Britain 'is now biggest security threat to US'

And not because of soccer yobs. From The Telegraph, with thanks to Roseanne:

Britain now presents a greater security threat to the United States than Iran or Iraq, an American magazine said yesterday.

In an article on Islamists headlined "Kashmir on the Thames", the New Republic painted Britain's Muslim communities as a breeding ground for violent extremism.

Citing recent opinion poll evidence suggesting that one in four British Muslims believed that last year's London Tube bombings were justified, the magazine said: "In the wake of this month's high-profile arrests, it can now be argued that the biggest threat to US security emanates not from Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan, but rather from Great Britain, our closest ally."...

Many have been appalled both by the existence of enthusiastic jihadis in British cities and by the call from some of their leaders for a change in the country's foreign policy.

Other publications and the think-tanks that shape public debate in America have also issued stern criticism both of Britain's Muslims and of the Government. Nile Gardiner, of the Right-wing Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Telegraph yesterday that Americans were coming to view Britain as "a hornet's nest of Islamic extremists" and thought it posed ''a direct security threat to the US".

He said that if British-based terrorism continues, America is likely to respond harshly.

"A major concern would be the tightening of travel restrictions unless the authorities start to crack down on Islamist militancy," he said. More than four million Britons enter America annually using the visa waiver programme. Any change would force Britons wishing to visit the US into lengthy queues at American diplomatic missions....

Investor's Business Daily has already demanded an end to the programme because it "allows Pakistani Britons to dodge security background checks".

Much of the outraged American response this month was sparked by the call from Muslim leaders for a change in British foreign policy. The letter from six Muslim MPs and 38 community leaders said "current British Government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad".

The theme was taken up by the Wall Street Journal, which said: "It is typical of some of Britain's so-called moderate Muslims, who seem less concerned with fighting extremists in their midst than in excusing them."

The newspaper went on to attack Tony Blair's government for "cultivating and promoting such pseudo-moderate Muslim organisations". The BBC and the Foreign Office, described as "a preserve of Arabists", were also lambasted both for quoting extremists and allowing them into Britain.

But as I have noted before, Blair doesn't have a large genuinely moderate Muslim organization with which he could work.

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Is it true that Blair's government has let in 250,000 muslims in the last 10 years?

Britain's pro-muslim policy will alienate itself from not only America but the rest of the civilised world. When that happens it will be too late to change it.

What's the inverse principle of "the ends don't justify the means"? Stated more precisely as "the means illegitimize the ends". Namely, any ends achieved by way of Jihad are illegitimate on their face. I'm positive I haven't invented a new moral principle, but I don't know the proper terminology for it. Whatever it is, we in the west should probably re-learn these principles because it's quite clear that they are completely foreign to Islam.

As a Brit I request that the USA government revoke the visa waiver programme, I would be appalled if one of these Muslims were to sully the name of my country further.

I apologise on behalf of my country that it appears that we are pro islam. Most of us are not. The US as far as I'm concerned is our closest ally and friend. I suggest the visa waiver programme continue for people like me ie indigenous British. If we just banned all muslims from travelling NOW that would solve the problem of those so called British that this article refers to. In any case none of these arab/muslims are British and NEVER will be. Repatriation to Iran prior to the nukes is the only answer.

The "chutzpah"-- if Muslims can have so Jewish a trait as "chutzpah"-- of Muslims living in the West is breathtaking!
When did 2% of an electorate ever have the power to dictate the direction of foreign policy to an elected government?
When did 7% of the population ever have the brass to demand that the elected government reconstitute its century-old alliance with its most-reliable international partner?
When did a group of unassimilated immigrants ever have the balls to challenge public order if their needs were not met immediatly?


Our Muslim inhabitants seem to think they have the power to disrupt society at will if the Government, the Courts, the Institutions, the neighbours do not accede to their demands! That is the underlying threat that accompanies every improbable demand!


Who gave them the power to do this? When? Why?


Instead of presenting opposition, we presented our other cheek! Instead of presenting an united front we presented an exposed behind! Instead of presenting a clear message we sent mixed signals!


Governments should start requiring a Secret level clearance for all flights, domestic or international.

Assalmaua-Likum all,

The Amerekie need not blame the poor souls ...the British. All is the will of Allah.

Like I have said in other posts, the British will try to sort out the "problems" of the muslims by empowering them further by giving them positions if power. My predictions are:

1) More muslim MPs, Councillors and Mayors.
2) More muslims in the police (as civilians) not in the front line.
3) Within 10years, the home affairs minister will be a muslim.
3) within 20 years 40 % of MPs will be muslim, and the foreign minister (to architect foreign policy) will be muslim.
4) Within 30-40 years the prime minister will be a muslim.
5) Within 50 years the law will be Sharia.

I also think that the Caliphat will rise from the West...UK or ISA.

But all this is good news for the world...Allah is most merciful.

^^^ Troll. He actually believes Mohammed's BS that an angel came to him in a dream and told him he was The Man. If that happened today, Mohammed would be on Jerry Springer and the subject of massive crowd ridicule.

Isn't it hilarious how 'moderate' Muslims look at terror as a natural response to the foreign policy of the country they live in, but hate?

Just as Hitler was crushed, we'll crush the Islamo-bigots.

It's a good thing that this is being said, it is becoming obvious that too many people in the Government and the Law are worried about hurting the poor muslim's feelings than about the safety of the rest of us. However, Briton's are waking up and are becoming radicalised by the Islamic threat. In my own case I hear more and more dicussion taking place daily amongst previously unconcerned and well meaning people and they are angry. We all know the biggest challenge to our political parties is Islam. At this point there is precious little evidence that the Government is doing anything about it. Our police forces should start doing their jobs properly as well instead of acting like they are shit scared.

I see Essex police sent 200 riot cops to break up a rave in a field. Well done lads! Easy target. Bash a few middle class white kids heads, I'm proud of you. Where was the same bravery and sense of purpose when the Islamo-fascists were demonstrating against our freedom of speech, issuing death threats against our people and the overthrow of the UK during the Danish Cartoon Protests in London?

When will these acts actually constitute a crime equal to playing music in a farmers field and be awarded the same attention?

Naseem you are living in a dream world. You accept the indoctination of weird sect and really believe the British (of British descent) would allow the things you list to happen. Dream on idiot.

Muslims in England and across Europe should be very frightened. To date they have not gained true Islamic hegemony, they are not well armed, and their political clout is limited. Plus their popularity with the native Anglo-Saxons is dwindling fast. To be sure the European patience meter is quickly expiring. When it reaches zero, there will be few natives (except maybe in universities) willing to help them and they will be stuck on enemy territory. Their clothing, their speech, their gathering places all make them easy targets. Al-Kristallnacht? Europeans can be gracious and naive to a fault but they have their breaking point. Witness the viciousness of the Thirty Years War and the two World Wars. And insofar as British Hezbots are concerned... they should not let the politeness of English tea time fool them. Just ask the Germans and Italians. Although they should be warned that if their mischief and machinations continue then Blair's office will be forced to bring the Spice Girls back. This should mark the end of western civilized treatment of Muzbots.

Alan(UK), Naseem(s) may be living in a dream world but if you look at it from her/his/their perspective, all would seem to be going in their favour. Little effective is being done to reduce the Islamic threat in the west, indeed constant appeasement and refusal to confront the issue seem to be the order of the day. The west appears lost, divided and weak. The British population may not allow these things to happen (or the population of any other western country for that matter) but when will they call a halt to the constant encroachment on their freedoms? With no (or not enough) credible political leadership to voice their concerns and act accordingly, the problem shall get worse and the eventual resolution will be all the harder. Whereas Nassem(s) predict the slow submision of the west to Islam, I see what happend in Yugoslavia as the future for Europe should things continue unabated.Vicious war and division of Nation-states into fractured,unstable regions some muslim others not. Naseems dream won't come true but the alternative is not much better.

