Al-Aqsa: We learned missiles subdue Israel

An exceptionally frank discussion of strategy by an Al-Aqsa commander, who reiterates the fact that all of Israel's concessions for "peace," and its preoccupation with avoiding international scorn for its self-defense, have amounted to a weakening of the state that is exactly what the jihadists wanted. And now, they're ready to make their move. From YNet News:

The Palestinian terror organizations are looking north and are filled with satisfaction and hope for the next step.
"We learned from Hizbullah that the tools that make a difference are missiles. If achieve expertise in this field, we won't make do with the simple rockets we have. There is no doubt that we can subdue Israel ," Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Fatah's military wing, told Ynet.
"Since the Gulf War, missiles were what brought Israel to the negotiation table. The withdrawal from Gaza was also a result of missiles. If we use them correctly in the West Bank, we will get rid of the IDF here too," Abu Nasser explained.
According to him, his organization wasn't surprised by what he defines "the defeat Hizbullah handed to Israel."
He continued on to say that "Hizbullah has been impenetrable in recent years, working quietly and successfully putting the IDF to sleep. If we adopt these operational patterns, there is no doubt that our turn will come. We learned that with faith and good preparation, you can defeat the Israeli military."
Abu Nasser is not ruffled by the IDF's threats to West Bank towns if they use missiles against Israeli cities. "They threatened to demolish Gaza and Lebanon and we saw that wasn't so terrible. The question is if we, the Palestinian organizations, can withstand the initial fire of Israel. If we succeed in prevent collapsing after the first hit -- there is a chance we will win."
According to him, the inability to withstand the initial blow is what defeated the Palestinians in Defensive Shield.
The success of the Israeli security forces to penetrate the terror organizations, which enables the thwarting of terror attacks in their planning stages, is in Abu Nasser's opinion another weak point of the Palestinian organizations in contrast with Hizbullah. "There is no doubt that we need to work on this issue because it explains, in my opinion, 90 percent of their success," he explained.
According to Abu Nasser, Nasrallah's organization still hasn't had its last word.
"From our acquaintance with them, there is no way they are going to disarm. The organization has strategic objectives and the current battle proves that if it will decide to initiate another battle -- the road is paved. The next time Iran will be in the picture and missiles on Tel Aviv will be part of the game. When this happens, it will be a lot easier for us. We are proud of our brothers, the Hizbullah fighters. They are inspirational teachers that demonstrated everything we have been feeling in recent years -- Israel is falling apart," he said.
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How are they going to get missiles into the West Bank?

Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade

Uhh, shouldnt you be dead, dude?

Does the IDF have carpet bombing capability? B52's??

This little scumbag is partially correct.

In this last skirmish Israel was defeated because it was not bold or imaginative enough, and because it was led by a useless French liberal called Olmert.

Just heard on Bill Bennet In the Morning where a good fellow called Geoff Babbin say that islam is a beautifull religion that has been hijacked - when anybody with a modicum of sensible intelligence can see the ideology of hate in the koran: "our hand against everyone who is not islam" - it is not a beautiful religion except to the extent that a python can be beautiful . islam is a python - and we still indulge in the foolishness of political correctness.

The West cannot afford to lose too many skirmishes, either on the ground or ideologically.

I am wondering if the Irania military exercises include mobile missile launchers.

If mobile missile launchers are identified by reconnaisance satellites or spy planes, I would hope Israel is notified and given the coordinates for targeting purposes.

I would also be watching Syria and Lebanon for mobile missile launchers. THe upcoming attack on Israel will be from multiple locations.

Missiles could indeed be in Gaza, being delivered from ships off shore.

Israel is encircled and should be on full alert.

Israels government seems to be slack in its preparation.

The U.S. undoubtably has nuclear BOOMER subs within striking range of all Middle East areas. These subs should also be on a heightened alert.

The U.S. should have the B2s already prepped and on a heighted alert.

U.S. Carriers in the area should be fully supplied and on a heightened alert.

A warning should be given to China, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan and North Korea not to retaliate when the counter attack occurs.

Israel and its allies will be forced to counter attack soon. The counter attack should be extremely violent and lethal. If the counter attack is successful, Iran and its allies will not bother the world for a long time.

Be prepared for the Euroweenies to whine and cry foul when the hostilities occur. I think, however, they will have their hands full with the Muslims that they have foolishly allowed to immigrate in large number into their countries.The Euroweenies may be forced into fighting or surrendering, (I hope they choose wisely).

The American populace is among the most heavily armed society in the world. The citizens may be called upon to quell the expected Muslim backlash. The Muslims in America who choose to fight will die quickly.

Islam has thrown down the gauntlet and has announced its intention to fight. All that is needed to begin the festivities is for the Iranian moonbat to push the button. I have no doubt he will.

Stock up on water, food, medicine and weapons, the show is about to begin.

"There is no doubt that we can subdue Israel ," Abu Nasser

"He continued on to say that "Hizbullah has been impenetrable in recent years, working quietly and successfully putting the IDF to sleep."

Abu Nasser,

Got news for you. Just because Isreal is down, do not count it out. Expect a vote of "no confidence " in the palinment and expect Bibi with Likud to come back.

Also be careful when dealing with "sleeping giants" they will wake up and take on the fight.

"There is no doubt that we can subdue Israel ," Abu Nasser

"He continued on to say that "Hizbullah has been impenetrable in recent years, working quietly and successfully putting the IDF to sleep."

