Ahmadinejad: Allah's promises have come true

The jihadists and their stooges rejoice and boast. "Iran, Syria Praise Hezbollah, Mock U.S.," from AP, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Hezbollah has "hoisted the banner of victory" over Israel and toppled U.S.-led plans for the Middle East. Hezbollah's main backers _ Iran and Syria _ struck nearly identical tones a day after a cease-fire took effect in Lebanon: heaping praise on the guerrillas as perceived victors for the Islamic world and claiming that Western influence in the region was dealt a serious blow.

"God's promises have come true," Ahmadinejad told a huge crowd in Arbadil in northwestern Iran. "On one side, it's corrupt powers of the criminal U.S. and Britain and the Zionists ... with modern bombs and planes. And on the other side is a group of pious youth relying on God."

Yes, he's right in a sense. On one side is technology, but little or no will to fight. On the other side is plenty of will to fight, but vastly fewer resources. Yet ultimately the will to win will prevail -- unless things change in the West.

In Damascus, Syrian President Syrian President Bashar Assad said Washington's plans for the Middle East were turned into "an illusion" by Hezbollah's resistance to the Israeli military during the 34-day conflict.

Israel "was defeated" and Hezbollah "hoisted the banner of victory," Ahmadinejad told the crowd, including many people waving yellow Hezbollah banners and Iranian flags.

Ahmadinejad drew cheers when he said Hezbollah foiled what he called the plans of Washington and its allies "to create the so-called new Middle East."

"The people of the region are also after the new Middle East, but a Middle East that is free from U.S. and British domination," he said.

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Over there, getting your ass kicked is a victory. Meanwhile, over here, we're waiting for a good ass-kicking before we get motivated to kick-ass. Or maybe some other sucker needs it so we can play the "rescuer" role which seems to be the only one the politicians can endorse. Where's the cajones?

A "new middle east" could be accomplished without violence. But The Islamic nutcases would never try, they love blood and world domination. They are unwilling to share or cooperate on anything.

Has there ever been a "peaceful" Muslim country willing to care for its people or willing to engage in a realm of providing for its people.?

They love oppression,rape,torture,intimidation,self admiration too much.

Muslims continue to lie, deceive, and kill.

They consider sacrificing their childred all for the good of Jihad and consider it a victory.

People who see joy in killing children do not deserve to be on this planet.

Evolutionary pressures have shaped different groups. Hunter-gathers had different pressures than those who had to organize irrigation systems. Mayan Indians are relatively small because this trait was useful when maneuvering in a jungle environment.

Have modern Muslim populations been somewhat ‘shaped’ by the text of the Qu’ran?

‘But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89’ ; not good for the George Washington’s genetic traits.

‘When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them.’- 9:5’; Bin Laden has how many children, Dan Brown’s (DiVinci Code) equivalents would not have propagated.

‘Fight unbelievers who are near to you.-10:4-15’; This is what Hitler tried.

It’s kind of creepy. But the theory would explain some of the behavior that we are seeing. We’re 70 generations into Islam.

Allah is a loser - so is ISLAM

The public needs to understand what living under sharia would mean. If they knew, they would become very motivated to resist attempts by our civil authorities and outside influences to impose aspects of it on the public.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (piss be upon him).
Madman ArmageddonJihad
Madmouth I'm-a-damn-nutjob

Here is a good article on the Iranian NUTCASE. These are a few questions that Mike Wallace should have asked THe Iranian Moonbat in his recent interview.

I apologize for the break, but I thought this was good. I wonder what the answers would have been.

Questions for Ahmadinejad (That Mike Wallace Didn't Ask)

August 15, 2006
The Wall Street Journal
Bret Stephens

The time of the bomb is in the past. Today is the era of thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchanges. -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on "60 Minutes" with Mike Wallace, Aug. 13, 2006

Q: A follow-up to that, Mr. President: Are you aware of a man named Mansour Ossanloo? He is the leader of the independent trade union representing the workers of the Vahed Bus Company in Tehran. A year ago, your security forces raided one of their meetings and cut out a piece of Mr. Ossanloo's tongue. Now he speaks with a lisp. Is this how "dialogue" is conducted in the Islamic Republic of Iran? A:

