British bomb plot suspect suspended by India's Jet Airlines in wake of arrest, previously worked for global security corporation

An update on this story. The obvious question: How many more Asmin Tariqs are there? From AFP:

NEW DELHI - India’s biggest private airline Jet Airways said Saturday it was suspending a British employee arrested in London over an alleged plot to blow up US airliners.
“(Asmin) Tariq is being suspended pending a full investigation, having not reported for duty for the past couple of days,” an airline statement said.
Tariq, a Jet security employee, was among 24 people arrested in Britain earlier this week over the alleged plot to use suicide bombers with explosives to blow US airliners out of the sky. One person was later freed.
Jet said Tariq, who holds a British passport, was transferred to Jet in March from global security group G4S — previously called Securicor — after the airline ended its contract with the company.
Jet, which flies to London and other international destinations as well as serving Indian domestic routes, said under British employment law, it had been obliged to take on employees working for G4S before the contract ended.
“G4S is a reputable agency which provides services to British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways, SAS etc.,” Jet said.
“All G4S employees ... had been cleared by the UK Government Security Agency, named Disclosures Scotland to work” at London’s Heathrow airport.
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I believe Securicor is a muslim owned company, based in UAE and bahrain.

"I believe Securicor is a muslim owned company, based in UAE and bahrain." I never knew that, it will affect what business I patronise once I know which ones use Securicor and so should everyone else. We should not be financing our own destruction.

Boy, and don't we just love to hand out those passports to everyone and anyone asking for one? The presses must be steaming hot from printing all that paper to make passports to be given out to third world jihadists.

Posted by: americaningermany at August 13, 2006 01:16 PM

americaningermany, this is where Bush hits my raw nerve. If you look at it, Bush is selling-out,the most precious of American membership, American citizenship. A strong but fair country never gives out it's citizenship to any tom, dick and harry, as Bush is proposing to. Heck, Bush is going one step further, handing out citizenship to known criminal illigal aliens. With a commander-in-chief, who is suppose to protect America, like Dubya, is it any wonder American lives are in danger at day-to-day activities?

americaningermany, better a live "bigot" than a dead liberal.

If head honchos in govt and the security services are waking up to their unarguably daunting responsibilities, this case demonstrates that this is less than half of what needs to be done. Clearly, private security contractors are going to need to apply similarly higher levels of vetting. If Britain's premier security firm is being out-sluethed by the Pakistani constabulary, this doesn't bode well.

All applicants for potentially sensitive security postings need to be scrutinised to an official, 'guaranteed' level of clearance, mandated by and answerable to an official authority. This will no doubt increase the overhead costs of these operators, which will inevitably have to be passed on to their clients, and ultimately the paying public. This might add 5-10% to the average air fare for instance, but the payoff for everyone, in the air and on the ground, is surely more than worthwhile.

But even this won't be enough. The gravest degree of responsibility lies with our Moslem citizens and their leaders, who should have been auditing their communities and doctrines since 9/11, but have yet to show any such inclination. For now, they're not even willing to accept that this is primarily their problem, which they are suffering upon the rest of us, cursed kafirs and infidels that we are.

Before long it will become clear to all why such introspection doesn't appear to be forthcoming - we're already being told that our foreign policies are to blame, and not the fascist Moslems who terrorise us. Sooner or later, we may have to face up to the fact that until Moslems can guarantee our safety from their Islamic fascist doctrines and terrorist sons, we may have to curtail their ability to come anywhere near our mass transport systems.

It may be impracticable to keep them from using buses and trains, but we can certainly prevent them entering our airports. No flights, no airport security jobs, no cleaning or catering positions should be entrusted to those who believe they have a divine obligation to terrorise and slaughter us.

Mr commons : Why is it that people who espouse this religion get into this?

Idealist : Reason is because muslims have not been integrated into the society. They do not have jobs and are poor. British government and other European governments should share the blame.

Pragmatist: Crap. Sikhs and Hindus came to U.K. They are well integrated. They do not Crib.

Idealist : Mr Pragmatist you are being anti-Islamic. You show hatred toward muslims.

Mr Commons: But what Mr Pragmatist said has merit. Why are you saying that?

Idealist : You all have to remember that Muslims are persecuted world over.

Mr Commons: But what has that got to do with what we are talking. Now I am confused. May be it is our fault.

Pragmatist : Lord, I can only pray.

Only several months in the past a major multi-million dollar deal between the US port authorities and a global port management corporation based in the United Arab Emirates to manage 6 main ports on the US east coast, did not take place because of the non-agreement over money.
Islamic Jihad oriented security concerns were not even considered just these few months back.