Abu Nasser,

Got news for you. Just because Isreal is down, do not count it out. Expect a vote of "no confidence " in the palinment and expect Bibi with Likud to come back.

Also be careful when dealing with "sleeping giants" they will wake up and take on the fight.

Hey Abu Nasser commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Fatah's military wing how did your representatives at CAIR enjoy the tour of Ohare Airport last week? Did you learn anything out our security setup there while on your VIP tour?

On June 21, a senior DHS official from Washington personally guided Muslim officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad.

George, I know you were wasted on crack last weekend or something, but really Mr. President -- you shouldn't allow this sort of thing!

Hey Abu Nasser commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Fatah's military wing how did your representatives at CAIR enjoy the tour of Ohare Airport last week? Did you learn anything out our security setup there while on your VIP tour?

On June 21, a senior DHS official from Washington personally guided Muslim officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad.

George, I know you were wasted on crack last weekend or something, but really Mr. President -- you shouldn't allow this sort of thing!


Folks, here's video and audio of Muslims in Britain earlier this year "demonstrating" (i.e., threatening genocide, assassinations, etc.) over cartoons.

The Terror of Islam: "Behead those who insult Islam"

Highlights: You will hear them:

-express their desire to bomb Denmark, invade it, and take the women as "war booty"

-scream for the blood and the heads of the Danish

-threaten the "Danish bitch"

-give the standard Khaybar! Khaybar! genocide chant against the Jews.

-claim 7/7 is on its way (I guess they meant another one).

-threaten the U.S., Spain, France, Japan.

-say Boom Boom Denmark, Burn Burn Denmark, etc.

-express their love for Osama.

Send this link to anyone you know who is still under the PC illusions about Islam and Muslims. Spread this video link as widely as you can.

Remember, when watching these hate-mongers with their cries for human blood: 68% of British Muslims openly declare that they want the Danish cartoonists punished. This is not a small minority.

Controversial Muslim group
gets VIP airport security tour
Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

What else has Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade learned?

Thanks George! You're a true American!

it will be a lot easier for us. We are proud of our brothers, the Hizbullah fighters.

Guess what!, it will be easier for Israel also. Israel will not have to be concerned with world opinion. For Israel it is life or death. They will fiercly counter attack. And they will win.

Controversial Muslim group
gets VIP airport security tour
Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

What else has Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade learned?

Thanks George! You're a true American!

Controversial Muslim group
gets VIP airport security tour
Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

What else has Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade learned?

Thanks George! You're a true American!

Controversial Muslim group
gets VIP airport security tour
Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

What else has Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade learned?

Thanks George! You're a true American!


Folks, here's video and audio of Muslims in Britain earlier this year "demonstrating" (i.e., threatening genocide, assassinations, etc.) over cartoons.

The Terror of Islam: "Behead those who insult Islam"

Highlights: You will hear them:

-express their desire to bomb Denmark, invade it, and take the women as "war booty"

-scream for the blood and the heads of the Danish

-threaten the "Danish bitch"

-give the standard Khaybar! Khaybar! genocide chant against the Jews.

-claim 7/7 is on its way to U.K. (I guess they meant another one).

-threaten the U.S., Spain, France, Japan.

-say Boom Boom Denmark, Burn Burn Denmark, etc.

-express their love for Osama.

Send this link to anyone you know who is still under the PC illusions about Islam and Muslims. Spread this video link as widely as you can.

Remember, when watching these hate-mongers with their cries for human blood: 68% of British Muslims openly declare that they want the Danish cartoonists punished. This is not a small minority.

Controversial Muslim group
gets VIP airport security tour
Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

What else has Abu Nasser, a commander in the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade learned?

Thanks George! You're a true American!

Sorry for the double post. There's some technical problem with the comments that I've noticed over the past few weeks.


Very simple really.

1- Fire Katyushas and missiles into Israel until the IDF feels compelled to invade and eliminate you.

2- When IDF invades you decimate them with anti tank missiles. Hizb'Allah used them very extensively. Used them like RPGs against Israeli positions. Plus had advanced Russian missiles that take out the Mervava tank


Very simple really.

1- Fire Katyushas and missiles into Israel until the IDF feels compelled to invade and eliminate you.

2- When IDF invades you decimate them with anti tank missiles. Hizb'Allah used them very extensively. Used them like RPGs against Israeli positions. Plus had advanced Russian missiles that take out the Mervava tank

From Neal Boortz on the CAIR Tour:
This is so outrageous it's almost not believable. Back in June, the Department of Homeland Security took CAIR...the Council on American-Islamic Relations, on a tour of security facilities at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. No, your eyes do not deceive you. That's exactly what they did.

So what did the CAIR folks get to see on their tour? It was a terrorist's dream. They got to see screening procedures, interview rooms and a rundown on the passenger lookout system. The people conducting the tour, always desperate for the politically correct approval of the enemy, assured CAIR that Muslims weren't singled out for special screening. We're sure our friends at Al-Qaeda headquarters are pleased.

So who is CAIR and why should we be concerned? CAIR is an offshoot of the Islamic Association for Palestine, a front group for Hamas. A number of people in CAIR management have been convicted on terrorism charges. That explains why CAIR gives no more than lip service to any condemnation of terrorism. But hey.....they sure are happy that airport screeners at O'Hare undergo Muslim sensitivity training.

All of this further supports the assertion that airport security is a joke and we're sitting ducks for another attack. We know who the enemy is, yet we refuse to do anything about it, for fear of offending anyone. And that's why 3,000 people died on 9/11. We will let it happen again? It sure seems like it.

Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

Need I make a comment or does this speak for itself!

Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

Need I make a comment or does this speak for itself!

Ahhhh, excuse me.......what exactly does "subdue" Isreal mean?

When a muslim says it, it means 'annihilate', i.e., turn into ashes.

Have nice day.

Feds show CAIR latest screening steps,
sensitive counterterrorism procedures

Need I make a comment or does this speak for itself!

sorry about the multiple posts -- something is up with the server at the JW end; everything is fine on this side.

don't know what to tell you.

sorry about the multiple posts -- something is up with the server at the JW end; everything is fine on this side.

don't know what to tell you.


Very simple really.

1- Fire Katyushas and missiles into Israel until the IDF feels compelled to invade and eliminate you.

2- When IDF invades you decimate them with anti tank missiles. Hizb'Allah used them very extensively. Used them like RPGs against Israeli positions. Plus had advanced Russian missiles that take out the Mervava tank


Very simple really.

1- Fire Katyushas and missiles into Israel until the IDF feels compelled to invade and eliminate you.

2- When IDF invades you decimate them with anti tank missiles. Hizb'Allah used them very extensively. Used them like RPGs against Israeli positions. Plus had advanced Russian missiles that take out the Mervava tank

OT News:

A woman of Pakistani origin was trying to smuggle two bottles of liquid onto an airplane at Tri States Airport in West Virginia...caught by a sniffer dog.
Reported yesterday on BBC but not in American media (Oreilly and Fox are wrapped up in Jonbennet Ramsey). This was probably a feeder airline, and if you can get into the airport from a feeder flight you can bypass security screening is Dubya's Transportation Security Agency taking this into consideration? I doubt it.

Womoan of course cries prejudice

CEREDO, W.Va. (AP) — A Jackson woman whose daughter's carry-on luggage caused a West Virginia airport to shut down for 9 1/2 hours says it was her ethnic background, not a few bottles of suspicious liquids, that set off security officials.

Initial laboratory testing by the FBI turned up no evidence of explosive materials in the bottles carried at Tri-State Airport by Rima Qayyum, a 28-year-old Pakistani woman dressed in the traditional Islamic headcover.

No charges were filed against the woman, who was never detained and was cooperative when interviewed by the FBI. Of course the sniffer dog is guilty of profiling women in hijab.

Islamic Terrorists plant bombs to blow up German Trains
This hasn't been reported in American media either..Jonbennet is more important I guess. According to Deutsche Welle TV, found with the bombs were instructions in Arabic.

Google Links on Bombs Germany

Seen on Abu Dhabi TV, Lebanese man saying that the Lebanese Army and Hizballah are one, every man in the Army has a brother or cousin, father or son in Hizballah.. so where is the victory Olmert? France has backed out, UNIFIL has no testicles, the only significant force so far, that has been committed is 2,000 (muslim) Bangladeshi troops with Indonesia talking of contributing some more (muslim) troops, all of which means that the compliment of Hizballah is strengthened by the addition of sympathetic muslim the future any action by Israel against Hizballah provocations will result in Israel attacking the United Nations..

Heard on Al Jazeera just now, interview with Lebanese. "We in the resistance want the Lebanese Army in the South, they are like a brother to us".

I just picked up on a tactic used by Arabic translators. Watching NBN TV (City News..Lebanon), the word Jihad is translated into English as "resistance", in the same manner Jew is often translated into Israel. I heard Arafat, after Oslo, speak in Arabic of an Islamic state, but the translator said "Palestinian State". Palestine is pronounced in Arabic just like the Latin, Philistinia.

BTW Wallid Jumblatt is accusing Iran of using Hizballah and Bashear Asad of trying to overthrow the government of Lebanon via a coup, so it can put it's own puppet in power.

Seriously needed by the media, or at least the blogs are non muslim, Arabic translators.

MEMRI is of course a good source, but the Muslims (and their dhimmi's, especially those on the right) refute MEMRI with an ad hominem.

Now here is something I have not seen reported in the Mainstream Media:

Officials: U.S. Blocked Missiles to Hezbollah

August 18, 2006
USA Today
John Diamond

WASHINGTON -- The United States blocked an Iranian cargo plane's flight to Syria last month after intelligence analysts concluded it was carrying sophisticated missiles and launchers to resupply Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, two U.S. intelligence officials say.

Eight days after Hezbollah's war with Israel began, U.S. diplomats persuaded Turkey and Iraq to deny the plane permission to cross their territory to Damascus, a transfer point for arms to Hezbollah, the officials said.

The episode was detailed by one U.S. intelligence official who saw a report on the incident. It was confirmed by a U.S. official from a second intelligence agency and by a diplomat with a foreign government. They did not want their names used because they were not authorized to discuss the incident.

HOW MISSILES WERE DETECTED: The science of 'crate-ology'

Their account illustrates the quiet support the United States gave Israel during the 34-day war, even enlisting help from Muslim nations where acting on Israel's behalf is politically anathema.

Israel and President Bush have accused the Shiite-dominated government of Iran, Hezbollah's primary supplier, of shipping the Shiite militia increasingly sophisticated weapons by way of Syria.

The Iraq and Turkish governments would not discuss the incident. Iran's United Nations mission denied trying to send Hezbollah weapons. The intelligence officials did not provide reports, satellite photos or other evidence to corroborate the sequence of events. Their account could not be independently verified.

