Anti-dhimmitude from 9/11 families, in defense of Rachel Ehrenfeld

The courageous writer Rachel Ehrenfeld has been subjected to a bullying lawsuit by the Saudi billionaire Khalid bin Mahfouz. You can find the details here. Now 9/11 Families For A Secure America has written a strong and much-needed letter in her defense:

The members of 9/11 FSA, as direct victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have therefore have a special interest in the uncovering of all those individuals and organizations which played a role, either directly or indirectly, in the conspiracy which led to the mass murders of that day. It is for this reason we support the position of the plaintiff Ehrenfeld.

A decision for the defendant would severely inhibit and perhaps put an end to further investigation into the involvement of persons of wealth or influence who participated in some fashion in the 9/11 plot. Were the defendant to prevail responsible individuals would be far less likely to undertake the research that is essential if all questions about the events of that day are to be answered.

Many facts about the 9/11 conspiracy are beyond dispute and among them are these:

Individuals of Saudi Arabian nationality were among those who actually carried out the hijackings and murders on September 11.

Many of the “masterminds” who originated the plot, directed the planning of the attacks, and who comprise much of the leadership of the terrorist organizations involved are Saudi nationals. These Saudi terrorist leaders maintain operational control over terrorist acts of the organizations they head, and in addition are responsible for raising funds to pay for their activities.

The members of these terrorist organizations are believers in radical Islam which advocates the persecution and murder of non-moslems. One of the most extreme sects of radical Islam is that which is known as “Wahabism.” Many members of the terrorist groups responsible for the 9/11 attacks are either members or sympathizers of Wahabist cells.
Some members of the Saudi government and members of the Saudi royal family (essentially one and the same) and other wealthy Saudis are members of this sect. Despite claims by the Saudis that that they are allies of the United States the Saudi royals, government and associates have supported the spreading of Wahabism through financial support of Wahabist schools and ‘holy men’ in the West.

That financial links exist between members of the Saudi government and its ruling class to groups intent on the murder of Americans has been demonstrated by the 9/11 Commission and private researchers.
FBI Director Robert Mueller has told 9/11 family members that he “is not here to point fingers,” thus indicating that the chief investigative agency of the United States government is not interested in finding all the facts of the 9/11 mass murders.

9/11 family members and members of the public have expressed on numerous occasions that they lack faith in the desire of the members of the 9/11 Commission to fully expose involvement of officials of various governments in the 9/11 plot.

Given these facts it to would be a clear threat to the people of the United States if responsible private individuals lacking governmental immunity were discouraged from pursuing and publishing information that might lead to exposure of individuals involved, whose positions of wealth or power might enable them to intimidate private researchers.

Should defendant bin Mahfouz obtain a favorable judgment, publication of research into 9/11 will be the subject of severe self-censorship. The American people and the 9/11 families have heard repeatedly how segments of the US government did not “connect the dots” prior to 9/11, “dots” which, had they been connected would have led to conclusions and knowledge that would have thwarted the September 11 plot prior to its execution. Had that occurred our 3000 loved ones would still be alive and those of our members facing illness and death from exposure to airborne toxins would not have been exposed.

A decision for defendant bin Mahfouz will mean that in the future, the “dots,” and the individuals and terrorist organizations represented by those dots will be free to exploit the legal systems of nations around the world and through them the courts of the United States, to intimidate those who would find the facts.

In short, a decision for defendant bin Mahfouz will help secure participants in the 9/11 plot and future plots from exposure.


For these reasons, 9/11 Families for a Secure America respectfully request that this Court reverse the decision of the district court.

Peter Gadiel, President, 9/11 Families for a Secure America

Bruce DeCell, Vice-President, 9/11 Families for a Secure America

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I have been following this case and am glad people are standing up. That being said this case and many other things have turned me againest George Bush and his fake war on terror. George Bush is so fatally compromised and tainted by his life long roll in the Saudi muck, he has no credability and the fact that this lawsuit even happened shows the extent to which America has been compromised. Until our relationship with Saudi Arabia changes the war on terror is a farce and our soldiers die for a lie. I am not liberal,but realizing this was painful, but necessary. How can we be simultaneuosly be doing business with our enemies and having a war with them? (I am real sure our elite in World War were all gaga to do business with Krupps,Mitsubishi and H.G.Farben.) And it gets even worse allowing them to use our courts to harrass our citizens. George Bush is one of the worst men to ever disgrace the office of the presidecy.His pretend Christianity and folksy decency make him all the more disgusting. If people are offended I don't care.