I predicted that this would happen - Britain, because of the huge presence of Muslims in Britain, the encouragement and excuses that the BBC has given them, was as a consequence, the leading member of the Axis of Terror.

Here is part of that post:

Axis of Terror.

"Looking at it objectively, and granting BBC and UK authorities that "British born" citizens are involved in terrorism across the globe, it is only right that Britain should be placed as a member of the Axis of Terror. In fact it is the leading member of that Axis."

I have often wondered what would happen to the Anglo-sphere, the nations that are prepared to fight for civilisation, if the leading member, nay the founding font, went over to the Dark side. Would the rest of the Anglo-sphere survive when its roots are cut off?

I support the proposal that Britain is put on a watch list, with strict visa restrictions. I hope Australia follows suit as well. It is one way that may make this Dhimmi government wake up to the huge problem that it has created, and act accordingly to resolve the problem.

La Frontera:

And the more undemocratic and centripetal the 'soviet-lite' EU becomes, with its hopeless one-size-fits-all (it clearly doesn't) 'currency' and interest rates, the more rebellious the people of the European nations will become. If they lose all confidence in their emasculated governments (as is already beginning to happen) there is clear potential for Yugoslavia-type anarchy. And the Muslims will not be the only ones to suffer. I hope to God sense prevails befoe then, but I doubt it, as the political elites of the EU become ever more detached from reality.

This is an eye opener, surely they mean "asians"
Thats the Chinese takeaway guys and those sneaky looking Thai Buddhist monks in the Wimbledon temple on Calonne Rd. I always knew they were "a threat" to the USA.

Unfortunatly that odious George Aligiah at the BBC has stated that this is an "Asian problem"
This is his interview in the Sunday Times.,,2092-2330021,00.html

Please e mail the interviwer

to let him know that "Asian" is really moslem.

Also Rod Liddle on top notch form as always:,,2088-2330258,00.html



British society has experienced a tremendous amount of change in a relatively short span of time with the huge migration of immigrants from Muslim nations into Great Britian.

Unfortunately, Muslim immigrants in Britian are not assimilating as well into British society like other ethnic groups.

Making Britian and Europe into a Muslim kingdom is on the agenda for Jihad Muslims in Britian. Instead of bracing the Judeo-Christian heritage that helped make Great Britian a great nation, many British Muslims want to promote the violent teachings of the Koran that holds contempt and disregard for the infidel.

Quotes from Muslim religious holy texts are very clear cut about dealing with the infidels:

The Victory
[48.13] And whoever does not believe in Allah and His Apostle, then surely We have prepared burning fire for the unbelievers.

The Victory
[48.28] He it is Who sent His Apostle with the guidance and the true religion that He may make it prevail over all the religions; and Allah is enough for a witness.

The Immunity
[9.30] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Muhammad had little tolerance for people who drank alcohol. Read what it says in the Koran about how Muhammad dealt with wine drinkers.

Book 017, Number 4230:

Anas reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) used to strike forty times with shoes and palm branches (in case of drinking of) wine. The rest of the hadith is the same and there is no mention of pastures and towns.

Here is a good link for learning about the history of jihad in Britian.

The greatest danger to democracy (to societies where public opinion matters through voting and the free and open expression of ideas and opinions) will come from a fascist reaction to Islamic fascism. The chaos that the Islamic fascists cause in their host countries will eventually push things in that direction. Since the fall of the Soviet Union Europe has been in a kind of placid Wiemar period, but that can change very suddenly, as it did in 1929.

Blair and Co. have to be appealed to on this basis. Immigration in Britain has to be stopped and all social-services denied to non-citizens or anyone associated with terrorism. Democracy is a fragile thing in history, more the exception than the rule, and it is in grave danger at the place of its birth. That's the real threat to the US.

Assalamau-Laikum All,

As usual peoples like Alan want to hit out emotionally to the messenger (me in this case) …but let’s look at the facts.

At present, there an estimated 1.6 million Muslims in the UK, with approximately 50 % being British born, making muslims the largest religious minority in Britain. The figure may now be as high as 2 million. The largest communities originate from South Asia, but there are also many Arab and African communities, as well as Muslims from South East Asia and the Balkans.

The breakdown of muslims countrywide in England can be seen below:

Tower Hamlets - 71,000 (36%) population.
Newham - 59,000 (24%)
Blackburn - 27,000 (19%)
Bradford - 75,000 (16%)
Waltham Forest - 33,000 (15%)
Luton - 27,000 (15%)
Birmingham - 140,000 (14%)
Hackney - 28,000 (14%)
Pendle - 12,000 (13%)
Slough - 16,000 (13%)
Brent - 32,000 (12%)
Redbridge - 29,000 (12%)
Westminster - 21,000 (12%)
Camden - 23,000 (12%)
Haringey - 24,000 (11%)

33.8 of Muslims are aged 0-15 years (national average is 20.2%); 18.2% are aged 16-24 (national average is 10.9%)

- 50% of Muslims were born in the United Kingdom
- 60,000 Muslims are of Eastern European origin
- 54.5% of Pakistanis and 46.6% of Bangladeshis were born in the UK

This shows you that Muslims are the youngest of Britain's faith communities. Over half of British Muslims are under 25.

Ofcourse Muslim households have the largest numbers of dependent children. Being the best of “breed”, Inshallah, the numbers in most of these counties will tend towards the 40 to 50% mark over the next 10 years.

This does mean however that Muslims are less likely than average to own their own home and more likely to live in social rented housing. They live in larger than average households and are four times more likely to live in over-crowded accommodation, but never mind eh…social services will see us through…and leave us time to pray to Allah!

And here are some other positives too:

There are now over 110 Muslim schools in the UK, five of which are state-funded. Hijab has been incorporated into school uniform for Muslim girls at a number of state schools.

The first purpose-built mosque opened in Woking in 1889. There are NOW over 1,200 mosques in the UK.

The UK has a thriving Islamic banking sector, actively encouraged by the Bank of England. The law on stamp duty (property purchase tax) was changed in 2003 to avoid double payment on Islamic mortgages.

Muslim make the best BUTCHERS. Although Muslims make up just five per cent of the population they consume an estimated 20 per cent of all lamb and mutton produced in Britain.

The Muslim Council of Britain was established in 1997 to promote consultation, cooperation and coordination on Muslim affairs in Britain. It represents almost 400 local and national organisations which span the length and breadth of Britain.

Other prominent Muslim organisations include the Islamic Society of Britain, the UK Islamic Mission, Federation of Student Islamic Societies and the Ithna Asheri Khoji Shia Federation.

Today, in Britain, there are over 200 Muslim councillors, two elected Muslim members of parliament, one elected member of the EU parliament and five members of the House of Lords. Baroness Pola Udin was the first Muslim woman peer in the House of Lords.

This is a pitiful amount of “power” peoples to represent 2 millions of peoples, but I predict that this will change rapidly.

Now that Muslims have spread to every corner of the British Isles there is a sense of permanence and Muslims are now grappling with the responsibilities of being participants in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith society….BUT MOST PREFER SHARIA and Inshallah, this is the goal for the next 2-3 generations.

Hugh's mantra. It cannot be said often enough.

"The presence of large numbers of Muslims within the lands of the Infidels has created a situation for the indigenous Infidels that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would be without the presence of large numbers of Muslims."

Two schoolboys, aged 11 and 13 raped a 5 year old girl in the mountain village of Rhäzüns, in the Swiss Alpine Grison region. They dragged her away from the playground.