The officials described this timeline:

•July 15: Three days after the war began, a source tipped off U.S. intelligence about an imminent shipment of missiles from Iran to Hezbollah.

•July 19: A spy satellite photographed Iranian crews loading three missile launchers and eight crates, each normally used to carry a Chinese-designed C-802 Noor missile, aboard a transport plane at Mehrabad air base near Tehran. Israel says Hezbollah fired a C-802, a precision-guided anti-ship cruise missile, at an Israeli warship off Lebanon's coast on July 14.

•July 20: The Ilyushin Il-76 transport plane left for Damascus, but Iraqi air-traffic controllers denied it permission to enter Iraq's airspace. The Iranian flight crew then requested permission to fly over Turkey. Turkish controllers granted permission — but only if the plane would land for an inspection. The plane returned to Tehran, where the military cargo was unloaded.

•July 22: The plane flew humanitarian aid to Damascus after stopping for inspection in Turkey.

Though the missiles were not visible in the satellite photos, the launchers and specialized crates with distinctive shapes allowed U.S. analysts to identify the missile type, the intelligence officials said.

Asked about the account during an interview Tuesday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, "We work on these kinds of things all the time." But she added, "I can't comment on specific cases."


Plane Lands in Italy After Bomb Report

Friday August 18, 2006 3:31 PM

ROME (AP) - A British passenger plane bound for Egypt landed at an airport in southern Italy on Friday after the pilot reported that a bomb was suspected to be on board, officials said. The plane requested an emergency landing in Brindisi, Italy's air traffic agency said.

The plane, a Boeing 767 with the Excel air carrier, had left from London's Gatwick airport and was bound for Hurghada, Egypt, officials said.,,-6023846,00.html

no, BUT THE dog should get a nice reward, he is doing a good job. He was able to detect a substance he was trained to identify. and he did so with the Pakistani woman standing right there. And needless to say, like a true trooper, he overcame and succeeded.

What really surprises me is how he managed to get past the huge amounts of perfume normally worn by Pakistani women.

Anyways they are really coming out of the woodwork. Maybe they are trying to score a hit before the 22nd of August when thier Mahdi will return, blah blah blah.


Believe It Or Not

From the article at World Net Daily about the guided tour of security facilities for members of CAIR, and the assurances given to CAIR about the deep solicitousness of the American goverment, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Supreme Court and all the lesser courts, both federal and sate, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marines, the Law Schools, the Deparments of Religion and of Middle Eastern Studies and of History in colleges and universites across the land, the major television news channels, the Voice of America, the editorial boards of the largest papers serving the twenty major metropolitan areas, for its ideals, for the hearts and minds of those it represents, and who, if only we do this, and if only we do that, can be won -- those susceptible hearts, those persuadable minds -- comes this paragraph:

"Brian Humphrey, Customs and Border Patrol's executive director of field operations, assured CAIR officials that agents do not single out Muslim passengers for special screening and that they must undergo a mandatory course in Muslim sensitivity training. The course teaches agents that Muslims believe jihad is an 'internal struggle against sin' and not holy warfare."

If the American government offers a "mandatory course in Muslim sensitivity training" and if, further, that "course in Muslim sensitivity training" teaches American customs and border patrol "agents that Muslims believe jihad is an 'internal struggle against sin' and not holy wafare" then the American government is riddled with fools from the top down, fools who are not protecting us, but endangering us, and they deserve, from the top down, to be thrown out. Voted out, if elected, forced to resign, if appointed.

This can't go on. Someone, somwhere, in Congress or in the Executive, or in the Press, has to explain aloud what "Jihad" is to the public. They can't all come to this website. They should, but they can't.

The Ship of Fools is being navigated, toware a potential naufrage, by the Katzenjammer Kids.

Which puts me in mind not of another comic, but of another staple of the old newspapers:
Ripley's Believe It or Not

It has been nearly five years after 9/11/2001. It has been 1350 years since the beginnings of that Jihad-conquest recorded Jihad-conquest of non-Muslim lands and of the subsequent subjugation of non-Muslims to Muslim rule. It has been several decades since the impulse, the tenet, the central duty of Jihad, acquired new life, and application in practice (before roughly 1973 the wherewithal was lacking), has been renewed and setting ablaze the minds of Muslims who are now convinced that with what they see as the unstoppable flow of OPEC riches they are unstoppable. It is true thatsome ten trillion dollars since 1973 has gone to them, money for which they did not have to lift a finger, and which reflects only an accident of geology, the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. And while this went on, from the very beginning a host of Western hirelings of the Saudis were hard at work, in Washington and elsewhere, ensuring that the American government would do nothing to recapture any of the oligopolistic rents of OPEC, but would instead continue to mouth, and what's worse believe, platitutes about Saudi "price moderation" and Saudi Arabia as our "ally" or even "staunch ally" which, if one knew anything at all about Wahhabi Islam, even the teeniest-tiniest bit, should have been received with mocking and raucous laughter and contempt. Taxes, ever increasing, and at a rate that investors in other forms of energy would be assured would go steadily up, never go down, should have long ago been placed on gasoline and on oil for other uses. Long ago, in 1973 (that was when the hapless, hopeless Jimmy Carter, and his equally hapless staff, especially Brzezinski and Gary Sick, who allowed without raising a finger the Shah to fall, and Khomeini to take over in Iran), that tax should have been put on, and constant explanations as to why this was necessary, why it was important to prevent such a large amount of money going to those whose belief-system teaches them to divide the world between Believer and Infidel (you didn't think the smiling Prince "Let's-all-be-just-a-little-corrupt-together-shall-we?" Bandar would tell us that, did you? And didn't he, after all, play tennis with all sorts of people, such as Colin Powell, which of course must mean that those who worry about the permanent hostility of Saudi Arabia to Infidels must be wrong, right? Isn't the best way to judge a country by the way its diplomats behave, and what they tell us, you know, when they are speaking their minds freely, as we know they must be because they tell us they are ("May I speak freely? May I level with you? May I convey to you some home truths because I like you, and I know you need to hear this?"). Why, say James Baker and Zbigniew Brzezinski and Madeline Albright in unison "Yes. That's what we like. That's what we need -- real levelling with us. I'm all ears -- I won't tell the press. Fire away!"

