Airplane Terrorism Case Prompts Questions About the Work of Islamic Charities in Britain

If a Muslim cannot fight in jihad himself, Islamic law stipulates that he must aid in the jihad in some way if a Muslim land is attacked. Hence many do so through monetary donations, which, as we have seen in recent years, are often funneled through Islamic charities.

From the New York Times, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

LONDON, Aug. 23 — Once again, with another alleged terror plot that has a possible connection to a charity, the question is being asked here, with more urgency: To what extent do Muslim charities — on the surface noble and selfless — mask movements and money for terrorists and extremist groups?

The question has a long history, here and in the United States, but no precise answer. A quick bottom line, though, seems to be this:

Charitable groups, experts agree, continue to play a role in the financing and operations surrounding terrorist groups and plots. But with more scrutiny since the Sept. 11 attacks — demonization, the charities say — the role of charities seems to be changing: diminishing somewhat but also growing more subtle and harder to detect.

“Anyone who has bothered to study terrorist financing at the most shallow level knows the role that charities have played since 1985,” said Evan F. Kohlmann, an American expert on terrorism who acts as a consultant to American and British prosecutors. “Even if charities aren’t playing a primary role, it is almost certain that they are playing a secondary role.”

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Are the charities required by law to furnish a list of contributors and the amounts they contribute?

If so, this would be an excellant source of names of potential terrorists.

If such a list were availiable, it would be interesting to know which names belong to people illegally in the country and just how much they contributed and where did their money come from?

Following the money trail leads to a lot of good information.

Good information is a valuable weapon in the war on terror.

Monitor the mosques in your area, record tag numbers and take pictures of all who come and go. Report any suspicious activity to the authorities, even if it seems insignaficant.

Muslims are in your country only to conquer and kill you. Go to any Muslim community and the hatred is very apparent. Do not go alone.

Ban Immigration NOW.

...And don't forget to wear a brown shirt.

“Sectarian Violence” is a polite word for Muslims killing Muslims so why does the news not portray it correctly. It would tend to make it more visible that Islam is not a peaceful religion.

If they said “today 54 Muslims were killed by a group of Muslims fulfilling their lust and requirement for bloodshed.”

Ethnic groups:
• Arab : ~ 75% : The bulk of the Iraqi population that is divided along Islamic religious lines.
• Kurdish ~ 20% : De facto independent administration (mostly Sunnis, but with a heavily secular government).
• Assyrian ~ 3% : play little/no role in the violence.
• Turkoman ~ 2% : play little/no role in the violence.

Phillip Sellers, I prefer to wear my green T-shirt, the one with IDF screen printed on it.

Brown shirts HA, they hated the Jews (who did not go around kill Germans or anyone else. who did not advocate death to everyone under the sun, who in fact contributed to society and the financial stability of any county they lived in).

Muslims, on the other hand, openly declare holy war on everyone, participate in terror acts, assisinations, global violence, crime, and generally distill fear and violence where ever they live.

I will wear my IDF shirt as well and proudly display an American Flag and attend my VFW meetings as opposed to the Muslims who attend Mosques where vile mouthed clerics preach Jihad and who steadfastly train to kill.

Your priorities, like most dhimmis, are sadly misplaced.

Islam is a cancer-like pathology that has, or will, infect every muslim man, woman, and child to some degree. That is what islam demands, not asks, sometimes by force, of it's adherents.

Knowing this, why do we wait?......they only get more dangerous each day. Pre-emption anyone?.

Is not the definition of Traitor give shelter and succour to ones enemies.

Maybe Govts like the Lebanese would rid itself of these terrorists that caused so much grief to its civilian populace ..if we were not so stupid as to pick up the tab for aid,rebuilding etc.

Money from British Islamic charities was funneled to Pakistan terrorists.....close them , confiscate their dubious funds ...

Let Saudi and its ilk use its Trillions to support its own fellow Muslims....

