Ahmadinejad says Holocaust 'made up to embarrass Germany'

UPDATE: Fars News Agency has released the text, posted above.

Ahmadinejad's letter to Merkel from last month has not yet been released in its entirety by Germany or Iran, though the New York Daily News recently reported that Reuters has obtained a copy. It would be nice to see it. Meanwhile, details continue to emerge. An update on this story from AFP:

TEHRAN (AFP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the Holocaust may have been invented by the victorious Allied powers in World War II to embarrass Germany, the semi-official news agency Mehr has reported.
The remarks by the outspoken Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly questioned the veracity of the Holocaust, came in a letter sent to Merkel in July whose contents have not been disclosed until now.
"Is it not a reasonable possibility that some countries that had won the war made up this excuse to constantly embarrass the defeated people ... to bar their progress," Ahmadinejad said in the letter on Monday.
"The question is if these countries, especially Britain, felt responsible for the Holocaust survivors, why they did not settle them in their own countries?" it said.
It is not the first time Ahmadinejad has voiced doubt about the mass slaughter of six million Jews under Nazi Germany, previously describing the Holocaust as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel.
"By promoting the necessity of settlement of Holocaust survivors in the occupied Palestine, they have created a constant threat in the Middle East," he said, referring to Israel.
Merkel on July 21 indicated that she would not formally respond to the letter, saying it contained "totally unacceptable" criticism of Israel and "constantly put in question" the Jewish state's right to exist.
Ahmadinejad in his letter also praised the German people as a nation with potential in science, art, philosophy and politics, but "who are not allowed to play their constructive role in the world."
"Undoubtedly, we, our two governments and nations, can make big steps to resolve the existing global problems... together we can convince some powers that respecting nations' rights is in best interest of everybody," Ahmadinejad said.
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Those Reuters people! Have sources everywhere! I wonder if they just copied it from here:

Here's the full text of the letter from Fars News Agency

Here is more on the recent German experience with Franchise Jihad. Apparently a third suspect found with bomb instructions on a computer. Also fake bomb found in Bavaria last friday:


I'm afraid that Iamadinnerjacket could get a tenure in an American University if he keeps writing this kind of stuff.

This isn't just more holocaust denial.

There is a foreign policy gambit present. The President of Iran is trying to sever the greatest economic locomotive in Europe from the longstanding Atlantic alliance. He's trying to do this by preying upon old animosities, and presenting to them the spectre of an old prejudice to indulge.

There is more to this than the usual holocaust denial. He's trying to break up the possibility of the United States forming any diplomatic array against Tehran, and thus preventing them from getting the bomb. Ironically, he doesn't even need to bother, because the consensus opinion amongst the Washington elite is that Iran can't be prevented from getting the bomb, thus should be allowed to get the bomb. Then once they become the dominant regional power, we need to economically engage and court them, and thus accustom them to exercising regional responsibility.

It's a pipe dream, but that seems to be the view that's prevailed.

SEND a note to the Iranian moonbat:

Mr. Ahmadinejad,

You repeatedly deny the mass murder of Jews by Nazis during the World War II. There are undeniable documents to prove this historical fact, and for further information, I strongly advise you to visit the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel. This said, even though you and other revisionist friends claim to have proof that the number of victims of the holocaust were 3 or 4 million and not 6 million, does this diminish the nature of the atrocities committed by the Nazis? Is the oppression of people solely because of their tribal or religious identity not condemnable in your beliefs? If it were so, you would probably treat the “Bahrain's”, the non Moslems and even the non Shiites slightly better.

(I believe Muslims have difficulty with the truth----as Jack Nicholson said---"You can't handle the the truth") Muslims prefer to live the lie as dictated by MO. The Muslims continue to live their lives surrounded by lies, lies in the Qur'an, Lies by their leaders, Lies by the clerics, Lies by co-Muslims. Islam is a lie and the people are being duped into blind submission enforced by political indoctrination beginning at birth. The Muslims cannot see the forest because of the trees. They refuse to see.

Maybe someone should inform the Iranian moonbat, that it was an Islamic leader , the Grand Mufti, in WWII who instructed the Nazis on how to kill JEWS and who helped design the concentration death camps.

Go to the History channel and get the dvd. "SADAAM AND THE THIRD REICH".

The holocaust did happen and Islam had a hand in it.

