At least 10 Katyusha rockets fired into S. Lebanon Monday

Just firing off a few extras-- they certainly wouldn't want to make work for the UN disarmament forces by turning them in unfired. From AP: "10 Katyusha rockets explode in Lebanon"

JERUSALEM - Israel's military said Hezbollah guerrillas fired at least 10 Katyusha rockets into southern Lebanon early Tuesday. None hit inside Israel and no injuries were reported.
The rocket explosions reported by Israel came hours after the start of a U.N. cease-fire in Lebanon.
The military said it has not responded to the rockets, which were fired over a two-hour period.
Hezbollah, which frequently used the Katyusha rockets in its battle against Israel, has said it will attack Israeli forces in southern Lebanon despite the truce.
Monday saw a tense calm emerge in Israel and Lebanon as Israel halted its offensive and airstrikes and Hezbollah stopped firing rockets into Israel
However, Israeli forces killed six Hezbollah fighters in four separate skirmishes that illustrated the fragility of the truce that ended 34 days of fighting.
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Israel's military said Hezbollah guerrillas fired at least 10 Katyusha rockets into southern Lebanon early Tuesday

into south lebanon,is Hezbollah turning on the lebonese government now?Who were they shooting at?

Hezbollah didn't sign anything. Why would we expect them to stop shooting? Oops, they negotiated with the wrong party. This is what happens when important decisions are made by outside parties. Yet Israel agreed to it. Next, I guess we'll be shocked if the kidnapped soldiers aren't returned (alive). Start the countdown to a regime change in Israel.

Listened to a Lebanese ambassador looking for re-construction funds. Sure feel bad about her country losing control. Break out your checkbook.

Fight, IDF, fight. No offense, but you're carrying our cross on this. Fight.

Well folks, what a tumultous couple of weeks, eh?
Like a musical crescendo, these little things and not so little things, piling up and overlapping each other, building and building, but to what?
Here in, the states, we have missing eygptian students (why the nation wide man-hunt for "students"), the cell phone "merchants", while Israel fights a losing propaganda war with the MSM, and a hot war with ghosts and "civilians", and in Iran we have the veiled threats or ominous hints at the date august 22, and in Britain we have a major attack thwarted (maybe. I don't like all the self-congradulating officials and their perhaps premature exhaling) and the revelation that there may be dozens of serious plots to knock down yet.
Think about the theme from Jaws. That is the kind of slow crescendo I'm referring to. You know something is about to happen, but don't know what.
And now this cease-fire. It comes as a bit of a decrescendo, or quieting of the din, but I don't feel it. The tension is still there. I don't see this lasting, as it will be just another chance for hesbollah to regroup and rearm.
The just need a plausible way to make it seem as if the re-ignition of hostilities is Israel's fault and it will be go time again.

I think this is going to be a short cease fire.

Hey it don't take much for them to start dancing in the street praising allah, just look at what the Danish Cartoons did. They believe anything! Tell them the sky is green because Allah says its green even if its blue and guess what - its green....

How can you deal with so many people who have marbles in there heads? Guess they won even if a larger number of them were killed, even if they killed there kids then pointed the finger at Israel - see what Israel did! Then manulipate the pictures that Reuters uses for there news. Yeah if they feel they won, then they won..whatever the cost. They must feel proud of that - knowing they killed there wives and kids - real proud and brave. Makes you want to be a Muslim dosn't it and believe there religion (CULT) ISLAM

Now the real question is: "Is it real, or is it Reuters"

My oh my can you even envision a picture of Ahmadinejad standing on a stool pretending to be a big man - (Napoleon complex)- and shaking someone's hand - I only pray for that cartoon next!

There is a classic treaty of hudaibiya in place, while the muhadeen rearm and replenish their numbers. After all, they lost what, 45 or 46 "fighters" (where's baghdad bob when you need him?)in the face of the Zionist onslaught. But while this "agreement" lasts, the IDF needs to do at least two things. First, they need to find an answer to the Russian anti-tank missles. Whether it's interference with laser guidance systems, armor or heavy chain outriggers on the Merkavas, smoke concealment, or whatever it takes, they need an answer. Secondly, they must find a way to penetrate the enemy's satellite communications so they can rapidly identify the precise locations of these pustules and expedite their trip to the Lake of Fire.
Funds for plane terror traced to Pakistani Kashmir
August 12, 2006
Islamabad, A Britain-based Islamic charity provided funds to three individuals in Pakistani Kashmir to bomb US-bound flights as Islamabad confirmed the arrest of a "key person" in the failed terror plot, a daily said Saturday.