Lets geat real on this problem of Islam....2/3 million in the UK hold 58 million to emotional and political ransom.
53% of the UK populace believe Isam is a problem,
hopefully they will convert this to the ballot box. 53% of the vote would be the biggest landslide for whatever Political Leader can find some backbone and capitalise on it....

Where is the moral backbone of Politicians ...

Dhimmi wits we are indeed...

"If a Muslim cannot fight in jihad himself, Islamic law stipulates that he must aid in the jihad in some way. . ."

While it is easy to recognize the use of charitable monetary donations as a source of funding for terror groups, we should not overlook the more subtle aid being given the mohammedan cause. The jihad is being waged in our courts and in the mainstream media by mohammedan lawyers for organizations such as CAIR, the Islamic Human Rights Commission, the ACLU and others by attmepting to diminish the ability of law enforcement to identify and capture terrorists. By promoting the poor muslim as the victim and portraying Western society as intolerant, they blur the line between right and wrong. The donations of legal service by these mohammedan 'civil rights groups' are as much a source of financing as is money funneled to a terrorist.

Krreuzueber, excellent point. Also i'd like to add the media brigade to that ( latest example, the two nice muslims who got kicked off the monarch flight, parading themselves before the cameras yesterday to tell about how they were victimised yada yada)

"Are the charities required by law to furnish a list of contributors and the amounts they contribute?"

Doubt it, it's most likely "unislamic" somehow. And even if it was law, it would never be enforced because of the above mentioned victimisation cries.

As for favorite T-Shirts - mine has to be my Krav Maga T-shirt, with "Israel Defense Forces" printed on it in nice big letters. So much for "not making yourself a target" :-)

I often see articles on the site with a 'thank you' to the person who brought the article to Robert's attention. Does ANYONE know how to email the site if you have a potential article? I've asked this before but did not get an answer.

Has anyone seen this?

Experts warn of agro-terror

Issues that need to be addressed are the following:
1) Pass laws to increase Islamic charity transpareny
2) FLAG any significant or unusal activity i.e. distributing cash to individual people, making multiple transfers between different locations and banks.

3) Compare distributions made from the charity to a black list of high risk individual or societies that promote terrorist acts.

4) SEIZE FUNDS THAT WERE FUNDED FOR TERRORIST ACTS and distribute those funds to the victims terrorism and fund terrorism prevention.

If terrorism continues, tax the people who promote it i.e. Mad mullas, Hell bent Imams. If it continues, then tax the people who support these nutters. Call it a terrorist tax:-) The highter the risk, the higher the tax.

It's time to get tough!

These fascist motives are not unique to Islam, this is an old quote:

Fascist ethics begin ... with the acknowledgment that it is not the individual who confers a meaning upon society, but it is, instead, the existence of a human society which determines the human character of the individual. According to Fascism, a true, a great spiritual life cannot take place unless the State has risen to a position of pre-eminence in the world of man. The curtailment of liberty thus becomes justified at once, and this need of rising the State to its rightful position. [Mario Palmieri, "The Philosophy of Fascism" 1936]

"To what extent do Muslim charities — on the surface noble and selfless --"
-- from the article in the Times above

Strike "on the surface noble and selfless." Muslim "charities" are devoted solely to Muslim causes; Muslim "charitable" giving is always connected to support limited to the umma, and used to reinforce its solidarity. This in no way prevents Muslims from trying to obtain as much aid as they can from Infidels, nor very occasionally, making a deliberately planned gesture of "charity" to Infidels -- that $10 million check by Saudi Prince Talal, he of the facial tics, a check designed to make up for that little business of all those Saudis participating in the attack on the World Trade Center, a check rightly ripped up by Mayor Giuliani -- or for that matter, donating small sums in a manner designed to elicit maximum attention and gratitude from Infidels, such as victims of the Katrina floods.