On another thread this morning another in regards to the Iran situation a poster asked " Why we talk to Putin." To that I say whatever, the Russians have to survive and they cannot trust us. We sided againest them already in Chechyna. We also sided with Muslims in Cyprus, Bosnia, Kosovo,East Timor among other places. You know why?We did it for the money. The US allows Muslims to do what ever they want because if we said no they might cut of the oil and some of Georgie's seditious friends might lose a bit a money.

The Saudis seek the destruction of America. its government and culture. We need must more exposure on these snakes.

I admit to knowing nothing about this lawsuit, but this is confusing.

"The courageous writer Rachel Ehrenfeld has been subjected to a bullying lawsuit by the Saudi billionaire Khalid bin Mahfouz.

This statement in the article implies that Mahfouz is the plaintiff.

From the letter: "It is for this reason we support the position of the plaintiff Ehrenfeld."

Doesn't sound correct.

They can't stand it when the truth comes out. Ouch it stings. So he blames Ehrenfeld (ouch) for the world (ouch) learning (ouch) that he had taken part (ouch ouch) in the mass murder of 3000 innocent people (OUCH OUCH OUCH).

Truth hurts. So does jihad to the victims.

It is obvious that Saudi money is trying to prevent the American people from finding out the truth. Many people already understand that Saudis and Muslims in general are never to be trusted due to their nasty, violent Koran. Make no mistake about it people: MUSLIMS SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED. After 9/11 they have lost the benefit of the doubt forever. It is rational not to trust them and to treat them like the savages that they are.

HATRED OF ISLAM IS RATIONAL! Disdain and contempt for Muslim societies is the result of simply connecting the dots. They live in slavery and squalor due to their inferior belief system--Islam.


We should follow Ann Coulter's advice. Invade their country (just the oil fields in Saudi's case) kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.

The reason we cozy up to the Saudis and other muslims countries is because of OIL, if the oil is shut off, even for a few weeks, it would severely damage the Western economies.

Thus a quick invasion of Saudi Arabia would serve notice to the other oil producing regions that their blackmail days are over and they must submit to a moral code or they will be history.

God Bless the members of FSA for their support of Rachel Ehrenfeld. I hope she wins because the full truth of 9/11 MUST come out. I had just seen the movie, "World Trade Center" which left me more outraged and determine to fight for my fellow Americans and other non-Muslims to stand up for what is right.

Buy and read Rachel Ehrenfeld's book

We should all support Ms. Ehrenfeld and every ANTI-jihad effort TO THE MAX - and heartily SPIT in the faces of billionaire Khalid bin Mahfouz and those like him.

Isn't that what law enforcement investigative agencies do? Especially the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Aren't they supposed to point fingers at the guilty parties?

FBI Director Robert Mueller has told 9/11 family members that he “is not here to point fingers,”

This has to be line from Chief Wiggum.

The Saudis seek the destruction of America. its government and culture. We need must more exposure on these snakes.

Posted by: Briars at August 26, 2006 08:48 AM

But but but... president/commander-in-chief has taken these wahabis as 'ally AGAINST terror', with 15 hijackers attacking WTC, Paul Johnson beheaded in Saudi Arabia, someone please explain this how wahabis are an 'ally against terror'?

Isn't it time to blow away this Saudi billionaire, occupy his country, and for infidel soldiers to walk through Mecca and Medina. You don't need to nuke these places, only allow infidel feet to trample through them.

What I fear is that the American judiciary filled with clinton and carter leftist appointees are going to rule in favor of the saudis. Mark Levine pointed just this out in his book about the men in black robes.

I agree with Miira. Support her and her lawyers!

As for 'our friends' the saudis, your days are numbered. America, like other Democracies, are slow to waken, but when they do, you will reap what you have sown.

Peter Gadiel is one of the most resolute people around in standing up against the enemy we face. As it happens, he testified before Congress on Thursday about the terrorist theat still posed by open borders and lax immigration enforcement.

Peter Gadiel testimony

My father was born in Germany in 1906. He was only part Jewish but that and his family's anti-Nazi activities were sufficient for the Hitler government to target him for death. In 1940 he arrived in the United States officially classified as "stateless person." However, his status as a refugee was conditional, with permanent status only being granted after a complete investigation. He used to tell me that before he was permitted to remain in the US the FBI "practically looked under the fillings in my teeth to make sure that I wasn't a German agent." Yet, my father said he was pleased that the FBI examined him so closely. "I didn't want German agents in the US anymore than FDR did. I wanted to be safe." My father was proud that he passed the test, and felt safe because he knew his government was carefully screening every person who wanted to immigrate to this wonderful country.

How sadly ironic is it that his grandson, my son, was murdered on 9/11/2001 because the government of the United States had abandoned the practice of carefully examining those who wish to come to our country, and S.2611 will result in many more millions of criminal aliens from all parts of the earth winning the right to stay in the USA without any effective investigation of their possible violent or terrorist backgrounds.

