Annan: Disarming Hizballah not "direct mandate of the UN," Israel threatens to resume war

If the UN has no direct mandate, but can only "help" disarm Hizballah (and Siniora and Nasrallah have reportedly agreed this won't happen), then the blue berets that do go in will only be an internationalized set of human shields for Hizballah to hide behind. By deploying them willingly in that atmosphere, the UN will thus be using its influence and resources to protect Hizballah from Israel. From the Jerusalem Post: "IDF: We'll disarm Hizbullah if UN can't"

The IDF will have to resume operations in Lebanon if the expanded United Nations force being assembled does not fulfill its obligation to dismantle Hizbullah, an official in the Prime Minister's Office warned on Tuesday.
Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah reportedly reached a deal allowing Hizbullah to keep its weapons but refrain from exhibiting them in public. Israeli officials called the arrangement a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which passed over the weekend and was approved on Sunday by the cabinet.
"The resolution is clear that Hizbullah needs to be removed from the border area, embargoed and dismantled," the official said. "If the resolution is not implemented, we will have to take action to prevent the rearming of Hizbullah. I don't think backtracking will serve any useful purpose. There has to be pressure on Hizbullah to disarm or there will have to be another round."
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is expected to raise the issue when she meets in New York on Wednesday with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.
Annan angered Israeli officials when he told Channel 2 on Tuesday that "dismantling Hizbullah is not the direct mandate of the UN," which could only help Lebanon disarm the organization. Annan upset officials further when he said that deploying international forces in Lebanon would take "weeks or months," and not days as expected.
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"dismantling Hizbullah is not the direct mandate of the UN,"

The blood of Israelis is cheap Kofi ?

"which could only help Lebanon disarm the organization."

But Lebanon is not willing to disarm it Kofi, now what stupid proposal do you have in the pipeline ?

"deploying international forces in Lebanon would take "weeks or months," and not days as expected."

So bring your stupid mandate when these 'weeks and months' have passed, and a force that has some teeth is deployed there.

I know I just woke up and I have already cleared the sleep from my eyes. Or am I still sleeping? Have I misread something here? Fire up the jets IAF!!!

Any illusions about the U.N. should now be dispelled. The "purpose of a system is what it does" (POSIWID). The U.N. has three purposes: 1. To thwart U.S. foreign policy in favor of global tyranny, 2. to bleed and weaken the United States by draining maximum resources from it, and 3. to destroy the member state of Israel in collaboration with the Muslim fascists.

Israel should declare the truce over as of 12:00 tomorrow and advise all civillians to leave.

And the UN should be disbanded as it is basically a tool of facists.

Is Kofi a muslim? He sure sounds like one.

By deploying them willingly in that atmosphere, the UN will thus be using its influence and resources to protect Hizballah from Israel....

A statement of the obvious that no one else is stating, except here at JW.

I'm trying to see the logic that these people in the UN must use to actually agree to something this idiotic; and I can't see past the irrational.

I have a relative that works at the UN who claims to be a socialist -- I believe her. She told me once that her "religion was liberalism."

Given her advanced degrees in science -- I was surprised by such stupidity as she expressed.

(Since, I also hold advanced degrees in science I don't buy into the fact that education warps the brain somehow; yet listening to her, I would walk away with that impression.)

I have the opinion that the socialist environment at the UN is what did her in and warped her thinking, if you can call it that, and would strongly recommend to anyone to NOT put stock in anything from the UN.

Those people are not stupid! They are dangerous and irrational; shun them and anything they have to offer, especially if you are in Israel!

If it comes from the UN; it is a disaster waiting to happen!

Kofi is (cough cough), a Christian. Well, maybe not a good one.

This cease fire cannot hold.

I just hope Israel can wait until after 8/22, so A Maddened Jihad's "Light Over Jerusalem" can't be spun as a "reaction to Zionist aggression."

The UN can save its worthless peacekeeping force. They should withdraw before the hostilities begin anew. They can save themselves the embarrassment of proving they are useless.

This battle is not yet over. Already the tensions are rising. The shooting will begin before 8/22/06.

Israel is withdrawing the troops--but not by far.
They will return soon to finish the job.I hope they catch Nasarallah this time.

So we have it right here from the horse’s mouth, that the U.N. resolutions are not worth the pieces of paper they are written on.

And pro-Muslim commentators will still continue to rail on Israel for failing to abide by this and the many other U.N. resolutions.

Never under estimate the amount of damage this man has done to the world during his time at the U.N. He has set the bar of poor performance in this office to a new low.

He is a disgrace to all reedom loving nations who are directly threatened by him and his poor quality intellect, and obvious hatred of the U.S.

So we have it right here from the horse’s mouth, that the U.N. resolutions are not worth the pieces of paper they are written on.

And pro-Muslim commentators will still continue to rail on Israel for failing to abide by this and the many other U.N. resolutions.

Come on if Israel could/would not disarm hezbollah just how are the lebanese army or the blue helmets supposed to do it - I think everyone KNOWS that hizbollah is going nowhere and will not relinquish any arms - Israel will have to do it or it will not be done but THEY KNOW THIS or they should know it.

So we have it right here from the horse’s mouth, that the U.N. resolutions are not worth the pieces of paper they are written on.

And pro-Muslim commentators will still continue to rail on Israel for failing to abide by this and the many other U.N. resolutions.

So we have it right here from the horse’s mouth, that the U.N. resolutions are not worth the pieces of paper they are written on.

And pro-Muslim commentators will still continue to rail on Israel for failing to abide by this and the many other U.N. resolutions.

Come on if Israel could/would not disarm hezbollah just how are the lebanese army or the blue helmets supposed to do it - I think everyone KNOWS that hizbollah is going nowhere and will not relinquish any arms - Israel will have to do it or it will not be done but THEY KNOW THIS or they should know it.

Serious question: What happened to the issue of the abducted soldiers? Has it been established that they will be returned as part of the "UN Peace Plan"?

How disgusting it is that the UN felt "an immediate need to reach an agreement" for a cease-fire, but, back pedals on actually enforcing that cease-fire. Weeks? Months? To send 15k troops? Israel did that in several HOURS.

My generation was raised on the promise of world-peace through the UN. I think its time to bury the UN before its ineffectual bloat kills me.

How can the UN disarm Hizballah?! The UN has no military.

I hate being right all the time.