If Ahmadinejad's repeated anti-semitic remarks go unchecked it is only going to lead to an erosion of the restaint against violent anti-semitism around the world even in the USA.

I can't believe he constinues to get away with it.

It would be impossible to inform this Iranian Neanderthal anthropoid ape, Ahmadinejad, that during World War II American soldiers actually entered these German concentration camps he asserts never existed and shut them down themselves. The holocaust was thwarted by Americans and not only were Jews trapped in these camps, but so were gypsies, Catholics, people who opposed Hitler's Third Reich, among others. We were there. Our Iranian Neanderthal/killer-Zombie with the noxious, gigantic trap wasn't.

No matter. This Neanderthal anthropoid ape who goes by the name of Ahmadinejad is nothing more than a mouthpiece for Islam's doctrine of mass murder and mayhem. He no longer possesses any identity of his own and has absolutely no intrinsic value as a human being whatever--in short he is a killer-zombie. And he is oozing garbage out of his taqqiya-loaded trap.

This Neanderthal ape from Iran inhabits a fantasy world where a Muslim's picking up a machete and chopping up a living, screaming human being will get one to 'heaven' on the 'holy' (and artificial)justification that the slaughtered person ('infidel or 'unbeliever')has not been indoctrinated with Islamic ideology(they have not 'submitted' to the will of al-lah)--and this anthropoid ape also inhabits a world in which human life has LESS value than words in the Kuran, and where reality can be remolded merely by dint of a Muslim having said it is so. The disconnect from reality is so great among Muslims it is sometimes hard to believe that it WASN'T designed by demons for the ulterior purpose of extinguishing humanity from the earth (which it may yet accomplish).


And Ahmadinejad is made up to embarrass Iran and muslims everywhere with his ignorant and prejudiced comments.

(a la Jon Lovitz - Saturday Night Live vintage)

Yeah, that's it!


and my sister......

she's the Queen of England!!

Robert the letter is at FARS....Full Text of Pres. Ahmadinejad's Letter to German Chancellor http://www.farsnews.com/English/newstext.php?nn=8506060558

exsgtbrown writes:

"SEND a note to the Iranian moonbat:"

I disagree with all those who want to send some strong reply to the bastard. Just having a discussion with a crank, helps legitimize the crank. That's why reputable scientists and historians won't waste their time debating someone who thinks the earth is flat or that he's the reincarnation of Napoleon. And legitimacy is what all terrorists and rogue states crave.

What Bush should do, and what would be most effective, is to hold a press conference and announce the following:

President Ahmedinijad, I have reviewed the message you sent me, and I have also reviewed a copy of the message you sent German Prime Minister Merkel. Based on what I read, I have decided that you and I have nothing further to say to one another.


"...the consensus opinion amongst the Washington elite is that Iran can't be prevented from getting the bomb, thus should be allowed to get the bomb. Then once they become the dominant regional power, we need to economically engage and court them, and thus accustom them to exercising regional responsibility.
It's a pipe dream, but that seems to be the view that's prevailed..."

Actually, it is much less of a pipe dream (and much over-simplified, I might add) than exterminating one of the planet's largest religions as is often offered as a "Final Solution" on this site.

Also, you seem willing to prevent Iran from getting the bomb whilst continuing to be lackey/eunich's for the House of Saud.

I've yet to hear you offer a practical foreign policy that is sound and doable.


If Religion Wins, We All Lose.

I am sure that he knows who the Grand Mufti is.

HE IS TRYING TO TAKE THE POSITION OF THE GRAND MUFTI. This was the same thing the Grand Mufti did in the 1930's with Hitler. The Grand Mufti sought out and found Hitler, not the other way around. He is trying to re-ignite the old flame.

The Grand Mufti mentored and created Hitler, he stoked the flame and fed the fire.

It also, has nothing to do with Israel. What it does have to do with is executing Jews. The Grand Mufti was killing Jews way before Israel was re-istablished, and before muslims create a new society of people called palistinians.

Come on....This is simple. The ADman discredits the German holocaust, because that way when he does HIS holocaust on Israel he can claim to be THE FIRST. This would be very important to one who thinks he is enabling islamic prophecytocome true.


How can muslims not be proud of Ahmedinejab?

So why do schools in Britain have a Mufti day instead of a dressing up day? Its pathetic.Do you have that in other countries?

What,no offer to accept allah?Wonder if she relizes that he didnt offer it to her cause she's just a woman,and she dont really matter anyway?

