Anti-dhimmitude in the Daily Mail: "You don't have to be a conspiracy wonder how many of the male 'civilians' killed by the Israelis are actually Hezbollah terrorists"

From "The civilian casualties are awful but Israel is fighting for its existence" in the Daily Mail, with thanks to PK:

But you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist, either, to wonder how many of the male 'civilians' killed by the Israelis are actually Hezbollah terrorists or whether everything we're being shown from Lebanon is for real.

Islamonazis are sophisticated propagandists and they know they'll find a gullible audience in the civilised world for their carefully-strewn teddy bears, strategically-placed 'Baby Milk Factory' signs (in English) and wailing widows from central casting.

Have you ever noticed how every time a coalition air strike goes astray in Iraq, it always manages to hit a 'wedding party'?

Why is there only ever one child's shoe in the rubble, never a pair? There always seems to be a broken medicine box, too, with a handy red cross - never a red crescent, mind you - on the lid, just in case we haven't got the message.

Credulous CNN correspondents and handwringing BBC reporters fall over themselves to sign up for the Hezbollah guided tour of the ruins.

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But you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist, either, to wonder how many of the male 'civilians' killed by the Israelis are actually Hezbollah terrorists or whether everything we're being shown from Lebanon is for real.

Wasn't this the same problem that the Serbs had against the Albanians? Was it ethnic cleansing or taking out fighters (terrorists) in civilian clothes?

Just food for thought, I guess.

Unless proven otherwise, every male of likely age at which real participation in war is possible (cf. those Hitlerjugend manning the aircraft batteries in Berlin in 1945), that is over the age of 15, in Hezbollahland's two provinces in southern Lebanon and in the Haret Hreik neighborhood in southren Beirut, or present in a known Hezbollah stronghold (that dual-purpose Iranian-funded "hospital" in the Bekaa Valley), should be assumed to be an active member of Hezbollah. And what of the devoted followers of Nasrallah and his genocidal imupsles who are female -- are they necessarily "civilians"? There were plenty of concentration camp guards (see "The Belsen Trials") who were female. Were they guiltless? Were they "civilians"? And in any case, what the hell does anyone who approves of the British and American bombing campaigns during World War II, and especially that undertaken to remove the V-2 threat (1359 V-2 fell on England from September 4, 1944 to March 27, 1945, at a time when they were hardly a mortal threat, yet the English and Americans, in response, unleashed a bombing campaign, on "helpless" Holland (which is where the V-2s were located, that one ought to apprise oneself of fully before proceeding to berate the imperilled Israelis, on whose land already, within three weeks, 2,100 missiles have fallen. The fact that they have been not quite as deadly as the V-2s carries no moral weight and is not exculpatory. One-third of Israel is now living in bomb shelters or under the threat of such missiles if not in such shelters. That is quite enough.

Compare what the British bombers did in Holland -- want details of, say, the 500 Dutch civilians who died in just one of the many raids? -- with the incredibel scrupulosity of the Israelis.

If I were an English journalist, working for the BBC, I'd try to remember this. But of course I should try to remember that the BBC is so much, in some of its attitudes, like Radio Berlin, and no doubt the same people who drip with such obvious hostlity to the Israelis would also, if asked, deplore what those British, those American, those Canadian airmen did during World War II, would deplore Churchill and deplore Bomber Harris, that god knows, had such people been in the BBC and in the government during World War II, how long, and what even greater cost to the Allies, the victory in Europe, and victory in Japan, might have taken.

Score one for 'Hizballywood' on the media 'takkiyya'.

This had been on my mind all along, with each report of "civilian" casualties from IDF bombings, they were really counting the soldiers of Allah. Meanwhile the Hizbunazis die, they keep firing Katyushas into Irael like an army of the living dead.

Surprising they can keep firing in such numbers, which they will do to their last dying breath as part of their 'media war', an old strategy to confuse the enemy. Back then, the army would build more campfires than needed, to make it look as if they had more men in the field. The ploy today is to keep firing more missiles while your ability is degraded, to give illusion that you are operating full force. This strategy may back fire on them. The Israelis know what to do here. Will CNN or BBC have a clue of what is going on here?


Credulous CNN correspondents and handwringing BBC reporters fall over themselves to sign up for the Hezbollah guided tour of the ruins.

Credulous AND perhaps bought out

From LGF

#14 Beagle 8/3/2006 08:52PM PDT
Hizballah threatens journalists at the first meeting. Hizballah keeps their passports and watches all their reporting. It's a done deal. Journalists report what Hizballah wants or they're denied The Holy Access, or much worse.


via Newsmax, re Qana
. . .news photographers saw aid workers wrapping furniture in body bags hours after the attack then loading the "corpses" into ambulances for the benefit of television news cameras.

