Ahmadinejad proposes Final Solution to Middle East crisis

Of course, he may not want to exterminate all the Jews in Israel. He would probably be just as happy if they accepted dhimmi status and paid the jizya. "Iranian president: Israel's destruction solution to Mideast crisis," from Ynet News, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the solution to the Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel, state-media reported.

In a speech during an emergency meeting of Muslim leaders in Malaysia, Ahmadinejad also called for an immediate ceasefire to end the fighting between Israel and the Iranian-back group Hizbullah.

"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate ceasefire must be implemented," Ahmadinejad said, according to state-run television in a report posted on its Web site.

That must mean that his boys in Hizballah are in trouble. They're hoping a ceasefire will give them a chance to regroup.

There is video at the Ynet site.

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There will never be a solution in the M.E. even if there are no Jews left. The only true solution, is if there were no muslims left. If muslims took over the world, they would still kill each other and fight each other to the end. They are not happy people. Nothing will make them happy. If they were the only people left in the world, who would they play victim with? Useless breathers. Useless breeders.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday the solution to the Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel, state-media reported.

Granted, a solution of a kind.

Ahmadinejad also called for an immediate ceasefire to end the fighting between Israel and the Iranian-back group Hizbullah.

So let me see if I have this right: destroy Israel to solve the Middle East crisis; call for an immediate ceasefire to end the fighting with Israel.

Say, you're good Ahmadinejad -- ever think of running for President of the United States?

With contradictions that extreme in one breath, you'd be elected in a landslide victory -- just as long as the beer keeps flowing and we have plenty of sports re-runs on the tube, your life in the oval office would be peachy.

The United Nations’ #2 man, Mark Malloch Brown, says it is “not helpful” to call Hizballah a terrorist organization

The odious EUropeans  and UN refuse to call Hizb'Allah terrorist even though it is funded by Iran that continually proclaims their desire to eliminate Israel. These proclamations are yet another Muslim "call to prayer". Destruction of the infidel is prayer for the Ummah

Ahmadinejad constantly incites to genocide. Yet because he looks like clown (or a homeless person) many (particularly on the left) think it's just words. It was similar with Hitler.

He means to do to Israel and its people exactly what his umma brothers are doing to the Africans in Darfur. Just as Hizbullah must be destroyed-his nuclear ambitions must be destroyed. His head is full of terrible dreams. He's a bad person.

Once again Madhat hints at August 22. Israel will be nuked.

the little man from iran spoke, and we all know that Hizbollah killers are on the run, Israel are wiping them out, using up all the Hisbollah's rockets with thanks from the little man from iran, l say exterminate the little man from iran, works for me to.

I don't claim to be a great logician, but I'm trying to ponder the solution to this syllogism:

Iran calls for the extermination of Israel.

France calls Iran a "force for stability."

Ergo, France.......

Can anyone help me here?

... has important business interests in Iran that could be jeopardized by truth-telling.

Will that do? :-)

I, too, believe Hezbollah is hurting. Their resupply lines have been virtually cut off and they are losing the attrition battle. The longer Israel is moving and searching, the more Hezbollah suffers. Unless Hezbollah gets help from somewhere, they are doomed in Lebanon.


I don't think Ahmadinejad is contradicting himself. He simply needs a bit of time to finish his bomb, and he would not like to see Hizbollah finished off with before he is ready to drop his bomb.

Israel can not really eliminate Hizbollah. The arabs produce more children everyday that grow up to take their place. Even if Israel killed every Hizbollah fighter alive today, how long would it take for the ranks to be replenished with new fighters? A year? A 16 year old arab in Lebanon today, will be a Hizbollah fighter in one or two years.

from above

Ergo, France.......

has a large Muslim polulation and is too terrified to do otherwise.

oops.. should be population

I had a discussion about this last night with a friend. The IDF, if given time, will destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon. The next decision will be from Iran, who will decide whether or not to intervene. With the insecurities and bluster of this Thug-in-Chief, it is hard to imagine him backing down.

If he gives us this opening, we need to take it.

Not to take the heat off France, but is any nation in the west doing anything to stem the Islamic tide? France isn't the only country that's terrified right now, in fact the entire west seems paralysed with fear.

August22 –

A 16 year old in Lebanon a Hezbollah fighter in 1 or 2 years? Ha! If he’s 16 and hasn’t already been fighting, he’s an old maid by now! Hell, there are 4-year olds in Lebanon who need AK-47s!