It might have been. Had the Saudi lobby, so very rich and so very powerful, not controlled our energy policy so thoroughly (with a little help from such friends as Mobil and other ARAMCO friends and beneficiaries), then long ago not only would there have been a guaranteed steady rise in the price of gasoline and oil (consider how the price was jerked down after 1980, and went down steadily from there, and what effect that had on those who might have invested or did invest, in other forms of energy or in energy-saving projects), but the money from such taxes could ahve been applied to subsidies for mass transit, to research and subdieis for wind and solar energy and such alternative non-fossil fuels as ethanol, to much cleaner combustion of coal, and to government-funded nuclear plants that take a long time to build. None of this happened. We just waited and waited, and pooh-poohed things, and were entranced first by Sheikh Yamani, and then by Prince Bandar, and then by a succession of gravelly-voiced Saudi princes of grave mien, whose gravitas was merely a matter of voice modulation, and who were, behind those voices, corrupt and malevolent men, eager to keep stealing their country's unmerited wealth, but also eager to apply some of that wealth -- as good Muslims -- to the promotion of the Jihad. They did this largely by funding mosques and madrasas all over the world -- and all over the Western world, and by paying for pro-Islamic congresses, front men, propaganda (magazines, newspapers) and an army of Western hirelings. Yes, of course those ex-diplomats, former intelligence agents, journalists, "experts" on Islam of the esposito or on the Middle East of the michael-hudson or rashid-khalidi variety, managed to hide the reality of Saudi Arabia and of Islam, and to promote the Arab agenda on Israel, merely one local Jihad among so many. But what that army of Western hirelings also did was to prevent the American government from turning its attention to the matter of fossil fuels, and to energy use generally.

So we who recognize the full menace of the Jihad have a little bone to pick with Fred Dutton, and James Akins, and Eugene Bird, and Andrew Kilgore, and John Esposito, and Raymond Close, and Crawford Cook, and John C. West, and so many others -- inicluding those corporations that, in order to protect their contracts, did the bidding of their Saudi masters on every occasion (remember the AWACS sale? Remember how the two biggest supporters of the sale were United Technologies and the Whitney Corporation, the one that had the contract for all those hospitals in Saudi Arabia? You don't? Well, do a little research.). Yes, because our failure to recognize that the money the Muslim OPEC countries took in would, inevitably, be partly applied to arms purchases, and through use of the "money weapon" (boycotts, bribery), which in turn led to a funding of the "pen, speech" weapon (mosques, madrasa, Da'wa missionaries) that have helped to change for the worse, the few syncretistic and more relaxed Muslim communities (as in Niger, as in Senegal, as in the Comoros), and to spread Islam within the Infidel lands, has harmed all Infidels. And the failure to have had an energy policy in place has also led the oil-consuming nations to spend more than they needed to, for if there had been taxes on oil, it would have dampened demand more quickly, and also forced the Saudis to adjust their own pricing-and-production policy so as to make sure that the final cost of oil and gasoline was not so high as to endanger the future demand for, and hence total revenues from, their reserves.

They received, that army of hirelings, tens of millions or perhaps even a few hundreds of million or so between all of them, all over the Western world. In return, the Saudis receivedmore than 30 years of floundering about, of fatal delays in recognizing the problem. So they got their millions, and we, the oil consumers, have had to pay one or two trillion more, over that one-third of a century, more than we might otherwise have had to pay. This should be investigated. Sums received, whether by Brent Scowcroft who refuses to reveal his clients who pay him through Kissiner Associates, or the late Fred Dutton, or the late John C. West, or the sinister James Akins (our ambassador in 1973, when it mattered, when he was exactly the wrong man to be our ambassador in Riyadh) and Raymond Close (who was CIA station chief in Riyadh from 1970-1977, when it mattered, when he was exactly the wrong man to be our station chief in Riyadh).

Oh, they have a lot to answer for, a lot of money to disgorge. They have cost us a great deal of money, much of which has gone to fund the Jihad. And the effects of their activities do not stop there. Had some kind of sensible energy policy been in place, had the government begun back in 1973 to begin building new nuclear reactors, and had private investors been assured that the government, through its use of the taxation power, would ensure that the price of oil and of gasoline would steadily rise, would never fall, so that those investors would be unafraid to commit large sums to solar and wind energy, to the development of non-fossil fuels, and to changes in automobiles, then the desperate situation, insufficiently recognized today, could have been avoided.

We would have saved ourselves not from the Jihad, which is partof Islam and will exist as a Muslim duty as long as Islam exists, but from the putting into practice of the Jihad that was made possible by the OPEC money that permitted the Jihad to be funded, and conducted by both Sunnis and by Shi'a, by Iran with its weapons to Hezbollah and others, by Saudi Arabia with its mosque-and-madrasa building, and its funding of campaigns of Da'wa everywhere.