Expect this cease fire not to last. Isreal will have no choice but to resume the fighting. The UN is simply a paper tiger and cannot even enforce its own rulings. Plus it is now showing its true colors.

Expect this cease fire is not going to last, Isreal will end up having to start the war up again, because they would have no choice. The UN is simply showing its true colors.

Expect this cease fire not to last. Isreal will have no choice but to resume the fighting. The UN is simply a paper tiger and cannot even enforce its own rulings. Plus it is now showing its true colors.

So it is not the mandate of the UN to dismantle Hezbollah? And what about the OTHER UN agreement that instructed Hezbollah to be dismantled 6 years ago when Israel left Lebanon back then? This nonsense has GOT TO STOP. The UN has NO TEETH, is nothing but a scarecrow and every islamic supremacist knows it. That's why the evil continues. Is the dog who is biting your leg going to stop attacking you if you show him a picture of a baseball bat, if you tell him all the neighbors think he should stop or when you bust him in the head with a real bat? This is all as simple as that. Israel: think Barry Bonds!

And this antisemitism is all based on the fake history of Palestine. Every adult on earth should be forced to read Fitzgerald's essay on the run-up to the establishment of Israel. The true history. The one he posted in here about 3-4 months ago? Opened my eyes.

Unfortunately, Israel lost this skirmish, largely because of Sharon, Olmert and the Kadima party.

She does not have any time until the next challenge.

She must sweep away these blind fools and replace them with a Netanyahu (and the general who resigned because of the "disengagement" policy), before it is too late.

To live in illusion and not the real world spells death.

To misunderstand your enemies spells death.

To not understand the nature of the religious war by islam is unforgivable.

It is clear to me that the UN's sole purpose is to provide jobs for an otherwise unemployable and worthless class of people.

If they aren't going to disarm Hizbollah what are they there to do?

In hindsight, completely predictable.

The tanks are still north of the border. Maybe Olmhert deserves more credit than we had given him. 'Two birds with one stone.'

So this disgusting little anti-semite degenerate Anan is backing hizbullah.... Whats new?

And the French are going to enforce something? How? By surrendering?

What I wouldn't give to see Bolton backhand Anan.....

If they aren't going to disarm Hizbollah what are they there to do?

You dont understand UN's mission and mandate. But even so, how could they disarm Hezbollah? Please explain.

Actually I think Olmhert is being very clever, the UN ceasefire is about to implode, The Israeli's are in place and gathering lots of information from the returning Islamics...

I heard on FNC this morning that several muslim countries are volunteering to send in peacekeepers to Lebanon.

Peacekeepers. muslims.

muslims. Peacekeepers?

The fox guarding the chicken coop.

"You don’t understand UN's mission and mandate. But even so, how could they disarm Hezbollah? Please explain."

Well, I'd give them some guns (or more specifically tell them to use the ones they got) and say 'disarm Hizbollah'

But you are right. I don't understand the UN's "Mission/Mandate" It seems like a complete waste of resources to me.

In my opinion the UN’s "mandate" is to keep the Israelis from finishing the job.

This battle has been going on for centuries. Koffi Annan isn't about to stop it. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is the solution.

Mr Ape Pig: Essentially, the UN are diplomats. They are not supposed to fight Hezbollah for you. How can you not know that? Are you a Sean Hannity fan by any chance?

Nobody forced Israel to accept the terms of the ceasefire. Olmert is clearly an idiot.

The World Peace Religion? Let's see, is that the same as religion of peace? Olmert is French, and therefore has a defeatist mentality. A true leader would tell the UN to get lost and then declare war on Lebanon, Syria and Iran and finish the job that needs to be done.

Is Kofi a Muslim ? He acts like and he agrees by his actions that Israel should not be on the map of the Middle East, exibit A:

Consider the following article titled UN Ceremony Includes Map of Palestine In Place of Israel published December 9, 2005. Here is how it begins:

The United Nations held a "Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" last week. A large map of Palestine, with Israel literally wiped off the map, featured prominently in the festivities. The ceremony was held at the UN headquarters in New York and was attended by Secretary General Kofi Annan and the Presidents of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly. [1]

Now, you should have picked up the significance as you read this statement. A meeting that was held at the United Nations, attended by the Secretary General of the United Nations to honor the Palestinian people, displayed a map of the Middle East - without Israel on the map.
But that is not all. There is more to indicate that UN officials knew exactly what they were doing. Quoting again from the article:

With the map hanging behind him, Secretary-General Annan addressed the public meeting at UN Headquarters. At the start of the ceremony, the dignitaries present asked attendees to observe a moment of silence. I invite everyone present to rise and observe a minute of silence in memory of all those who have given their lives for the cause of the Palestinian people, the master of ceremonies said. [2]

What was the purpose of wiping Israel off the map?

"Mr Ape Pig: Essentially, the UN are diplomats. They are not supposed to fight Hezbollah for you. How can you not know that? Are you a Sean Hannity fan by any chance?"

Nobody forced Israel to accept the terms of the ceasefire. Olmert is clearly an idiot."

So I was right, it is a waste of resources.

I agree. Olmert is clearly an idiot, but since the UN isn't going to anything (except look cute it those adorable blue berets) this cease fire isn't going to last. If its going to "take months instead of days" why bother sending them at all? This "cease fire" will be over by the time they get deployed.

Who is Sean Hannity?

"Mr Ape Pig: Essentially, the UN are diplomats. They are not supposed to fight Hezbollah for you. How can you not know that? Are you a Sean Hannity fan by any chance?"

Nobody forced Israel to accept the terms of the ceasefire. Olmert is clearly an idiot."

So I was right, it is a waste of resources.

I agree. Olmert is clearly an idiot, but since the UN isn't going to anything (except look cute it those adorable blue berets) this cease fire isn't going to last. If its going to "take months instead of days" why bother sending them at all? This "cease fire" will be over by the time they get deployed.

Who is Sean Hannity?

What was the purpose of honoring the pali's? What "great" things have they done that they should be honored for?

What is the point of being part of the UN, really. US and Israel, join hands and leave the UN now. It is just a waste of your human resources. Don't be part of a propaganda machine that works against you.

Actually I think Olmhert is being very clever, the UN ceasefire is about to implode, The Israeli's are in place and gathering lots of information from the returning Islamics...

Yes, brilliant. He cleverly managed to order several of his own troops to go on to worthless suicide missions, which his troops just as deftly refused to obey!