The crime occured in June 2006, and was reported in the NZZ daily today. So it took 3 months to get into the newspapers. Most of the newspapers just talk about "schoolboys". Only one source reveals that these boys come from the Kosovo.


"The presence of large numbers of Muslims within the lands of the Infidels has created a situation for the indigenous Infidels that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would be without the presence of large numbers of Muslims."

There you go, said it again.

Pull out the weeds.

Ban Muslim immigration.

Deport non-US Citizens.

Deport non-British Citizens.

Send them home to their own Mecca or to France, their second home in Europe.

Stand with Israel.

I am sick of hearing about this, but we did it to ourselves. Now we need to clean it up.

Assalamau-Laikum alert-up-usa,

You say "Ban Muslim immigration". Too late now, more than 50% are born in the UK/US. Banning immagration may have an effect to Allah's chosen...but not so much.

You say "Send them home to their own Mecca or to France, their second home in Europe".

Noooooo "matey", their home is the UK or the US. As native & legal citizens of these countries ...there IS nowhere to go. We are there to enhance the culture and economic status of our home.

You say "Stand up with Israel".....sure stand up with whoever you want's a free world.

You say "I am sick of hearing about this!".

Chill out man...things have only just started!

In addition, all property (real estate, bank accounts, etc.) should be confiscated from anyone who aids or abets Islamic fascists or who is engaged in Islamic fascist terrorism. The way to stop this nonsense is through immigration reform and through the confiscation of the pocket-book of the Islamic fascists. If such things are done, secular democracy will not be in danger from a fascist reaction to Islamic fascism in Britain or elsewhere. The alternative will be a fascist reaction to Islamic fascism.

I suspect the danger of a fascist reaction to Islamic Fascism is closer than anyone may imagine. A hard-line now will prevent a lot of ugliness later.

Oh yes the UK is the biggest threat to the US having been a good friend and ally for over 100 years with extremely close cultural links.

I am visiting there in November on a fly drive from San Francisco to Phoenix via LA and Vegas.
I look forward to it and am sure americans will welcome a 'native' englishman.

They must have a acme TROLL factory somewhere in Bradistan ....same old BS from Naseem !!

"Today, in Britain, there are over 200 Muslim councillors, two elected Muslim members of parliament, one elected member of the EU parliament and five members of the House of Lords. Baroness Pola Udin was the first Muslim woman peer in the House of Lords.

This is a pitiful amount of “power” peoples to represent 2 millions of peoples, but I predict that this will change rapidly."

I hate to rain on your parade, but with the new gagging laws and the cries of "racist" strangling all debate, this is a huge amount of power, especially when combined with the dhimmi governments continual efforts to appease the general muslim populace.

The official immigration figures are cooked btw, 250,000 officially is reckoned to equal about 1.5 million realistically.

"The Muslim Council of Britain was established in 1997 to promote consultation, cooperation and coordination on Muslim affairs in Britain."

Yes. Those affairs being the changing of foreign policy and an agenda for Sharia law. Cooperation is fine so long as we cooperate in exactly the way the MCB and its affilates demand.

And we fund all of the above from our own pocket.

We need "regime change" in Britain and fast, before Naseems vile predictions start to become true; otherwise my country will become a crappy little despot state same as the ones that litter the middle east.

You can probably tell i'm sure our political elite will continue with their heads in the sand until we're past the tipping point.

If Muslims 'rise up' and try to install Sharia Law in England, you think the native Brits will take it lying down? No, we'll do exactly what Muslims have been doing to us, we'll fight you every step of the way. Except we won't lose our soldiers by having them blow themselves up like morons.

Ban Muslims Immigration NOW.
Deport Muslims for any infraction of law NOW.
Deport Muslims who protest and openly support terrorists or leaders of terrorist Islamic countries NOW.
Ban Islam NOW.
Remove the evil text, the Qur'an NOW.
Stop all government aid to any Muslim found supporting terrorists or terrorist Islamic governments NOW.
Deport any Muslim cleric or professor who preachs or advocates support for terrorists NOW.
Enforce survelliance of all phone calls made by people of interest and monitor all finacial transactions to and from sources identified as possible terrorist financing organizations. Freeze all funds found to be questionable.
Strip citizenship from all Muslims found to be supporting terrorism or terrorist governments. Stip citizenship from all family members and deport them NOW.
Deny all requests for Prayer Rooms, time off for five daily prayers, special priviledges (such as facial coverings on driver licenses photos, special considerations for screens in schools to block the view of Muslims participating in sports, and so on).
Monitor all mosques, record auto tag numbers of all who enter, take photos of all who enter, report all suspicious activity to the authorities.
Ban Muslim military enlistment, ban Muslims from obtaining public office, ban Muslims from teaching positions, monitor MUslims in positions of medicine, law, police, and places of public security and transportation NOW.
Go to a militarized border NOW. Stop all border crossings even if it requires military force NOW.
Begin a self imposed naval blockade and check all naval vessels off shore NOW.
Increase the number of air marshals on the airplanes and in the airports NOW.
If children of Muslims are involved in assault, rape, murder, violence, civil disobedience--deport them and their entire family NOW.
Discontinue foreign aid to Muslim countries who continue to fund and arm the terrorist organizations. Begin imposing economic sanctions to the same countries. Ban imports from these countries, Ban exports to these countries.

Islam is a terrorist entity. Ban everything related to Islam, Deport all who adhere to it.

Islam is another word for misery. Destroy it NOW.

We need to the civilian equivelancy of DEFCON 2.
NOW. This is a war, and they started it.

As an Englishman and a British subject, descended from good Yeoman Anglo-Saxon stock and proud of it. I feel very ashamed at what is happening, and I cannot find cause to blame you for any travel restrictions that you might introduce. We need a Government that will do the same, if they had had done this 20 years ago we would not be suffering from this problem now, unfortunately we have let a cancer grow in our society that will have to be cauterised by our children and perhaps our children's children. Our so called intellectuals have been obsessed with the concepts of moral and cultural relativism which does not allow any debate because in there eyes all cultures and morals are equally valid, this is not so. The also try to tell us that Multiculturalism is good for us, it doesn't make a blind bit of difference if you point out to them that a Multicultural society or State only exists if power is concentrated at the centre as in Russia and Yugoslavia. As soon as that central control is gone then the state fragments as in Russia and Yugoslavia, as in India and Cyprus did when the British left. The only way that Multicultural states such as in Belgium can exist, is when they have a common set of moral and ethical standards. In the Belgium case this is there common religion, Catholicism, but even here voices are being heard especial in the Flemish part for a separate State. Multicultural states are by nature unstable States.
May I point out that while America is putting a new security lock on its front door, to prevent terrorists attack and the formation of the Caliphate of Dearborn, they might try at the same time to put a simple bolt on the back-door, or they might wake up one morning to find that Texas wants independence and to change its name to Northern Mexico.

The British Muslims' worst enemies are themselves. Their death-love will result in more and more 7-7 type attacks and turn the greater British population against even the moderate and M.I.N.O. Muslims. The radical elements can't help themselves, they are incapable of rational action. There will be no Sharia in the U.K., the English Muslims will be stamped out, and the blame will be laid at the feet of the Muslims radicals.

Good article, BTW.

The problem with this troll's da'wa prediction is that it does not take into account the single greatest ambition of muslims in Britain - terror attacks.

And it is the upcoming major terror attack that will shut down da'wa and the muslim presence in Britain. So far Britain has not had a 9/11. When the first attack occurs that causes several thousand to be killed, or most likely a nuclear attack on London, where a million are killed, the backlash will drive the Muslims out.