Q: Let's talk a bit about your government's relationship to Iranian political dissidents. A few weeks ago, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, a member of the Guardian Council who is reportedly close to your boss, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned in his Friday sermon that Iran will execute en masse all dissidents if the U.N. Security Council votes to sanction Iran for your refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. The sermon was broadcast on Iranian state radio. Does Ayatollah Jannati speak for you, Mr. President? A:

Q: Please be specific about the fate of one man: Ahmad Batebi. Mr. Batebi became the face of Iranian dissent when he appeared on the cover of the Economist during the brutally suppressed Tehran University student uprisings in July 1999. After serving six years of a 15-year sentence, Mr. Batebi was furloughed last year and rearrested on July 29; his whereabouts are unknown, which is of special concern because your government recently tortured to death student leader Akbar Mohammadi (www.iranpressnews.com). Can you tell us where Mr. Batebi is and give us assurances for his safety? A:

Q: More on thoughts, dialogue and cultural exchanges, Mr. President. You are possibly the first head of government to write your own blog: www.ahmadinejad.ir. Yet your government has shut down hundreds of Web sites and Web logs, including the BBC's Farsi service, and harassed the lawyers who represent them. An Iranian blogger who goes by the name Iron Shadow accuses you of "pursuing policies that are reminiscent of some of the darkest days of the Islamic Republic."

Your government also recently arrested and tortured blogger Abed Tavancheh, 23, who reportedly sustained permanent damage to his kidneys. Is this just your idea of beating the competition? A:

Q: Turn to the past. Kevin Hermening, a Marine sergeant at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran during the hostage crisis, tells this newspaper that you interrogated him personally on Nov. 4, 1979, while brandishing a pistol. For the record, he remembers you as a "very mean SOB" and described a sense of "déjà vu" while watching your performance on "60 Minutes." The U.S. State Department also believes that you were one of a group of five who planned the embassy takeover. Do you deny these charges? A:

Q: Numerous Iranian sources allege that in the 1980s you worked as an interrogator and executioner in Evin Prison in Tehran. They say you earned the nickname Tir Khalas Zan, or "The Terminator," for your methods there. You are also suspected of involvement in the assassination of Abdurrahman Qassemlou, a leader of Iran's Kurdish minority, in Vienna in 1989. Do you deny these charges, too? A:

Q: An American federal grand jury has indicted Ahmed Ibrahim al-Mughassil and Abdel Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser as two of the ringleaders in the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in which 19 U.S. servicemen were killed. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh believes the two are "living comfortably in Iran." Will you hand over for trial the two to the U.S. or some other international authority, as Moammar Gadhafi did with the planners of the Lockerbie bombing? A:

Q: You are known to be a religious disciple of Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi. Among the Ayatollah's teachings is the view that slavery is justified. Do you agree with your mentor? A:

Q: Your views about Israel are categorical and well known; your views about whether the Holocaust took place have been ambiguous at best. How about the Jews? Do you agree with the December 2004 statement of Iranian academic Heshmatollah Qanbari on Iranian TV, as quoted by Memri, that "all corrupt traits in humanity originated in this group [i.e., the Jews]"? A:

Q: Another of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi's disciples, Mohsen Ghorouian, has said it is "only natural" for Iran to have nuclear weapons as a "countermeasure" to the U.S. and Israel. And one of your regime's hardliners, Hojjat-ol-Islam Baqer Kharraz, was recently quoted as saying that "we are able to produce atomic bombs and we will do that." Do you disavow these statements, given your repeated insistence that Iran's nuclear programs are for peaceful purposes only? A:

Q: In your May letter to President Bush, you ask whether the attacks of Sept. 11 could have been "planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services." Is it your belief that those attacks were orchestrated by the CIA, the Mossad or another Western intelligence service? A:

Q: In the same letter, you discuss the "shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the Liberal democratic systems." Is this a historical inevitability, and do you intend to hasten that fall? A:

Q: The scholar Bernard Lewis recently made note of your repeated references to the 27th day of Rajab in the Islamic year of 1427. That date corresponds to Aug. 22 -- a week from today. Anything special planned for the occasion? Or is it a surprise? A:

Lazy Days and Lemonade said

Evolutionary pressures have shaped different groups.

