Afghanistan: Jihadists attack girls' school

Schoolgirl Jihad in Afghanistan: "Terrorists Detained in Afghanistan; Extremists Attack Girls School," from the American Forces Press Service, with thanks to DFS:

WASHINGTON, August 1, 2006 – Afghan and coalition forces detained four suspected al Qaeda operatives during an early morning raid today in Khowst province, and a group of extremists attacked a girls school in Parwan province July 28, U.S. military officials said. No resistance was reported. An assault rifle and pistol were confiscated from the target location....

Also in Afghanistan, a group of extremists attacked a girls school July 28 in Parwan province. The extremists used small-arms and rocket–propelled-grenade fire to attack the school, causing a partial collapse of the roof.

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Tough battle-hardened muslim fighters of the global jihad attacked a girl's school. Wow! Can you imagine the daring and courage it took for these men to fight their way into a school of unarmed young girls? We are up against one tough enemy folks!

At least the villagers didn't standby and allow it to take place without a fight.

Those BRAVE muslim males.....attacking little girls. Such courage!

If only our soldiers were as courageous and daring.

These terrorist thugs are frightened of education. They have repeatedly killed teachers, students and other school officials. They are determined to ensure that women in particular remain barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen and if that is not possible then dead it will be.
Apparently these brave Jihad warriors have discovered that if coalition forces are attacked that suddenly helicopters and jets appear, artillery fire is received and the troops on the ground shoot back.
We should continue to hunt down these low lifes and procure a policy that ensures they do not return again to kill.
And they claim to kill in the name of the Peaceful Religion of Islam. Islam praises death and loves marytrs. It must be hard to become a marytrs when you attack 8yr old girls in school. Let us hunt down these thugs.

So much time, energy and hatred is spent in the Muslim world in attacking the "Is-re-a-lis." Why is it that when Muslims garabage men in Baghdad, just trying to making a living, are blown up each day, there is no outcry. I doubt that the attacks on these girls' schools will evoke a peep of a protest from all of the good and holy Muslims. Is there some code that operates with, Muslims injured or killed by Israelis are worth more than Muslims killed by other Muslims?

exsgtbrown is right.

With how the muslim women were treated, I wonder why their women bother the give birth to a son.

Since muslim women generally are illiterate, they don't know that the Koran says,"Women and children are from the devil." I can understand that.

However, I cannot understand why some American women don't think twice before converting to Islam. It's mind boggling why anyone would trow away her freedom.

This happens all over. And all over, not only schools for girls, but all kinds of government buildings, are attacked. And again, all over, the Americans, with that bottomless fund of money from taxpayers who watch helplessly, fund rebuilding and rebuilding, instead of allowing themselves to begin to start to realize that Islam is the problem, and it is better, in the absence of an Ataturk, to permit Muslims to create the conditions that will force the more intelligent to make the connection between Islam and despotism, Islam and economic paralysis, Islam and the suprression of women, Islam and the inability of Muslims to deal on a basis, other than that of permanent hostility, sometimes deliberately but now, for most of us, transparently disguised, toward all non-Muslims. The waste, the squandering of our resources, in Afghanistan, is not quite as bad as in Iraq. But the continued belief that Afghanistan must be made over, somehow, some way, despite all the evidence that the Taliban are now more popular, and will grow in popularity as the polygragmonic Infidels come in with their schemes and dreams, and proceed to try to refashion a Muslim people without understanding Islam, and why it is Islam that needs to be constrained first -- a task only for a local Ataturk, or a Bourguiba, or even a smarter, less vainglorious Shah Reza Pahlevi.

SSA, as long as the American converts stay in America, she basically has lost no rights. It's when she goes overseas that she understands that she's stupid and was duped. In America, I would assume she willingly submits to the cult, but if her husband hits her, she can have him thrown in jail. And if she willingly dons the burka, well, shame on her. But even then, she can take it off when she wants. What's her husband going to do .... hit her?

Mary Rose,
I grew up in Muslim country. You can take this to heart: In Islam there is ceremony for death, but not for birth.

When I was among them, time after time, I heard they said, "It's Allah's will."

From now on, you can forget about understanding the value of human life from Muslim point of view.

When they cry about the war dead, they only do so for propaganda. See how they show off the children's body by raising and waving them in front of cameras, you know there isn't any compassion for the dead. Any muslim can do it without troubling his soul for as long as the child isn't his.

Only westerners can be so gullible. Make sure you are not of these fools.


The extremists used small-arms and rocket–propelled-grenade fire to attack the school, causing a partial collapse of the roof.

Yeah but hey, if the girls fought back and actually won, these mighty islamic warriors would turn around a sue the girls and the school in the ICC for war crimes -- and would probably win!

Free woman,
I like your explaination, but free sorry for America for some of her citizens being short sighted by accepting cancer into the system.

Very sad.

Greetings to Robert Spencer and contributors to this creative forum.
I would like to propose following explanations based on behavior/response conditioning (remember Ivan Pavlov's dog experiment)
1) A group of people (believers) have been able to enjoy the fruits of other creative civilization without contributing for advancement.
2) Infidels are conditioned to expect certain behavior and response from believers. Average human psyche sees something as abnormal only if there is deviation from the conditioned behavior/response.
Let me explain (1). I will defer the (2) for later.
Persia, India, China, Indonesia and Eastern Europe were advanced civilizations of that era. Believers, just by employing savagery beyond belief!!!, had been able to conquer Persia, India, Xingjian, Indonesia .... Thus they reaped and plundered the wealth(including slaves, women, and children) of this civilization. To cherish the fruits of the civilization they didn't spend effort to cultivate a creative civilization of their own, but reaped the benefits of other civilizations.
If you look at it differently, believers found treasures and hit jackpots beyond belief!!!. All of this was possible by just following what was prescribed in holy text. By steadfastly sticking to what is prescribed in holy book, believers over the centuries have been able to enjoy fruits of other civilizations. Thus the civilization of the believers is conditioned to behave in ways that has brought them success over centuries.
The same story continues to this date in Europe, US, Australia, India, Israel .... "Freedom of speech" and "Minority rights" is guaranteed. Believers are able to enjoy once again fruits of the civilization by just sticking to prescriptions in holy book(though not fully today).
This will continue as long as believers find success by sticking to prescription in holy book. If unbelievers can demonstrate to believers that this won't be tolerated any longer, then believers may change their ways.
I will defer (2)for later.
What do you think about that???

If only our soldiers were as courageous and daring.

Posted by: Jesus Christ Supercop

I assume you are lebanese and your talkin about their army?

And remember folks it's suppose to be the religion of peace.


I believe what we are going to see is thier pavlovian hunger for our fruits up against the same fight/flight reaction that the Japanese experienced. A scorched-earth knee jerk reaction. People are really pissed and onto thier game now and the media and government spin-doctors can no longer effectively takiyya for them. It't only a matter of time now.

'four suspected al qaeda operatives' ?