It wouldn't surprize me to find out that Olmert and Condi were agents for Hizballa; that George was strung out on cocaine while pretending to be the President and that the pigmy ruling over Iran was the antichrist.

The world has gone mad!

where are the missing Israeli soldiers?

WITNESS says..."Actually I think Olmhert is being very clever..."

Wishful thinking. This disaster is so far-reaching for Israel and the West I can hardly bare to look at the news anymore.

Two thousand fanatic guerillas with no moral scruples and a fawning MSM can hold the world by the cojones.

Southern Lebanon is Israel's Iwo Jima to be slogged out rathole by bloody rathole. It will not go away.

where are the missing Israeli soldiers

...and what were their names???

The U.N. and other troops will be patrolling the wrong border. They should be placed on the Lebanese border with Syria, interdicting shipments of missiles and other weaponry from Iran (and Syria), and stopping the assorted pasdaran or basiji or other assorted Iranian agents and volunteers and "volunteers."

Even before it was diluted, wilfully misinterpreted, and vitiated by Annan and Hezbollah and the pusillanimous Lebanese "government," the arrangement agreed to makes provision for a military force of foreigners will be in the way of Israeli troops wishing to inflict defeat on Hezbollah by land, but will not be in the way of any attempt by Hezbollah to send missiles from hidden bunkers into Israel.

And one can be sure that those "foreign troops" will include contingents from Muslim countries (including Turkey) hostile to Israel, or from Western countries such as France no doubt eager to bend over to show their tilt to Islam (and sent by a government scared silly of offending Muslims in France itself). They will see the destruction in southern Lebanon, and that destruction will affect them, in their contextless existence, and they will not see the effects, or the threat, of those missiles shot into Israel, though more of them were sent in a month than were V-2s into England in seven months of Nazi bombardment.

Assalamau-Laikum all,

I am surprised that you peoples are talking like this! Way are U asking about the disarming of the a muslim I KNEW that you would not get Hizb to give up even 1 bullet...not one!

I don't see how the UN can get them to give up the arms...agreements are 2 only Israel has agreed to the terms....nobody even spoke to Nasurallah.

He could heve been invited to the round table...but this respect has not been accorded to him...but he doesn't care....he's still running things.

Also I KNOW that the soldiers will be involved in a prisioner swap. 2 Soldiers for about 200 and prisioners...that's what it will be..start fuming now!

I also predict Israel is not coming back soon...Nasrullah is running things...not the Israelis, not the Lebanese government and not the UN....Nasrullah...remember the name...remember the game.

The UN and it's cast of Terrorist Nations is a complete joke. I wish United States would stop funding it and remove it from it's location and put it in France.

I also predict Israel is not coming back soon...Nasrullah is running things...not the Israelis, not the Lebanese government and not the UN....Nasrullah...remember the name...remember the game.

Naseem, you may very well be right. But at the end of the day, Israel is a country at the forefront of scientific and technological progress, from fundamental mathematics to chip design to biotechnology, while Muslim countries are still stuck the Middle Ages. Do you realize that no matter how many battles Muslims win, they fundamentally are
losers? What will you people do when oil runs out?

there will be kno prisoner swap,them two are dead,only thing is,is what is Isreal guuna do when all the get(if,even that) their bodies?pali's have killed the one they got too.

GunnyJames, put the U.N. in Saudi Arabia, and let the dhimmi's get a taste of the muslim hi-life that they protect and endear themselves to. I'm sure after an afternoon of that, they'd be looking elsewhere for their good times. It's one thing to talk the talk...let them walk the walk.

Naseem, the soldiers are probably dead, knowing how your bro's treat Jews. You people should be ashamed. If they are killed, and if nosewipe is caught, he should be killed in the same manner. And VERY slowly.

Maybe its wishful thinking, however as per normal the UN moved to the side of the terrorists, Israel knew that it would have the world opinion against it if it continued and the USA is concerned about its looming civil war in Iraq,

So Israel agreed to the peace deal which requires the dis-arming of Hizbullah. Now that does not happan as they are refusing and the peace force does not appear, the Islamic fanatics will make their normal bad choice and off we go again, Israel will get perhaps another two months of free reign in Southern Lebenon before the UN can push them to end it again and Israel will hav done what the International community wanted.

The shame of it is that more Israelis will have to die in rooting these scum out of their hiding places.

If in a weeks time the peace is still holding then I will join the Olmhert blew it brigade.

Assalamau-Laikum all,

George asks "What will you people do when oil runs out?"

We'll either be in Dar-al-Harb...or clambering to get to it.

Or Dar-al-harb will have given up the technology of alternative fuels to us. Rocket science it maybe ....but muslims are never far behind.

You can do all the expensive development, leaving us time to pray to Allah...and when it's ready...we expect you to share it with us....this is as it has been ...nothing else will do!

On the thread just now and had a very fast look at the interesting comments.

I am not really surprised by hizb'ANNAN behavior but I notice that he is getting more and more unbalanced, and open in his support of the offensive of islam against Israel and the West.

Why does he think he can do that ?
I don't know, but all this worries me.

"put the U.N. in Saudi Arabia, and let the dhimmi's get a taste of the muslim hi-life that they protect and endear themselves to. I'm sure after an afternoon of that, they'd be looking elsewhere for their good times. It's one thing to talk the talk...let them walk the walk."

Freewoman, Outstanding idea.

we expect you to share it with us

thats the mo mo's problem,they expect.thats now how thw world works,expect islam to die

Assalamau-Laikum all,

Knowing muslims as I do, I can tell you with certainty that the soldiers are alive and looked after.

They are much more valuable to Nasrullah alive...he will want to extract a heavy price for their safe return.

I think you should hurry up must be hard for the soldiers to listen to prayers 5 times a day.

The Mossad should capture Nasrallah, hang a sign around his neck that says "Leader of the Party of God" and put him on national TV 24/7.

Then, bring in a big fat bull hog (which I can furnish to the Mossad), sedate it, take an IV kit and tap the hog's blood into the artery in Nasrallah's right arm.

Intercept Al-Jazeera's satellite signal and let the Moslem world watch as he is infused with swine blood. No 72 virgins for Nasrallah then.

