Ahmadinejad: Iran has nuclear technology

More threats and bravado from the Thug-In-Chief. "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: The Iranian People Is the Owner of Nuclear Technology. Talking to Iran in Language of Threats Is a Bitter Mistake," from MEMRITV, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

Following are excerpts from an interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , which aired on the Iranian News Channel (IRINN) on August 1, 2006.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Look, they are destroying homes with the people inside. They are burning fields. Neither children nor adults are safe from them. With laser-guided bombs, they attack shelters of defenseless women and children leaving them in a pool of their blood.

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Death to Israel.

Death to Israel.

Death to Israel.

Death to Israel.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: They have no boundaries, limits, or taboos when it comes to killing human beings. Who are they? Where did they come from? Are they human beings? "They are like cattle, nay, more misguided." A bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians. Next to them, all the criminals in the world seem righteous.


We ask you: Who lived on the land of America 250 or 300 years ago? Don't the rulers of America today rule because of the massacre of the native Americans? If we accept the principle that anybody whose forefathers ever lived on any land 2,000 or 3,000 years ago should rule today, then America should be ruled by the native Americans who are there today. There is proof that they existed. There are films, photos, documents, maps, and their descendants.

Crowd: Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America


Today, the Iranian people is the owner of nuclear technology. Those who want to talk with our people should know what people they are talking to. If some believe they can keep talking to the Iranian people in the language of threats and aggressiveness, they should know that they are making a bitter mistake. If they have not realized this by now, they soon will, but then it will be too late. Then they will realize that they are facing a vigilant, proud people.

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"Who lived on the land of America 250 or 300 years ago? Don't the rulers of America today rule because of the massacre of the native Americans?"

He neglects to mention that if he and his islamic freak friends found the New World first (which of course they claim have to) they pretty much would have done the same thing to the natives in the name of their peaceful religion. Like what they're doing today in Europe and Africa.

And,besides God gave Isreal to the Jews,dont they think allah IS God?Is he saying allah is wrong that he never gave Isreal to the Jews?allah will be very mad,thinkin he is better than allah.

Iran test fires nuclear missile.
In a related story the parking lot for the IKEA/WalMart Supercenter in Teheran is now complete, /insallah

"We ask you: Who lived on the land of America 250 or 300 years ago? Don't the rulers of America today rule because of the massacre of the native Americans"

Coming from a Persian who has been conned by an Arabic Imperialistic Relegion (Islam). Of course he probably never thinks about that when he has his head down and bum up facing Mecca 5 times a day.

His Persian forefathers would probably disown him for not honouring his Persian Past; rather he honours his enemies religion.

Muslims PROUDLY massacred over 50 MILLION Christians in the twentieth century alone! This is only ONE of the INNUMERABLE atrocities Muslims proudly wear on their sleeves (like human skulls)along with an AK-47!!!! Muslims have absolutely NO moral high ground on which to stand on. But as it turns out, morality is only an incantation Muslim leaders invoke like shrunken heads to turn Muslim massess into mindless, brain-dead,bomb-lobbing, knife-brandishing, flesh-eating killer-zombies.

As if it matters, the native Americans of North America came from SIBERIA ten thousand years ago(and they are still here--which the Iranian governmment knows full well I might add). Indonesians and Malays wiped out native islanders over 2000 years ago in their part of the world (tribespeople roaming the quickly-vanishing rainforest of Kalimantan and Sumatra are their descendants)with no comment whatever from Ahmadinejad.

Ahmadinejad is in office for one reason only: to convert Iranians into killer-zombies to kill en masse for a renewed Islamic-perpetrated holocaust. And that's IT.

He's perfect for the job. See ol' witch doctor Ahmadinejad wave shrunken heads before the Islamic masses of Iran as he screams black magical Islamic incantations to them!!! See Iranians turn into killer-zombies before your very eyes!!!!!!!See Iranians eat human flesh in a frenzy of zombified slaughter!!!!!


I understand that politics isn't really what this site is all about, and you do a fantastic job of informing your readers of Islam and jihad.
However, I do have a question or two that perhaps you or Hugh could help me with concerning Iranian politics.
The first is, wasn't the thug-in-chief installed by the true powers in Iran, the revolutionary council and the ayatollahs? And if that is true, are these words and deeds of his actually his own, or is he the tool of the ruling class?
If he is just a tool, is he on a leash that can be pulled back, or is he a dog run wild?
Many more questions come to mind, but they can all be summed up with....Is this guy freakin NUTS, or are they ALL NUTS? (that may seem like editorial, but I am interested in your views on this topic).