Can't someone get a fund together to identify and remove the Saudi backers of terrorism from the scene permanently with someone who is paid to exterminate vermin? That I am sad to say, is the only solution. Also, every Saudi national on our soil should be treated as a potential terrorist. No tolerance, it is not Islamaphobia, it is survival and it is justified, Islamaphobia is just made up by the Dhimmis to describe people who don't want to be blown up.

"Anti-dhimmitude from 9/11 families, in defense of Rachel Ehrenfeld"

Anti- Dhimmitude?

Fucking A!!!

What does George Bush do all day anyway. Just wondering.....

I might suggest this article regarding our relationship with the Saudis. Especially interesting are the comments after the short article, one a response from the author to a critic.
Or: (Same just tiny)

It seems the military advantage (and of course oil) we are offered there, they require OUR educationed, our profesionals. (Most of their higher education is centered around Isamic Studies).

I have to wonder how we support a nation that is compared to the Taliban by Human Rights Watch, in regards to their adherance to Shari'a law and punishments carried out. ( I hold a bias with HRW because of the Soro's funding and in MY opinion their bias against Israel).

(They claim and exploit our 'friendship', yet deny entry, and officially ban entry to anyone with an official stamp from the State of Israel, something we should not tolerate. We publically condem and limit diplomatic relations on that basis alone whth most nations).

Maybe, if we banned OUR citizens from going there as contractors/workers, we could hurt them enough into compliance and cooperation? It seems with their growth, engineers and other professionals are needed badly. In war we should all be required to sacrifice. If these professionals give up the lucrative contracts, (BILLIONS?) can we apply enough incentives for change. We could then ban their students in such professional studies to find another country to teach them. I believe we could get their attention.

Or are the ties amongst us too intertwined?


I might suggest this article regarding our relationship with the Saudis. Especially interesting are the comments after the short article, one a response from the author to a critic.
Or: (Same just tiny)

It seems the military advantage (and of course oil) we are offered there, they require OUR educationed, our profesionals. (Most of their higher education is centered around Isamic Studies).

I have to wonder how we support a nation that is compared to the Taliban by Human Rights Watch, in regards to their adherance to Shari'a law and punishments carried out. ( I hold a bias with HRW because of the Soro's funding and in MY opinion their bias against Israel).

(They claim and exploit our 'friendship', yet deny entry, and officially ban entry to anyone with an official stamp from the State of Israel, something we should not tolerate. We publically condem and limit diplomatic relations on that basis alone whth most nations).

Maybe, if we banned OUR citizens from going there, we could hurt them enough into compliance and cooperation? It seems with their growth, engineers and other professionals are needed badly. In war we should all be required to sacrifice. If these professionals give up the lucrative contracts, (BILLIONS?) can we apply enough incentives for change. We could ban their students in such studies to find another country to teach them.

Or are the ties amongst us too intertwined?


The fact is that this administration will not support the families of the victims of 9/11 to go after the S.A. funders of Al Quada. It is Bush and his people who have decided that they want to protect their S.A. friends over their own people. It's sad and disgusting. I hope the 9/11 families receive justice, if such a thing is possible, and some measure of peace.

The Saudis are not our friends.

The State owned media in Canada know as the CBC has censored articles about 9/11 and purges any mention of Muslim or Islamic and of course Terrorists , and our Liberal Government actually chose to visit a Mosque to assure Muslims that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 , but the visit to the Mosque was befor the Liberal PM paid respects to the 24 Canadians that died that day .

Canada has a plaque to pay tribute to those innocent victims , except it's buried in a Government controlled area not open to the public and it only reports the deaths as a result of planes hiting office tower in NY.

We are seeing exactly how history repeats itself, the truth of 9/11 gets tossed aside to avoid offending the guilty party, then the media follows up with repeating these sterilized accounts of the even and what happens is an entire generation grows up with the Big-Lie
and the Security forces become benign for fear of Law-suits and false claims of bigotry that can lead to a loss of employment.
The enemy re-groups and grows stronger to plan another attack with thanks to the usefull idiots
that don't want to hear the truth , so we end up with a 2nd attack on the WTC and 3 out of 4 suicide missions with air planes that slaughter about 3000 civilians that didn't do anything to Islam or their Muslim Brothers.