Why did The Times have to put in "on the surface noble and selfless"? Who thinks that Muslim groups soliciting funds for Muslims-only are any more "noble and selfless" than Hezbollah, handing out money and engaging in public works projects in Lebanon? The only truly "noble and selfless" charitable work done in the Muslim world has been that of the Christian monks in Algeria, who for their pains had their throats slit, and by other missionaries, and now by the American military, not only with its tens of billions of dollars in good works (lavished on ungrateful and hostile people) in Iraq, and to a much lesser extent, in Afghanistan, and then in Pakistan, where those field hospitals set up after the earthquake apparently not been removed, but have been treated by the Pakistanis as theirs by right, now pressed into service treating people for conditions having nothing to do with that earthquake. And of course
Western journalists in Israel, though they never report on it, know perfectly well that the wards of Israeli hospitals are full of Arabs in the waiting-rooms, able to take advantage of the highest level of medical care offered to them free by the Jewish state, medical care that would be impossible to find anywhere outside of the best hospitals in Western Europe or North America.

Those Christian monks in Algeria, those American medics in Pakistan, those Jewish doctors in Israel, were and are and will be "noble and selfless" in their treatment of Muslims. Does anyone know of any example of Muslim charities, or Muslim individuals, the kind who take in the fantastic oil wealth, actually helping to aid, without any careful calculation of a public-relations goal(i.e., in order to improve the image of Muslims among Infidels), engaging in similar acts to benefit, day after day, without any show, non-Muslims? How could that be? Believers believe that the world is divided between Believers and Infidels; there is no point, it makes no sense, for the former to show munificence to the latter, unless of course it is done to further the spread of Islam, to help remove barriers or obstacles to that spread, which can justify even, here and there, the occasional well-publicized check, handed over, as Bin Talal did with Giuliani, beneath the blaze of lights and whirring cameras.

Sir: I do not know of any.

"I often see articles on the site with a 'thank you' to the person who brought the article to Robert's attention. Does ANYONE know how to email the site if you have a potential article? I've asked this before but did not get an answer."

Go to the "main" page of this site, notice the various items on the left hand side of the page, scroll down to the bottom of them and you see the box. Bit obscure I know!


Sirs:I also do not know of any.

Exsgtbrown, on your previous comments above re: ethics, check this link out

School children being taught their "hate" times table and thereby showing everyone that Islam is peace.

What is wrong with all of you, why worry about what a devil that reads a satanic book thinks. A book that tell its follower that they have the right to kill, be child molesters, kill your own children, enslave people, and more.
"Why do you worry what they think".
You have a responsibility to protect you children from the monsters of Islam, don't worry about their comments about brown shirts. That is just a way too make you back down, make you feel bad. I think we all know who the monsters are.
Time to teach what an evil it is in the schools.
Not how to bow to the devils.

The Goobs wrote:

I often see articles on the site with a 'thank you' to the person who brought the article to Robert's attention. Does ANYONE know how to email the site if you have a potential article? I've asked this before but did not get an answer.

On the Jihadwatch home page, you will find a "contact us" box on the left-hand side. This is near the bottom of the page, after the info on current articles on Jihadwatch and Dhimmiwatch. It's easy to miss.

Not all articles sent in get featured, of course. I imagine some prove difficult to verify, some are considered somewhat OT, and in some cases there must just be such a volume (especially recently) that a lot of important stuff just can't be included.

Most articles are attributed to those who sent them in--some big articles, though, are just "with thanks to all who sent this in".

Hope this helps.

This is the first time I have posted, so "hi" everyone.

I'm replying on the agro-terrorism article. Unfortunatly, this is yet another ploy that our government is using to scare the public into backing compliance. Reason? They are pushing NAIS (National Animal Identification System). This will tag and register the premis of EVERY SINGLE livestock owner in the United States. Now, we're not talking the big producers like Tyson, Cargil and such. No, they are working on this with the Feds, and gave themselves a pretty nice deal. However, when I otherwise say EVERY SINGLE owner, that is exactly what I mean.

