British: Thwarted plot involved 10 jets

British Jihad Update from AP:

LONDON - British police thwarted a terrorist plot Thursday to blow up 10 U.S.-bound jetliners with a peroxide explosive — a nearly simultaneous strike over the Atlantic that could have killed thousands of people and rivaled the carnage of 9/11.

In raids across England, authorities arrested 24 people based partly on intelligence from Pakistan — moving quickly because U.S. officials said the bombings could have been only days away.

The scheme bore the hallmark of al-Qaida. The bombs were to be assembled on the aircraft using a peroxide-based solution and detonated by a power supply from a camera, a digital music player or other electronic device, two American law enforcement officials said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Britain asked that no information be released.

The close call shifted attention once more to Britain's Islamic community just over a year after the London transit attacks. Three Britons of Pakistani descent and a Jamaican convert to Islam carried out those deadly bombings with a peroxide explosive that can be made using ordinary ingredients such as hair bleach....

Obligatory "They're All Lovely Guys" riff:

Hamza Ghafoor, 20, who lives across the street from one of the homes raided in Walthamstow, northeast of London, said police circled the block in vans Wednesday and that they generally swoop into the neighborhood to question "anyone with a beard."

"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said, referring to a suspect. "He played football. He goes to the mosque. He's a nice guy."

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Just 21 people arrested for attempts on 10 jets? Surely there are more, or have they become that much more efficient? It took 19 hijackers to divert 4 planes on 9/11, @ 5 per aircraft, and this time, just 2 per aircraft would have done it? There's got to be a lot more than meets the eye.

Yes their a bunch of fine lads, and were shocked that blah blah blah blah. And its America's fault blah blah blah,and Israel bears some blah blah blah. Wake up people.

Yes their a bunch of fine lads, and were shocked that blah blah blah blah. And its America's fault blah blah blah,and Israel bears some blah blah blah. Wake up people.

Yes their a bunch of fine lads, and were shocked that blah blah blah blah. And its America's fault blah blah blah,and Israel bears some blah blah blah. Wake up people.

"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said, referring to a suspect. "He played football. He goes to the mosque. He's a nice guy."

He may be a model citizen to neighborhood observers, but if he is a perfect moslem who follows the Koran word-for-word, that explains it all. We are the vilest of creatures in his eyes. JIHAD against the infidels! I'm praying that August 22nd comes and goes quickly!

sorry for the mess up don't know what happened

They should not be considered guilty until after they are tried in a court of law. They committed no actual attack and the Brits over-reacted (again). I’m thinking of working for CAIR as a spokesperson. I’m just not sure I could say that aloud and not laugh at anyone who fell for it.

My husband and I are flying to and from London in a few weeks, and the only thing I can think about -- are we going to get there and back safely? So much for enjoying this "once in a life-time trip" we've been planning for years.

I know that sounds pety, and I don't mean for it too, but that's all I can think about. Thank God for these men and women who caught these slime-balls -- good work!


"They should not be considered guilty until after they are tried in a court of law. They committed no actual attack and the Brits over-reacted (again)."

Hehehe..... You sound in your jest just like the Muslims they've been interviewing on the telly all night mate. Oo-er.... What a profound state of denial they seem to be in.

Champ with 2000+ flights a day leaving from London the numbers are on your side, enjoy your trip and have a wonderful time. I travel all the time and I refuse to be paranoid because an evil group of cowards wishes me ill.

Wishbone I read the koran and it clearly states they win. I'm good with that as long as I retain the right to be the last infidel standing.


Forget London mate. Get yourself an internal flight straight up to Liverpool John Lennon airport. Come and visit the Home of the Beatles and meet the Scousers! (we natives). Honestly, I wouldn't knock anyone elses home town, but we haven't seen a burkha here yet and I know you'd be able to relax here. I've lived in London while I worked away and never again!. The pub after hours was the only time I felt like I was still in England.


I live my life according to The Gospel of St Bastard mate. The only thing they'll win as far as I'm concerned is the martyrdom they long for and if it comes down to it, I'll be quite happy to be the one that ushers them along.

Wishbone my friend I believe the correct comment to that would be "Amen" and “pass the ammunition”

Can't help myself mate. You see I've been radicalised by the constant attacks and slurs directed at the sovereignty of my nation. Let me hear one Muslim say he doesn't get that line of denial.


You just gave me the best idea for one of next season's shows!

"The Last Infidel Standing"

What a novel idea for a reality show!

I'd love a copy of the Gospel of St. Bastard! I think I may have been practicing it for years without realizing it.

Siciliano remember me in the credits and my agent will insist I get a percentage

Glad to hear at least -some- mainstream media outlets using "Muslim" in their descriptions of the attempted terrorists. One example: WTOP News Radio in Washington, DC this morning, reviewing the day's headlines. (May have been a CBS network item -- don't recall.) I noticed that this evening NPR News referred to them as all British citizens, or something like that -- but didn't mention Muslim or Islam.

Allah Akbar to the gospel of St. Bastard.

"this evening NPR News referred to them as all British citizens, or something like that -- but didn't mention Muslim or Islam."
-- from a posting above

But the most important thing about these suspects is not that they happened to have acquired British citizenship. In the same way, if they had plotted in Spain, it would not matter if they were Spanish citzenships, or if they had made their plans to blow up something in France, would hardly have mattered if they were French citizens. The main thing, the defining thing, the thing that gives them a prism through which to view the Universe, a prism that divides all of that universe between Believer and Infidel, provides an eternal object of hostlity and hatred, always to be blamed, provides a Total Regulation of Life for the confused and the lost, provides a Complete Explanation of the Universe for those for whom it is all too much -- in short, the main thing is that these people believe in Islam. Not to mention that is not to mention what counts. One more act of preening and self-righteous evasion by NPR, and so many others.

Thanks Ronin -- I will try and focus on the fun we'll have on this trip, and trust that everything will be fine.

And thanks for the invite to Liverpool, Wishbone. Sounds like a happy place, and I've never been called 'Mate' before, that was pretty cool!

Last night it was, once again, perplexing to hear the BBC spend hours reporting on the failed muslim attack without once mentioning the words muslim, islam or jihad. This sort of leftwing dogma and pc denial has ruined a pleasant and tolerant nation like Holland, where I used to live until a few years ago. Now living in Blighty I hope the BBC/Guardian approach of burying their heads in the sand will not prevail. As always the English speaking nations will need to stand firm in the face of a major threat. It was always thus. Forget about Europe; they have masses of muslims living in their countries and are, quite simply, too afraid to resist their ever growing influence. Let's not let the so-and-so's grind us down. We got rid of leftwing and rightwing fascism, we can stand up to this one as well..

"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said

yeah, sure, and Muslims don't lie and try to deceive.

Not to mention the raid found maps, plane schedules, chemicals, Islamic propoganda, and many other items in the apartment.

"Ibrahim didn't do nothing wrong," Ghafoor said--- (According to ISLAM)

If it involved peroxide, it was most likely triacetone triperoxide (TATP), which can be made from peroxide and acetone. TATP was what was in "shoe bomber" Richard Reid's shoes, and what the Oklahoma University suicide bomber blew himself up with.

TERROR suspect Waheed Zaman met controversial MP George Galloway many times, his sister said last night.

Safeena, 24, said of her 23-year-old brother: “He saw it as his duty to stand up for his community and that’s what led him to know George Galloway. He has a lot of respect for him and has met him many times."