British soliders will raid their homes, round them up and put them into detention camps, where they will stay while they are being deported to Pakistan, by force, while Musharraf has no choice but to take them, because the alternative would be a counter attack on Pakistan as the bomb and British terrorists most likely originated there. To avoid such a retaliatory strike by British forces, he will be forced to swallow the 2 million from Britain.

This is the future of Britain. As muslims have said at demonstrations - "Britain, your 9/11 is on its way."

The da'wa strategy only works if a population is smart enough to be peaceful. Muslims are incapable of this. Muslims are not smart enough, nor peaceful enough, to make da'wa work. They are chomping at the bit to make their first big kill. It is only a matter of months.

Of that, I have no doubt. What a glorious day that will be. The end of the muslims in Britain. Brought about by their own hand.

"As an Englishman and a British subject, descended from good Yeoman Anglo-Saxon stock and proud of it. I feel very ashamed at what is happening"

Well as a British citizen descended from good celtic stock I am also ashamed of what has become of the once proud british isles.

It is for that reason that I no longer live there - I moved to another country whose people are still proud of who they are.

GB has been sold out by the coward , efet elite who over generations of in-breeding have changed from a once valient people into inefectual, pathetic idiots.

The future is bleak and we should all be worried - the brightest and the best will continue to escape in even greater numbers as the islands sinks into the cesspool of its own making.

Our government has the pro-muslim policy, they do not listen to the voice of the majority in this country. We are being taken apart piece by piece by Blair and his government. The muslims in our midst swell their numbers through arranged marriage. I live in London and this town is now like some mid-east slum. There is little doubt in the minds of the population that this has been engineered this way. Tony Blair and his government will go down in history as the traitors and appeasers they truly are. You may now no longer be English in England, with laws set out to stamp on our way of life, rules that give preference to minorities at the expense of the majority. My country has been sold out.

'Muslim make the best BUTCHERS'

They're fortunate to have an occupation that's also their hobby.

Great Britain has made more arrests in the name of terrorism than America in recent months. It would appear to me that GB is on the right track.


Not only was I SICK of giving all my taxes to the British government to support all the illegal immigrants pouring into the UK, I also was SICK of the lack of clampdown on the UK's islamic nutters. I saw the direction the UK was headed and I said BYE.

I love the UK and have family there, but I HATE what is happening to the country. I also HATE the EU and all the poop it is bringing in.

Here, I proudly fly the Union Jack and enjoy a population of kind-hearted, caring, Christian neighbours.

The UK had better change its policies to PREVENT Islam EVER having control. Change its setup of the government to say that this will never be allowed....or say goodbye to a NORMAL life. Sharia law will be nothing short of HELL on earth. Suitable for a demonic religion.

Assalmaua-Likum all,

I suppose that includes me.

The Amerekie need not blame the poor souls ...the British. All is the will of Allah.

So, no one bears personal responsibility for anything in that case.

Like I have said in other posts, the British will try to sort out the "problems" of the muslims by empowering them further by giving them positions if power.

That sure seems to be the case from what I see in Britian.

My predictions are:

1) More muslim MPs, Councillors and Mayors.

Given Blair's mentality -- I can this happening too.

2) More muslims in the police (as civilians) not in the front line.

I think this means that considering the multiculturalism so rampant in Britian, that more muslims will be in the police force since muslims will be considered an "under represented minority" that can not be discriminated against.

Yup, I can see this happening too.

3) Within 10years, the home affairs minister will be a muslim.

Lots can happen in 10 years -- so its not altogether out of the question.

3) within 20 years 40 % of MPs will be muslim, and the foreign minister (to architect foreign policy) will be muslim.

Considering that Prince Charles was rummored to be prancing about the Palace in muslim garb a year or two back -- this could happen I suppose.

4) Within 30-40 years the prime minister will be a muslim.

I tend to think that this could happen sooner the way things are moving.

5) Within 50 years the law will be Sharia.

Considering that Britain is slowly moving away from English Common Law -- this is a possibility too.

I also think that the Caliphat will rise from the West...UK or ISA.

No, it will be the Middle-East; perhaps Persia. But the West will certainly be contributing factors if not the outright instigators of such an event in the name of international monetary funds.

But all this is good news for the world...Allah is most merciful.

I steer clear of this false god that you call "Allah" if I were you. Considering the kind of diety it represents in the koran, I don't think it is an entity that should be worshiped; and certainly not credited with "mercy."

Posted by: Naseem at August 29, 2006 03:59 AM

I hate to say this, but unless the British decide to be British again -- all of Naseems prediction will come true.

Doubt it?

Okay, then why are we having this whole discussion in the first place !?!

The problem with the world today is that we have leaders that are IDIOTS. Unfortunately, I do not believe that we can move enough of them OUT of the government to get in enough people with common sense to bring the hammer down on Islam and illegal immigrants before things are completely ruined.

What do you do when your own government is hell-bent on laying down and joining up with the One World Order? Our liberals here might as well be liberal democrats in the UK. The same kind of idiots. Oh, if ONLY they would move to Europe! Good riddance! If ONLY the conservatives would move to the US. We could close our borders and be self-sufficient again. Tell China, etc. to bite our butts. Concentrate on self-defense. Take care of our own. IF ONLY.

Here is how Islam handles other religions:

Saudi Arabia - Friday August 25, 2006
Ejection from country may force Ethiopian church leader to miss his wedding.
August 25 (Compass Direct News) – Saudi Arabia deported four East African Christians last month after they were detained while leading a prayer service in Jeddah.

Arrested on June 9, the church leaders were beaten and imprisoned for more than a month in torturous conditions.

Masai Wendewesen, deported to his native Ethiopia on July 16, told Compass today that the Christians were never formally notified of the charges against them.

-------It is time we started deporting Muslims NOW.--

The Muslims are not peaceful and intolerant- They will never change and we should not try to change them. Just remove them from our great societies.--

Islam is a plaque upon earth.

"most likely a nuclear attack on London, where a million are killed, the"

All's you'll get there is the likes of Livingstone jumping up and down saying "the attacks were against all people, christian jew and muslim alike; the terrorists are not muslims..."

Heads in the sand remember? Big time. Though I wish and hope you are right, I wouldnt bet on it.

"Great Britain has made more arrests in the name of terrorism than America in recent months. It would appear to me that GB is on the right track."

This is true, but arrests here tend not to get convictions, just compensation and a media parade about "victimisation".

"Our government has the pro-muslim policy, they do not listen to the voice of the majority in this country. We are being taken apart piece by piece by Blair and his government."

Bang on. And you're potentially in violation of Blairs new gagging laws by mentioning that.

If you'd indulge me for a moment, I think the British government should start talking about the problem of Islam and muslims in its midst instead trying to talk with the muslims in their midst.

1 out of 4 overtly approves of terrorism. You deserve to be repeatedly attacked until the British government finally 'gets it'. Same goes for the U.S. We're still in denial in the United States as well -- trying our best to ignore the issue and fill in the time with Emmy award fashion reviews and constant coverage of John Mark Karr.

Anything but what needs to be covered. The media do nothing but pander to the basest cross section of this country.

Naseem. Don't worry. The people are getting pissed about the twisted thoughts in the Muslim mind, so I'm confident everyone...I mean everything, will be sorted out in the near future.

'Nuf said!

Regards UK muslims and Terrorists : To paraphrase the bard .

"Methinks that they do praise with faint damnation"

I have to admit that if the British people don't act soon things will get VERY bad! And not just in Britain.It's happening everywhere and faster than I thought.

We are being sold for oil.

The more the mosbat loonies do, the more the world will wake up!
I am reposting this link for those in the UK who missed it before. Pass it on. There are many like-mnded out there.

