Bush declares victory and gets Israel out

Time will tell, and soon. "Hezbollah was defeated, Bush says," from the Washington Times:

President Bush said yesterday that Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon had suffered a defeat in their monthlong war with Israel, and he again lashed out at Syria and Iran for sponsoring the terrorist group.

Mr. Bush was emphatic about whom he held responsible for the war, which prompted the U.N. Security Council to pass a cease-fire resolution Friday.

"Hezbollah attacked Israel, Hezbollah started the crisis, and Hezbollah suffered a defeat in this crisis," he said, just hours after the shaky cease-fire took effect. "This was Hezbollah's activities, this was Hezbollah's choice to make."

As Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the strategic balance in the region was transformed by the war and Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said his guerrillas achieved a "strategic, historic victory," Mr. Bush called the cease-fire resolution "an important step forward that will help bring an end to the violence."

The president also said responsibility "for the suffering of the Lebanese people also lies with Hezbollah's state sponsors, Iran and Syria." The fighting left nearly 1,000 people dead, most of them Lebanese.

"The regime in Iran provides Hezbollah with financial support, weapons and training. Iran has made clear that it seeks the destruction of Israel. We can only imagine how much more dangerous this conflict would be if Iran had the nuclear weapon it seeks," Mr. Bush said.

"Hezbollah has been emboldened because of its state sponsors. I know they claim they didn't have anything to do with it, but sophisticated weaponry ended up in the hands of Hezbollah fighters, and many assume and many believe that that weaponry came from Iran through Syria."

The president also said that the conflict in Lebanon "is part of a broader struggle between freedom and terror that is unfolding across the region."

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and just what "action" will the UN "peace keeping" force be authorized to do when they find Hezbollah terrorists moving weapons about?

ISRAEL can quote Arnold:


The president also said that the conflict in Lebanon "is part of a broader struggle between freedom and terror that is unfolding across the region."

What a crock. Freedom never existed before in that region and it will not exist there in the future. The President seems to think that everyone in the world dreams of freedom. Really? Then why have we not seen more countries like the USA formed around the world throughout history? Because we are unique Mr. president. I am to the point where I want to see the medical records of many of our so-called leaders. I will bet they are all hopped up on some combination of prescription meds. Of course, even if he understands the truth, he cannot say it because the ME oil spigots would be turned off instantly. This is nothing new, both parties have been aware of the threat to our national security since the 1970s gas/energy crisis. They have done nothing to remedy this and therefore have totally failed us in this vital area of our national defense. In addition, what moves have we made towards energy independence since 9-11?(sound of crickets chirping)

The Party of Allah is not the problem, Moslems are the problem. Moslems are childish, irresponsible, and extremely dangerous people. Dubya, deal with the Moslems. Stop them from encroaching onto these 50 free states. Don't need 'em, Don't want 'em, can't have 'em.

No more Moslems.

It's really a shame that all these politicians just can't keep their mouths shut...

In the recent violence along the borders of Israel and Lebanon – NO one, WON. There was no victory!

There is only more anti-Israel rhetoric from the Socialist Islamic Cleric Nasrallah. It can make all the claims in the world, however the realty of what occurred speaks volumes.

Israel comes off looking like the bad guy, for defending themselves.

Hizballah looks like the defender, while the tries to murder individual Israeli citizens with errant missiles.

Lebanon is badly bruised, blames Israel for the destruction. Yet Syria and Iran are to blame, for emboldening Nasrallah.

Iran got 4 weeks of inaction on the nuclear issue and

Syria become a more dominate player in this game of Islamic Thugism!

“In the mind of a Muslim Jihadist – the Jew is there only problem". As long as there are Jews, we will have enraged terrorist!”
This is exactly what the Iran President said. Hitler blamed all of his megalomania on the Jews as well.

For those of us who have studied the past, we do not wish to repeat it!
* How do we remove all the hatred from these people?
* How do we get the Muslim’s to police themselves and hold themselves accountable to the world?
* How do we get the Muslim’s in Europe, Britain, Canada and in the USA to go back to where they came from?
* The World body must clearly declare that Islam is anti-social, anti-productive, anti-loving… and that it goes against all the goods things in life? Islam is the problem…it’s not the solution.

For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction (except in the world according to Islam)

It’s time to shine the light of truth, upon evil.

The situation of Iran and Syria being behind and supplying financially, morally and politically Hizbollah based in Lebanon in order to destroy Israel - sounds frighfully similar to the Pakistani government that supplies financially, morally and politically the Islamic Jihadist groups in Pakistani, Kashmiri and Afghan terrority namely Lashkar-e-Taiba, Mujahiddin and numerous others, in order to carry out massive genocidal attacks against India.

India and Israel - Two countries with a common enemy.

Hell, the whole world has a common enemy.

Thanks for the laugh, Carolyn.

This Cox and Forkum cartoon is quite funny:


And this one isn't, but it has a serious point to make:


Video relating to the last incident here:


Its far too little too late from Dubya. The rest of the world will never see it as a victory for Israel - today the BBC gloated about Hizbollah's victory. We have betrayed Israel big time - and we know it. The Israelis will never see the West as a friend again. They'll never forget the treachery of Rice and the UN in all of this. Through our supineness and pleading with the Israelis to avoid civilian casualties - thereby telling Hizbollah terrorists to hide behind baby buggies, we cost the lives of Israeli soldiers and civilians and enhanced Assad, Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs. When they look at us and our leaders, they'll see the faces of Nasrallah, Assad, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. Our press, our media, our populations and far too many of our politicians made their pact with the Devil and sided with Hizbollah. I saw far too many pro-Hizbollah marches on our streets and saw no shows of solidarity with Israel whatsoever. And one thing we can be certain of - if one more rocket lands in Israel, they'll utterly devastate Lebanon. They'll absolutely wipe out Hizbollah next time - even at the price of destroying a considerable proportion of the Lebanese population, and tell us to get lost if we say anything. Israel will put the lives of its own troops and civilians before any Lebanese.