Knowing muslims as I do, I can tell you with certainty that the soldiers are alive and looked after.

you DONT know muslims at all then

I think you should hurry up must be hard for the soldiers to listen to prayers 5 times a day.

smartest thing you ever said,who in the hell (in their right mind)would wanna hear that?

Nasrallah is a thug who only leads his people to death and he is under the control of his Islamic terrorist clerics.

He was not invited to the talks as he is not worthy. He is not concerned about peace , only death.

His followers, just like him, will die soon.

Here is the text of the ceasefire agreement.

I am appaled that any seasoned diplomat did not catch the loopholes and deception.

UNIFIL shall:
Item 11a: Monitor the cessation of hostilities.
11b: Accompany and support the Lebanese army
11c: Coordinate its activities.
MONITOR ??. That's what they have been doing for years...watching and doing nothing.

Item 12 says that UNIFIL will support and assist Lebanese army... within its capabilities??

Item 14:
Gov't of Lebanon is "called upon" to prevent entry of arms ...without its consent. {But, Lebanon has a large border with Syria, and many roads. Maybe even a few giant tunnels.) UNIFIL will assist if Lebanon requests.

Item 15:
All states shall prevent...
sale or supply to any entity in Lebanon.

So it's still OK to sell to Hezbollah in Syria, who can pass it to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Hezbollah is not a state; neither did Hezbollah sign this document.

'They are much more valuable to Nasrullah alive...he will want to extract a heavy price for their safe return.'

Naseem, It's a shame to burst your bubble luvver girl but Nasrallah's days are numbered. Find yourself another playmate. Two funerals in the space of a year, can your heart endure such?.

I see that the islamist guest talks all the time about prayers.
Prayers ?
You need a Religion to PRAY.
islam is not a religion, it's the ideology of a political-military enterprise to conquer the world.

Whom do you pray, the hindreds of millions of People killed by islam in 1400 years of bloody invasions from India to Africa, from Spain to Center Asia ?

Whom do you pray ? The Buddhas whose sacred SambhogaKayas the talibans have bombed ?

The Christians you have massacred all over the world ? The Hindus you have killed by the millions ?

All that blood is screaming to you and the reward of all these crimes will be yours, HAVE NO DOUBT about this.

It's called Karma or Retribution or Judgement, but one thing is certain, it will reach every single follower of the ideology of power and violence that is known as "islam".

Seems that the world doesn't care that our friend Kofi is a blathering liar.

I take back my 10:18 comment.


The truth is that the islamofacists have an ocean's load of blood on their hands.

Kofi is (cough cough), a Christian. Well, maybe not a good one.

Posted by: exsgtbrown

This is exactly what I meant when I said on another topic that the difining line between the true CHURCH and the false church will be their stance on Israel.

Look up the definition of 'replacement theology'. Look at the 'organizations' that practice 'replacement theology'. These organizations are enemies of Israel and they do not believe that Israel has a God-given right to the they feel FREE to be anti-Semitic. This explains so-called 'christians' that converted from Islam then felt fine about continuing to hate Israel.

The truth of the matter see TRUE Christianity when you see for example a messaniac Jew and a Bible-believing arab love each other as brothers in Christ.

When you see any organization turing a blind eye to 'ITS MEMBERS' hating Israel, you see the fruit of that organization.

The CHURCH is NOT an ORGANIZATION. It is the Body of Believers and Jesus Christ is the Head of that Body....not a pastor, not a minister, not a pope, not an arch-bishop.

Religion is man-made. Biblical Christanity is God made.

Prediction :

Isreal will see a "no confidence" vote in the parliment which could end the Olmart government and end up seeing Bibi and Likud back into power.

...and they will not see the effects, or the threat, of those missiles shot into Israel, though more of them were sent in a month than were V-2s into England in seven months of Nazi bombardment.

The hits by the V-1 buzz bombs were analysed when South London was subdivided into 576 regions consisting of approximately 0.25 square km each.

In those seven months of WW2, a total of 535 such bombs hit the combined area of 576 regions of South London.

Of those regions, 229 were spared of getting hit by any bombs; 211 regions of the 576 were hit exactly once; 93 regions were hit twice; 35 were bombed by three V-1s; 7 of the 576 regions were hit 4 times; and only 1 region was hit by 5 v-1 buzz bombs!

That was the Second World War! Contrast that with this:

Hizbullah fired 250 rockets at northern Israel one day before ceasefire went into effect:,7340,L-3290729,00.html

Knowing muslims as I do, I can tell you with certainty that the soldiers are alive and looked after.

...knives to their throats no doubt...

They are much more valuable to Nasrullah alive...he will want to extract a heavy price for their safe return


Egypt: Gilad Shalit for 600 prisoners

I know a few things about muslims too; most of which I don't like.

OT, please disregard this...

Sorry, testing again, I have been "signed out" two hours after signing in...

Why was the suggestion by a poster of dropping pig manure over the Ka'aba deleted? It wasn't a genocidal comment, or even one advocating the demolition of the 'shrine': it just suggested sowing (in a manner of speaking) enough doubts in the minds of the Mohammedans so that enough of them consider jettisoning their cult in droves. Was it even hateful? - I think that's arguable.

I understand that certain sentiments aren't encouraged here, but are we now at the stage where even here, sentiments disrespectful of Islam are verboten? If that's the case, it might be helpful to have on this website a list of 'don'ts', so that people know what is off limits, and either avoid that type of posting, or stay away altogether.

Of course, if it was accidental, ignore this gripe.

Personally I preferred what alarmed pig farmer said earlier. Treat terrorists how they treat their infidels!

Infidel Pride - no accident there. I deleted the posting for these reasons:

First, it quoted a previous, deleted posting of similar subject matter.

Second, such comments are not helpful. If a comment on a Muslim site called for raining manure down on the Western Wall, St. Peter's Square, etc., any Westerner who caught wind of that (no pun intended) would be rightfully appalled.

Ruminating on random acts of abuse plays into the hands of those who would seek to discredit us.

Our task here is to confront the ideology that drives jihadists, and to motivate self-designated "mainstream" Muslims, as well as policy makers in Western governments, to do the same, in large numbers.

If one is looking to cause discomfort among jihadists and their active and passive enablers, exposing the truth about jihad ideology in the Qur'an, ahadith, and Sunnah is by far the best way to go. That, they cannot ignore or discard so easily, though they still try.