How is this cutting out of the Muslim cancer that infests Britain to take place? There has to be some massive backlash through the political process. As far as I can see, the British National Party are the only one's who see the problem clearly. They want the British to be British again and nationalism is a good medicine against the global totalitarian mentality of Islam. Although, I don't agree with all their platforms it seems like they have vety much evolved from their "racist' origins that hopefully prejudice many Britons from accepting them as the much need, immediate answer to the muslim mess. Political parties do change. Take the Republican party in the U.S. It has devolved from the brilliant, perceptive, long range thinking of Abraham Lincoln to the feeble minded, stupidity of GW Bush. Bush is not far from Blair in his ROP perspective of Islam.

A point that seems to have been missed is the consequence that the imposition of such action would have on the close cooperation between our two countries. If the U.K. were put on a list where they were deemed a security risk to the U.S.A. then there would automatically be restrictions on the exchange of intelligence, which would drastically curtail the the ability of both our countries in the fight against islamic terrorism. This would be a disaster for both of our countries. I would be very pleased if readers of this site would put forward some ideas, or better still Hugh or Robert or Marisol could start a thread about this, so that it can be discussed. I feel that it is very important. united we stand divided we fall, or to put it more crudely hang together or hang alone.

Nassem coud be right if there was little or no resistance to her predictions. Islam spreads by ever increasing hegemoney. Resistance occurs when that hegemony becomes 'too much' for the general non-muslim population. Naseem does not count the effect of direct action by fed up people. This kind of resistance is like a festering builds up in intensity untill it explodes. Western people have a tendancy to be complacent untill something directly effects, or involves them. Direct involvement (911+) is starting to happen and the boil is about to pop.

Hear the alarm clock Britain? Wake Up! And Naseem, you should write a daily article that is posted in every local newspaper in the U.S. That would wake up the rest of America for sure.

Naseem says the muslims born in Britain can't be thrown out. Maybe , maybe not, I don't know Britains laws. If native born muslims can't be thrown out, fine. If the children are under the age of five, those children could be adopted to homes of non muslims, and can be raised properly in loving homes AS non muslims. This would solve a few of their terrorist problems later down the road. Older children could be given a choice of loving homes or orphanages. Of course, it would be non muslim orphanages. This is all depending if the muslims being kicked out want to take their British born children back to the cesspools they came from.

Delenda Est Cartago

We just cannot tarry anymore.

Hugh's mantra. It cannot be said often enough.

"The presence of large numbers of Muslims within the lands of the Infidels has created a situation for the indigenous Infidels that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would be without the presence of large numbers of Muslims.

Two schoolboys, aged 11 and 13 raped a 5 year old girl in the mountain village of Rhäzüns, in the Swiss Alpine Grison region. The Kosovar boys dragged the 5 year old girl away from the playground. But after all what is to be expected from a culture which glorifies a 54 year old man who had sex with Aisha, not even 9 years of age, a girl whom he had married when she was six years old. Like the unlucky five year old girl in Switzerland, that was lured and then dragged away from the playground, poor little Aisha, according to lore, was called away from the swings when the marriage with her was to be consumated for the first time.

The crime reported today in Switzerland occured in June 2006. It took 3 months to get into the newspapers. All of the newspapers just talk about "schoolboys". Only one, one, source reveals that these boys come from the Kosovo.


"The presence of large numbers of Muslims within the lands of the Infidels has created a situation for the indigenous Infidels that is far more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous than it would be without the presence of large numbers of Muslims."

There you go, said it again.

Aisha was 9 lunar years old or 8 years 9 months old according to solar years when Muhammad slept with her. This is an appalling fact demonstrated by a great number of hadiths.

The reports of the tender age of Aisha is consistent with the stories of her childhood, playing with her toys, her girlfriends hiding when Muhammad entered the room, the Prophet playing with her, her ignorance and “surprise” in the night of the nuptials, etc.

All those hadithes confirm that Aisha was a little girl. For one example out of many from consider this:

Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151
Narrated 'Aisha:
I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)

To the alarmed readers in Switzerland then, or in Germany, who cannot understand what has gone wrong with the world, the very readers who are even not informed in 49 out of 50 press reports, that the rapists came from a Moslem country, from Kosovo, here again is

Hugh's Mantra in German language:

Die Anwesenheit grosser Anzahlen von Muslimen innerhalb der Länder der Ungläubigen hat für die einheimischen Ungläubigen einen weitaus mehr unerfreulicheren, kostspieligen und körperlich gefährlicheren Zustand erschaffen, als er ohne die Präsenz einer grossen Anzahl von Muslimen wäre.

Delenda Est Cartago

Over 600 'British' Muslim men fought alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan before the removal of that regime. Having lost , the majority returned to Great Britain.
What sanction , precisely , was inflicted upon them for this act of treachery and disloyalty to the UK? I'll tell you what ... NONE .
They went straight back to their state benefits , taxpayer subsidised rents , black economy jobs in restaurants whilst signing-on , etc . Two of the 7-7 bombers were sent on an ;outward-bound' type watersports course just one month prior to becoming Jihadis.
The total loss of desire for retribution against these Quislings sickens me. Britain is truly lost if she will not fight for what is right , and accomodates these thugs with groveling apologies for our 'imperialist past'.
Not only is the number of immigrants reaching epidemic proportions , but so too is the number of wealthy indigenous people leaving the UK. who can blame them ? I would too if I could. I am sickened further by the extortionate rate of taxation in this country being used to fund the prodigals , the feckless and the downright treacherous.
America ... Forget the Old Alliance . Save YOURSELVES from the same fate

Hello again Naseem, you slave of a slave.

If you really are a muslim woman, then I must ask how you've enjoyed your clitorectomy.

if you are a bald headed middle aged muslim male pretending to be a muslim woman, then you should be reminded what your religious ideology does to homosexuals.

If you are a psych-ops plant from the state department, then I salute you for your effectiveness in raising Western awareness as to how useless yet poisonous is islam, especially in its current incarnation.

There is no god in islam, only a skewered view of "Allah"

God bless the West

I think the next thing we will discover is that Canada is not far behind Great Britain in producing Jihadis

For all the tough talking trolls out there,
The Investors Business Daily poll found: A majority of Americans, 51 percent, believe that "militant Islamism is no less a threat in the 21st century than Nazism, fascism and communism were in the 20th century," 63 percent are "very concerned" about the desire of Islamo-fascists to establish a worldwide Muslim rule, and 58 percent doubt that diplomacy or negotiation will work in dealing with Islamic fascists.
Americans are now most aware of the Iranian role in promoting fascism: 58 percent in the poll think Iran is now the "main promoter of Islamic fascism in the Middle East," and 76 percent believe Iran must be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons "at any cost."

The poll results of the UK are very similar to these numbers.
Keep up the great works dummies. Soon no one in the world will want you anywhere near them.

To all loyal British, we in the USA don’t blame the British people for this mess. All Western citizens have been deceived by the UN, MMM (mindless mass media) and our Dhimmi politicians.

I like to refer to these times as the period of the festering rage.

but never mind eh…social services will see us through…and leave us time to pray to Allah!

*bangs head on keyboard*
I can't stand that we're paying these people to sit around and plot against us.