How many of you have a pet goat, chicken or even a rabbit? Just one mind you, not a farm. You'll fall under this. Raise your own foods for your own consumption only? You'll fall under this as well. Your animals will be tagged, your home registered (including GPS)and you will be put in a massive data base. You'll have to report all movements of your animals, including a visit to the neighbors, a vet visit, etc. You'll have 24hrs to file. If an animal dies, disappears, is born, etc., you have 24hrs to get the paperwork into the government. Even some fish and shellfish will fall under this. People, you'll be under as much or more survaillence then a terrorist!

Now, as far as agro-terrorism, where would a terrorist most likely hit? The family dairy down the road, or a massive factory farm, who has nicely gotten themselves basically left out of this mandatory id? I take answer 2. However, with every last animal's location in a data base, could you imagine the pot of gold a terrorist-hacker would have? The government will be prsenting a road map to every last farm, homestead and single animal owner in this country, that right now, they do not have. Nice, right?

More on this, they say it is also for disease and tainted meat. Well, most of the diseases they speak about, especially FMD that they use as an example, are preventable or curable. FMD, for example, the animal is sick for a couple weeks, off their feed, but then after 2 weeks or so, is back in the herd and fine for production. The only thing deadly about it, is the government's reaction, which will be to KILL every animal within a 10k range. Now, your aninmal may be perfectly healthy, but, in a nutshell, it will be killed if it is within the "depopulation" area, even if you have only one animal which is a pet. If you're within the area, too bad.

Tanited meat? That will happen at the big processors or slaughterhouses, not at the farm. And the processor is most likely the place a terrorist will hit. Not my back field where my couple private dairy goats sit that I have for my own use. But no, the government (and BIG AG) has their blinders on nice and tight. Too bad they are not treating the terrorist disease the same way they want to treat us.

No, this is not about terrorism, or disease, but about control. Did you know that if you have livestock, they are now part of the "National Herd"? Oh yes, and you are now a "Stakeholder".

Why should you be upset and how does this tie in with terrorism? Well, first this is an invasion of the rights of every single person who owns an animal or eats, especially if the local farmer you buy from goes under. Rights...oh yeah, those are the things that we musn't take away from the illegals or the terrorists, but Americans be hanged.

Next, how can a government, who does not want to track illegal aliens or "upset" the Muslim population and blame 'innocent people', now justify registering the homes and animals of every single small farm, homesteader and single animal livestock owner, because basically, our animals may be a "threat" to the country (being one of their reasons)? Nice to know we seem to be a bigger threat than the Muslims and Mosques. Must be so, as even though the government knows that in these communities and buildings, there are groups plotting to kill and take over this country, they want to premis id the farms and animals, not the Mosques and Muslim communities.

And the ACLU had a few interesting comments when we tried to get that useless bunch to help. Some of us, like me, received no responses at all. Others received responses like "this is an animal rights probelm", or "this is about farmers, not people". Seriously. Basically, they seem to not consider farmers people, if you look at these comments. Yet they will flock to help the terrorists.

There is lots, lots more to the NAIS argument, but it would not really pertain to this particular thread. I'm only responding on the terrorist issue. If you want to learn more about NAIS, even if you do not have animals, but have had it with American's rights seemingly coming last in the world, there are many sites and blogs out there, including, Stop Animal ID and Liberty Ark.

This is the first time I have posted, so "hi" everyone.

I'm replying on the agro-terrorism article. Unfortunatly, this is yet another ploy that our government is using to scare the public into backing compliance. Reason? They are pushing NAIS (National Animal Identification System). This will tag and register the premis of EVERY SINGLE livestock owner in the United States. Now, we're not talking the big producers like Tyson, Cargil and such. No, they are working on this with the Feds, and gave themselves a pretty nice deal. However, when I otherwise say EVERY SINGLE owner, that is exactly what I mean.

How many of you have a pet goat, chicken or even a rabbit? Just one mind you, not a farm. You'll fall under this. Raise your own foods for your own consumption only? You'll fall under this as well. Your animals will be tagged, your home registered (including GPS)and you will be put in a massive data base. You'll have to report all movements of your animals, including a visit to the neighbors, a vet visit, etc. You'll have 24hrs to file. If an animal dies, disappears, is born, etc., you have 24hrs to get the paperwork into the government. Even some fish and shellfish will fall under this. People, you'll be under as much or more survaillence then a terrorist!