Usually, it is natural selection that decides which genetic traits are passed on to the next generation. But in Islamic societies, Allah has proclaimed the death penalty for "non-believers", which would kind of accelerate the process.

But I'd say the process was more of a cultural evolution (or non-evolution) than a biological evolution: if the rules of the Qur'an (and the Sunnah) are applied, ahem, "religiously" for 1300+ years, these are the sort of societies that will develop. These are the values that will dominate.

I can't imagine the Israeli people feel this cease-fire is a good move. In the past, they've clearly seen cessation of hostilities leaving them in the stronger position even given the usual arab victory rhetoric.

I don't know about everyone else, but this one just feels different. Israel still doesn't have her soldiers back, Hezbollah clearly is not disarmed, has no intention of doing so(Syria had continued funneling Syrian and Iranian weapons to them the throughout the conflict) and world opinion of Israelwas even more dismal as most fell hook, line, and sinker for the Taqiyya, Lies and Fauxtography flowing instantaneously from the bombed-out "Hezbolla'hoods" pressuring Israel to pullout before achieving more than just a dent in the threat facing them, and eventually, us.

I'm afraid, short of the "New Middle East" becoming a huge pile of glass, I don't see a good outcome for the Free World. Nothing else seems like it would be a big enough deterrent to stop the never-ending onslaught of the Religion of Pieces, whom, with $74 barrel oil and using infidel technology, is becoming more and more emboldened each day we allow this madness to continue. And our leaders and media have such an acute case of 'JDS'


that I don't see the Ultimate Deterrrent being used to save the Free World even as we are killed, enslaved and dragged back to the 7th century.

If they want to celebrate a victory, go ahead and let them blow off some steam.
After all, other than fighting amongst themselves, muslims have never had a war
last 34 days in the last couple of centuries.

Memo to Condi Rice (if she could only hear this): Nothing has changed in the Middle East's human landscape for over 1400 years. We have absolutely no reason to think the United States is going to bring about any changes there--at least not without an outlay of human life and resources that the United States is clearly NOT prepared to invest there.

Please, Ms. Rice GET REAL.


Memo to Bush and Co.(If he could only hear this): If you wait for Iran to strike America first (and it almost certainly WILL, I can practically guarantee it), you are going to gain a much worse reputation among Americans than you have now for invading Iraq. Now would you please get off your a%% and take care of this lunatic Ahmadinejad BEFORE HE TAKES CARE OF YOU???????And murders millions of American people in the process??????? NOW DO SOMETHING!!!!!!(yes,Lili,I am 'YELLING').

ps- How much longer can Americans afford to wait for their government to do something about this horrible menace???? Sheesh!!!!!

God's promises are coming true and will still come true, too bad he's got a false god (that being the moon god)...he needs to read what the Bible says in Ezekiel 38-39 and see the fate of his beloved Iran...and that is a promise from the the Creator of the Universe, God Almighty...YAHWEH,Jehovah God, the Only God.

Welcome to upside-down, inside-out Crazyworld, ladies and gentlemen! Where left is right, up is down, black is white, and everything you thought you knew is wrong!

Victory also means defeat and defeat means victory. Not once did the Hezbolla numbnuts advance over into the Israeli territory at any time and they complained about the loss of life as Israeli’s army swept through their land like a hot knife through butter –how can you be the oppressed victim, lose the majority of lives on your side, have an army sweep through into your territory miles deep and come out the other end victorious? IT MAKES NO SENSE!!

Welcome to Crazyworld!

I suggest that Hezbollah continue fighting and winning this glorious struggle. With each death in their ranks, comes even more victory –by this measure, I wish for all of Islamic countries to be victorious! May they experience their resounding triumph underneath the boots of the Israeli armies!

Reality. Whoa …what a concept…

Allah gave these worthless parasites oil so maybe he gave them other things too. But in the end they will be judged and not by the phony baloney Allah they worship

How many werstern troops were stationed or warring in islamic countires in 1985? And in 1995? In 2005? by the end of 2006?

The victories of the islamists are peculiar, to say the least.

How many western troops were stationed or warring in islamic countires in 1985? And in 1995? In 2005? by the end of 2006?

The victories of the islamists are peculiar, to say the least.