Ahmadinejad is very cunning, in the manner one often sees with rats or with Hitler. Somewhat like Hitler, he has no depth of mind, and probably has not changed much for at least 25 years. With this type of person, there is no real biography, just a story of how they get power and manipulate people. It's not like reading a biography of Lincoln, or Churchill, or Gandhi with types like Ahmadinejad. People like Ahmadinejad are frozen at a certain time early in their life and don't develop much thereafter.

However, just as Hitler was very dangerous, so too is Ahmadinejad. When faced with final defeat, he will, like Hitler or Jim Jones, pull everyone in the Mideast down with him in some nuclear martyrdom. He will go down in history remembered for that-unless he's stopped.

He sees what he wants to see, in a pattern that he desires to see things. He doesn't see the Holocaust so therefore it doesn't exist. However, this type is very adept at blinding people to their diabolically destructive nature-especially in blinding his followers to his contempt for them.

He's a pied-piper in the mould of Hitler and Jim Jones. Just as Churchill said prior to WW2 that Hitler must be destroyed, so too Churchill would say Ahmadinejad must be destroyed.

Hey, speaking of "made up":

What about the gross fabrication that an angel visited Mohammed and told him all the things he claimed? What about his asinine dream that he flew to Jerusalem on a giant pterodactyl, or whatever the hell it was?

I don't know what's more ridiculous...Mohammed making that crap up, or centuries and billions of people actually believing it.

If Mohammed lived today, he'd be on Jerry Springer trying to explain his fantasies to the gullible.

Is Big Aj covered in the 'blessing' (5-03) from Nasir bin Hamd Al-Fahn of Saudi Arabia putting the CAP at 10 Million dead infidels?

May be off on details, I jotted them from end of CNN's "In the Footsteps of Bin Laden".

"To the extent that I know of the people of Germany, they will come along and join us and want restore their dignity and influence for the sake of global peace and calm. Our people have the similar spirit."

Isn't this letter really just to fulfill the requirement of offering Germany the priveldge of jumping on the moon-god-bandwagon? I have to believe it was the essense of his ransom note to Bush as well.

I just found it very interesting that in the CNN piece, it was pointed out that osama got a ration of s**t for not making the offer to us before 9-11.

It just gets curious-er and curious-er.

Just mad as an outhouse rat, this guy.

Isn't this the same apocalyptic madman, Mr. Bush believes can be reached by way of incentives and if not incentives then sanctions? Unlike the esteemed author of this site and of several books, I don't see much hope nor optimism for the west short of a huge wake-up call, but what do I know? I'm not a scholar. Short of a tragic wake-up call, I fear that ultimately the west is doomed. Let's hope the wake-up call --- if one is needed as I fear it is --- will come soon enough and not before it is much too late.

The fact we do not hear any outrage from the international community about the daily liable against the Jewish people speaks volumes. The fact Israel has not replied to these affronts with
real disproportion makes no sense. Get rid of Ohlmert and get a tribe of Benjamin member in power quick. The moonbat must become less than vapour.

abdullah_karim "How can muslims not be proud of Ahmedinejab?" Because his rants reflect the ravings of either an idiot or a raving lunatic. In addition to being a terrorist, a bully and a liar, of course.
But then the false prophet Mohammed (Pigs Be Upon Him) was the same.

"...the consensus opinion amongst the Washington elite is that Iran can't be prevented from getting the bomb, thus should be allowed to get the bomb. Then once they become the dominant regional power, we need to economically engage and court them, and thus accustom them to exercising regional responsibility. It's a pipe dream, but that seems to be the view that's prevailed..."
-- from a posting above

What "consensus opinion"? Whose "consensus" is it? Brent Scowcroft, who will not reveal his Kissinger-Associate foreign clients? Zbigniew Brzezinski, the man who helped Carter abandon the Shah and allow the resistible rise of Khomeini, and who when asked has expressed no regrets about anything he did while serving as National Security Adviser? Lt.Gen. (ret'd.) William Odom, who thinks that Israel should be asked to commit suicide by giving up its nuclear capability in order to get Iran (fat chance) to do the same, thus making the Middle East safe for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, if not quite as safe for Hezbollah? William Lind? Anatol Lieven, who needs the job -- which think-tank is it, anyway, where he has landed up -- but so despises the United States, not least for what he sees as its inexplicable and intolerable support for Israel, so unlke what the anatol-lievens of this world, coming to get on the yankee think-tank gravy train from England, think right, think proper.