Finally, fury over the behavior of Western hirelings of the Arabs, especially the Saudis, in controlling American and therefore Western energy policy, should not be confined to those most concerned with the Jihad. For if environmental degradation and changes in the atmosphere continue, we know know what tha can bring. So for the same price of saving ourselves from the Jihad, as a kind of bonus this millennium only (come and get it! get it while the earth isn't yet too hot!), we can also head off the result of the folly and cupidity of ungrateful and greedy men.

Once one stops distinguishing this or that Muslim country as an "ally" --whether that "ally" of the day is Pakistan, a meretricious and permanent enemy if understood correctly, or Egypt which, despite or perhaps because of the more than $60 billion it has received from the long-suffering Infidel taxpayers of the United States (it started as a kind of award In Memory of Saint Sadat, and continued without any questioning, taking on all the characteristics of the classic Jizyah payment which the Muslims required as their due, and which the Infidels had to keep paying, did not dare stop paying, lest they anger those Muslims, just as the government of Egypt on the one hand, and the American government on the other, so beautifully play their respective roles as o'erweening Muslim and submissive Infidel), or sinister Saudi Arabia -- and realizes that the entire Camp of Islam needs to have its unearned wealth, from oil and gas, and from the Jizyah of Western foreign aid, reduced, then the need for certain energy policies becomes clear.

But if one fails to see the Camp of Islam as consisting of the Believers, of all those who form a loyal part of the Umma al-Islamiyya, then one will continually make the mistake of trying to win hearts, to win minds, to placate, to submit. It has done nothing for Infidel interests. We rescued the Shi'a of Iraq from the mass-murdering Saddam Hussein -- and the President "puzzles" over why the Shi'a are so hostile (except when, in private, some Maliki or Jalabi whispers sweet nothings in order to extract a promise of still more aid, or of still more troops remaining still longer to fight, fight, fight not for America but for the Shi'a interests in Iraq). We give Egypt far more money than any other country, and yet Egypt is a world center of anti-Americanism, its people consistently registering their hatred of this country and its people. We give, or gave, the "Palestinian" Arabs billions, but they murder our diplomats and security agents, even those on their way to announce the "Palestinians" to whom Fulbright grants have been awarded for study in the United States, and cannont quite bring ourselves to understand why. Infidels don't need to waste time, and to do the work of Muslim and Arab propagandists for them, by echoing them, or modifying their own views, in order to "win hearts and minds." Those hearts and mnids don't matter What matters is how much war materiel, how much money, Muslim states and groups can get their hands on. And that's all that matters.

There has been no serious energy legislation in the past five years, since 9/11/2001. Why? Why has the Administration been incapable of figuring out that it is more important to diminish total OPEC revenues than to bring "freedom" to the "brave people of Iraq" who "want freedom so much"? Write energy legislation that provides, not $18 milliion more for solar energy, but &$8 billion more. Do the same for wind energy, and for non-fossil fuels such as ethanol. Taxes, on oil and gas, tax breaks on everything else, penalties for unnecessary energy use (SUVs), 50 nuclear plants funded by the government (which must be the insurer for those plants), unembarrassed subsidies for mass transit that should not be expected to pay its way, including busses and subways, and trains all over, should have the case carefully made for them -- and made by those who normally distrust government, or believe deeply, almost fanatically, that "everything should pay for itself." If the true geopolitical and environmental costs of oil and gas were reflected in the price, then those prices would ensure the success of mass transit. But they don't. The government must through taxation force the prices of of oil and gas to reflect such things as the $400-500 billion already spent or committed to the vain attempts to deal with the misnamed "war on terror" by remaking, so it is naively hoped, Iraq and Afghanistan, if not the full environmental costs of the use of fossil fuels.

And if hearts and minds cannot be won, ever, among the Sunis of Saudi Arabia or Egypt (our "allies" for so long), or from the Shi'a of Iraq (whom we so obviouslly rescued), what makes the customs and border agents think they can, or should even try, to win the "hearts and minds" of CAIR, so many of whose top officers have been arrested, convicted, and jailed or deported for ties to terrorism, an organziation that exists not to make America safer, but to promote, always and everywhere, the interests of Muslims and to throw every possible spanner, raise every possible objection, to the so-far quite modest attempts at improving security for Infidels within this country.

witness said (about 50 times, in multiple postings):

George, I know you were wasted on crack last weekend or something, but really Mr. President -- you shouldn't allow this sort of thing!

How can you criticise our President like that? If He thinks it is a good idea to take CAIR on a guided tour of O'Hare's security screening, then it is a good idea. He knows which Muslims are our friends, and which are not. All you Bush-bashers just want to complain complain complain. "wah! wah! wah! I don't think it's a good idea to give CAIR a tour of security. wah! wah! wah! I don't want to turn port operations over to UAE. wah! wah! wah! I want to count the votes to see who is President. wah! wah! wah!" You're like a bunch of babies, and Communist babies at that.

And how could you say Bush smokes crack? That is so wrong. Everyone knows he snorts his cocaine. LOL, you LLL's don't even know the different ways to ingest cocaine. Just like Clinton doesn't know you have to inhale marijuana to get high. Losers!

Another excellent essay, Hugh. Wow.

The French are to warfare what the British are to cooking. Posted by: WildandCrzyGuy

A quotable quote and worthy of a signature line, where appropriate.