How disappointing. Bush is now characterizing the enemy as an "extremist group of folk bound together by an extremist ideology"...how nice, I guess his friends in Saudi Arabia, CAIR and the Islamic community corrected him.. and in light of that, even more disappointing.. while local police officials apparently think that those young muslim males with 1,000's of cell phones were up to no good, President Bush's FBI says there is no evidence that they are related to al Qaeda and is letting them off the hook.

So Bush has defined the war for survival of the west as one against al Qaeda, as if Al Qaeda was THE problem and the only problem.. and of course, he keeps insisting (in defiance of facts and logic) that Saddam was working with al Qaeda, and that the "insurgency" in Iraq is al Qaeda.

We are doomed..and Islam will win.

How disappointing. Bush is now characterizing the enemy as an "extremist group of folk bound together by an extremist ideology"...how nice, I guess his friends in Saudi Arabia, CAIR and the Islamic community corrected him.. and in light of that, even more disappointing.. while local police officials apparently think that those young muslim males with 1,000's of cell phones were up to no good, President Bush's FBI says there is no evidence that they are related to al Qaeda and is letting them off the hook.

So Bush has defined the war for survival of the west as one against al Qaeda, as if Al Qaeda was THE problem and the only problem.. and of course, he keeps insisting (in defiance of facts and logic) that Saddam was working with al Qaeda, and that the "insurgency" in Iraq is al Qaeda.

We are doomed..and Islam will win.


Umm ...in Crazyworld terminology, does that mean we'll actually win ...?

Ahmadinejad: Allah's promises have come true

Ahmadinejad lives in a world where pigs fly and elephants lay eggs. He's a Jim Jones style wacko. As the poster "Storagemanager" has said, he's turning Iran into a giant truck bomb.

However, he is very clever, and like Hitler he has a certain lucidity when it comes to manipulating people. This Ahmadinejad is a very dangerous paranoiac with delusions of grandeur and delusions of persecution. Ironically, he's more dangerous to Muslims since he intends to make martyrs out of all of them if he doesn't rule.

Very much like Hitler, he's a rule or ruin type. Just as Hitler tried to drag all of Germany down with him as the US, Britain and Russia closed the ring on him-so too Ahmadinejad dreams Hitler's dream of Götterdämmerung (Hitler's dream of taking all of Germany with him in a great fire almost came true). He also wants to emulate Hitler as a killer of Jews.

The UN security council should vote yesterday to kill him. It's bizarre that he's a chief of state. It's bizarre.


Assalamau Laikum all,

Much as I Loathe this man, I'm afraid that Hizb have aquitted themselves quite well in this war. NOrmally Israel is all powerful...and the Hizb fighters melt away to a cinema....and Israel goes where it wants.

Not this time...Israel's victory is hollow...lots of building damage...but has been Hizb been defeated...do they still have rockets...Israel cannot even go in there with tanks as these keep on being destroyed.

Next time (and there will be a next time)...the rockets will go to Tel Aviv without doubt ...by the next group of Hizb fighters half of whom will be called Nasrullah.

A sustained ceasefire....I cannot see it myself...Hizf will never let go of their weapons...instead they will aquire more....the point is ...ho is going to stop them...it seems like the IDF have only had limited success.

Isreal suffers like the Amerekie ...it cannot take casualities...HIzb take little else but every little victory is celebrated immensely.

There is certainly troubles ahead!

Let's see what will happen in the next few days / weeks - I do not believe that the Hezb will disarm - They will provoke once again Israel and I hope hat Israel will take off its glove and go for a kill this time - Forget about world opinion

Israel will carry the war to Hezbulluh without tanks. There are still other ways top reach out and touch them. Their laughter will be turned to shame and ridicule. Iran's turn is coming.


PLEASE tell me how exactly Hezbollah made out well in this war when 90% of the casualties sustained were on the Lebanese/Hezbollah side? Did Hezbollah make ANY headway into Israeli territory? No. So much for ‘taking back occupied territory’ then, eh? At that rate, Israel will be ‘liberated’ by spreading across all Islamic lands and Palestine in only a few decades –and Allah will win in this Crazyworld! Hezbollah can’t even aim their weapons and when they hit anything it was due to sheer luck, whereas Israel hit whatever it targeted …even the civilians and the UN buildings that Hezbollah was using as shields.