You mean that "consensus"?

Spare me.

The comments are to play to the arab world while at the same time insulting Israel.

Israel should drop a few bombs on Iran and then deny that Iran ever existed.

Kissinger, Brzezinski, Javier Solana....all from the same camp....Trilateral Commission. Do a search and take note that they have either spoken at events for Trilateral Commission or they are members. These are just a few of the big boys that turn the cogs of the One World Order machine.

About 25 years ago who sang

"Ayatollah, Don’t Khomeini Closer.”

Well, I gave him a (brief) chance, but it seems abdullah_karim is clearly a troll. Perhaps he's looking to drum up some Islamophobia from JW posters to fit some twisted agenda of his.

DrunkenBlogger: Thanks for the link!

"it [learning to love the Iranian bomb and to lie down in peace with the Islamic Republic of Iran] is much less of a pipe dream (and much over-simplified, I might add) than exterminating one of the planet's largest religions as is often offered as a "Final Solution" on this site.... I've yet to hear you [Dan, another poster] offer a practical foreign policy that is sound and doable."
-- from a posting above

Individual postings cannot always be monitored, but no one of sense at this website has ever suggested "exterminating" Islam, and the accusation that this is "often offered as a 'Final Solution' on this site" is nonsense, as the malign poster knows.

What has been suggested is quite other:

1) that Americans and other Infidels learn as much as they can about the doctrine, and practice, of Islam, over 1350 years, and do so without benefit of the army of apologists now on the march in academic life (google "MESA Nostra" and "Jihad Watch"), in journalism, among the assorted ex-diplomats, former intelligence agents, and others who are now working full-time as Western hirelings of the Arabs, chiefly but not exclusively for Saudi Arabia.

2) that the duty of Jihad for Muslims be recognized, not denied by Infidels, and that the various instruments of Jihad also be understood.

3) that the forces of Jihad be contained, and that this be done not so much through warfare, which is hardly the only or even the main weapon of Infidel self-defense, but by weakening the camp of Islam, and by depriving it of some weapons (nuclear ones, for example), diminishing the potency of others (the "money" weapon that comes from an accident of geology; campaigns of Da'wa) and of course ending, and even reversing, the Muslim presence in the Bilad al-kufr, or Lands of the Infidels, by halting all Muslim migration to what they, Muslims, are taught to regard as enemy territory, still controlled by Unbelievers, and territory that must ultimately be transformed from its present state as part of Dar al-harb to its future as part of one uninterrrupted Dar al-Islam.

4) a whole series of measures designed to divide and demoralize the camp of Islam, by emphasizing the three main divisions -- sectarian, ethnic, and economic -- that split the supposed unity of the umma al-islamiyya -- have been spelled out again and again. And the most important step urged is for the Americans to withdraw from Iraq, so as to allow those sectarian and ethnic fissures within Iraq to widen, and not only to widen, but to have consequences in other countries where a similar Sunni-Shi'a split is already present and is likely to widen, and in countries where non-Arab Muslims, such as the Berbers in Algeria, might be heartened by the example of the non-Arab Kurds managing to establish their own state, free of Arab domination (while the Sunni Arabs and Shi'a Arabs are slugging it out).

5) a whole series of other measures designed to draw lines against Muslim expansion. For example, many times it has been suggested here that in the Sudanthe government has no intention of ceasing its warfare in Darfur, just as it has no intention of honoring for long its agreemeent with the representatives of the Christians and animists in the southern Sudan, and that a Western expeditionary force of 5,000 men could seize control of both the southern Sudan and Darfur, protecting the black African Muslims from the Arabs, and in the south enforcing the "peace agreement" that Khartoum reluctantly made with the inhabitants two years ago), and remain until such time as a referendum on independence could be held. That would hearten black African Christians, alarm and dishearten Muslims, and make clear that the policy of Egypt, to push Islamic influence all the way down to Ethiopia, and to prevent Ethiopia, whether from external pressure or through manipulation of its growing Muslim population, from succumbing to Egyptian bullying over the diversion of headwaters of the Nile.

That is the merest outline of some of the things that could and should be done. A "foreign policy" that is "sound and doable." Letting the semi-demented (by Infidel lights) rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran ensure their permanent reign through the attaining of nuclear weapons is the unrealistic idea, the crazed idea, the chamberlainian daladieresque idea.

