Blasts kill 47 in Shiite area of Baghdad

Sunni-Shi'ite Jihad Update from AP:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Car bombs and a rocket barrage struck a predominantly Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad Sunday, killing at least 47 people and wounding 148. The rockets apparently were fired from a mostly Sunni district targeted by U.S. troops in a crackdown against the sectarian violence roiling the capital.
Arabic satellite television stations put the toll at 57 in the attack on the Zafraniyah neighborhood in southern Baghdad, which began about 7:15 p.m. with two car bombs and a barrage of an estimated nine rockets, Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Saddoun Abu al-Ula said.
He said the barrage heavily damaged three buildings, including a multistory apartment house that collapsed. Al-Ula said the rockets appeared to have been fired from the neighborhood of Dora, which has been the focus of thousands of U.S. troops sent to try to restore peace in Baghdad.
Police Lt. Thaer Mahmoud said 47 people were killed and 148 were wounded. The conflicting death tolls could not immediately be reconciled.
Several large explosions were heard in central Baghdad at sunrise Monday, but it was unclear where they came from.
The complex style of the assault was similar to a July 27 attack of mortars, rockets and car bombs on another mostly Shiite district, Karradah, which killed 31 people. Police said the rockets and mortars that struck Karradah also were fired from Dora.
A Sunni extremist group, the al-Sahaba Soldiers, claimed responsibility for the Karradah attack to punish Shiites for supporting the "crusaders," or Americans, and the "treacherous" Iraqi government.
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And the dhimmicrats say the US has no Iraqi "supporters" within the Iraqi people. Time to encircle Bagday and lay siege. Nothing goes in without being checked, nothing goes out without being checked. It is apparent that these thugs are being resupplied with more powerful weapons. aerial survelliance should be utilized 24/7 in an attempt to located the origin of the rocket launches. house to house searches should be conducted to ferret out the terrorists and their arms caches.

The terrorists are gleefully boasting about their "successes" in Bagdad. Let's turn this picture around .

Let's impose a dusk to dawn curfew on motor vehicle movement. (blow up anything caught moving).

Let's set up only three gas refueling stations. All who come to get gas must be photographed and fingerprinted. Then when the carbomb goes off, we have a starting point as to who to look for.

I do no know how the Bagdad residents get their food, but let's set up food stations and photograph and fingerprint all who get food. Then we will know who is in the neighborhood.

Several times a day have jets zoom by creating sonic booms. These booms really are disturbing. do This just to keep everyone awake and aware that death from above could happen. do this 24/7 at random times.

Pay attention to those who lead protests and flag burning episodes. Photograph them and seek them out.

After laying seige to Bagdad, be prepared for some serious house to house fighting. The terrorists will become more desparate as their ammo starts to run out.

Broadcast on loud speakers throughout the day (about 15 minutes after their calls to prayer-this ensures the maximum number of listeners) that they are doomed and advise them their only hope for survival is to surrender.

Drop leaflets across the city , telling them to leave Bagdad throught the checkpoint without weapons.

Tell them Islam is dying.

Should American soldiers be risking, and in some cases sacrificing, their lives, so that Sunnis no longer kill Shi'a, especially if those Sunnis are often targetting not merely Shi'a but supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr or, alternatively, those who are admirers of, or at least collaborators with, the Islamic Republic of Iran? Should American soldiers be risking, and in some cases sacrificing, their lives, so that Shi'a no longer kill Sunnis?

I presume that the reason for bringing "democracy" to Iraq, and in so doing to ignore both the nature of real democracy in the Western sense, and the kind of moral and intellectual underpinnings that it requires, developed slowly in time, and the nature of the three-vilayet pseudo-nation-state of Iraq, is to make the threat from Islam, that is the Jihad in all of its forms, or "terrorism" as the Bush administration likes to misleadingly and soothingly and reductively call it, was to weaken the threat of that Jihad.

Weaken it. By all means. Win the "war on terrorism" in Iraq. Get out, because only by getting out can the sectarian and ethnic divisions so apparently unobvious for so long to so many, can only weaken the camp of Islam, and not only, thank god, in Iraq.

Last night Akbar Ahmed was interviewed by CSPAN with the help of Dr. Spencer. He described himself as a Sunni and stated that Sunni's were 90% of islam.

I'm listening to an interview with Vali Nasr now and he described the Sunni-Shia relationship as 'evenly split'. I think Nasr is a Shia.

OT, but this gets actually quite humorous. A muslim woman was caught outside the Whitehouse with a machete. Oh, yes, anything to strike a blow to the heart of the infidel.

woman with machete

Even if we ignore the fact that both shia and sunni moslems produce an abundance of suicidal nutjobs what would a democratic Iraq look like?

The west is now producing its own homegrown moslem terrorists and many of them have been born and bred in great democracies. More than that, the moslems who claim they are moderate are hardly democratic by nature, or much fun to live with. The creeping imposition of moslem society is occurring throughout the west, even in this beautiful land downunder.

This article, by Paul Sheehan, gives the flavour of what it's like to live up close and personal to moslems, and remember these are moderate moslems living in a democracy.

(Note - the Sydney Morning Herald is to Sydney what the New York Times is to New York, but every now and again a story like this gets published - maybe even the loony left is starting to get it)

As I said, what would an Iraqi democracy really look like if they ever stopped killing each other?

47 dead muslims? Oh the tragedy! My heart is

I'm sure that all of these faux Americans who
support the Shi'ites in Lebanon will now
mount a protest, and that the CAIR will say
something profound, and a bunch of talking heads
will assure us that Islam is a religion of peace.

Mohammad was a murderous pedophile, Allah was
Mohammad's sock puppet, and Islam is a death
cult. The root cause of Islamic terrorism is

and the civil war continues in iraq.

how many iraq citizens have been killed by iraq citizens this year?????? over 6,000???

I’ve figured out the three things needed for Iraq to be a success: Washington, Madison, and Jefferson.