Naseem, again your lack of lund has caused your mouth to work itself without engaging your brain. Nasrallah isn't in charge, he is just a puppet for the Iranians. The Iranians are promising $10,000 to each Lebanese who lost a home. They are buying influence. The Israelis will resume the war, and the UN be damned.


In that case, it would be helpful to have a section where the 'netiquette' of this site is explicitly spelt out.

For instance, on this site, most aspects of Mohammed's life - be it his massacres, pedophilia, etc. is routinely condemned/ridiculed/mocked day in and day out. Now, if you want to motivate 'mainstream Muslims' to confront the Jihadist ideology, you'd have to make it the law here for everybody to be deferential towards Mohammed. After all, if someone protesting, let's say, an abortion clinic bombing, let go on Christ, most Christians would be appalled, even if they otherwise condemned the bombings.

I thought it was already well understood at this site, of all places, that 'moderate Muslims' don't exist, and that most 'mainstream Muslims' don't sympathize with Infidels. Similarly, the way I understand it, while sites like exist for the purpose of persuading Muslims to jettison Islam, the purpose of this site is to enlighten Infidels about what Islam is all about. And most of the reactions - which under normal circumstances, may look viscerally intolerant, the principles and practices of Islam that they are intolerant of are things that any normal, decent person should be intolerant of.

Once they know what it all is, of course.

The United Nations Security Council drafted Resolution 1701

Hizbllah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah; formally agreed to the cessation of hostilities!

The Government of Lebanon, via their Prime Minister agreed to accept, and the general council voted to accept Resolution 1701! Hizb’llah is a part of that General Council.

The Government of Israel also agreed to accept.

Now, Hassan Nasrallah is back peddling. Figures!

In my o so humbled opinion;
The Lebanese Government should publicly demand and require Hizbllah disband and disarm, as required by International Law! Or relocate
or become outlaws of the Lebanese people.

Hassan Nasrallah's victory is his defeat.
Obey the laws of the Government of Lebanon or find a new place to call home... Israel is calling.

Hassan Nasrallah should be classified an International outlaw and let the Soldiers of Fortune hunt him down…

Infidel Pride - That's why "mainstream" is in quotes, and I added the qualifier "self-designated."

Robert and Hugh have commented a few times in the past about appropriate use of the "comments" feature of the site. Google "verbal decorum" or "Komments Kraziness" and "Jihad Watch" for recent ones.

Well, can't say there was no warning:

Marisol said: "Ruminating on random acts of abuse plays into the hands of those who would seek to discredit us."

I say...what she said.

Think strategically, and fight so as to win, please, rather than handing ammunition to our enemies.

Thank you.

Robert Spencer

Political correctness at JW ?

Love you guys, but will political correctness win the religious war we are in ?

Can see the need for decorum in public discourse, can see the importance of no swearing or scatology,

the importance is the exchange of ideas, discoveries and the ways of looking at events, discourse and rhetoric;

Twould be best to err on the side of leeway.

Good luck. (Now should we or should we not bomb Mecca ?).


You misunderstand. Political correctness is not what we are about. Political correctness is not thinking strategically; it is kowtowing.

There is a difference.

Robert Spencer

Political correctness CREATES unnecessary death. Just do the right thing and take care of business upfront and forthright. Special interest groups have distorted political correctness.

If one is looking to cause discomfort among jihadists and their active and passive enablers, exposing the truth about jihad ideology in the Qur'an, ahadith, and Sunnah is by far the best way to go. That, they cannot ignore or discard so easily, though they still try.

Posted by: MarisolJW

Roger That!

Why anyone thinks that those who selflessly volunteer at this site, a site whose aims are pedagogic and whose preferred manner is prim, have no right as part of the fulfillment of their self-imposed duties to the site and to its visitors, to remove postings that violate the desiderata of both manner and matter, puzzles. There are thousands of websites where one can make threats against Islam, say whatever you wish, with whatever language you deem fitting, in short behave exactly as the sinister and vigilant agents of CAIR would wish you to behave, so that they may attempt to describe this site in vicious and viciously dismissive terms. Some things add. Some things distract -- and subtract. A relentless series of persuasive mini-essays on the Benes Decree worries CAIR far more than any barnyard or barroom epithets or suggestions will ever do. "Bombs Over Tokyo" is one thing. "Manure Over Mecca" is another.


Are suggestions of nuking Teheran or Qum off limits? How about similar advocacy towards Iran's nuclear sites - Natanz, Isfahan, Buhshehr, Yazd? What about suggestions of carpetbombing Damascus in response to Syrian support of Hizbullah? All of these would result in the deaths of Ahmadinejad, Assad, and countless civilians, innocent and otherwise. There's a very fine, and thin line between this line of reasoning, and deploring 'genocidal calls'. What adds - and what subtracts? That's why I suggested having some guidelines, so that that's clearly spelt out. Past essays that broadly lay out the philosophy of this site are by no means adequate.

I don't know whether your quote 'Why anyone thinks that those who selflessly volunteer at this site, a site whose aims are pedagogic and whose preferred manner is prim, have no right as part of the fulfillment of their self-imposed duties to the site and to its visitors, to remove postings that violate the desiderata of both manner and matter, puzzles', was directed at me or not, but if it was, I don't think that at all. Like plenty of others, I recognize that those who run this site have every right to regulate what stays, and what goes, for any reason whatsoever. What would be helpful, however, would be to know that criteria, so that one can comply accordingly.

I will say one thing. Speaking for just myself, I'd avoid posting anything that would 'hand ammunition to our enemies'. But make no mistake - that's the only reason I'd do it, not because it's the wrong thing to do.

Infidel Pride - no accident there. I deleted the posting for these reasons:
First, it quoted a previous, deleted posting of similar subject matter.

True. I did quote MY OWN posting . What is wrong with that?

Second, such comments are not helpful. If a comment on a Muslim site called for raining manure down on the Western Wall, St. Peter's Square, etc., any Westerner who caught wind of that (no pun intended) would be rightfully appalled.

Depends what you mean by “being helpful”. Is reverence to Nazism or Communism a helpful thing? Well yes, - to Nazis and communists. Why should we show more respect toward islam than toward the other two abominations?

Yes, "any westerner would be rightfully appalled."

True, but beside the point. I believe that vast majority of posters here is quite aware of the atrocious character of Mohammedanism and of its each day deadlier threat to the West (and East and South and North…). Now, why should we care how “appalled” we make the carriers of that killer-faith when we soberly contemplate practical, simple means of termination of the menace. Especially when no Moslem life will be endangered.