He sees the world through the history of jihad. They started out as a bunch of thugs, and now own entire countries. The jihad that muhammad started is singularly successful so far. This is only the extension of what muhammad started. He is a jihadi, controlling a state of jihadis.

Wow, talk about a muslim mindset. Ahmadinejad refers to the Lebanese Hizballah as people and asks if the Israelis are human beings and calls them cattle. This illustrates perfectly how muslims only consider other muslims as human and everyone else in the world as subhuman. Words DO mean things, except in this case, as in all cases with muslims, the words mean different things to muslims and kaffirs.

Re: " There is proof that they existed. There are films, photos, documents, maps, and their descendants."

Americans never doubted the existence of Native Americans.

Ahmedinejad somehow feels compelled to convince the educated world that Native Americans really did exist.

Proof that they existed?

You don't need to prove to us Americans about the existence of Native Americans.

This is like trying to convince Europeans that there really were two major world wars fought in Europe during the 20th century.

Those Iranians who educated Ahmadinejad and taught him that Euro- Americans doubt the existence of Native Americans must not have learned an accurate picture of western history.

Death to Iran!

Death to Iran!

Death to iran!

Oh. Pardon moi. Lost myself for a moment there. Just wanted to experience for a brief moment what it actually feels like to be stark raving mad...

Back at ya Mahmood!

Death to Iran!

Death to Iran!

Death to Iran!

Death to Iran!

"The Iranian People Is the Owner of Nuclear Technology"
But they still have no proper command of the English language. Can we really believe that these imbeciles have enough intelligence to make nukes? I seriously doubt it.


Here is some info for you:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
, Political Figure / Political Political Figure / Political Leader

* Born: 28 October 1956
* Birthplace: Garmsar, Iran
* Best Known As: President of Iran, 2005-present

In August of 2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in as the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Trained as an engineer, Ahmadinejad entered the political arena after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. He joined the Revolutionary Guard and, according to some reports, worked covert operations in the 1980s during Iran's war with Iraq. After four years as a provincial governor (1993-97), Ahmadinejad became a lecturer at Tehran's University of Science and Technology. He kept his hand in politics and was elected mayor of Tehran in 2003. He was not well known internationally until June of 2005, when he won Iran's presidential election. It is widely held that Ahmadinejad's support comes in part from those who oppose U.S. foreign policy, and early on President Ahmadinejad's rhetoric matched his promises to defy the U.S., most notably on the issue of Iran's plans for nuclear technology. In October of 2005 he made headlines and earned a United Nations rebuke when he publicly opined that Israel should be "wiped off the map." In December of 2005 he described the Holocaust as a "myth" in statements subsequently condemned by the United States and its allies.

Soon after he took office, questions were raised about Ahmadinejad's role with the radical student organization that seized the U.S. embassy and held its 53 occupants hostage from 4 November 1979 until 20 January 1981; some former hostages claimed he was one of their captors, a claim denied by Ahmadinejad... In December of 2005 it was reported that Ahmadinejad had ordered a ban on "western" music, a move reminiscent of Ayatollah Khomeini's 1979 ban on music.


* Profile: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
BBC News has a quick introduction and related links
* The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
His official site has archived interviews and speeches
* Iran's President Mired in Controversy
Iran Focus has news and a glimpse at why he raises eyebrows
* NY Committee Against Ahmadinejad

* Iranian exiles who think he is bad medicine

The rest of the article is on:

This is another thinly veiled reminder of what is going to happen on August 22. Once again he brings up nuclear might, and that the time is close at hand for Iran to strike.

Once he nukes Israel, and possibly the US, too, the ramifications of that will devastate the markets, and change the political landscape much more than 9/11.

The world as we have known it, has 20 days left.

Let us revisit the birth of Islam. There was Mohammed, in 610 AD, an early predecessor to John Kerry-style gigolo politicians, never worked a day in his life, self-important, self-referential, but most of all, a victim and a turncoat.

From the outset of the Religion Of Peace, Mohammed shouted threats of murder, robbery, and doom upon his neighbors. When people complained about Mohammed’s terroristic threats (a felony under present day American criminal code), the koranic god named allah responded by commanding murder against those who would persecute poor Moslems by daring to reject and resist Islam’s terroristic threats.