Check this out. Securicor has some serious USG contracts as well. Not good.{135E2DAE-38B5-435F-A39E-305B853164E1}

Escalating criminal and terrorist threats around the world have increased the demand for informed, skilled, and responsive security services. Governments, corporations, universities, international institutions, trade unions, and industry associations are taking part in a trend toward higher standards for security systems and personnel.

Unfortunately, Group 4 Securicor management appears short-sighted. Low-paid, untrained, and inexperienced staff, missing and failing equipment, and ineffective control systems have characterized the company’s security practice at several high-profile United States government installations under the company’s watch, including the headquarters of the United States Department of Homeland Security and at least two United States National Nuclear Security Administration facilities.

Quake money" used to finance UK plane bombing plot: report

Will the west ,atleast now , regulate the funds for any calamity in the east ?


Islamic Radicalism in Mexico: The Threat from South of the Border.

These Jihadis across the border should also be tracked for their movements,given the illegal immigrants debate is at its peak in this country.

Jet said Tariq, who holds a British passport, was transferred to Jet in March from global security group G4S — previously called Securicor

In every community and ethnicity there are people who are reckless or who have so messed up their lives that they have nothing much to live for - in our societies some of them would have commited suicide, in Islam they are inspired to blow themselves up and murder others, or fly planes into skyscrapers. Why wouldn't you, indeed, if you had nothing to really live for and got a ticket to a heaven you genuinely believed in,

“Let those who fight in Allah’s Cause sell this world’s life for the hereafter. To him who fights in Allah’s Cause, whether he is slain or victorious, We shall give him a reward.”

and got 72 virgins and a few "pearly" boys to screw and all the other pleasures a primitive mind can imagine

Qur’an 37:40
“Fruits, Delights; they will be honored in the Gardens of Pleasure, on thrones facing one another. Round them will be passed a cup of pure white wine, delicious to the drinkers, free from ghoul (hurt), nor shall you be made mad or exhausted thereby. And with them will be Qasirat-at-Tarf (virgin females), restraining their glances (desiring none but you), with big, beautiful eyes. As if they were (sheltered) eggs, preserved.”

Then you would go ahead and do it. No muslim mind is immune from these ridiculous temptations the end result of which is death and destruction in this world.

Islam must be laid bare for all to see.

it is not actuall western relief money that has been abused there, the money transfers have been made to look like shipments of western relief money..
But they were stupid and got busted..

americaningermany wrote

"Nowadays anybody can be an American. Just win the lottery (that's no joke, there is a lottery for U.S. greencards and citizenship) and no matter who you are, you're IN!" - I know what you mena but...

Not true if you are white british, decent human being and honourable...only true if you are of one of the specified countries and that is not UK!


Tariq might hold a british passport but that does not make him British. Any indigenous British citizen would never dream of being a crazed terrorist and go agains are US friends and allies.

With regard to this excerpt:

“All G4S employees ... had been cleared by the UK Government Security Agency, named Disclosures Scotland to work” at London’s Heathrow airport.

Disclosure Scotland is an agency for determining whether a person has been convicted of offences towards children or vulnerable adults i.e. paedophilia. This is not an agency like the Secret Intelligence Services so the statement means shit with regard to security clearance.


I know this for sure because I work in Education and we all have to have a Disclosure Check but this is nothing to do with terrorism...lmao..

Perhaps if they had been security checked properly and we didn't hand out passports to anyone of no indigenous nature then we may not have had this mess.

I don't want to sound overly defensive but please try not to make blanket statements about people who are given British citizenship. Please remember that there are some naturalised British citizens who truly value the freedom and opportunity that this great country represents - I know, as I am one of them. It seems to me that if some of the people on this forum gets their way I would have forever been denied the opportunity to be British. Yet, I have contributed thousands of pounds in taxes and haven't claimed a single penny of benefit in all the years that I have been here. I also do my bit to try to keep the Ummah at bay and I can honestly assure you that my efforts is most certainly not restricted to posting here!

By all means criticise the sloppy dishing out of passports to all comers that is going on (One example that I saw with my own eyes was the Burka clad woman at my citizenship ceremony who couldn't understand even the simplest instructions even though applicants had to prove their proficiency in English!) but please do recognise that there are some of us who see British citizenship as a godsend and will do everything to defend our adopted country.

Britain probably does not 'need' immigration in the way that we are constantly told it does. (They'll pay our pensions you see! - As if the Ummah has a sterling track record as Social Security provider to infidels). I do believe however that it would be wrong to shut the door completely. You may just keep some true allies in the fight for the future of Europe out. Having said that, if zero immigration is the price to be paid, then so be it. I will even support retroactive withdrawal of citizenship. Even if it means having to give up my passport. The survival of our civilisation is much more important than any individual!