The only way to stop it is to stop the hatred that’s being taught in their schools and their curriculum, but …how can that be achieved? Education is the ultimate answer, but how can you possibly teach someone who doesn’t want to be taught? By doing nothing, they’re simply pumping out future jihadists and martyrs and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. The US can put its foot down on the Saudis who are spreading lots of hatred, but even so, they still continue to spread it and claim they’ve changed the text in their schoolbooks. It’s absolutely maddening.

They’ll never learn to love others, but at this rate, continue to hate for eternity. They’ve been around for ages and spread their hatred and have learned nothing.

I’ve got my own ideas as to the ‘final solution’ in the Middle East and I have a feeling that Mecca and the rest of the Muslim communities the world over wouldn’t be too happy about it…

let Israel clean house, let the UNO scream bloody murder, let the christians come back to roost in Lebanon, which is their homeland and which does not belong to the palis, and let Aheminidjhad get a taste of his own medicine soon.

BTW, in the EU, hizb'allah IS listed as a terrorist organization, only, many in the european media do not want to admit it. ARD in Germany does admit it. Amazingly. Wonders never cease.

A lot of people must be starting to get headaches right about now, after having stood morally on their heads for so long.... :)

Greetings from Bonn, Germany.

from above

A 16 year old in Lebanon a Hezbollah fighter in 1 or 2 years? Ha! If he’s 16 and hasn’t already been fighting, he’s an old maid by now! Hell, there are 4-year olds in Lebanon who need AK-47s!

I have seen photos where the terrorists, while attacking, surround themselves with children. It is called on the job training. Their indoctrination begins at birth. They are not allowed free thought or valid education. it is no wonder they know how to kill

In the Old Testament, there were occasions when Jehovah God would COMMAND Israel to COMPLETELY destroy a particular enemy....and not to spare the children or livestock or ANYTHING. Israel did not always listen and as a result has paid a heavy price.

It may SOUND horrible that God would tell Israel to do this...........but God wanted these enemies gone because they refused to acknowledge HIM. They worshiped demon (false) gods.

Today, we have the same situation. We see the evil of peoples all around Israel who worship a false god.

I think that we need a big mushroom cloud over Tehran and Damascus.

If you have vermon in your house, are you going to live with them or get rid of them? Israel will never have TRUE peace with vermon all around them.

God is watching as the world devises an evil plan (Peace when there is no peace). The world is blaming Israel. The world is trying to come up with a way to force Israel into some kind of covenant with the enemies of God. This is not going to go over well with God folks.

By the Way,, I am not related to Mark Brown. thanks for asking

Remember what Robert Spencer wrote along time ago - that in the Muslim world:
Islam - very, very good!
Israel - very, very bad.

It's all a matter of perspective.
To the Muslim, Israel is not the problem; it’s all the people who practice anything other than Islam, that is the problem!

The Jews are considered the worst enemy, and the Christians are next to the worst. This is because we preach Peace and Tolerance. Two foreign concepts that the Muslim pea-brain can’t wrap their arms around. They have become blinded by rage. Their hard hearts, burn with hate.

From my comfy chair, well protected from the violence it’s easy for me to be glib. But, what is needed is for 8 or 9 Apostates to be more public with the truth of the chants that indoctrinate this hatred. Tell the Americans, English, French, Danes and Poles the truth of these chants. Fundamental Islam calls for the elimination of the Jews. The new Israeli understands this and have continued to resettle in their historic homeland despite the Muslim hatred towards them.

This goes back to the beginning of current times when Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael Away! The poor Arab (Mohammed) has a personality disorder, based upon the fact that he can’t acknowledge that he owes his life to a descendant of the Jews! Ancestry matters more now than ever! It’s time to shine the light.

Shine a light upon the Evil, and it will have to go hide! Evil will never be stronger or more powerful than the Truth… KnightHawk

The report as usual was ignored by the NYTimes and the Washington Post, the BBC, NPR, etc. ONly Tony Blair had the guts to respond:

“Blair: Ahmadinejad’s remark on Israel ‘astounding’

JPost.com Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 3, 2006

In a press conference early Thursday afternoon, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said that he finds it astounding that President Ahmadinejad has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” as a solution to the Middle East’s problems.

“If someone else were to call for Iran or Syria to be wiped off the map, people would be tearing the house down!” he added.”


The reality of the situation is that iran does not have to complete enrichment to weapons grade. They can just deliver a dirty bomb and Israel will be uninhabitable for years. He doesn't care that even muslims won't be able to live there, just as long as the Jews are gone. This nutcase is openly saying that no matter how much his people suffer, Israel is going to go. I think it will be very soon.

