Annan's secret call to Straw: get with it and play the dhimmi

And Straw complied. From The Guardian, with thanks to JE:

Kofi Annan told Jack Straw of his anger at Britain's stance on the conflict in a phone call last Wednesday to the former foreign secretary, it emerged last night. The UN secretary general rang Mr Straw hours after Britain and the US blocked a call for an immediate ceasefire at the Rome summit, and a day after Israel bombed a UN monitoring position, killing four observers.

Two days later Mr Straw broke rank publicly, attacking Israel's "disproportionate" actions.

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Without the Muslim vote in his constituancy Jack Straw is out of a job but when he was Foreign Secretary I saw an interview in which he told how he had persuaded the Austrians are accept Turkey into the EU. As I remember he said that we had to consider Austria's history and how in 1684 the Turks had besieged Vienna and it seemed to amuse him that the Austrians still remembered this.

On Sunday evening I watched BBC1, Panorama, which is not considered a BNP mouthpiece. In the course of an interview on Al Jazeera television Sheikh Quardawi make the following statement,

“We have already taken Constantinople who can say what we will take next, Rome? We may not even need to conquer these countries we are increasing in such numbers that we may just be able to take them over”.

This is a fairly accurate but incomplete quotation of a man who seemed perfectly rational to me. He stated as a matter of fact that Islam had already taken the capital of eastern Christianity which was 200 years before the siege of Vienna. He did not consider this to be in incident in the dim and distant past but part of a continuing process and looked forward to the time when they would take over the rest of Western Europe.

In view of this I wonder if Jack Straw would care to comment on his statement about his dealings with the Austrians and their amusing anxieties?

Yet the angry bruvverz of MPACUK have been berating Jack Straw constantly these last few years for his support for Israel, and campaigning in Blackburn for Muslims to vote him out. As recently as Monday they were blaming him for some of the child deaths, holding him almost personally responsible for arming Israel.

He is not my favourite politician but he is getting it from all sides here.

Ah, Kofi Annan, bastion of neutrality and fairness. PUKE!

20% of the electorate in Straw's Blackburn constituency are Muslims - enough to make all the difference in a close fought election. He's just covering his back.

Is this the result of some muslim population, er 'behaving dangerously'.

PARIS: Parisian sunbathers will no longer be allowed to go nude or wear G-strings on the capital's artificial beaches and risk a fine if they are caught baring their breasts or buttocks.

The city hall has issued a decree banning indecent clothing to preserve the tranquility of the sandy beaches created on the banks of the River Seine every summer since 2001.

"People must behave according to good standards to maintain tranquility, security and public order," the decree said, according to Saturday's edition of Le Parisien . "Notably indecent attire (nude sunbathing, g-strings and topless bathing etc.) is forbidden."

The city police will be enforcing the rules, and anyone caught baring too much flesh risks a 38 euro ($48) fine.

Defending the decree, city hall sports official Pascal Cherki told Le Parisien that indecent clothing "could have led to temptations and dangerous behavior on the banks of the river."

I call on Annan to visit Lebanon. And I re-iterate my call for Hizbullah or any of their sympathizers to assassinate him.

I don't like Jack Straw, never have. He is a fake. He was a radical student leader and became a political snake. He is so wonderfully PC on gays etc but engaged in leaks to the press to destroy the leader of the Liberals Jeremy Thorpe who had a gay relationship.

Straw is one who knifes in the back. He inherited Barbara Castle's Blackburn constituency and cultivate a Muslim power-base which could be delivered as a bloc vote. He made his local point-man Patel Lord Patel in 1998. When Craig Murray tried to stand against him noone would let him rent offices

Straw is the second Foreign Secretary under Blair to go the way of Geoffrey Howe - from Foreign office to Leader of the House - Robin Cook blazed that trail.

Straw used to visit Teheran praising Mohammed - not the thing most people born Jewish like to do, but Opportunism Knocks is Jack Straw's motto

I really feel betrayed. My ancestors came from Western Europe and Britian. This is sad. Maybe I can change my real name to something sounding Slavic. How would Slobodan Milosevic sound?

Hey, that would be a good JW/DW penname.

Off Topic.

For those of us able to receive Channel 4 in the UK:

What Muslims Want: Channel 4 Monday 7 August, 8pm

Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow tackles one of the most difficult and controversial questions facing our country today: to what extent do Muslims in Britain pose a threat to this country and its values? There is a growing fear that the 1.6 million Muslims in Britain are rejecting the majority liberal, tolerant beliefs in this country for a radicalised version of Islam in which violence can be justified. Dispatches has conducted the most comprehensive and rigorous survey to date of Muslim opinion in Britain, with startling results.