Now, as far as agro-terrorism, where would a terrorist most likely hit? The family dairy down the road, or a massive factory farm, who has nicely gotten themselves basically left out of this mandatory id? I take answer 2. However, with every last animal's location in a data base, could you imagine the pot of gold a terrorist-hacker would have? The government will be prsenting a road map to every last farm, homestead and single animal owner in this country, that right now, they do not have. Nice, right?

More on this, they say it is also for disease and tainted meat. Well, most of the diseases they speak about, especially FMD that they use as an example, are preventable or curable. FMD, for example, the animal is sick for a couple weeks, off their feed, but then after 2 weeks or so, is back in the herd and fine for production. The only thing deadly about it, is the government's reaction, which will be to KILL every animal within a 10k range. Now, your aninmal may be perfectly healthy, but, in a nutshell, it will be killed if it is within the "depopulation" area, even if you have only one animal which is a pet. If you're within the area, too bad.

Tanited meat? That will happen at the big processors or slaughterhouses, not at the farm. And the processor is most likely the place a terrorist will hit. Not my back field where my couple private dairy goats sit that I have for my own use. But no, the government (and BIG AG) has their blinders on nice and tight. Too bad they are not treating the terrorist disease the same way they want to treat us.

No, this is not about terrorism, or disease, but about control. Did you know that if you have livestock, they are now part of the "National Herd"? Oh yes, and you are now a "Stakeholder".

Why should you be upset and how does this tie in with terrorism? Well, first this is an invasion of the rights of every single person who owns an animal or eats, especially if the local farmer you buy from goes under. Rights...oh yeah, those are the things that we musn't take away from the illegals or the terrorists, but Americans be hanged.

Next, how can a government, who does not want to track illegal aliens or "upset" the Muslim population and blame 'innocent people', now justify registering the homes and animals of every single small farm, homesteader and single animal livestock owner, because basically, our animals may be a "threat" to the country (being one of their reasons)? Nice to know we seem to be a bigger threat than the Muslims and Mosques. Must be so, as even though the government knows that in these communities and buildings, there are groups plotting to kill and take over this country, they want to premis id the farms and animals, not the Mosques and Muslim communities.

And the ACLU had a few interesting comments when we tried to get that useless bunch to help. Some of us, like me, received no responses at all. Others received responses like "this is an animal rights probelm", or "this is about farmers, not people". Seriously. Basically, they seem to not consider farmers people, if you look at these comments. Yet they will flock to help the terrorists.

There is lots, lots more to the NAIS argument, but it would not really pertain to this particular thread. I'm only responding on the terrorist issue. If you want to learn more about NAIS, even if you do not have animals, but have had it with American's rights seemingly coming last in the world, there are many sites and blogs out there, including, Stop Animal ID and Liberty Ark.

I hope this does not post twice. I had some problems getting it through.

samhein -- Thanks for the post. OT but symptomatic of the times. This is outrageous. If we all band together and refuse to allow this...The goverment has not bleeping idea of where the illegals are and minimal desire to prevent them from entering our borders, yet the same gov't wants to keep track of every cow and chicken in the U.S. It is far worse than a mere invasion of privacy. Mandated animal tracking goes to the very heart of freedom of action, freedom of choice. We shouldn't owe the government any explanation of the animals we have on our property for our own private use.

SAMHEIN--- Good topic, this is were it will start. I do agree that this is a big problem, but it is now going beyond the animals. Soon they will be pushing to chip us all, you will see the first stage start in transportation. With all the problems with the airlines, they will want to chip us so it will give some one less time in line. They also have a patent on a chip that can intrudes medication into the host. So when WE THE PEOPLE decide to take a stand, all they have to do is to send a signal out, over any cell, or wireless net work, the med's can be of their choosing. Do you think it will be good for us. Hitler used the SS, they will use the chip.