Just this past week there were 7 Canadian Tamils arrested for links to terrorism and the Tamil Tigers, as expected the Canadian Tamil Community (CTC) held a new conference to denounce terrorism and deny these 7 men as "True" Tamils .
The irony in this is somehow lost by these minority groups , while they call form calm and ask people to not draw a conclusion of guilt or blame an entire population for the action of a few , we see them themselves assume guilt and quickly take sides and denounce the people arrested as having a link to their Peacful culture and freedom loving community.
Also , Org.'s like CAIR worry more about a Perceived-Backlash rather than the actual 3000 innocent civilians murdered as payback for the actions of a few non-Muslims.

The onus is now on Islam and Muslims to PROVE
they can be trusted and that their faith is based on Peace, it's not our job to blindly accept their repeated verses from a book we never seem to see in public to back those claims.
The Politicians are so eager to take the risks with OUR lives while they increase theirown personal Security for a threat they claim doesn't exist , I'd rather live with the chance of me being wrong about something rather than ending up being "Dead-right" about it.

Source: Wall Street Journal
Published: 28Sep99 Author: Micah Morrison, WSJ Editorial Writer

...The international oil business has produced a rich set of ties between Saudi Arabia and Texas. To this day, Mr. bin Mafouz of National Commercial Bank and BCCI maintains a palatial home in Houston. He has also had a long and varied business association with James Bath, an aircraft broker and friend of George W. Bush from their days together in the Texas Air National Guard. Mr. Bath invested $50,000 in Mr. Bush's first company, Arbusto Energy. In 1978, Mr. Bath became a director of Houston's Main Bank. Among his fellow investors was Mr. bin Mahfouz, the Saudi banker and BCCI principal; Mr. Pharaon, the BCCI front man; and former Treasury Secretary and Texas Gov. John Connally. Main Bank was absorbed into larger banks in a series of industry mergers in the 1980s.

Mr. Bath's interesting connections to Saudi Arabia go back to at least 1976. It was then, according to a report in the Houston Chronicle, that Salem bin Laden, heir to one of the largest building companies in the Middle East, signed a trust agreement appointing Mr. Bath his Houston representative. (Salem bin Laden's half-brother, Osama bin Laden, has in recent years gained world-wide notoriety as a funder of fundamentalist terrorism, though he has reportedly broken with his family in Saudi Arabia).

....The international oil business has produced a rich set of ties between Saudi Arabia and Texas. To this day, Mr. bin Mafouz of National Commercial Bank and BCCI maintains a palatial home in Houston. He has also had a long and varied business association with James Bath, an aircraft broker and friend of George W. Bush from their days together in the Texas Air National Guard. Mr. Bath invested $50,000 in Mr. Bush's first company, Arbusto Energy. In 1978, Mr. Bath became a director of Houston's Main Bank. Among his fellow investors was Mr. bin Mahfouz, the Saudi banker and BCCI principal; Mr. Pharaon, the BCCI front man; and former Treasury Secretary and Texas Gov. John Connally. Main Bank was absorbed into larger banks in a series of industry mergers in the 1980s.

Mr. Bath's interesting connections to Saudi Arabia go back to at least 1976. It was then, according to a report in the Houston Chronicle, that Salem bin Laden, heir to one of the largest building companies in the Middle East, signed a trust agreement appointing Mr. Bath his Houston representative. (Salem bin Laden's half-brother, Osama bin Laden, has in recent years gained world-wide notoriety as a funder of fundamentalist terrorism, though he has reportedly broken with his family in Saudi Arabia).

Many a Jihad Watcher has nothing but disparagement for Michael Moore, but I doubt if any "conservative" has seen the movie, and rely on hacks (like Adams Apple Coulter and Faux's Oreilly for their ACQUIRED opinions and beliefs).

But Michael Moore thoroughly implicated and compromised the Saudis (including Prince al Turki) as well as Dubya (for letting the Saudis and Bin Ladens fly out of America in the three days after 9-11 when all the planes were grounded).. the only civilian aircraft that left the ground were those OK'd by Dubya to airlift the Saudis and bin Ladens out of America..

And BTW, Moore got much of his info from Craig Unger author of House of Bush House of Saud, the publication of which was estopped in Britain by the Saudis... using the threat of a libel suit.

British Libel laws are different than American, in Britain all one has to do is to show that the publication of information did you harm.., whether the information was true or untrue is irrelevant.

These laws were crafted, btw, to protect the "royals" whose shenagins any sentient person would fact it is a black mark on the mind of the Brit that they tolerate "royals", just as it is black mark on the soul of America that it would elect a dyslexic sociopath,.. a semi literate narcissist as President.

just as it is black mark on the soul of America that it would elect a dyslexic sociopath,.. a semi literate narcissist as President. Nariz

The dyslexic sociopath and semi-literate narcissist was obviously considered preferable to the pathological liar, narcissist gigolo, former peace activist, and communist sympathizer who had a lower college GPA than Bush.