Abu Lahab's link above is a reminder that G4S has a poor track record. A few years back they were heavily critisized following the escape from their custody of several high-risk prisoners, after they were controversially awarded govt contracts for prisoner transport services.

God forbid that they should be responsible for maintaining airport security.

Non-Muslims submit to ever more intrusive security measures at airports, meanwhile the security organizations themselves have unvetted Muslim employees/owners. This is farcical. Only a nation of sheep would put up with it. (I suppose if only Muslims were subjected to such measures, they'd start converting people secretly. But that isn't the reasoning behind nondiscriminatory searches.)

Boehmond get off your ignorant horse dude.

I'm what you would call a liberal, and I'm hardly an apologist for Islam.And frankly the numbers of anti Jihad and Islamoware "liberals" are legion, but keep dissing me and others and you will lose any allies or potential allies that you have and we will all be the worse for it. Grow up and wise up punk. believe Securicor is a muslim owned company, based in UAE and bahrain. Posted by: Bohemond_1069
And here is a prime example of tunnel vision and blinders on your part.

Port insecurity, spell Dubai Ports World, spell George W. Bush, spell a Republican congress.

Our ports are still being run by Bush's Arab friends in Dubai, and Bill Oreilly called us "liberals" who objected to the ports deal "Islamophobes"

And Oman Free Trade Agreement: Another Ports Scandal - With No Out And guess who voted for it? Konservative Republicans and guess who voted against it? "Liberal Democrats", but you never heard a word about this vote and deal on Fox, MSNBC did you?

"keep dissing me and others and you will lose any allies or potential allies that you have"
Listen you moron, you are your own worst enemy. We don't have to "dis" you and we can do without you if we have to. The terrorists are already "dissing" you. They make all you muslims look like crap and you're too stupid to realize it. It is your own cowardice and failure to condemn them that doom you. Why don't some of you "moderate" muslims come out and say that you do not condone the actions of the terrorists and that they are not following the teachings of your koran? Because you know damn good and well that everything they are saying is in the koran and their actions are not only commanded by the koran but commended by it. You are afraid to speak out against the lies and mistakes in the koran because you know what would happen to you by your own people if you did. As for being a punk, bitch, I'm old enough to be your grandfather, so screw you. I know about Dubai ports and the deal that was killed when the American media publicized it. I also know that any president, Democrat or Republican, will have to play footsie with the Arabs, at least for a while longer because the largest American naval base outside US terrrirory is in Dubai. So freakin what? It's a partying town. They don't need fundamental islamist terrorists ruining what they have going.

A quick reminder: Civility = Good.

During the World Cup Football I bet profing was used to weed out the hooligans. This did not lead to demonstrations BUT

Just try doing this with muslims and wait for the whining and cries of islamophobia.


Americaningermany and Alert

Agree with you both - the way legal immigrants like me had to wait for years before we could get our Green Cards makes it look like the president is spitting, nay peeing, on those who came to this country the right way, when he proposes that those who broke the law from day 1 should be someday entitled to US citizenship.

On the above story, the only reason Asmin Tariq was working where he was working was that he was a British citizen; no way an Indian Muslim could have landed in such a sensetive slot on the airlines: they would have been more carefully screened for terror links. This also puts lie to the claim made in a recent edition of India today that in Britain, Indian Muslims are better integrated into British society than Pakistani or Bangladeshi Muslims (I thought that the only foreign countries Indian Muslims to to are the Gulf states.)

Sorry, meant profiling

Here's an idea to help passengers at the airports....

You could just have separate flights for muslims (give the planes names like 'shoebomb express' and 'mad mohammed' and call the airline '72 Virgin') - employ Pakistani technicians to maintain the planes (most would then stand on the runway all day, leaking oil, unable to fly into any buildings).

They would employ cabin crew dressed in burkhas, serving sports drinks during the in-flight martyr videos, asking passengers to switch ON their disposable cell phones during take-off, landing and whenever entering the toilets.

The pre-flight safety demonstration would show how to strap on and detonate bomb belts during a perfectly peaceful flight between Brum and Islamabad, asking parents to assist their children before fitting their own. The pilot will be a crazed Imam who has completed 30 minutes of training on a Microsoft Flight Simulator video game.

Shias would board at the back, Sunnis at the front, with a UN peacekeeping force deployed in between, handing out grenades and providing weapons training facilities and drafting new resolutions against the Israelis' despicable habit of drinking coffee in public places.

What do you think?