I'm sure Reuters will publish the entire letter after its touched up according to their standards.

It really is funny watching Ahmadinejad play the part of a diplomat. He cant make a phony peace overture to any country without ranting about dem Joos. "I would like to extend the hand of friendship and cooperation to your wonderful country. Death to the Jews!" He actually chose a country that has laws against Holocaust denial to spout the latest in denial slander.

This is the primitive clown the European Union and the United Nations expect us to take seriously as a "world leader" and "partner for peace." He isn't even his own man. You can practically see the strings attaching him to the ayatollahs fingertips.

Could you imagine him at a state dinner? Flies buzzing around his head, squatting on the floor and eating with his hands, blowing his nose on the tablecloth, and yelling "Ollie Akbar!" every time he avoids a dish with pork in it. He'd probably poop in a corner.

After America overthrows the mullahcracy in Iran, little Madi can probably get a job as a copy editor for Reuters.

Jeff, great points. But I have a question: when the F are we going to do something about these scumbags?

Rhetorical, of course. I'm just getting sick of the Chamberlaining going on. I really hope Bush does something before 2008, because I don't want to take a chance that a new President might be a Liberal and take the "we must understand them" approach.

"Ahmadinejad says Holocaust 'made up to embarrass Germany'"

and islam was made up to embarass the rest of humanity

At least Hugh has a plan. I like it for its scope and practicality.

An African front would be a serious error, however. Its implications would be seized upon faster than white on rice and used against us. The only thing more serious to the West than a religious war would be a race war.

A better finishing move would be to ultimately find the way to pit Iran against the Saudis for oil domination with our bets hedged on Terhan. Ahmedinejab seems the type who could be led by the nose into situational reactionism. That will neuter any threat with or without nukes in his arsenal.

One hint: Saudi Arabia is about Mecca, not oil. Iran is about oil, not religion. Israel is more about religion than either Saudi Arabia or Iran. All the others do not count.

The only real unknown in this policy debate is what the Iranians will do with a destabilized Middle East.

Overall - I like Hugh's thinking.

Ahmad is DE-LOO-SIONAL to state that the holocaust was "made up", along with some of his other dismissive/hateful comments about Israel.

And I've HAD IT with his glaring double-standards, he states, "together we can convince some powers that respecting nations' rights is in the best interest of everybody".

Don't make me laugh, Ahmad! Sounds like you could use a large dose of your own advice!

It's the Quran Stupid!


Hey Philistine, a diplomatic solution to Iran's terror machine is as realistic as "allah' transmogrifying Jews into pigs and apes, or a leftist making an honest, intelligent comment.

The vast, vast, majority of mankind's religions are gone and forgotten. islam is just one more. The notion that it is everlasting and invulnerable is specious.

At this time, America maintains the Saudis as ostensible allies mainly to stabilize the world's oil supply. After it overthrows the regimes in Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia will be near the top of the list.

Using diplomacy to deal with the implacable muslim fanatics has failed miserably for the last 1400 years. So much for your "doable" foreign policy solution.

Atheist Marxism murdered more than 100 million people in the twentieth century. Not even islam can match that vile record. No other religion compares with islam or leftism when it comes to genocide. No other religion carries out pogroms at all.

If atheism wins, we all lose.

It appears to me that Putin-Russia are the key to solving this Iranian hostage crisis. It is not in Russia's interest (nor the Mideast) for this would be Jew-slayer to have the bomb. Though I have not studied Russia's role and designs on this in any detail, Russia must want something here and is using Iran as a bargaining chip to get it.

The situation now is similar to the time of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939. At that time, Stalin thought he could use Hitler for Russia's economic advantage, and that the Nazi-Soviet pact would cause Hitler to attack the West. The pact did send Hitler hurtling against the West for a time, but eventually Stalin's policy backfired badly.

In 1939 Churchill wanted the West to make a good deal with Russia-Stalin (including trade deals) to contain and eventually destroy Hitler. A deal with Russia-Putin might be a good idea now for similar reasons.

It appears to me that Putin-Russia are the key to solving this Iranian hostage crisis. It is not in Russia's interest (nor the Mideast) for this would be Jew-slayer to have the bomb. Though I have not studied Russia's role and designs on this in any detail, Russia must want something here and is using Iran as a bargaining chip to get it.