Thus was born nearly 1,400 years ago a fake religion that since has been seldom challenged in its pursit of conquest, more often than not tacitly conferred the right to legal murder. Thus was born Islam. And centuries later thus was born the the TV-based “Palestine” tragedy.

In this light, the deep favor felt by the Marxists towards Hizbullah's murder spree is understandable. It's all about victimhood, self-loathing, and suicide.

Praise allah.

It’s all so tragic. It’s all so Islamic. It’s all so totally phony. It’s all so maudlin and manipulative. I don’t want to bring the be-jowled Tim Russert awake, but it’s all so dangerously deceptive. Doesn't anybody drink coffee on Sunday mornings to maintain alertness anymore?

Ahmadinejad: "Do you think you are dealing with a 4-year-old child?" - YES

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran (piss be upon him)/insallah

Non-Millerites may wish to revise the prediction above so that it now reads as something a bit less apocalyptic:

"Iran, as we know it, is in a few years likely to be dimidiated in size, and diminished in other ways as well. On the other hand, a change of regime will make what is left of Iran a much better place."

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Madman ArmageddonJihad
Madmouth I'm-a-damn-nutjob

August 22 -

I like your username because it's quite possible that something BIG will happen on that date. What will you change your name to on August 23?

Here's' another one for you WILD

Mahmoud Ahmadickawad (smileyface emoticon facsimile)

OneEyedJack - I love it. Mahmoud Ahmadickawad - What a nut.

Mahmoud Amanasswipe

On August 23rd, I will change my name to TOLDYOUSO


I think that Amadmaninadinnerjacket has a Napoleonic complex.

Champ: "What will you change your name to on August 23?"

"Winds of August" has a nice ring to it...

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ahmadinejad Dirty?


Tehran, 14 April (AKI) - Iran's hardline president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has apparently been incensed by an anonymous text message suggesting he does not wash enough. Ahmadinejad has taken legal action over the offending text, has fired the president of a phone company and has had four people arrested and accused of colluding with the Israeli foreign intelligence service, Mossad, the anti-government website Rooz Online reports.

Poking fun at the president, the regime's senior figures and its policies, has reportedly become a national pastime in Iran. The Iranian authorities are paying particular attention to jokes comparing Iran's nuclear programme with sex.

"I will change my name to TOLDYOUSO"

Nice one! (But just in case you're wrong, and I hope you are, there's always Winds of August to fall back on! :-))

Yeah -- the way things are going you may be making that name change BEFORE the 23rd.

blueeyedwoman posted: "He [Ahmadinejad] was not well known internationally until June of 2005, when he won Iran's presidential election."

As I recall, he "won" the election with the friendly assistance of the ayatollahs, who disqualified all the "liberal" opposition candidates on religious grounds.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad Addresses Rally & Warns the U.S. & England: The Fire of the Wrath of the Peoples is About to Erupt & Overflow & the People Will Soon Rage; Today the Iranian People is the Owner of Nuclear Technology.

We know this lunatic rages like this almost daily but the threats are getting closer to sounding like the ACT OF WAR against the free world.

August 21st or sooner is but less than three weeks away (monday) as Robert points out in his FRONT PAGE article August 21, 2006 (Rajab 27, 1427) is known in the Islamic calendar as the Night of the Sira’a and Miira’aj, the night Prophet Mohammed (saas) ascended to heaven from the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on a Bourak (Half animal, half man), while a great light lit-up the night sky, and visited Heaven and Hell also Beit al-Saada and Beit al-Shaqaa (House of Happiness and House of Misery) and then descended back to Mecca.…”
So should we be concerned about August 21st in Jerusalem? That is the question .

Can we see other clues between that date and now that can give creedance to the night of August 21st?

Unlike Hitler though Ahmadinejad doesn’t rule Iran, nor does he control its foreign or military policy. The man in charge of all that is Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iran is a theocracy, and Khamenei is the theocrat-in-chief. To give you an idea of where Ahmadinejad lies in Iran’s political hierarchy, note that no one can even run for the presidency in the first place without the approval of Khamenei and the Guardian Council, a group of six clerics and six conservative jurists that are selected by Khamenei.

Ahmadinejad serves the purpose of being a believable bogeyman and at best a NutJob in the eyes of the world!