"Ruminating on random acts of abuse plays into the hands of those who would seek to discredit us."

But that is nonsense. “Discredit us”? In the eyes of whom? Of CAIR?, Hezbollah, The Left , or the Liberals? You don’t imagine they give us any credit now. Or do you?

I speak for the ordinary Dane and he would enthusiastically welcome the “pig manure” solution rather than the cretinic efforts to win minds and hearts of the Moslem world, or to contain the mohammedan menace through military actions which costs thousands and thousands of western lives.

Much like our fickleness in Afghanistan, the IDF were not allowed to finish the job because politicians changed the mission on them, all in the interest of "stability" and stopping civilian deaths. Without a major ground troop deployment and cleaning out this is all going to happen again, more sooner than later.

The Israeli leadership bungled this from the start.

Hugh, if it ever comes down to that, I hope it's pig manure. ;)

Naziallah says “The building of a strong and capable country, a country of resistance which provides a sense of security, should naturally take place before that country turns to the Lebanese people, to the people of the South, and says to them: Our people, we constitute a strong, capable country, a country of resistance that can defend your honor, your blood, your dignity, and your pride, and you have no need for the popular frameworks known as the resistance, or for the private weapons of the resistance."

Are there still any questions about what his intentions are? Or why there are Hezbollah representatives in the Lebanese government? Maybe we should have American representatives in the Iranian government. Naziallah put it clearly in the above statement: We want to become strong enough to takeover Lebanon, and replace it with an Iranian state called Anti-Israel.

While people go around in circles, including here, Naziallah and his Iranian rulers are planning and preparing the takeover. The current UN resolution is just the excuse he’s been waiting for to base Hezbollah north of the Litani. There he can get control of the country’s political forces through intimidation. He will then bring the government down bit by bit, and ultimately replace it just like the Shiites did in hundreds of Christian towns throughout Lebanon during the 70’s and 80’s. And just like they did in those towns, Shiites will invade and occupy new ancient Christian soil, and erect mosques for the devil on Christian Lebanese soil for the first time in history, just like they have been continually doing from the beginning of the new millennium. Next thing you know, Lebanon will be over 90% Shiite, and its inhabitants will be proclaiming Arab roots (an infantile race,) and denying their true and significant origins. All Hezbollah deeds made legitimate because it claims to be by the people and for the people.

In the meantime, Shiite Muslims both in Lebanon, and in Dearborn, Michegan, remain brainwashed by Iranian propaganda and money, and intoxicated by the delusion that they will one day own the world. At the same time, non-Shiites in Lebanon, 60% of the population, accept the deception that is Hezbollah, because it is thrown at them 24 hours a day, and the outside perspective gets lost or overpowered; thus, contributing to their own self-destruction.

Re: Annan: Disarming Hizballah not "direct mandate of the UN," Israel threatens to resume war


Wipe these Hisbulla bastards out-or they will wipe you out. That's reality.

If one is looking to cause discomfort among jihadists and their active and passive enablers, exposing the truth about jihad ideology in the Qur'an, ahadith, and Sunnah is by far the best way to go. That, they cannot ignore or discard so easily, though they still try.

posted by MarisolJW

“Cause discomfort among Jihadists” through exposition of TRUTH (about jihad ideology in the Qur’an)?

Excuse moi madame, but why should Jihadist who follows, indeed lives, for he jihad ideology and knows his Koran by heart, certainly better than you do, suddenly develop some kind of discomfort upon hearing what you have to say on the subject.

That, they cannot ignore or discard so easily, though they still try.

Oh really? Do you really think they ever are “cornered” by even best arguments, so they throw up their arms, admit defeat and after continuous defeats eventually become “just like us”? You want to check-mate them both intellectually and morally? Isn’t it called “winning their minds and hearts”? Well, good luck madame.

As for myself, and countless others, I still am of the opinion that “pig manure” cure would be infinitely more effective. And cheaper and bloodless. Are you a betting person madame?
If so, let’s make a poll on your website to see how many posters think that proposed by you intellectual/moral endless sparring with crazed fanatics would be more effective for ending the menace of islam than my simple “pig manure” surgery. If you win I will send you a bottle of a good Danish schnapps. Shall you lose I will be contented with your admitting your defeat.

"Bombs Over Tokyo" is one thing. "Manure Over Mecca" is another.

posted by Hugh

Absolutely! The former incinerated hundreds of tthousands of humans while the effects of the latter can be removed with a water hose.

Infidel Pride:
I totally agree with your viewpoint, but also with Roberts and is up to us to realize now that JW is more and more becoming a mainstream force (thank God), and since the most of us are very gifted in expressing heavy duty statements in very acceptable ways we should stick to that...
My favoured statements in this thread today are by Alarmed Pig Farmer ;-) (Bravo)

Unfortunately, it appears that the views of some here at JW are in lock-step with those of our country's leadership -- that the advance of mohammedism can somehow be thwarted through kindness and diplomacy, while historically the opposite has always been true. The current administration has sentenced ours and subsequent generations to the continued ravages of mohammedistic evil by engaging in a policy of 'transformational diplomacy'. This is no doubt the brainchild of well intentioned, but wrong minded, nonelected bureaucrats who are afraid to see the enemy for what it is -- one that must be removed by lethal force. Like it or not, the world will witness sooner than later destruction and misery on a massive scale. Humankind is crying out for leadership that will act now to preserve the foundations of Western civilization. Truly, I live for the day when the cross replaces the crescent in Mecca. And I won't mind standing in pig manure to see it. . . . †

Whilst we all discuss how we ought to express the sentiments which we feel may I make a plea for us to remember those who are truly stuck in the middle. I refer to the Maronite Christians of Lebanon - the flock of His Beatitude Mar Nasrallah Boutros Cardinal Sfeir, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, the 3rd Maronite Cardinal and the 76th. Patriarch of the Maronite Church.

The story of the Maronite Church is heartbreaking and its history can be read at

and it's worth following all the links to the rest of the site and getting some idea of how they have struggled against islam and yet preserved the faith. Even if you're not a Christian you would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by their struggles and their persecutions.

We have heard a lot about Jbeil in the news recently but the Maronites have the prima facie claim to that town as well. Read it all, as Robert always says.