Hezbollah not only did NOT do well in this conflict, but they crawled away and turned belly-up like most of the ‘brave’ Islamic forces have done time and time again when confronted by superior forces and replied with sporadic rocket launches. Maybe if you consider their looking up to watch the Israelis march across their faces a win, then yes, it’s truly a victory. Maybe not gaining any land is considered a victory. Maybe having your country’s infrastructure turned to dust can be considered a victory. In the minds of most sane, rational people (not that anyone who’s a Muslim would understand what any of that means) they experienced defeat. To see it as a victory as all of the other Islamic nutjob @sshats means one thing: you’re completely insane.

You’re right about one thing, though: it’s not the last time. Only because Israel is kinder and gentler and desires peace and values life over death, do the Hezbollah still breathe air. Were it the other way around and Hezbollah were truly winning, they wouldn’t give mercy, so by that alone, they had to have lost since Israel is none the worse for wear and is still there, still ready for whatever Hezbollah can dish out.

So …how did they win, again? I missed that part.

The current state of affairs in the Middle East... the anti-American sentiment ...and Iran fueling the anger at a time when they are about to defy the entire Western community is downright scary...that's the bottom line. WE should all start preparing for Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . Be ready America.

Let's see, hezbollah had about two decades unhindered to accumulate and hide inside Lebannon modern weapons from iran and syria. They had about two decades to study Israeli tactics and strategy and dig-in and plan.

Then they instigate an armed response from Israel while hiding most of their combatants and war materiele in and among civilians and UNFIL.

Then Israel fights back with self-imposed restraint to minimize civilian casualties (which hezbollah sought to maximize for PR purposes), and blindfolded with one hand tied behind its back by the US and international "community".

And yet they crow about victory under those circumstances?

Shame on Israel and peace-loving countries for allowing such a build up to take place, and for not exacting a price from those responsible for it.

FWIW. I quote from another forum. Posters might not like the verbage, but there is in it much truth. The Arabs in previous wars fought out of duty (nationalism), and to combat nationalism and Marxism Israel and the U.S. promoted (and funded) Islamism (the Muslim Brotherhood and HAMAS), now the Arabs are no longer fighting out of duty, but out of religious zeal and commitment, and the Israeli Army is fighting out of duty, not zeal (survival) and commitment. When they feel truly threatened, and their survival is at stake, that will change, meanwhile they are too comfortable and their approach is half assed .. you can't worry about casualties and world public opinion when fighting for survival, except to use the same tactics that the enemy does.. such as whining, and whining, and using photo's and news to prove that the Muslims are inhumane and inhuman.. I guess that means that more Jews must die than Muslims, that seems to grab the attention of the world..

The argument, context and precepts have to change.

When Napoleon wasn't basking in his own spin about his military genius, he accurately assessed why his army won over the Russians and Austrians at Austerlitz, as well as other key victories that made his reputation. He pointed out that his army founght with zeal to win, not out of duty as most of the opposing armies did. An army that fights chiefly or solely out of duty is no match for an equal force motivated by patiotic zeal and revolutionary fervor.

For Napoleon that changed after the humiliating (to Prussia) Treaty of Tilsit. Napoleon's move to force the King of Prussia to appoint the 'Freiherr' Baron Stein as first minister of Prussia backfired severely. Stein and his fellow Freiherren instituted reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, which gave every Prussian a stake in his country and fueled patriotism.

Napoleon would reap a bitter harvest, starting in 1813, of his maneuvers. Fast forwarding to the 100 Days, historical accounts of the Battle of Ligny record that the Prussians fought with at least equal zeal/killing frenzy as their French opponents. Although that battle was recorded as a Prussian defeat, marginally, that Prussian army kept its rendez-vous with destiny some 36 hours later, crushing Napoleon's army at Waterloo.

I relate this as a parallel because when the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 1982 there was no Hezbollah. Hezbollah organized itself in opposition to the carnage caused by Israel's aggrssion. And, like the Prussian and unlike Arab armies who previously unsuccessfully fought Israel, the Hezbollah fight with at least an equal zeal, and with discipline and good leadership. Although updated weapons help Hezbollah, Israel retains the edge in weaponry. But what they no longer have is an enemy who fights 'out of duty'.