Just a shame it's Jon Snow presenting the bloody thing. Oh.... and that it's on Channel 4.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see just how "controversial" the questions get.

Fred: Jack Straw would probably regard the long Muslim view of history as amusing, too. According to Melanie Phillips, the British governing class cannot take anyone's religious views seriously; the same probably holds for historical perspectives.

Apologies....Title and main paragraph should have been in quotes.

Jack Straw is most aptly named. This little Piggy is going to have his house of Straw blown down soon by rabid Muslim wolves in his constituency. His cowardice invites our contempt whilst fellow Jews must be dismayed by his praise of Mahomet-no matter how he postures and bows down as Dhimmi, Muslims consider him a JEW.
He may or may not had done a conversion to Christianity like Madeleine Albright but don't think they will consider him a hero either.

Jack straw is a coward he takes the muslims side so he can feel like a hero while not putting his life on the line by insulting them. Where are these right wing fanatics that the MSM claims is terrorizing America and Europe. I wish someone would take him out so he can fear the people he is screwing over as much as he fears the muslims. guys like this have to be taken out so that they have no option but to shut their mouths if they are scared. This way you will have to choices if you want to speak out and put your life on the line do it for a cause you believe in. Speaking out in favour of muslims knowing that no one is going to do anything does not make one a hero it is the cowardly approach.

Maybe this is off topic but it's related to a man that Jack Straw calls a good friend. I just got a call from a friend in Miami and she said that the whole city is erupting in celebrations with the rumour that Fidel Castro may have died!

Castro, a friend to Iran's Ayatollahs and mentor to Venezuela's idiot dictator Hugo Chavel will not be missed. Let's hope that Satan has a warm welcome for him in Hell.

I'm afraid even Tony Blair himself is going wobbly now. Speaking in Los Angeles to the World Affairs Council, Blair admitted that the Anglo-American use of military force was failing in the Middle East. And then he said this:

To defeat extremism, the world needed an “alliance of moderation to paint a different future in which Muslim and Christian, Arab and Westerner, wealthy and developing nations can make progress in peace and harmony with each other.
“We will not win the battle against this global extremism unless we win it at the level of values as much as force, unless we show we are even-handed, fair and just in the applications of those values to the world. At present we are far away from persuading those we need to persuade that this is true.”
The West had to address issues such as poverty, climate change, trade, but above all to “bend every sinew of our will to making peace between Palestine and Israel”. Unless that happened “we will not win, and it is a battle we must win”.,,11069-2295604,00.html

In other words, Blair wants to go back to trying to prove to the Muslim world how nice we can be. I can already tell him that's going to fail with the type of Islamists we're dealing with now. To them, we're all a bunch of Infidels and they won't consider us "nice" unless we convert to Islam.

I agree wholeheartedly that winning the "war of ideas" should be part of winning the war on Terror. But in all war, the best defense is a good offense. The issue isn't to prove to the Muslim world how nice we are. It's to put the Muslim world on the psycho-moral defensive by forcing them to justify their treatment of apostates, their treatment of women, their use of violent jihad, etc.--and to make it clear that we regard those things as throwbacks to a primitive age, which don't belong in the 21st century.

And solving the Israel-Palestine problem can't be done as long as the Palestinians elect Islamists like Hamas to represent them.

And what the heck does climate change have to do with Islamic terrorism?

Jack Straw is a Jew. I cannot comprehend these Jews that side with the Muslims against Israel.. the landscape is littered with them.. mostly what you guys call the Hollywierd elite or the MSM.

(As proof, Mel Gibson is in deep doo doo with Hollywood producers, financiers and studios because of his antisemitic statements) and Hollywood is mostly controlled and owned by those of Jewish origin and ethnicity, same with TV programming..except for that portion owned and controlled by "fellow "semities"" the Saudis, and Emirs of the mid east..

Jack Straw is a Jew.

Posted by: Nariz at August 1, 2006 09:13 PM

Just for the record, one of Straw's grandfathers was Jewish. Jack Straw himself is therefore not Jewish except in the eyes of anti-Semites who determine Jewishness using Hilter's measurement standards.

Shy Guy is absolutely correct. A person is either Jewish or non-Jewish and Jack Straw (unless he converted) would fall in the latter category. Nor is he a "half-Jew" since there is no such thing.

My own maternal grandfather was a Sephardic Jew and although I was very close to him and am deeply connected to that part of my heritage, I cannot claim to be Jewish. However, if it had been my maternal grandMOTHER who was Jewish, I would be a Jew.

On the other hand, once I could have claimed Israeli citizenship but I don't know if that part of the "Law of Return" is still in effect. Maybe one of the Israeli posters can enlighten me on this.

Now, that's REALLY what I call a "STRAW MAN" !!!!!!!!