If you follow all the links the URL I have given you (above) will also get you into the Maronite, Melkite, Armenian, Coptic, Chaldean, Latine and Syriac websites (all, basically, Antiochan). Many of their stories are heartbreaking, too.


desiderata of both manner and matter
Posted by: Hugh at August 16, 2006 05:26 PM

How to live peacefully in both manner and matter.

Hugh, in this day and time you speak of peace when we are at war with a political body of violence so extreme that most can not recognize the level of violence that is posing as a religion....................

this war with islam will not be settled with peace but with extreme and utter violence not ever seen on this earth except at the time of its formation.........

when this war is over, the world's population will no longer number in the billions........

With God's blessing: America, the peaceful religions, the western civilizations, freedom, and the right to worship or not worship will survive, but will be forever changed............

the world does not realize that it is rushing headlong into a holocaust of world changing proportions that will not be stopped regardless of all of the peace utterances and actions across the world…….

islam does not want nor will it accept peace, but only world domination and if not world domination, then total destruction of the world………

It is either freedom or islam. Only one will survive.

I have made the choice.

Freedom, the only choice at any cost and the cost will be immense.

This will be my last post for a while for this is futile and will stop what is coming.

Prepare, be armed, be ready.

God’s love and blessings to all.

The Texican.

Thomas H. -

You asked:

Excuse moi madame, but why should Jihadist who follows, indeed lives, for he jihad ideology and knows his Koran by heart, certainly better than you do, suddenly develop some kind of discomfort upon hearing what you have to say on the subject.

For the reasons you mentioned, I wouldn't expect to sway the likes of bin Laden, if he read Jihad Watch. But there's more than one type of jihad, and more than one type of jihadist. Google "Fast Jihad, "Slow Jihad" and "Jihad Watch" for more on that.

The same goes for people like Ibrahim Hooper, Akbar Ahmed, and others. But one can blunt the force of their attempts to pass off disinformation as fact without proper scrutiny in the mainstream media.

The most promising opportunity is that of informing the ordinary non-Muslim-- our neighbors, colleages, family, and friends. Those are people who are being sold a bill of goods about jihad strictly being a personal struggle for piety, that a Tiny Minority of Extremists have hijacked a peaceful religion, etc., etc., whose minds the individual has the best chance of changing, after his own.

Oh really? Do you really think they ever are “cornered” by even best arguments, so they throw up their arms, admit defeat and after continuous defeats eventually become “just like us”? You want to check-mate them both intellectually and morally? Isn’t it called “winning their minds and hearts”? Well, good luck madame.

It's not about winning jihadists' hearts and minds. I don't care if they like me as long they can't kill me or do away with my way of life. First things first. Rather, this is the ideological component of the fight. Obviously, there is a military element and a political element as well; as Hugh pointed out, the purpose of this site is primarily pedagogical. And that activity has far-reaching consequences for the political and military aspects as the driving force behind who, why, and how we fight.

No one in any of those principal areas of the anti- or counter-jihad, however, has ever proposed dropping a payload of porcine poop onto a religious shrine as any sort of solution.

As for myself, and countless others, I still am of the opinion that “pig manure” cure would be infinitely more effective. And cheaper and bloodless. Are you a betting person madame?

No, I'm not a betting person. But I'm convinced that I'm doing the right thing, polls or not, which is why I'll probably never make it in politics.

I’m a newcomer here but have learned things that would not have learned elsewhere. Our host is on national TV and is impacting millions of people.

Please don’t weaken his (our) impact by injecting undue emotion. There are other arenas.


This is the second time in as many days that you have deprecated emotion on a thread that I have been following. I have to disagree with you. We are the human animal and as such we emote - all else is merely knowledge.

Emotions give us our greatness and our passion, our weaknesses and our sins. They are what make us human not merely ... merely ... merely ... Vulcan, yes, that will do - fictional though the reference may be. We are not a mere collection of mathematical cyphers. We are animals with animal needs, driven by our hormones and our emotions. One man's logic is merely another man's organised (or not, as the case may be) emotions.

You may start with Aristotle and Zeno of Elea, Parmenides and Plato; you may move through the Megarian-Stoic school and touch on Chrysippus. You may flirt with Abelard, Jean Buridan and Gregory of Rimini (not to mention Albert of Saxony); you may toy with Wittgenstein and Frege and arrive all in a rush and out of breath at Godel and Tarski; you may even go to Church (dear old Alonzo, couldn't keep Kleene); and finally, perhaps, you may Kneale before Dummett; but you will never alter the one salient fact about human nature that all of the above mentioned acknowledged (dare I say it, to a much greater degree than you have so far), the fact that we humans are emotional creatures.

There is nothing wrong with emotion, with love, hate, lust, wanting and laughter. It is no accident that one of the world's greatest constitutions should refer to the 'pursuit of happiness' ('happiness' - a mere emotion). What wise people they were - the true children of the enlightenment.

What makes us reasonable beings susceptible to argument is not logic alone but the synthesis of logic with our peculiar emotional capacity. It is also that which makes us great. It is emotion, and emotion alone, however, that leads us to desire freedom.


Dominic -

Good post; and I'm curious about your username -- what does it say/mean?

Annan has proven the well known point, that the UN is totally useless and downright dangerous! today on Rush, first time l heard him so upset, and cannot believe what condi said about the UN, l think, even myself, taken aback by her statement.. but what l like about Rush, he refused to play dead, and is saying how its a religious war, he does not say much now about the ports deal, which l totally disagreed with him on that point. l know the truth of islam has truly waken him up. keep a close eye on his show, as it is very popular and can reach a lot more.. l just keep sending him tons of stuff from this site, l hope his crew picks up on this.. good work Robert!

Dominic; We share German blood. And we face together an historic conflict. As I am an engineer and not a scholar, I can not match you with references.

I do know emotion. The emotion I feel is agitation. My daughter is crying in the living room as I write. I wish I was worrying about how to fund her college. But I'm not. I'm worrying about the world that she will inherit in twenty years.

Democracy in Europe is threatened. If it fails, the biggest loser will be those like you. And I don't want to see that happen.


Necessitas non habet legem - Necessity knows no law.

A Latin tag. A mere whimsical demonstration of scholarship it ports a baggage ranging from Innocent III back to the great jurists and arguers of the Roman republic. Just something I was impressed with at school.


