aggressive, even in appearance. To the teacher's question, whether anyone felt if terror against the publishers of the cartooons was justified, he gave a clear 'yes', violence was justified if the prophet was insulted. The perpetrators deserved to be punished.'

After the argument in the college, he started missing more and more lessons. In spring, he was threatened with expulsion. In hindsight, said one of his teachers,'I have asked myself since, whether he really wanted to study here or if the college just provided camouflage.'"

Scroll way down to 'Er war total radikal'. Has a link to the Zeit article. All in German unfortunately.
His photo here:
He's just to the left of megaphone-man, you can just see a bit of his white shirt.