SAMHEIN--- Good topic, this is were it will start. I do agree that this is a big problem, but it is now going beyond the animals. Soon they will be pushing to chip us all, you will see the first stage start in transportation. With all the problems with the airlines, they will want to chip us Posted by ironkitten

Chipping us is indeed in the future, they have RFID technology and it is getting smaller. All it takes is to establish a premise that invalidates Roe v Wade, and asserts the sovereignty of the state over the very bodies of the person.

Read for yourself Schlund V Bush

Relevant excerpt

63. Right to protect privacy and remove implants: Roe vs. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973). In 1992 and 1993, Claimant Schlund briefed the FBI on George Bush Sr. and Nelson Rockefeller's plans to overturn in part Roe v Wade. The Roe v Wade case was a threat to the empire. The United States Justice Department had briefed George Bush Sr. and Nelson Rockefeller that Roe v Wade could be interpreted as a human rights ruling giving the people the right to their own bodies. If American citizens had a right to their own body's electronic implants would be illegal. The ruling of Roe v Wade could be used in court to make the use of the governments electronic implants illegal so George Bush Sr. planned on conducting the CIA covert operation of overturning Roe v Wade in part to make an exception so the use of electronic implants could still be done under the cover and color of law. George Bush Sr. did not want to stop abortion. All he wanted was to make an exception to the ruling so that implants could be legally used against political witnesses and dissidents so his corrupt public officials and judges could be protected using the cover of investigations which would use implants to monitor, torture and murder political witnesses. The wording from the Justice Department to George Bush Sr. was as follows. If it is illegal to interfere in the body of a citizen to save the life of an unborn child how can it be legal to inject implants into that same persons body when the ruling of Roe v Wade says that the government has no right interfering in the bodies of its citizens. George Bush Sr. was going to make his campaign against abortion look like he was a Christian fighting for children when in truth he could have cared less about the life of any child. His only interest was in more power and control over those he would rule over.

Claimant Schlund claims he has a right to be free from implants used for torture and/or surveillance, violating his body privacy and other privacy rights within expected orbits and zones of privacy. The government's forcible placing bugging device into Claimant Schlund's body violates rights to privacy under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and the holding of Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).

Interesting how the NYT is referred to sometimes as NY Times and others as New Duranty Times.

Maybe it is the price they pay for TRYING to be objective.. as I heard said today, there is no middle ground (objectivity or impartiality) between an arsonist and firefighter.

Well, I didn't mean to change the subject here. I tried to keep this appropriate to terrorism and our "friends".

Anyway, as far as chipping us, it's already in gear. There are discussions of chipping chronically ill people, to make it easer at the hospital, of course and one of the chip companies has brought up replacing soldier's dog tags with chips. Brilliant suggestion there. Think of the horrors and nightmares that could create for a captured soldier. And there's more.

There is also Real ID, which will be a national ID with an RFID chip (aks...driver's license). Now, do you really think that the terrorists will have one of these? At least a legit one? Doubt it.

What the Feds don't seem to get, or do get and are just getting their jollies out of it, is that while they are making the life of the average American into a game of Big Brother, the terrorists will always find a way around what has been done, thus erroding more and more freedoms from us, as we are given more and more limitations. I mean, who ever thought you would not be able to take a bottle of water or soda on a plane. But, the terrorist were successful in taking even that simple pleasure away.

In being PC to Muslm populations, our government is turning very anti American citizen, in my opinion. Instead of taking care of the problem and/or tracking the problem, even eliminating it, no. Lets screw with the citizens. Stomp all over their rights, to protect the rights of those trying to kill us.

Look at the article this thread is about. Even charities will be under more scrutiny, and how many legitimate charities will now suffer because of it.

But,'s all for our safety. And trust the government, they're on your side! You know, I have actually written to politicians, including the White House, and asked them point blank who's side they really are on, as it does not seem to be on the side of the American People. I have yet to receive a reply.