The situation now is similar to the time of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939. At that time, Stalin thought he could use Hitler for Russia's economic advantage, and that the Nazi-Soviet pact would cause Hitler to attack the West. The pact did send Hitler hurtling against the West for a time, but eventually Stalin's policy backfired badly.

In 1939 Churchill wanted the West to make a good deal with Russia-Stalin (including trade deals) to contain and eventually destroy Hitler. A deal with Russia-Putin might be a good idea now for similar reasons.

Jeff Bargholz - if you take the 80 million Hindus killed as reliable estimates - Islam needs one major war to come out over the 100 million mark. When that happens I think it will be second to only small pox as the plague with the biggest numbers.

and yet even after she recieves this letter, Germany STILL will not come out as clearly for agressive sanctions against Iran in the UN security counsel.Guess she thinks when Iran and the Jihadists take over and start lobbing missles and nukes into Europe they will spare Gemany in honor of their boy Adolph.


I believe Bush has long planned to move on Iran and/or Syria after this year's congressional elections, assuming they turn out O.K. for the Republicans. He doesn't need the permission of Congress to wage war in any case. The mission in Iraq is projected to be scaled down at the end of the year, and our veteran troops are battle ready.

Whether he goes after Iran first or Syria first is anybody's guess, but he's in the process of cleaning up the Middle East. Afghanistan was first because the Taliban tried to shelter Bin Loser. Iraq was second because its a great staging ground for future invasions in the Middle East, and because of precedents: it had been violating a slew of U.N. resolutions and the terms of surrender after the first Gulf War.

Iran and Syria are playing into the President's hands by directing their terrorist proxy, Hezb' Allah, to heat up its war with Israel, which we both knew was inevitable. Iran is launching missiles from land and sea, proclaiming Israel will be destroyed, and Baby Assad in Syria is crowing about his support for Hizb' Allah. These idiots are actually TRYING to draw America into the conflict. They think that the rest of the world will unite against America and Israel and destroy them. Snort!

Iran is now surrounded by American forces. We have staging grounds in Iraq to the West, Turkmenistan to the North, and Afghanistan to the East. We own the Persian Gulf. Turkey and Pakistan--who share small borders with Iran--are American allies who both hate Iran.

Most of the Iranian people hate the mullahs like the poison they are. If they're provided with some help, they'll overthrow them in a heartbeat.

Syria could be spanked in a single day.

I just hope Bush sticks to the plan I believe he has in place. Like you wrote, our next President could be a Dhimmicrat.

A Plague On Both Houses:

I was referring to the 20th century only.

Well, it was embarrassing to Germany to have all those mounds of icky dead bodies lying unburied for the allies to discover and photograph. Isn't it slightly odd that the leader of Iran would deny the original holocast and then, in his own words,promise another? Lord, don't take me until I am able to make a few of them wish they were never born.

IN additions to the suggestions made by Hugh, I would also like to add some of mine.

1. Total economic byecot of the nations which permit the Literalistic Koranic Propaganda regarding the Islamic Supremamcy and Jihad. If as a result, India, China and others try to benefit because of this feud, west should impose economic sanctions against these countries also. If Western countries fear a great energy crisis, they should prepare for this quickly by rapid development of some alternate energy programme.
If the whole West becomes united for even six months, I am sure one by one all the countries will fall in line. With the total disengagement of west from Islamic countries, they would not be able to stand on their feet.

2.As US supported establishment of Madarassas during Soviet Afghan war with the support of ISI, not also there should be covert operation funding madarassas discouraging literalistic interpretations of Koran, while encouraging modern education, thus slolwly making the passages of Koran dealing with violence against infidels as irrelevant as the similar passages in scriptures of other religions have been made.


"a diplomatic solution to Iran's terror machine is as realistic as "allah' transmogrifying Jews into pigs and apes, or a leftist making an honest, intelligent comment.

The vast, vast, majority of mankind's religions are gone and forgotten. islam is just one more. The notion that it is everlasting and invulnerable is specious.

At this time, America maintains the Saudis as ostensible allies mainly to stabilize the world's oil supply. After it overthrows the regimes in Iran and Syria, Saudi Arabia will be near the top of the list."

Back on the booze again, eh?

Typical. Very Typical. And very unoriginal.