Quoting unnamed sources, the Daily Times said the charity supplied in December a huge amount of money apparently for earthquake relief to the accounts of three people in three banks -- Saudi Pak Bank, Standard Chartered and Habib Bank Ltd.
Pakistan quake cash 'diverted to airlines plot'
By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor
(Filed: 15/08/2006)
Money raised in Britain on behalf of the victims of last October's earthquake in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir may have been diverted to help pay for the alleged plot to blow up airliners over the Atlantic, it was claimed yesterday.
Investigators were seeking to establish whether one charity involved in the relief effort was a front for an Islamic militant group.
The charity, Jama'at-ud-Da'awah, played a significant role in raising money after the earthquake killed more than 75,000 people.



UH, fighting Israel connotates a violation of the ceasefire, right? I mean, an agreement is an agreement, is it not? OH, what's that you say, an agreement only applies to infidels, a muslim doesn't have to live up to any agreements, honor any cease-fire's, play by any rules, tell the truth, accept any responsibility and gets to blame everything on everybody else.

Gosh, no wonder the Arab is described as a "wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against his brother and his brother's hand against him," in Genesis. (specifically, Ishmael, who's daughter married Esau and is the father of the Arabs...)

What a conundrum of confusion these beasts have stirred up...they do not belong in a civilized world and cannot be trusted. No not one of them.

There is a time for diplomats, and a time for generals. Last week should have been a time for generals. Unfortunately the politicians in Tel Aviv and Washington still do not know who the enemy is, why he is fighting, or the relation between this battle and battles all over the world, so they send in diplomats when they should send in generals.

One would think by now the meaning of hudna, taqiyya and kitman might have been picked up by the political elite in both capitols. Evidently not. And they have had far more time to figure this out than Chamberlain did before he realized his Munich mistake.

So the question now is when (and where and with what) will Ahmadinijad emulate Hitler’s September 1, 1939 Blitzkrieg?

I predict Lebanon will be a full Islamic country soon.
The Christians, Maronites, Druzes, any non Muslims will have to look out for themselves. They are on their own.

Victory for Hizbullah indeed.
What a mess.

let their "supporters" support them...

as for Hezbollah declaring victory, I'll post something I posted following a previous article

If Hezbollah was formed, at least in part, to "help" the people of Lebanon, how can they claim victory after what has happened there? They didn't help the people of Lebanon build adequate bomb shelters. They didn't help the people when they kidnapped Israeli soldiers. They didn't help the people evacuate after Israel warned them of imminent attack. They didn't help the people move weapons out of civilian areas and as a result are at least partially if not entirely responsible for the civilian deaths in the conflict. By accepting help from Iran and Syria they are throwing gas on already raging political fires. They aren't helping the situation with their hundreds of daily rocket launches and they certainly aren't helping anyone with their radical militant world view and their inability or unwillingness to compromise. If they won or are winning, I think it's a pretty poor way to do so.

In watching the news from Lebanon, I noted the reporter had to divert his camera and his broadcast away from the bombed out Hezbollah buildings because there were armed Hezbollah storm troopers roaming about who objected to the cameras.

It would seem the Lebanese government does not have control of the Hezabollah at all. Never did and never will. It is just the opposite. THis is one of the reasons the ceasefire is a joke.

Those who seek to appease the terrorists or negotiate with the terrorists are destined to die.

The correct course of action is to seek out and destroy the terrorists. It is the only language they understand.

God will bless those who slay terrorists.

Those who slay terrorists live longer.

The assassination of longtime Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri, was the first shot to be fired in this latest Hezbollah/Syria/Iran war against Israel, 1-1/2 years before the kidnapping of the two IDF soldiers. And now, Nazrallah and his gang of thugs can indeed claim a great victory, and sadly, drag Lebanon back into the 8th century. Firing a few more rockets here or there in southern Lebanon won't make a difference to a militia who only see civilians living there as shields, their farms and homes only as positions from which to aim other rockets into Israel.

Yeah, it's a victory for them, as I see it.


There's an interesting column in the Daily Telegraph today by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali of Rochester. It's interesting partly because he seems to think he's acknowledging "the problem" and talking publicly about it - something the Church of England has been reluctant to do. However, it seems to me that so much of what is says is either inaccurate and wrong-headed that it's not a particularly useful exercise. For a start he says:

Islamic radicalism did not begin with Muslim grievances over Western foreign policy in Iraq or Afghanistan. It has deep roots, going back to the 13th-century reformer Ibn Taimiyya, through Wahhabism to modern ideologues such as Sayyid Qutb in Egypt or Maududi in Pakistan.