First: No greets to that terrible fake "prophet" of your twisted ideologie! (contrary: to hell with him)
Second: after recent experiences in the northeast of England I have to tell you, literally no Muslims there!(how lovely that was), and the muslims know why. Newcastle district and Northumbria are worldfamous for their vicious soccer hooligans, regularly Muslims from the south who visit this area seem to disappear there, never to be seen again (several such cases)...(not nice, but someone got to tell these mustafa geezers where the limit is..)
Third: have you ever visited Britain?, or is your accumulated "knowledge" out of books and media broadcasts?..and all your cowderwelsh is nothing more than the desire for revenge on the "British", which so many of you south asian maniacs carry as deep in your heart as this twisted ideology that you call islam...
Sure, if it wasn´t for these hated Brits the whole Indian subcontinent would be islamic by now.
But, you made the account without the common man of Britain..., they have long seen Islam for what it is, like mentioned in other posts, the patience is wearing thin, but the Brits still got that strain of victorian honour (somewhat outdated), and that tells them to be truly gentle with an adversarie up to the point when it becomes assured that it will not be perceived by the observing world opinion as the Brits having started this conflict, then they will hit you with the biggest sledgehammer in half a century...

Naseem above: "Muslim make the best BUTCHERS. "

Oops, your Freudian slip is showing.

Assalmaua-Likum all,

Witness says

I steer clear of this false god that you call "Allah" if I were you. Considering the kind of diety it represents in the koran, I don't think it is an entity that should be worshiped; and certainly not credited with "mercy."

Witness, Allah’s favour is what this is all about, why we become devout and want to spend the rest of eternity by Allah’s side. Nothing else really matters....all the Kafur need to understand this.

Weekendhammerman says

And Naseem, you should write a daily article that is posted in every local newspaper in the U.S.

Well effectively I do by writing on this blog….but please do not misunderstand me. Allah’s victory is all the sweeter when the Kafur


what he is faced with and yet is impotent or that the situation is ironic.

Perhaps now you know how the rest of the world felt when your Victorian grandfathers were busy ruling others.

Dgene asks “If you really are a muslim woman, then I must ask how you've enjoyed your clitorectomy”.
Dgene, I have invited many to come to Pak and check my Ahmadi womanly credentials…all have refused. I have not had Clitorectomy, it is not so popular in Pak. It tends to be a favourite of black muslims (but not the womens) like the Somalis…not so the Pure (Pak). I am no plant, I only serve Allah via peaceful Dawa. I lost my Anwer because my Dawa was not good enough, now I hope to rectify this.
I hope one day to write a book showing the muslim why peaceful dawa is the


way to fulfil Allah’s mission of global domination.

do some research for your forthcoming book, travel to Peshawar or even up to Landi Kotal, ask the many "peaceful" tribesmen about their worldview (if they let you and don´t beat you into pulp) and then convince the world that we are all wrong and you (from your paki hospital bed) want nothing but convince us about the glorious enlightenment that your moongod is promising us infidels (either, or...)
You talking crap !!! (as usual)


Thanks again for posting your warnings. There is no doubt that if the situation in Britain continues, your predictions are going to come true.

At the moment there are very few Muslim representatives in power and influence - this is simply a consequence of 'first past the post' electoral system. Once Muslims reach a critical figure, say about 30%, Muslim representation will jump to 60% or higher. A Muslim PM and cabinet becomes inevitable.

If this conflict becomes a real war, i.e., we start to percieve it as such, rather then as police action, then Muslims will be turfed out, regardless whether they are British born or not, or have nowhere to go. Most Muslims will flee the country before that eventuality. The minority that do not, will be forcibly ejected or interned. That unfortunately is the ways of war, as civil liberties are abandoned till the realm is made secure. You may recall that in the 1970's we had an internment policy in Northern Ireland for almost a decade, even though the IRA did not pose an existential threat to Britain.

Continue with your goadings though, as this is what we need.

"Life in London made my boy a terrorist".

Even as the 37-year-old French-Moroccan became the only person to be charged and convicted in the US in connection with 9/11, Moussaoui's mother, Aicha al-Wafi, repeated a charge leveled at London by the French counter-intelligence service, DST.

London and the British authorities, the DST alleged, was far too permissive to extremist visitors from other lands in the fatal countdown to 9/11. It is an oft-repeated criticism, notably by Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak; the Saudi authorities and others.

On Wednesday night, even as Moussaoui was sentenced in America to life imprisonment without parole, his mother damagingly fuelled further criticism of London: "I would say that England is responsible for many things because it allowed this fever to spread around the country," al-Wafi told broadcasters across the Western world.

"These young people go to England, and then they scream hatred and vengeance in front of mosques. They (British) let the fever spread."

Moussaoui's brother, Abd-Samad, added with fateful emphasis: "I believe that Britain has fed a snake at its bosom, and has been bitten by the snake."

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.-Mark Twain

May I point out that while America is putting a new security lock on its front door, to prevent terrorists attack and the formation of the Caliphate of Dearborn, they might try at the same time to put a simple bolt on the back-door, or they might wake up one morning to find that Texas wants independence and to change its name to Northern Mexico.
Posted by: Holger Dansker

There are a whole lot of Americans who agree with you. We alas, are being branded as bigots and racists. Imagine wanting to control the borders of your country....the gall.
/you know.

The Investors Business Daily poll found: A majority of Americans, 51 percent, believe that "militant Islamism is no less a threat in the 21st century than Nazism, fascism and communism were in the 20th century....tgusa

They must NOT have taken the poll in the 'fly-over' states. I can assure you,intelligent Americans can see Islam for the threat it is.

The threat of Islam in the US is right up there with the threat from the lefty-liberal idiots...(Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, John Kerry, etc.)who would destroy this nation by sucking up to Islam AND the EU.

I believe that in 60s, the back rooms of our governments buzzed with the workings of a few very rich men. The idea of a new Tower of Babel, where every race - if forced together- would find love and peace. Well President Johnson, and Bighead Kennedy, it just doesn't work worth a damn.

Naseem ought to know. Especially if she's a woman. Whatever the population of muslims are in Britian, France, Iran, Pakistan...whereever. You might as well cut that number in half. Because as we all know, women in these cultures are virtual and bones in a bag. The western women will easily be able to fight off the muslims. Going backwards into Sharia law would be like returning to the 19th century for women. This isn't going to happen...just ask my girlfriend. I can't even get her to do my laundry if she doesn't want to.

May I point out that while America is putting a new security lock on its front door, to prevent terrorists attack and the formation of the Caliphate of Dearborn, they might try at the same time to put a simple bolt on the back-door, or they might wake up one morning to find that Texas wants independence and to change its name to Northern Mexico.
Posted by: Holger Dansker

The problem we have is that we are a nation who UNDERSTANDS the problem but we have politicians who ignore those who put them into office. Sound familiar?

Not only have our politicans turned a blind eye to the illegal immigrants crossing our border, but they have even allowed them welfare benefits, installed Ppanish language signs in government offices (is that not retarded?) and have caved in to the Catholic organiztion who have been guilty of harbouring illegal immigrants and have organized protest marches for undocumented mexicans. Guess they may have felt threatened that the catholic organization could use its pulpits to lean voters towards the democrats?

This breaking of our existing immigration law, is of course against what the Bible teaches Christians. Jesus taught us that we were to live peacefully under the our taxes, be good citizens, etc. Breaking the law in order to keep pews filled, is not at all what Christ taught.

So, until the ordinary American can find a way to be heard and to have a REAL voice in Washington, things will continue to spin out of control here.....just as it has done in Europe.

Special interest groups run our country via backhanders, votes, threats, etc.

Debating trolls, we might as well try to teach a pet pig to serve dinner. It is always the same storyline, Wer gunna get u, just wait wer gunna ruhle the werld, get ready here we cume, im warming you wer gunna get u, and on and on.

I should have mentioned that the above posted poll numbers are similar when asked about the Border and Illegal Immigration. The very disturbing point is that many of those playing the race card really are racists themselves.