Hezbollah officials at the site prevented the photographers from documenting the fabrication, said sources at the scene who asked not to be identified.


#57 jbinnout 8/3/2006 09:13PM PDT Thursday morning during the interview of the ambassador to the UN from Isreal, Fox Dayside had a split screen. The very well spoken ambassador on the left and rescue workers on the right. At one point, two workers were carrying a man up a narrow street, stepping over rocks and chunks of concrete. The man was on his back on the litter, torn shirt,arm over his face. They proceeded up the street to stop by a wall, where they set the litter down, and left the man there. After just a few moments, the man on the litter raised up to a sitting position, looked over at the camera, stood up and walked away. The camera immediately shut off. I looked at my friend, who was watching with me, and we just cracked up.

Maybe someone else saw it, too?

I emailed Fox Dayside and asked them to find it and run it over and over, like the rest of their tired over-used clips.

AS MO SAYS . . .WAR IS DECEIPT. The MSM may yeild to this threat as dhimmwits. Fortunately, we won't since we have JW/DW, LGF, MM along with an army of citizen bloggers.

Or Iranian regular militia in civilian clothing.
Sic Semper Islamists.

It's about time that the media in this country wakes up to the realities of the Hizb'Allah/Israeli conflict. Time after time I'm fed up of reading about Israeli "atrocities" and the phrase "War Crimes" has been worn to death. When does there come a time whereby our media will stand up, once and for all, and inform the blissfully ignorant that there are indeed "Laws of Armed Conflict"?. When will they hold them up in context against the actions of both Israel and Hizb'Allah and emphatically ram it back down the throats of these very same leftist/liberal appeasers that it is Hizb'Allah that is purposefully breaking every law in the book?. I am at a complete loss to understand how these people can be so blinded to the patently obvious. Littlejohn's article, among others, goes some way toward getting the ball rolling and, judging from the responses in comments, it seems that quite a few people are in agreement.

Actually, some elements in the MSM are waking up, in Germany (where doubt was first cast on the IDF's culpability over the recent Gaza Beach bombing), the US re: Qana (see link & excerpt below, and now, apparently Britain. The last hold-out may, ironically be France, the home of the dupes who made the non-murder of Mohammed Al-Durrah, the "shot heard round the world" and steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the chicanery behind the famous image.

Given the initial lack of support from the Arab ummah, just imagine how motivated Nasrallah & Co. must be to recapture the propaganda war, there's certainly plenty of motivation to create a massacre they can blame on Israel.

The link below is to a post that combines some of the points Robert recently raised with thos by Reuven Koret re: Qana. These include remarks attributed to CNN correspondent, Ben Wedeman.

Evidence Mounts that Kana "Massacre" Was a Fake

By Hillel Fendel, Aug. 3/06

And more to the point, there were 12 and 13 year old kids serving in the Hitlerjugend Division in 1944/45, and 60-somethings serving in the Volkssturm during that era. This shows that a combatants age can be 12 or less right up to 70 or more years old. And its not restricted to males either.

The link below is to a Brit Blogger's analysis of the "Qana massacre". Terrific stuff.

Qana - the director's cut

I have called this post, "the director's cut", as that is what it is. The narrative here is of how the combination of Hezbollah's media management and modern photo-journalism has turned the recording of a tragic event into theatre, in the best tradition of Michael Moore.

As best we can, we have pieced together the jumble of photographs which surrounded the production of the iconic photographs which were published around the world, and put them in perspective. Many of the photographs have been used before, some are new to this site and others are video "grabs". But it is not the pictures, per se, that tell the story, so much as their ordering and analysis. Make of it what you will, but I can assure you that you are not supposed to see them in this light.

I pointed out in the forums dealing with the Qana "Masacre" photos that if you look closely at the pants of males you will see the standard 'Tiger-fatigue' design , plus , any student of the Art's dealing with painting knows that the red blood on OD pants would turn a near-black and not remain a brilliant red as in the pix.

Every young male in battle fatigues should be proof that Hezbollah is using children to wage war and be used as shields, plus ever since the "Down syndrome" youth was forced to be a suicide bomber during the iraq Election , I would have no trouble believing hezbollah is murdering children for Allah's cause.

Heard today that the Qana casualties count was 'revised downwards' from over 60 to 28. Justice requires that this information be publicised as widely as was the original inflated casualty count , but SkyNews moved quickly on . No mention at all on Al-Jazeera vlone the BBC.

Also , seven Israelis were killed by one of Hezb'allah's rockets today , but strangely no pictures were forthcoming of Jewish severed limbs , bodies on stretchers , wailing children , etc. Or don't Israel's casualties count to influence world opinion to stop the rocketry?