The implication here seems to be that Islam was not a problem to anyone before the 13th century. And it's not even clear that he thinks Islam - sorry, "Islamic radicalism" - was a problem then - merely that it has roots then.

But the jihad, which is a permanent duty in Islam - had been going on since the beginning, and well before the 13th century civilizations had been smashed by it. See the histories, particularly Andre Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad and Efraim Karsh's Islamic Imperialism.

Before this, Christian lands in the Middle East and North Africa, the cradle of the religion and once over two-thirds of Christendom had fallen. Before this Islam had turned India into a slaughterhouse, eventually killing some 60-70 million Hindus:

Moslem invaders began entering India in the early 8th century, on the orders of Hajjaj, the governor of what is now Iraq. (Sound familiar?) Starting in 712 the raiders, commanded by Muhammad Qasim, demolished temples, shattered sculptures, plundered palaces, killed vast numbers of men — it took three whole days to slaughter the inhabitants of the city of Debal — and carried off their women and children to slavery, some of it sexual ...

The mountainous northwestern approaches to India are to this day called the Hindu Kush, "the Slaughter of the Hindu," a reminder of the days when Hindu slaves from Indian subcontinent died in harsh Afghan mountains while being transported to Moslem courts of Central Asia. The slaughter in Somnath, the site of a celebrated Hindu temple, where 50,000 Hindus were slain on Mahmud’s orders, set the tone for centuries.

Meanwhile, in Spain in 1066, the Muslims annihilated the Jews of Granada. And one could carry on multiplying this gruesome tally for a long while yet. But stop and ask yourself: Does the bishop think it politic to lie or does he just not know? And if he does not know why not? He is, apparently, the Church of England's expert on Islam. Some expert.

The bishop then states that one of

One of their [the "radicals"] most important aims is to impose their form of Islam on countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The implication here is presumably that Pakistan, Egypt, and Indonesia are nothing to worry about as they are now. Let's just take one of those countries, Indonesia, which invaded East Timor, although it had no valid claim to the country, and in the ensuing carnage killed a third of the population.

Take, for example, the murderous terror of Indonesian Muslims against Christians in East Timor, mostly unknown in America although Washington [President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger] aided and abetted it. ...

President Suharto’s carnage was on a scale worthy of Pol Pot. By 1989, Amnesty International estimated that Indonesia had murdered 200,000 East Timorese out of a population of 600,000-700,000.

One hardly has the stomach to write more. Check the article I hyperlinked, if you wish to find out more about Indonesia's activities there and elsewhere.

The good bishop then continues

Their other aims, however, include the liberation of oppressed Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya and elsewhere ...

So here, he insults Israel and India, which he accuses of "oppress[ing]" Muslims. My God, the Arabs are to have 22 states in the regions and the Jews none, not even a tiny sliver that can hardly been seen on a map, despite their historical, moral, and legal claim to their land and are not to defend themselves against local Arab terrorists, renamed as "Palestinians" for external consumption. As for Kashmir, presumably India also has no right to its land, and, one imagines, the ethnic cleansing of 350,000 pandits by Islamic terrorists is not a problem for the bishop.

Next he says

... and also the recovery of the Dar Al-Islam (or House of Islam), in its historic wholeness, including the Iberian peninsula, the Balkans and even India.

I suppose it is something that he acknowledges this aim, although it is curious to say the least that he imagines that it is a new aim and not an immovable part of Islam, for as Mohammed said:

"I have been ordered by God to fight with people till they bear testimony to the fact that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammed is his messenger, and that they establish prayer and pay Zakat (money). If they do it, their blood and their property are safe from me" (see Bukhari Vol. I, p. 13).

What is so remarkable is that this man seems to imagine he is finally talking tough and speaking the truth. He is not.

Here is his article:

Multiculturalism is to blame for perverting young Muslims

Another WONDERFUL video interview ...

Because They Hate - A video interview with Brigitte Gabriel (Lebanese Woman's take on war)

Now Hezbollah is firing on Lebanon itself. One wonders if the targets are the remaing Christians who wisely stayed out of the conflict while praying that Israel would destroy Hezbollah. Now their hopes are betrayed by an Israeli administration that also betrays itself. Olmert claims they went to war to free the kidnapped soldiers but they remain in captivity.

Perhaps something good will come out of this. Let's hope that Olmert falls and is replaced by Liberman, Netanyahu, or anyone who understands the nature of the enemy. Then Israel may have the leadership to wipe out Hezbollah and Hamas and re-arm the Christians of Lebanon.