Another doctored Reuters photo


The Jawa Report
has the details on this one.

Will the extent of Reuters' subservience to its jihadist masters finally become public knowledge?

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Maybe Mr. Hajj should try another line of work. He's not really that good at this one.

Al Reuters should be banned from having cameras.

Or for that matter, journalists.

Also, look for similar evidence from AP, AFP, BBC, CNN, et al

The more Israeli rockets that hit the Hez the better.

The MSM needs to jump on this and talk about muslims using taquiya on us infidels. They need to go back and say , on air, we have been duped , and we will try to find the truth in body count, infrastructure damage and all else pertaining to this war.

Bottom line.....can't trust a muslim or muslim lovers.

So Reuters is now officially a propaganda arm of the Hezbollah. That's just great. No wonder some people don't trust the news.

Al Reuters never set out to be an honest news outlet in the middle east, or for that matter
anywhere on this planet. How many dishonest stunts have they gotten away with through the years? The times they do get caught, there's never consequences, just another lame excuse.
They have announced themselves as clear propaganda peddlers for their beloved Islamists.

Reuters has lost all credibility.

Everytime I read and article like this or hear a news report on the BBC I have to wonder, are the muslims in Europe now running these news agencies? The reporters all sound very British on the BBC and have anglicized names but they obviously are not interested in the safety of Europe at all. So I have to wonder if they are actually muslims, converts or children of British fathers and muslim mothers.

No one would go to the lengths these people do unless they truly wanted to harm Europe the way Jihadists do.

Wow I didn't realize there was so much hatred in this world. I am so disgusted by some of your comments. Shame on you for even judging an entire group because one journalist wanted to get creative. You only show your lack of education and sophistication! Go read some more on the history of the region and then come back and make comments that actually make sense.

"Bottom line.....can't trust a Muslim or Muslim lovers"
This is one strong but utterly stupid statement you are making here - probably because you are some hick living in the middle of no where with no access to any books. Let's go back in history and learn WHY THE REGION IS SO FUCKED UP TODAY! Wasn't it the Europeans who colonized that entire region created the State of Israel so they basically shat on the area and left. Arabs and Jews can live together and will eventually be fine if the world would stop playing a power game - Isreal gets weapons from the U.S. while the Palestinians/Hezbollah get it from Iran and Syria. Wasn't the US and the CIA who helped Bin Laden train??? That did them is disgusting. You need to stop and ask yourselved why the fuck do these groups even exist or why were they created? OCCUPATION! There you you think those kids living in refugee camps would want to go and blow themselves up if they had no hope. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to go to Europe and get an education and live a normal life. If those people weren't displaced in 1948 from their homes do you think they would be throwing rocks or blowing themselves up? I would say NO. Has nothing to do with their faith like you ignorant ones up there said. Poverty instigates terrorism and that is what is going on here...get to the root cause of the issue in order to avoid conflict which is taking lives on both sides. As for the statistic and the photos go back and let's check them. Those kids in Qana are "Hezbollah" right and dropping bombs from an F16 are just right? What happened to humanity and civilization?

"Every time I read and article like this or hear a news report on the BBC I have to wonder, are the Muslims in Europe now running these news agencies? The reporters all sound very British on the BBC and have anglicized names but they obviously are not interested in the safety of Europe at all. So I have to wonder if they are actually Muslims, converts or children of British fathers and Muslim mothers.

No one would go to the lengths these people do unless they truly wanted to harm Europe the way Jihadists do"

Oh yeah we must not forget about the British who are really the heart of these problems if we wanted to again really analyze the situation. Man you guys really did a great job going around fucking up everyone's land to retreat to your cold country.

I lived in Europe all my life and have never seen people with attitudes like these ones. You guys really give Europeans a bad name - no wonder I left and came to live in the U.S where people are a lot more accepting despite all that has happened.

Next time you put your kids to sleep or go to the store to buy food think about how many thousands of people are living in refugee camps not only in that region but around the world - then judge!