Hugh, it has dawned on me that (despite the rants from the right) that Islam will indeed prevail.
A number of reasons for this, one of which is that the "right" (meaning American right..Islam is also "Right Wing" and doctrinally so), act and think stupidly, they speak and vote with their hormones and gonads (but, in the manner of Islam, couch their fears and needs in terms of religion), and by their bombast, rhetoric and accusations alienate and scare the 60% or more of the population that doesn't share their authoritarian proto fascist (in the words of John Dean) fears, needs and ideology.

Islam, as we know, is divided against itself, but so long as their is Bilad al Kufr, Dar al Harb, they will set aside those divisions and unite, just as Sunni and Shi'a did in Lebanon and as Sunni and Shi'a do in Iraq (when they aren't blowing each other up, they are attacking the Ameriki).

But Islamic conquest will be a pyrrhic victory. Islam stagnated after Europe halted it's advance.
The Muslims of Spain HAD to conquer France and Europe, just as the Muslims of Turkey had to conquer Europe.. Islam is not self sustainable, it is not productive, in fact the ideology is vampiric, feeds off the blood and productivity of the conquered, the dhimmi's, Jizyah is protection money, (by the way, the origin of the word mafia is Arabic, from mahfil meaning union) the blood levy or devshirme and Jizyah sucked the life out of the kaffir that survived the Islamic onslaught, massacres and genocides..

And without fresh slaves and booty, Islam stagnates, falls in on itself, rots and degenerates into an ideology that can't even feed it's own people, much less provide it's Caliphs and leaders with the boys, toys and ho's that they need and want.

Turkey stagnated after it was defeated at Vienna, the Arabic world fell in on itself and started to stagnate after the Battle of Tours, it was a downhill slide, the Spanish were able to evict them in 1492 because by 1492 they were already degenerate, and the Dutch and infant American navies were able to inflict defeat on the muslims for the same reason. Oil has given them a rebirth, and the west pays a more acceptable (to the west) form of Jizyah disguised as free market economics. But in 100 years or less that will all come to a halt, and as the cancer of Islam spreads, so will the blackness of a new dark age of ignorance.. The glorious Caliphate is nothing more than ignorance and disincentive sacralized.

Islam might win, temporarily, but then it will collapse in on itself, and self destruct.

It's not Muslim investor, muslim engineers, muslim inventors that are fueling the world, it is not muslim farmers that are feeding the world.. it is the blood, sweat and tears of kaffirs and when there are no more kaffirs to suck the life blood out of, or kaffirs learn that the harder one works, the more blood is sucked..Islam will die.

Leeches, mosquito's, ticks, parasites do not attach themselves or thrive on dead and dying bodies. And that is what happened to Islam, that is why Napoleon with a couple of thousand soldiers could whup Muslim butt, why a couple of ships could whup muslim butt, why a few thousand cavalry could whup muslim butt in 1683, why a handful of Spaniards which lacked the wealth and resources of the Caliphate of Spain could whup their butt and send them packing.

Historians talk of Turkey as "the sick man of Europe" but there has been no discussion at all, as to why it was so.. we know the answer, it rotted when it could no longer live off booty and slaves, and the Jizyah and devshirme dried up productivity and will of the suffering kaffiri.

That's why all Muslim lands today, are backward, ignorant black holes, and sustained only by Jizyah (welfare and oil), even Malaysia is kept afloat by it's minority Chinese, even as they are persecuted by the majority Muslims.

sorry about the multiple posts -- something is up with the server at the JW end; everything is fine on this side. don't know what to tell you. Posted by: witness

You aren't the only one - a lot of people seem to be having this problem. Some tips to avoid multiple postings going forward:

  1. After you've posted once, and your post doesn't seem to appear, hit the 'Back' button on your browser in the scroll mode to go directly back to the originals J/W or D/W home page;
  2. Hit 'Refresh' or F5;
  3. Hit the 'Forward' button (or ALT→) to get back to the page;
  4. Hit 'Refresh' or F5 again;
  5. See if your post appears;
  6. If it doesn't, hit the 'Forward' button (or ALT→) again until you get to your last edits, and post from there
Seems a lot of trouble, but it does avoid the embarrasment of 2, 3, 5 posts that some posters have been unintentionally ended up doing.

sorry about the multiple posts -- something is up with the server at the JW end; everything is fine on this side. don't know what to tell you. Posted by: witness

You aren't the only one - a lot of people seem to be having this problem. Some tips to avoid multiple postings going forward:

  1. After you've posted once, and your post doesn't seem to appear, hit the 'Back' button on your browser in the scroll mode to go directly back to the originals J/W or D/W home page;
  2. Hit 'Refresh' or F5;
  3. Hit the 'Forward' button (or ALT→) to get back to the page;
  4. Hit 'Refresh' or F5 again;
  5. See if your post appears;
  6. If it doesn't, hit the 'Forward' button (or ALT→) again until you get to your last edits, and post from there
Seems a lot of trouble, but it does avoid the embarrasment of 2, 3, 5 posts that some posters have been unintentionally ended up doing.

The French are to warfare what the British are to cooking. Posted by: WildandCrzyGuy

A quotable quote and worthy of a signature line, where appropriate.

Hugh, it has dawned on me that (despite the rants from the right) that Islam will indeed prevail.
A number of reasons for this, one of which is that the "right" (meaning American right..Islam is also "Right Wing" and doctrinally so), act and think stupidly, they speak and vote with their hormones and gonads (but, in the manner of Islam, couch their fears and needs in terms of religion), and by their bombast, rhetoric and accusations alienate and scare the 60% or more of the population that doesn't share their authoritarian proto fascist (in the words of John Dean) fears, needs and ideology.