The Goobs,
Just pointing out that it is more encouraging than is currently being portrayed in the mmm. I have relatives spread throughout the country and that makes me pretty sure these poll number should be much higher. Americans are fed up with the jihadi’s and many of us are angry and insulted that the illegal immigration gang has taken advantage of us in a time of great danger to our people.

many of us are angry and insulted that the illegal immigration gang has taken advantage of us in a time of great danger to our people.

Posted by: tgusa

Yes, and you know the questions you can ask the 'gang' and NEVER have answered?

'What do you say to people who are coming to this country LEGALLY??? Are they being discriminated against? Should they have to go through the paperwork, the waiting list, the proof of ability to support themselves or obtain a sponser, the signing of an agreement that they will not apply for any government assistance, the requirement to undergo medical exams, blood work, x-rays, etc. to make sure they are not bringing in a horrible disease. The requirement to sit through an interview at an embassy to receive a visa?'

The 'gang' always ignore this type of questioning. What is a legal requirement for one must be the same for all. Otherwise, there is discrimination.

britain must learn lessons from the indian experience. muslims will never stop demanding. concessions will only fuel their truculence. their demands will only increase and they will refuse to integrate into te main stream.
the only way to deal with islam is the israeli way. go after them and bust them up big time. they cant have all the benefits of western civilization and profess to hate it in the name of islam/mohammed/allah.
dont concede an inch. thats the only way.


I agree with your assessment of Britain. You see, Europe is fast becoming Eurabia. All these trends are pretty clear. Blair, BBC, etc, are all doing its bidding.

And you see, I also believe that Islam will sweep across the world, jihad will be waged against the infidel nations, and the Islamic Caliphate will be established in my lifetime, or at the most, my children's lifetime. That is why I am preparing my children right now.... for martyrdom under Islam.

In the above article, it is clear that the leader you are waiting for, al-Mahdi, corresponds to the Biblical anti-Christ, and Isa corresponds to the Second Beast of Revelations.

But Naseem, I think you are an Ahmadi, and orthodox Muslims have always treated your sect as non-Muslims. So, your fate under the Islamic Caliphate wouldn't be much better than the rest of us, unless you turn back to orthodoxy, in which case, your peaceful stance is at odds with orthodox Islam.

Outlaw Islam in all Western nations and Japan.

Deport all non-diplomatic foreign Muslims immediately. Give others a chance to sign a public declaration of apostacy from Islam if they are naturalized citizens of a Western nation, after which case they may stay free and safe (until such time a few of them undoubtedly will prove to be sleepers, then shoot those).

Harsh or am I just being smart?

You know I'm right.

Reading the above posts, a writer leads one to think Islam is a race.

As it has been stated before, Islam is not. The governments must consider the action of a label of Islam as a supporter of terror. Outlaw islam, and brand it a terror foundation and supporter.

Everything else will step into line after that.

The event is comming soon, to a leadership near you.

Islam is a choice, and a sad one.

It appears to me that 'Naseem' is an agent provocateur. The present government of Blair and his cronies do not represent the will of the British (of British descent) people. Already we are seeing the cracks appear in the fabric of their policies. The social experiment of Multiculturalism is now officially over as stated by that strange Roman Catholic Ms Ruth Kelly (Minister for Culture etc.) It is no longer frowned upon to speak openly about race or religion, all thanks to the election of 12 Nationalist councillors in one small British town and the antics of 'British' Muslims. The British people are, at last, beginning to speak and the government is realising they have created an ugly mood within the country.
The party of Mr Blair has a shortened life and the next year or so will be very interesting indeed. Who will next appear as a leader in Britain? I am certain whoever it is the cringing policies of the Labour Party will be rejected and replaced with policies that the Muslims will abhor.
Many influential writers are condemning the rise and dangers of Islam in Britain, so more and more people are becoming aware of the threat. So what is to follow?
To have thousands of muslims already in place when the opening salvos of the ummah and re-instatement of the Caliphate kicks off is a master stroke of some genius BUT...the dumbhead Muslims in the West have started far too early. Their bombs and terrorist schemes have come at a time when their populace is still relatively small and can be contained. Ahmadinejad in Persia has announced to the world what the Muslim agenda is for the West and the people of the West don't like it. All this at a time when no Muslim country has the power to overcome the Western nations. Believe me Naseem, you have no idea of the awesome power the Western military nations are capable of producing in a very short time. Or, indeed, how vicious the British can be when roused.
Naseem plays the 'numbers game'in her/his post but look at them. The vast swathes of muslims are either in London or a couple of towns elsewhere. Believe me this does not represent Britain as a whole. If the Muslims are two million strong then they are outnumbered by non-muslims by 26 to 1. Not very good odds by anyones standard.
I would remind you of the words of a famous English writer/poet G K Chesterton who wrote in 1907 these words...
"Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget,
For we are the people of England, that never has spoken yet."
I am sure Britain will remain a Christian/ British country for the next thousand years has she has been for the past thousand years.
Dream on.

I am really not surprised by this, in the UK you can't mention the rumours about Mohammed's gayness, drinking camel urine or his paedophile tendencies.


Are all these 'Naseem's' showing the same IP address as the original Naseem, who typically just brags about how all of us should become Ahmadiyas, so that she will be safe from the Sunnis?

Got this by E-Meither:

Subject: Security Alert
Heightened Alert in the UK

The British are feeling the pinch in relation to recent bombings
and have raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved'.
Soon though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated"
or even "A Bit Cross". Londoners have not been "A Bit Cross" since the
blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out.

Terrorists have been re-categorised from "Tiresome" to a "Bloody
Nuisance". The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was during the great fire of 1666.

Also, the French government announced yesterday that it has raised
its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide". The only two higher levels
in France are "Surrender" and "Collaborate". The rise was precipitated
by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralysing the country's military capability.

It's not only the English and French that are on a heightened level
of alert.

Italy has increased the alert level from "shout loudly and
excitedly" to "elaborate military posturing". Two more levels remain,
"ineffective combat operations" and "change sides".

The Germans also increased their alert state from "disdainful
arrogance" to "dress in uniform and sing marching songs". They have two higher levels "invade a neighbour" and "lose".

It is no wonder Islam thinks it can win.

But us Brits have another security level that we have been keeping for a special occasion: “Absolutely Bloody Furious”.

They must have a acme TROLL factory somewhere in Bradistan ....same old BS from Naseem !! Posted by: Kelticman

Naseem is not a troll, google: definition internet troll, you don't like her message, but that doesn't make her a troll, she does us a favor by raising issues and posting facts (like demographics of Islam in Britain) and exposing for all to see Islamic triumphalism, arrogance and insanity (she belongs to a cult that is marginalized and apostasized by Sunni and Shi'a Islam, yet deceives herself by defending and trying to propigate a faith, that persecutes and even murders other Ahmadi's, and that my friend is insanity.

To call a person with a different point of view a troll is in itself the act of a troll, and/or a childish mentality.

Naseem, read the post by 'Mert'. I know you won't understand it but that post says more about the English than any other post anywhere in the Blogsphere.
It is the absolute which should tell you we will never succomb to any threat or challenge Islam can produce.
We will laugh you all to death.