The lunatic president of Iran must know Iran could never win an all out war with Israel. He is running his vile mouth like a 10 lb terrier barking at a Great Dane. Here a few pertinent facts:
Israel has more than 200 atomic devices vs Iran which may currently have one or will have 1-3 soon.Even if Iran bought nuclear devices from other rogue states, the retaliation from Israel would be the equivalent of 2,000 plus hiroshimas.
2. The 200 plus Israeli atomic devices are unstoppable by Iran i.e. up to 80 can be launched by submerged submarines and the rest by ICBM or F-15s or F-16s
3. Israel has the world’s most advanced anti-ICBM missle umbrella which may be impenetrable by Iranian Shahib missles . Iran can only deliver their 1-2 atomic warheads by ICBMs with no other delivery capabilities.
4. Israel has a satellite system with multiple types of spy satellites which have reached the limit of possible resolution (defraction limit) generally thought to be about 10 centimeters and their satellite system is all weather. Together with their advanced UAV capabilities , this allows Israel to possess the most detailed photos and real-time imaging of all Iranian military installations .
5.The military technologic difference between Israel and Iran is wide .
Israel has about 10% of the world-wide arms export market which based solely on merit and immensely competitive. IF anything, it is nothing short of a miracle and a tremendous tribute to Israel (jewish ) expertise that they sell to so many countries which never take the side of Israel in any dispute.

Iran sells nothing in world wide arms market. Israel supplies Israeli-developed military technology to most of the world’s top militaries including the USA, India, and China. China, despite USA blanket prohibitions against the sale of Israel’s military technology, has several Israeli developed systems ,including China’s new J-10 jet fighter, which experts say is modeled on Israel’s Lavi.,the Israeli developed Jet fighter.
Despite having a population of only 5.5 million , Israel is now one of the few nations selling and co-developing Military technology to the USA. Israel has greatest number of engineers per capita in the world. Because of the siege of Israel it has become similar to ancientSparta. It’s former foreign minister ,Moshe Arens led the development of the Lavi ,having earned a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from MIT. Almost every Jew in Israeli society has military service of , at least , 3 years, plus one month per year of reserve duty up to age 45.
Israel is way ahead in both quality and quantity of it's main military systems. To compare: Israel has 1,500 main battle tanks consisting entirely of the Merkava one of the top 5 tanks in the world. Iran has 500 main battle tanks . It doesn't possess any modern MBTs but does have T 72s which are not a match for Merkavas. In term of combat aircraft Israel possesses 900 while Iran has only 250 . Approximately 500 of Israel's aircraft are upgraded F 16s and F 15s. Iran aircraft consists of more obsolete models. Israel has the capability of reaching Iran due to it's refueling capabilities in the air. Iran possesses little , if any similar capability.

If Las Vegas were setting the odds , Iran would be the prohibitive underdog.

Tony Blair had the guts to respond:

For anyone who missed it, Blair's speech at the WAC was interesting:



The US can put its foot down on the Saudis who are spreading lots of hatred, but even so, they still continue to spread it and claim they’ve changed the text in their schoolbooks. It’s absolutely maddening.

Until the West is able to achieve some measure of independence from Muslim oil, we will continue to have to suck up to the Saudis and the E.U. will continue to have to suck up to the Iranians.

This collective Western schizophrenia--denouncing Islamic jihad while consuming their gasoline like there's no tomorrow--has just got to stop. I drive a Honda Civic, and I made it a point to live in an area where a drugstore and supermarket are within walking distance. What kind of cars do folks on JW drive? And what kind of gas mileage do they get?

August22: Israel has nukes but has considered itself above using them. If Israel ever did decide to use them it could indeed finish off Hizbollah and a goodly chunk of the Muslim world. Maybe the Jews need to reconceptualize as it looks like the time has come to do some serious clock-cleaning....

StevenL: I take the bus or walk!!!!!!!

Steven L.,

I totally agree that our dependence from foreign oil has to stop, but that still doesn’t get to the root cause of the problem.

We trade with other countries and yet manage civility with them, don’t we? I, personally, would be completely fine with buying their oil and using it as we currently do if it weren’t for their hatred in return. The fact that they use our own money to turn around and fund houses of worship/hatred against us should make you as angry as it does me. They’ve been geographically gifted and it is this they use against us.

Education is the key, not our weaning off of oil, though that would certainly help. Our parents told us to attend school for good reasons, but the bile and venom that spews out of the Saudi textbooks is one of many sources that is the cause of our current situation. We could stop using oil altogether, but as long as they’re taught to hate the west and are joining in on rousing chants of ‘Death to America’ then we’re never going to hear the end of it.

Hudaybiyya Time?

Hizb'Allah on the Ropes
By Steve Schippert (ThreatsWatch)


An alternate "final solution" might include the proper application of large amounts of explosives to the cities of Tehran, Damascus, Mecca and Medina.