Jeff, good points. I agree, I think he's waiting til after the 06 elections. Syria won't be a problem--in fact, I see them as bowing to our pressure and stabbing Iran in the back (with regards to their mutual defense pact).

It makes absolutely no sense for Syria to fight us, and so they won't. This is a military reality, but moreover, I think we can entice them away from Iran's side.

pismopal -- perhaps Ahmad doesn't want to be eclipsed by Hitler because he wants to go down in history as the FIRST to create a Holocaust.


You're just like Spencer's critics. You cant point out anything I said that was untrue, so you engage in feeble ad hominems instead. You even dodged a debate, like Spencer's critics do! Is pasting what I wrote your idea of refuting it? All you did was was bolster my facts and predictions.

Typical. Very Typical. And very unoriginal. This is exactly why leftists are incapable of winning a single argument, no matter how many they provoke.

Thanks for proving my point about leftists being unable to make honest, intelligent comments.


I don't recall first insulting you with a creative name, a**hat.

In fact, I don't recall even considering your post. I surely won't henceforth.

I'm not here to refute anyone's opinion. Just here to learn and express my own opinion. Your's does not carry much weight with me.


"KeepItStupid", "Philistine" ???

I'm waiting for your answer, Mr. Ad Hominem.

if Religion Wins, We All Lose.


"I'm waiting for your answer, Mr. Ad Hominem."

Well, Phil, Do you have a question?

"if Religion Wins, We All Lose."

Tell that to the recipients of Christian charity. They spend more time, effort, and money helping the needy than all the countries in the world combined. So much for the evils of religion.

Secular ideology murdered more than a 100 million people in the last century, and forced far more to live in misery. So much for the altruism of secularists.

I haven't called for the extermination of islam. Just of jihad. In fact, that's why I've supported the Iraqi gambit, hoping that a successful Iraq can leverage islam away from adherence to jihad. For jihad and nuclear weaponry is an unholy combination. The greatest threat to muslims and to islam, would be if one of their more fanatic states actually acquires the means to back up their endless, yellow talk.

And Hugh, I've never said that the consensus opinion in Washington is one that I share. I want that Manhattan Project ended. Either diplomatically or militarily. But I would prefer the latter.

And Keep it simple, I didn't respond to your cheer leading of the current prevailing view because history has already done it. The exact same gambit you propose as a way to deal with Tehran, was the one tried on Hitler Germany. Hitler too was allowed to become strong so as to assuage any residual wounded pride flowing from Compiegne and Versailles. Hitler too was going to be allowed to become strong in the hope that his strength and geographic position would induce him to become responsible. That ultimately, Hitler instead of being a force for destabilization, would become a steward of a tranquil European order. But Herr Hitler had another order in mind, the "New Order," Neuordnung. The very name of which is freighted with evil.

As the gambit of the Thirties ended in disaster, so too would a similar gambit offered Tehran.

And unfortunately, we're probably going to see this strategic insanity all play itself out, right before our very eyes. People who blithely discuss Tehran getting the bomb, really ought to give some serious thought to what atomic weaponry would do to the residents of our major cities.

They've allowed inertia to serve as substitute for serious strategic thought. They've deluded themselves that just because the rulers of the Soviet Union didn't use atomic weaponry, so likewise will those in Tehran.

But here is the problem. Those that climbed the greasy pole to power in the Kremlin just wanted to enjoy their vodka, their dachas outside Moscow, their mistresses, the ballerinas at the Bolshoi. They gave themselves over to sensual delights. They weren't in any hurry to see their dachas vaporized.

Not so our sleek, ascetic members of the Supreme Ruling Council in Tehran. For them, the supreme delight isn't here, but in the hereafter.


In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful (if you are a Muslim),

The following is a list of things that I believe have been “made up” to embarrass Germany:

1. Lederhosen
2. Those funny green Bavarian hats
3. Birkenstocks
4. German Tourists
5. Losses to those dumbkopfs, the British and the Americans, in WW’s I and II
6. Trusting the French in WW-II
7. Dr. Z, the supposed President of Damlier-Chrysler, who shows up on those horrible Chrysler television ads
8. Your last Chancellor, what’s-his-namen
9. The myth that your Foreign Office actually delivered this ridiculous letter to you
10. Martin Luther
11. The myth that you are actually a woman

Your very concerned, secret-Nazi friend,

Mahmud Adolfhitlernejad