Bahrainis march to protest trumped-up massacre

Once an atrocity has been staged, it can be put to use. Note also the use of the original inflated casualty figure, not the actual one.

"Bahrainis March to Protest Qana Massacre," from Arab News, with thanks to Sr. Soph:

MANAMA, 7 August 2006 — Bahrainis marched in the old part of the capital yesterday to mark the passing of one week of the Israeli attack on the village of Qana that left 56 people, including at least 34 children, dead.

The protesters waved Hezbollah flags and raised pictures of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as they condemned the United States and Israel and what they described as the silence of the UN and the international community in the face of carnage in Lebanon and Gaza.

“Nasrallah has said that Hezbollah is willing to stop firing rockets on Israeli villages and towns if the Israelis stopped doing so in Lebanon,” pointed out Hayat Al-Alawi who took part in the protest. “It is not acceptable to allow the Israelis to bombard the whole country killing hundreds of civilians while the world watches. If they kill civilians then they should expect the same in return.”

But of course, Hizballah was firing rockets on Israeli villages before the Israelis entered Lebanon. When I was in northern Israel last fall, rockets from Lebanon were falling there. They continued to fall. But the world took no notice.

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Bahrain. Where 70-75% of the population is Shi'a. Where the ruler, once known to the British merely as The Ruler of Bahrain, but now steadily given self-promotions, as so many of the local sheilets are in the habit of doing, until now he has become that appetizing thing -- a King? Or hasn't he yet reached that stage of Greatness? -- is a Sunni Arab. And whose restive Shi'a, in coming out to support Hezbollah, may give him pause. Today Beirut, tomorrow -- Bahrain?

Islam is a mental disorder, where the blind faithful continue to blindly follow the hate messages as given to them by their "religious clerics". And the world thought the pandemic flu outbreak of 1918 was bad, the world thought WWI and WWII were bad , none were as bad as this current wave of Islamic JIhad. THIS war on terrorism by Islam is indeed a world war.

This 'protesting' is a good thing. It gets the people out into the fresh air and they get their Vitamin D by being out in the sunshine.

And if we had any snap, we could put that nice, fat, juicy target to good use...

I wish to raise an issue which Jihad Watchers can try to answer.

On these pages I see a constant excortiation of "leftists" and liberals.

Yet when it comes to sympathizing with Islam and Arabs, and an anti Israel (antisemitic) point of view, I constantly run into Catholics, die hard old style and post Vatican II catholics.

For instance take this interview with Catholic Relief Services representative Mark Shnellbaecher who is living in Christian Beirut, and who definitely sympathizes with and rationalizes for Hizballah.

I'm all for making muslim riots and protests target practice. After it happens the first time, they'll think twice about doing it again. Give them a little, "muslims should be seen and not heard" lesson. After all, when they have their little get togethers, embassies catch on fire, as do cars and businesses.

The protesters waved Hezbollah flags and raised pictures of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah as they condemned the United States and Israel...

Notice no one is waving the Cedar flag of Lebanon, or raising pictures of Lebanese President Emile Lahoud, or of Prime Minister Rafic Hariri.

This has absolutely nothing to do with defending a sovereign Lebanon, and everything to do with supporting terror.