I think we do a diservice to crazy people when we refer Ahmadinejad as a nut case, he is merely a very religious muslim doing exactly what the koran instructs a devout muslim to do. those poor Jewish
women who were gunned down last week in Seattle where one of them died, the media portrays that man who shot them " as crazy", well we have to correct the media. Ahmadinejad is not crazy but merely a devout muslim, its Islam that is crazy.


Click onto the link and read the whole article.

Then take a look at his good buddy, Chavez and what's going on down in Venezuela.

There's a big problem that everyone is forgetting about.

Citgo is a Venezuelan company, it brings in 300billion, which is now being used to buy weapons from guess who? IRAN. This money is going to fuel Iran's weapons program.

Ahmadinejad was the perfect man for the ayatollahs to put into office. He's followed the party line almost his whole life.

Ahmadinejad And His Stool - in tears laughing, that is a great picture. lol

Its late, I'm back from a business dinner, and its time to enter the cut-and-paste zone:

'What I can’t figure out is the reason for Iran’s saber-rattling. Why would Ahmedinejad threaten an armed conflict, which he would lose, when he could quietly sit back and become a nuclear power? I’ve been trying to figure out if this guy is posturing or just plain nuts. I’m starting to think he’s nuts and driven by megalomania.

He’s got a card to play and wants to put it on the table. Lets hope our response will be decisive. This guy's successor may be smarter.'

Add: the sooner the better.

It's ultimatum time for this whackjob.

He will look good hanging beside a few mullahs, much diminished;

(at least Ozymandias was a real king).

I tend to think this guy is just plain NUTS.

What does he gain from acting the way he does? Even the Arabs are laughing that ISRAEL is kicking the Hizbollah ass. I don't see Saudia Arabia complaining - humm so quiet?? I tend to think that Hizbollah has done nothing more then piss of the Arab world and discredit there proxy IRAN. Its a known fact that Hizbollah uses women and children as pawns of war. Such brave Hizbollah men.

Remember the movie " The Mouse That Roared"? Its IRAN in real life! Iran wants the world to bow down and give them something for free, thinking that everyone is so scared. Trouble is the world is laughing at this short legged nimrod and his country.

Shit he needs a stool to stand on just to shake someone's hand. Still laughing Carolyn2..lol

"If we accept the principle that anybody whose forefathers ever lived on any land 2,000 or 3,000 years ago should rule today..."

Ya, so if you accept this principle, then you agree that the land of Israel, who's forefathers lived there 2000 or 3000 years ago, SHOULD RULE TODAY!! Thanks for clearing that up, Mr. Pencil-Neck.

I don't see what Iran has to gain by making the world think that it will use a nuclear weapon on August 22 if it has no intention to do that. I can see why it would work against them. It's not even as if they presented an ultimatum to anybody. Madhat just keeps hinting that a bomb is coming. The August 22 dateline Iran chose was selected for a reason.

If he is not the power in Iran, then the Ayatollah must be giving the order to strike. He is then like the secretary of state for Iran. I think he was selected because he thinks like the ayatollah. He believes in all that prophecy stuff, so the ayatollah must believe in it, too.

To all you American Posters out there, when is the US going to drop a dirty great big bunker busting bomb on top of this idiots nuclear facilities, the rest of the world is'nt up to doing it or don't have the weapons for the job. If Iran goes nuclear then I fear for the future, I believe that Isreal will go for starters and then who knows will be next.

We are dealing hear with poeple who want to meet there maker as they are in a rush for the promised 72 virgins (I hope these virgins are as ugly as some of the troll-like dead eyed miserable excuses for females you see demonstrating in the middle east).

So what do we do?? carry on issuing deadlines, negotiate??, the only way to deal with Iran is through direct military action and the sooner this is done the less painful it will be later.


You are giving us American posters too much credit for too much power. If it was in my hands, Iran wouldn't be the only country getting nuclear weapons. I'd pick a number of hotbeds of Jihad across the ummah for a synchronized al-Qaeda style ICBM delivered hydrogen bombs - Teheran, Qum, Mashed, Natanz, Yazd, Buhshehr, Isfahan, Chagai (site of Pakistan's nuke tests), Islamabad, Karachi, Peshawar, Kandahar, Herat, Kabul, Jeddah, Cairo, Damascus, Dhaka, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, Algiers: since Mohammedans consider synchronized bombings like the Embassy Bombings, 9/11, 7/7, 7/11, et al acts of glory, I'd demonstrate it to the ummah in a style that hopefully they appreciate, albeit on their home turf, while they are busy with their houris.