Ahmad is such a promoter of BS! I don't take anything this evil man takes seriously because he's a liar and a master-manipulator.

Assalamau Laikum Max,

Nobody for one moment thought that Israel could lose...including Hizb.

But Israel went there to blunt or finsh Hizb...has that happened? ...not in my opinion.

They went to get their two kidnapped soldiers...has that happened? ...no! NO doubt Israel will be forced into a heavy exchange for those two.

It was predicted that the soldiers of Islam (for that is what they really are) would scatter like seeds in a strong wind ...did that happen?, no!

Max, Israel has lost it's aura of supermacy throughout the muslim world...it got lots of buildings and civilians...and already recruited the next generation of Hizb fighters.

That they would get better and more prepared next time ...no doubt.

Whether the politics in Israel have the stomach for another fight...who knows?

In the past nobody dare critise Israel now Iran and Syria are openly gloating that a rag tag army could stand up to the most modern of weapons.

For Hizb...there is no politics...only Allah.

Yes certainly...there is trouble ahead, Max serous questions will be asked before Israel could ever mobilise again.!

Hezbulluh got their asses handed to them. Israel lost a few tanks and a few soldiers. Hardly a victory to any but the demented and loyal muslims.
Al-Qa'eda was in Iraq before the war:
"Papers found yesterday in the bombed headquarters of the Mukhabarat, Iraq's intelligence service, reveal that an al-Qa'eda envoy was invited clandestinely to Baghdad in March 1998.
The documents show that the purpose of the meeting was to establish a relationship between Baghdad and al-Qa'eda based on their mutual hatred of America and Saudi Arabia. The meeting apparently went so well that it was extended by a week and ended with arrangements being discussed for bin Laden to visit Baghdad."
Also this link:

There is credible evidence to suggest that Saddam was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

And if Al-Qa'eda wasn't in Iraq, then why was their #3 man, al-Zarqawi, killed there in June, 2006?

Naseem, glad to see you've gotten over your lost lund and are posting again.
"...the soldiers of Islam (for that is what they really are) would scatter like seeds in a strong wind ...did that happen?, no!"
Matter of fact Nas old girl, that is just what happened, they left their weapons behind and ran away from the Jews in Ghandouriyeh liked scared women. That is how we know that they were supplied by Iran and Syria with the AT-5 Spandrel and the Kornet anti-tank rockets, Iranian copies of Russian copies of America's TOW missiles. The Israelis captured what the cowards left behind as they ran away.
This kind of weaponry is not used by "rag tag" armies, but by well equipped modern militia, which is what Iran is. When we read of "civilian" casualties, we know that is just another way of saying Hezbulluh militia and Iranian special forces who are not in uniform, or more muslim lies. You people aren't fooling anyone. We know what you're up to. Your time is coming.

We are likely to loose war against islamic fascism. Thugs of the worst order are given cover in the name of religion and they can perpetrate extraordinary crimes. These thugs are willing to give up their lives for their cause.

Unless USA, Europe, India, Russia, China, Australia amd other responsible powers think of some options with Neutrons/Protons, we are bound to loose.

exsgtbrown l loved your posts..the great Mike should be retired, he is really a looney nutcase, l only heard pieces of his interview on Rush's show,and l feel sorry for his son "Chris". the questions you posted, was what a true interviewwer would ask. now we can understand the reasons why the news shows are so down in numbers. Rush had very sober take on the this so called cease fire. talked about C.Glick's article on J.Post. and that Wash. was disgusted with the Israeli PM poor showing with fighting this war this war, Rush also emphasied it was a religious war, and the West is not ready yet to face it. l think he is slowly waking up to it himself.

Not sure I understand how hiding in a bunker after the dust settles equates to victory. Nazrallah looks more like the proverbial idiot who just lit an exploding cigar. These Hizb are going for the French crown of valor earned in WW2.

I kinda like the way we are laying waste to the Middle East one country at a time. Destability is our policy and its working fine.

Yet ultimately the will to win will prevail -- unless things change in the West.


By the way.... where are the Israeli prisoners taken by the Hisbos?

I don't hear any news about it.

What's the hold up here?

or is it future reason to engage in 'hostilities'?