“5) Within 50 years the law will be Sharia.
I also think that the Caliphat will rise from the West...UK or ISA.
But all this is good news for the world...Allah is most merciful.”
Posted by: Naseem

In 50 years Islam will be banned and outlawed as a war-cult sect in all civilized nations, excepting the economically backward states mired in Sharia. The Caliphate will be hunted down. Retarded Islamicist thinking will be ridiculed for its primitive ideology more befitting ignorant desert nomads than modern men and women. Foreign aid to all Sharia states will be cut off, immigration from those states will be severely restricted, and repatriation by “native born” Muslims in civilized states the common norm. They will be shipped to Sharia states, regardless of country of ethnic origin, or to France. Unfortunately, France will go from being one of the most civilized nations on Earth to one of the most backward, when their Islamic population tops 30%. That will be the biggest problem for Europe, what to do about France, which will be our biggest "security risk". The rest of the world, from Japan to Argentina to UK to Australia will make Islam a criminal war-sect, punishable by deportation for anyone found practicing it. Sharia practices are against human rights, and will be universally banned. The Liberal Left will turn on Islam, criminalizing it. If you need an example of this new antipathy towards all Islamic cultists, observe how Israel, a liberal state, responded to Hizbuallah’s attacks, and you’ll get a feel. Do not be so cock sure of your Jihad, it will lead to your total condemnation by universal principles of freedom and justice.

This Naseem is the future of your Islam, because God is most merciful and will not impose your retarded ideology cult on humanity. I’d say 50 years may be too generous, give it more like 30.

Deport all non-diplomatic foreign Muslims immediately. Give others a chance to sign a public declaration of apostacy from Islam if they are naturalized citizens of a Western nation, after which case they may stay free and safe (until such time a few of them undoubtedly will prove to be sleepers, then shoot those).

Posted by: Foehammer at August 29, 2006 01:24 PM

Sensible policies for a safe 21st century in Dar-al-harb.

There has to be some massive backlash through the political process. As far as I can see, the British National Party are the only one's who see the problem clearly.

Posted by: Briars at August 29, 2006 09:46 AM

I have been making this point for a long time on JW. The BNP dont need a majority, they just need enough seats to mount an effective opposition to the current Da'wa enablers the Labour party and the Tories.

Spain got rid of them by demanding that they convert or leave.

We must do the same. Close all mosques. Ban arabic dress. Insist that all mohammedans either give up their barbaric beliefs and adopt civilized behaviour, or leave the country.

By the way, Naseem, you seem to have ignored the advice on toasters.

Not only is the muslim population in Britain a threat but the anti european pro muslim elite in the country are out of control.

Another bomb blast in turkey targeting tourists has gone off and the BBC is already down playing it. And there has been no travel advisory like the one given by the australian government against greece for the 2004 olympics, a country with no terrorist activity. It goes to show that the anglo countries are pro muslim and anti european. Especially for eastern and southern europeans.

Yeah I agree about the BNP. I watched the BBC’s Daily Politics show a few months back and Andrew Neil and his politician guests got into a real hate fest at the very mention of the BNP. No need to worry about BBC bias there because it was on show for all to see.

But I love it when Al-BBCeera get all spiteful because then you get to see exactly what the left fear and despise the most. They are subtle when they bias reporting about Israel or global warming, but its bristly fur and bared teeth at the mention of the BNP.

A great sage possibly once said to his batman that you should know your enemy. If that is the case then we should all vote BNP and give the left a powerful kick in nuts.

Naseem you may be a fruit bat agitator willing on your own demise, but at least your posts are saner than the short man with a complex who is marching your religion to destruction as fast as he can.

To give you another view point Naseem. Think of Islam as the sheep being herded by the wolves towards the valley of death and the West is farmer Palmer who as swapped his 12 bore for an 80mm Mortar and he’s sat on a hill just waiting to blow the wolves into oblivion. Do you think the sheep are going to form ranks and perform a charge of the woolly brigade, thus destroying farmer Palmer in his gun pit? Bollocks they will do what sheep do, disperse and look sheepish.

You boast that the slow jihad is going to get us, but the self appointed Hitler in a small coat who says he will bring you the glory you desire wants to blow us up tomorrow because he’s caught the jihadis bug.

There isn’t room for Naseem’s slow death and Dinnerjackets fast death in the West because we have DEFCON ARSE THE TEA AS RUN OUT

"There is no doubt that if the situation in Britain continues, your predictions are going to come true.

At the moment there are very few Muslim representatives in power and influence - this is simply a consequence of 'first past the post' electoral system. Once Muslims reach a critical figure, say about 30%, Muslim representation will jump to 60% or higher. A Muslim PM and cabinet becomes inevitable."

Is this true, or is it "fatuous, ill-informed and spitefully gratuitous," as a commenter in a state of Olympian high dudgeon spat in another thread which implied this very result?

I beg to differ. They don't need to be 30%. Just 13-15 %, and you won't be able to recognize Britain. I know this might irk the British posters here. I am irked, too.

I don't apologize for not having any sympathy for the colonial britains who messed up half the world to begin with, including the middle east. They made their own bed with their policies of tolerance, and now must lie in it.

And why are they called our closest ally? I'm trying to remember when they came to OUR rescue...hmm. Why do we need them? They are a ball and chain...leftover from the Tories in New England.

Prince Charlie and clan are anti-USA, anti-Israel too. He can stick his wicket up the British Empire.

What Naseems did not get married yet? did you son leave you stranded in Pakistan? hey Naseems the West is very tolerant and very slow to get upset, but dont worry for now, what is slow to anger, once the West is angered, you will see mosques destroyed all over Eruope, and islam banned from every corner of the continent including the British Isles. The West will only tolerate so much, but you muslim brats will do something to break the camels back, and yes you will see so much horror unleased onto islam, you will weep a thousand tears if you still believe in your evil cult. beware Naseems, it is coming.

In other words, they screwed up so screw them huh? If the UK is not the country we have the closest ties to, tell me what country you think is our closest ally. One thing I know for sure is that The British will not turn and run away in the heat of battle. Are you new to America, I have to assume so considering you don’t seem to understand that Americans and America don’t want or need anyone to “rescue us” most of us prefer to take care of ourselves(excluding New Orleans). Who in the **** cares about the pathetic Prince Charles? He seems to be a source of constant embarrassment to the UK. Do you really think we can fight of the jihadi scourge all by our lonesome? No, I think you are just trying to drive a wedge between friends. The USA, UK, Australia, Canada together could take on any comers and emerge victorious and you probably know that. The coming war will be an alliance of like minded peoples not necessarily countries. Any other freedom loving people or countries want to jump on board, the more the merrier. Save your anger and resentment for the enemy, you are going to need it. The UK is not responsible for messing up the world the muslims are.

"Like I have said in other posts, the British will try to sort out the "problems" of the muslims by empowering them further by giving them positions if power. My predictions are:

1) More muslim MPs, Councillors and Mayors.
2) More muslims in the police (as civilians) not in the front line.
3) Within 10years, the home affairs minister will be a muslim.
3) within 20 years 40 % of MPs will be muslim, and the foreign minister (to architect foreign policy) will be muslim.
4) Within 30-40 years the prime minister will be a muslim.
5) Within 50 years the law will be Sharia.

I also think that the Caliphat will rise from the West...UK or ISA. "

Give a baboon a keyboard and you get this result.

1) if a country gets crowded of muslim it's a better target for a nuke, at least we are sure not to kill anyone non muslim

2) in old europe there's a fine thing called racism (and we're also good at it), therefore I don't see any muslim getting to power.

3) I wonder myself if nasheem is so cow ugly that nobody wants her anymore. I guess it sucks to be her in a country where men are more interested in children and goats


I think you are an ignorant troll intent on blaming all the worlds ills on a country you dislike. For that reason alone you sound like a Muslim world domination merchant who rolls out exactly the same argument.

But no worries Soapsuds, when the government as ceased to provide an answer we can live with and Islam as bombed us just enough, we will tear the arse out of the arrogant idiots who think living here for thirty years gives them the right to the Crown Jewels.

Then maybe we can live in peace.