Problem is I'm not the one making such decisions - Bush, Rice and Rumsfeld are.

they attack shelters of defenseless women and children

They don't. Muslims purposely don't put defenceless women and children in shelters, nor do they permit them to leave war zones. They want them to die in order to have a propaganda weapon. They hide behind them. That is what they are like.

I doubt the Ancient Persians would have been impressed. I don't believe Darius's armies did thus - and, for the matter of that, it is said the Ancient Persians did not believe in telling lies - but Persia is long gone and now Islamic values have taken over there.

It is those wicked Jews and Christians who build shelters for defenceless women and children, because they have respect for life and not, like the Muslims, an obssession about conquering the world by any means deemed necessary, none being deemed too foul.

This deranged fanatic declares 'Iran has nuclear technology'-where are the U.N [useless ninnies] when you need 'em? If they DO would say it is about as accurate as North Korea's 'high tech' missiles which exploded in the sea or misfired altogether. Maybe Iran will blow its own nuclear sites up,hopefully with most of the mullahs & president all the way to Allah;thus saving the West another job.As for RENT A CROWD rhetoric-this is so-yawn-predictable. But expect bloody attacks on U.S and Israeli interests around 22nd August by crazed,brain washed suicide bombers. Worst scenario is a Western Nuclear plant so hope these are getting round the clock patrols heavily armed & backed up with security guards...

The Ameridians in Central and South America were treated far worse than those in the nascent US. No moving them across rivers. Argentina, for example, practised outright extermination.

Here is some information on the current plight of Indians in Venezuela, which I just found by googling:


Since Ahmadinejad has an interest in the welfare of the indegenous peoples of America one assumes he will be taking the matter up with Hugo Chavez. And, since he says "America should be ruled by the native Americans" he will, presumably, be asking him to step down in favour of a Carib - or he could do if any Caribs had been left alive.

To those who don't understand how Iran works. Khomeiny was actually a clever bastard. He looked and Nazi Germany, USSR, and created a compromise system that is more stable and effective. Iran is a democracy within very narrow ideological space. Imagine Nazi Germany where two parties are competing on issues like if they should murder Poles like Jews, or enslave them like Slavs, should slaves be castrated etc., while politicians suggesting to enslave (rather then murder) Jews are killed by SS on the spot.

That system offers religious rulers the better view of their country then what Brezhnev had. Yet in the system where move into reasonable is deadly yet there is no limit in the way to religious insanity (except for elections), eventually you have someone that charismatic yet insane. The mullahs are not ruling M. Achm that way, yet they are encouraging him, and they rely on his information.

For starters, the muslims should get out of Medina and give it back to the jews.

Most muslim lands were formerly Christian or other religions. The muslims should get out of all these lands and give them back to the original owners.

The hideous, violent governments of muslims all deflect their miserable people's attention from their own misery by blaming the jews. If Israel disappeared from the earth tomorrow, muslims countries would still be failed hellholes


It could be bravado. Then again, it could be not. We're not at the casino. Hitler's promises to exterminate all the Jews were dismissed as bravado back then.

Right now, the way to stay alive is by erring on the side of caution.

Re: Post by Mackie. Thanks for the historical insight!

I have wondered why the 8-22 response date was set. It is almost a given why when presented with your historical factoid.
It would also make possible something a biblical scholar once pointed out as a most alarming sign in the 'end-time' debate. He was convinced a new TEMPLE would have to be built on the site of the old western wall, (the "Wailing Wall"), currently held by site of the Rock of the Dome mosque. Afterall, this is where the Anti-Christ would declare himself god, if so inclined to believe the Bible.
So, it will require something, act of war, earthquake, etc, to bring down the existing structure. I doubt the mosque would be a target, but, collateral damage from an 'event' in Jerusalem could raise some interesting possibilities/considerations, esp. with the ties now with Chevez, Iran, AND Russia.
Then again, look what little damage and death after hundreds (thousands) of rockets have rained down on Israel. I believe more is involved here than just the use of low-tech weapons. (Angels working over-time)?!

A website by a recently passed Messianic Jew, Zola Levitt has spent his adult life teaching the historical ties between Jews, Arabs, & Christians.
See the "Levitt Letter" (esp. pg. 3 of Aug. issue) for a startling picture of the Dome of the Rock.