Islam, as we know, is divided against itself, but so long as their is Bilad al Kufr, Dar al Harb, they will set aside those divisions and unite, just as Sunni and Shi'a did in Lebanon and as Sunni and Shi'a do in Iraq (when they aren't blowing each other up, they are attacking the Ameriki).

But Islamic conquest will be a pyrrhic victory. Islam stagnated after Europe halted it's advance.
The Muslims of Spain HAD to conquer France and Europe, just as the Muslims of Turkey had to conquer Europe.. Islam is not self sustainable, it is not productive, in fact the ideology is vampiric, feeds off the blood and productivity of the conquered, the dhimmi's, Jizyah is protection money, (by the way, the origin of the word mafia is Arabic, from mahfil meaning union) the blood levy or devshirme and Jizyah sucked the life out of the kaffir that survived the Islamic onslaught, massacres and genocides..

And without fresh slaves and booty, Islam stagnates, falls in on itself, rots and degenerates into an ideology that can't even feed it's own people, much less provide it's Caliphs and leaders with the boys, toys and ho's that they need and want.

Turkey stagnated after it was defeated at Vienna, the Arabic world fell in on itself and started to stagnate after the Battle of Tours, it was a downhill slide, the Spanish were able to evict them in 1492 because by 1492 they were already degenerate, and the Dutch and infant American navies were able to inflict defeat on the muslims for the same reason. Oil has given them a rebirth, and the west pays a more acceptable (to the west) form of Jizyah disguised as free market economics. But in 100 years or less that will all come to a halt, and as the cancer of Islam spreads, so will the blackness of a new dark age of ignorance.. The glorious Caliphate is nothing more than ignorance and disincentive sacralized.

Islam might win, temporarily, but then it will collapse in on itself, and self destruct.

It's not Muslim investor, muslim engineers, muslim inventors that are fueling the world, it is not muslim farmers that are feeding the world.. it is the blood, sweat and tears of kaffirs and when there are no more kaffirs to suck the life blood out of, or kaffirs learn that the harder one works, the more blood is sucked..Islam will die.

Leeches, mosquito's, ticks, parasites do not attach themselves or thrive on dead and dying bodies. And that is what happened to Islam, that is why Napoleon with a couple of thousand soldiers could whup Muslim butt, why a couple of ships could whup muslim butt, why a few thousand cavalry could whup muslim butt in 1683, why a handful of Spaniards which lacked the wealth and resources of the Caliphate of Spain could whup their butt and send them packing.

Historians talk of Turkey as "the sick man of Europe" but there has been no discussion at all, as to why it was so.. we know the answer, it rotted when it could no longer live off booty and slaves, and the Jizyah and devshirme dried up productivity and will of the suffering kaffiri.

That's why all Muslim lands today, are backward, ignorant black holes, and sustained only by Jizyah (welfare and oil), even Malaysia is kept afloat by it's minority Chinese, even as they are persecuted by the majority Muslims.

Oh sure, like they're gonna just flagrantly shoot missiles into civilian areas.

Don't they realize that firing missiles into civilian areas is something the international community will not tolerate, and will therefore cause you to lose mucho support.

There will be demonstrations worldwide and spokespersons for governments and humanitarian groups will condemn you. Gruesome pictures of dead civilians will be played over and over, particularly real little civilians...

It'll never fly.

Oh sure, like they're gonna just flagrantly shoot missiles into civilian areas.

Don't they realize that firing missiles into civilian areas is something the international community will not tolerate, and will therefore cause you to lose mucho support.

There will be demonstrations worldwide and spokespersons for governments and humanitarian groups will condemn you. Gruesome pictures of dead civilians will be played over and over, particularly real little civilians...

It'll never fly.

Israel, rightly, will decline to take up the one and only opportunity it'll ever get.

To lose, that is.

Got shares in glass?


They mistake our tolerance and forebearance for weakness.

Their mistake.

Israel should target the Iranian embassy in Lebnon and at teh same time turn Tehran into the biggest piece of glass in the world.

Nariz,Nariz, Nariz....
Go here
to see who sympathize with hezbollah, hamas, islam in general. I don't see any Young Republicans, I sure see Marxists and commies.

"Islam might win, temporarily, but then it will collapse in on itself, and self destruct."
-- from a posting above

What does this mean? These are mere words. What does it mean to say Isalm will "collapse in on itself, and self destruct"? If Muslims can take effective possession of the wealth, and the weapons, of Western Europe, they can live for a long time on that Infidel-created wealth (and keep those Infidels around to run things, and to provide a Jizyah, disguised or direct, for the benefit of Muslims), and can threaten remaining Infidels (as those across the Atlantic) with the weapons they would seize or inherit as part of their new political power in Europe. Why would Islam "self-destruct"? Did it "collapse in on itself" during 1350 years, did it "self destruct," or did it have to be removed, where it was removed, by superior military force, the force of the Christians in Spain during the 500 years of the Reconquista, the force of the British in subduing the Muslim rulers of India, the force of the Jews in resisting the attacks of five Arab armies in 1948? When did Islam "self destruct" and "collapse in on itself"?

"The French are to warfare what the British are to cooking. Posted by: WildandCrzyGuy"
HEY! I Happen to LIKE haggis!