No. Given the timescale over which any potential loss might happen neither you, nor I, will be the loser. Your daughter will however - and my nephews and nieces.

Just remember, we are human and western and have more to join us together than to separate us aber die logik muss fur sich selber sorgen, and I know that that is probably a quote but I can't, for the life of me, remember, at this time of night, where from.

I must say goodnight to all - I have to work tomorrow. May angels sing you all to your rest and the Christ watch over you 'till you wake.


witness said -
"I have a relative that works at the UN who claims to be a socialist -- I believe her. She told me once that her "religion was liberalism."

liberalism, by definition:
The tenets or policies of a Liberal party. [not necessarily related to socialism]
- or -
An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard. [not socialism at all]

Besides, being book-smart doesn't necessarily amount to being common sense-smart. It is common for bureaucrats to be socialists, since they don't actually contribute to the world's production of goods, they need a job somewhere and socialism allows for that, in spades.

Socialism - that great panacea that allows for people that don't benefit mankind to make as much as those that do, and pretend that it's OK because it isn't capitalism. Oddly similar to muhammadism, where so-called "clerics" (bureaucrats) benefit from the raping and pillaging (workers) of non-believers (raw materials).

There is a reason why socialists and muhammadans get along so well, and part of it is the hatred of freedom and independence. For example, look at the postings here at JW of muhammedans that excitedly await the global death cult in their mindless march. They can't argue against the facts - they don't even post when it comes to that.

- recalled

Dhimminot, thanks for the link to the agreement, that is a typical diplomatic fudge, but as far as I can see Israel seems to be getting ready for the next war, because it will be coming soon. I think this time they will pull the strings, or perhaps I am being optimistic, because the Israelis always seem to do the best when they are really up against it.

I was angry, amazed, worried at Israel accepting this traversty of an agreement, but it will prove like every other UN agreement that it was not worth the paper it was printed on. Perhaps Israeli is speeding up the research on how to counter these anti-tank weapons. I have to optimistic that at least Israel knows how to fight...

I think I can see something at work here that we should never take for granted viz. freedom to speak. It may well be that some posts are removed, but I would prefer this to having them "edited" ala the MSM. After all, the blogosphere is now fast becoming the watchdog's watchdog. This leads me to an awareness of my responsibility, not only in posting to blogs etc. but also in what I read and how I translate what I read.

For example, I interpreted Naseem's remark concerning Dar al Harb as repeating in a subtle way the threat that emanates from far too many not so subtle mullahs' mouths. I do not, however, regard Naseem as a threat in himself.

I know that the ideology of Islam is so seriously flawed that the only way in which it can spread is by adopting a virulent and parasitic form. We today coin the phrase "Terrorism" to describe what has always been the modus operandi of the leaders of the "faith" of Moslems. But my understanding of "faith" is radically different. It stems from my deep desire to "know" and "understand", of my own free will and within my limitations, what exactly Truth might be and how, exactly, it might work. I certainly do not need to become, in effect, an automaton in order to have faith. As my understanding of truth grows, so does my faith. It is, for example, a simple truth that gravity works. I do not need to prove otherwise, against all the evidence readily available literally at my fingertips.

Ladies and gentlemen, we know only some of the truth with regards to the looming storm, but we should perhaps remind ourselves that if we have faith in what we do know, we can build on our understanding with certainty.

I have learned something of Iran that quite surprised me. It would seem that not everyone is happy with the "purer than driven snow" ayatollahs or their "useful idiot" Presidente. The link below leads to some rather interesting reading, if you would care to learn more about Persia today...

Just a thought... I didn't actually stay up till 04:14 AM to write this. It is currently Thursday 5:50 PM Adelaide time. I seem to always miss the heat of battle at Jihad Watch, coming in last. Oh well, never mind. Reminds of the hare and the tortoise.

just a mention on the sideline,
Naseem tells us she is a woman in Lahore, Pakistan.
We are not sure about that, but it is possible...

posted by MarisolJW:

No one in any of those principal areas of the anti- or counter-jihad, however, has ever proposed dropping a payload of porcine poop onto a religious shrine as any sort of solution.

Which is a great pity and only shows the degree we all (including that website) are paralyzed by the dogmas and taboos of the religion of liberalism. As long as we worship the moloch of liberalism we are doomed to forever chase sundry Osamas and his mutants, forever accept a new hightened state of emergency on our streets, forever put up with new, more restrictive, security regulations...until there is nothing left of the freedom and dignity the Western civilization once gave us.
We may show respect to “religious shrines” all you want and have a choice of crawling under the burden of anti-terror measures, or under dhimmitude.
Or, if we want to live as free people, we reject the morbid stupidity of liberalism that demands we show respect to “religious shrines” of a terrible cult whose very core is the war against us and everything we value.

Therefore I really am not impressed by “those principal areas of the anti- or counter-jihad”. Not until they become “areas of anti- or counter-islam”.
It is Islam who has been on our throats for the past 1400 years and today when its carriers have finally burst through our borders Islam is only millimeters from the West’s jugular vein.
Necessitas non habet legem - Necessity knows no law.
How true. For us – the westerners - the highest necessity is to live free – free from fear and free to say what we believe is right. Without that the West dies morally and spiritually. And if we think that maintaining of that necessity may call for“dropping a payload of porcine poop onto a religious shrine” then it should be freely considered. Even if it means ignoring the “laws” of Religion of Liberalism.

Had you written a riposte to my original posting showing how impractical, unfeasible, or ridiculous it was I wouldn’t mind at all. But you deleted it because of its irreverence toward the Cult that ultimately wants you completely dhimmified or dead. You have signalled to people who reject all restrain in their pursuit to overtake the planet that you will always be restrained by a rule of “purity of speech”. I see that we have very little chance against The Cult if even a website that professes resistance to the Cult wants to impose on itself such rules.


Why on earth would you ask such a question? I certainly don't take drugs. I do indulge in a drink now and then - but not to excess.

Now, tell me the relevance of your question.


an interview yesterday with USA Today, Miss Rice said the expanded U.N. force in Lebanon -- known as UNIFIL -- will have a robust mandate, but will not be searching for militias and weapons.

What are they going to do? Pass around blunts and read Playboy? Send them home and let Israel "monitor" the territory.

Dominic -

Cool username! At first I thought that it was some kind of secret code. And thanks for using your real name, because I would never attempt to spell necess........ for fear that it would trigger my dyslexia.