ALL Muslim countries are failures. Any natural wealth (ie oil revenues)is squander by the elite few. All Muslim countries governments survive by death, intimidation, coersion, military control,harsh and biased judicial systems,torture prisions, and so on. Their unity exists in the evil text, the Qu'ran. They make their own rules to suit their twisted minds and to control the people. They consider it a victory when there children are killed, they consider death an honor, and they survive only to kill?.
Islam is a plague on the earth, their followers are doomed to die an early death. Soon the western powers may be forced to help them achieve glory--all for the cause of Islam.

"They are like cattle, nay, more misguided."

The Thug-in-Chief knows his Koranic insults.That is a quote from the Koran, 7:179 (also see 25:44).

Hugo Chavez's Spanish heritage most likely has Moor bloodline, that might explain somethings about the dictator. when muslims sling about the Amer.Indian's plight, they again have selective memory, as Christians were in the Middle East before they became muslims by the sword.


Great link. Hitler was a little on the short side too, wasn't he?

Otherwise, I sure hope we are all able to laugh and comment on jw/dw threads on Aug. 23/06. The one thing about Ahmadinejad's very publicly stated ambitions is that we have to hope that the right people are paying attention and quietly preparing to see that the skies that end up glowing on Aug. 22 are the skies over Tehran and Damascus and not Jerusalem.

"Don't the rulers of America today rule because of the massacre of the native Americans? If we accept the principle that anybody whose forefathers ever lived on any land 2,000 or 3,000 years ago should rule today, then America should be ruled by the native Americans who are there today."

If Muslims had arrived in the Americas in 1492, there would now be no Native Americans left.

Ahmedinejad has an interesting theory of land ownership. Consistent with that theory, he would have to concede that not only Israel but many parts of Saudi Arabia (including Mecca and Medina) belong to Jews, Christians, and Bedouin tribalists. He would also have to immediately turn over rule of Iran to the Zoroastrians and other non-Muslims.

The Americas are now populated by people of European origin mainly due to immigration and reproduction rates over the past approximately 5 centuries. Even if the Europeans had not lifted a finger to either attack the Natives (or defend themselves from being attacked by the Natives), they still would have out-populated the Natives. Present-day Europeans should keep this in mind when they reflect on Muslim immigration and reproduction rates. When Muslims are the majority, they elect Islamic governments.

August 22, after August 22, if we still have computers, you should take tne name Tribulation!

If things go as bad as we think they might, it will lead immediately to the 7 year peace covenant which will be broken in 3 1/2 years.

Of course, something might stop the monkey and the peace deal could be signed before an all-out nuclear war.

In the Holocaust, 1 in 3 Jews were murdered. In the Time of Jacob's troubles, which is coming, 1 in 2 will be killed. This sounds like a possible nuke to me, but JEHOVAH will keep a remnant. Israel will not be wiped off the map and Jerusalem will still stand.


allah is the moon god. allah has no son.

If something is different, it's not the same.

allah is the false demonic god which stems from Babylon.

Some say that allah is only the arab word for god, but if that were true, then muslims in other countries with different languages would use the word god in their own language. They always use allah...so allah is a proper name.

Jehovah is THE God (the only God), the God of the Jews and Christians. The God of the Bible.

Islam is a plague on both houses. The people in the dar al-Islam actually suffer more from it than the people in dar al-Harb. By any objective measurement allah hates & punishes the muslims more than it does the infidels.

This won't end until allah is seen as nothing and dead and Mohammed is discredited and seen as disgusting by those in dar al-Islam.

It may be a historical first. A Muslim earning a rebuke from the United Nations.

Speaking of United Nations: what an oxymoron.

Mr. Spencer if you read the posts of those who come to your website perhaps you can appreciate why Muslims view you as anti-Muslim. Alot of the rhethoric is . . . well you can read the posts for yourself. (Not that you should be guilty by association).

I wonder why none of the posters can actually mount a reasoned argument to what the President of Iran is said regarding Native Americans. If Zionists and their supports justify the return of Palestine to Jews on the grounds that Jews were there thousands of years ago shouldn't the United States be returned to Native Americans? Any logical replies to refute the argument would be appreciated.

According to the folks and Answering Islam everyone who is not Christian is going to hell, while Jews will be given the option of being beheaded in order to get into paradise. all the violence and bloodshed in the name of Christ, and Christ ruling over the world with an Iron rod is alright because He is God. Kind of undermines the argument that Christanity is fundamentally a religion of love and peace while is Islam is fundamentally a religion of violence. Both appear to have violent and intolerant teachings.