Its far too little too late from Bush. The rest of the world will never see it as a victory for Israel - today the BBC gloated about Hizbollah's victory. We have betrayed Israel big time - and we know it. The Israelis will never see the West as a friend again. They'll never forget our treachery and that of the UN in all of this. Through our supineness and pleading with the Israelis to avoid civilian casualties - thereby telling Hizbollah terrorists to hide behind baby buggies, we cost the lives of Israeli soldiers and civilians and enhanced Assad, Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs. When they look at us and our leaders, they'll see the faces of Nasrallah, Assad, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. Our press, our media, our populations and far too many of our politicians made their pact with the Devil and sided with Hizbollah. I saw far too many pro-Hizbollah marches on our streets and saw no shows of solidarity with Israel whatsoever. And one thing we can be certain of - if one more rocket lands in Israel, they'll utterly devastate Lebanon. They'll absolutely wipe out Hizbollah next time - even at the price of destroying a considerable proportion of the Lebanese population, and tell us to get lost if we say anything. Israel will put the lives of its own troops and civilians before any Lebanese.

All the cartoons are out of order now, so they are not linked correctly....click the link 1-25, they're all good.

"The president also said that the conflict in Lebanon 'is part of a broader struggle between freedom and terror that is unfolding across the region.'"
-- from the article above

"Freedom" and "terror" are engaged in a "broader struggle"? No they aren't. Terror is a tactic, and freedom a very vague ideal. By "terror" he means, of course, the terror that is employed not sporadically and locally by the IRA or ETA or the Tamil Tigers, but that which is a central feature, the main weapon of violence, employed by Muslims everywhere, whether pursuing the Lesser Jihad against Israel, or against the Indians in Kashmir, or is employed to terrify Christians in Pakistan (see the martyrdom of Bishop John Joseph), Christians in the Moluccas, Christians in Nigeria and the Sudan, and Buddhists in Thailand, and Hindus in India and Bangladesh.

"Freedom" means what here? What does this permanently idiotized man mean? What does the word "freedom" mean to him? Does it mean the "freedom" to choose, by the head-counting of the ballot, the nature of the regime? In that case, if "freedom" comes to Lebanon, and the political power-sharing based on the 1932 census ends, the Christians will be finished in Lebanon. Is that what President Bush wants for Lebanon, and for the Maronites? If "freedom" comes to Egypt, it will not be Ayman Nour who will emerge victorious, but the Ikhwan. If "freedom" comes to Afghanistan, those of a strictly Islamic tendency, Taliban members old and new, would defeat the smooth man, President Karzai. What would happen were "freedom" to come to Pakistan? Would it be Musharraf, or a regime much better, or a regime even worse and even more Muslim, than the mendacious regime of the straight-talking but crooked general who has won so much American aid, even as Pakistan becomes the place of choice for the training of terrorists whose theatre of operations is Great Britain.

The overarching struggle is that between Islam and the entire non-Islamic world. And in that struggle, which is the result of the belief-system of Islam, the duty (both collective and sometimes individual) of Jihad to spread Islam until it dominates everywhere, the return of Jihad and the use of many instruments to promote it beyond the merely military, reflects not some sudden change in the ideology of Islam, in its tenets, and attitudes, but a change in the fortunes of Muslim peoples and polities. Now, after a few centuries of perceived weakness, Muslims possess gigantic sums from the sale of oil and gas, about ten trillion dollars since October 1973. That money can and has bought hundreds of billions of dollars worth of arms. It can and has bought the abilty, through boycotts or the threat of boycotts, through bribery or the promise of future bribes, through the dangling of contracts to Western businessmen, through the funding of mosques and madrasas, and of an army of Western hirelings, who for several decades have been insisting to everyone in power that Saudi Arabia is the West's "staunch ally," that the Arabs and Muslims are our natural friends, and that natural friendship is marred not by what is in Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira, but by our support, often tepid at ties, of the tiny Infidel state of Israel.

And along with that money, there have been two other developments that have made the Jihad more potent. The first is the large-scale entry, into the Lands of the Infidels, of millions of Muslims -- Turks and Moroccans in Germany, Algerians and Moroccans and assorted other Arabs into France, Moroccans into Spain, Indonesians and Arabs into Holland, Arabs and Kurds into Norway and Sweden and Denmark, and so on. There they establish themselves, settle in, make demands for changes in both social, and then political and legal institutions, and in foreign policy.

And the technological advances made in the West, that make the dissemination of propaganda so much easier, have been ruthlessly exploited by Muslims, from Khomeini sending audiocassettes back to Iran from his exile in Neauphle-le-chateau, to Al Qaeda with its tapes, used as recruiting tools, of the decapitations of Daniel Pearl and Michael Berg and many others.

Ten trillion dollars, millions of Muslims behind enemy lines (as Muslims see it), and the ability to disseminate Arab and Muslim propaganda, have all made the eternal doctrine of Jihad, as old as Islam itself, and certain to last as long as Islam itself, readily available to Muslims all over the world.

The "struggle" is the attempt, awkwardly, clumsily, far too naively, of Infidels, not all of them as yet aware of the nature and scope of the menace, to protect themselves from the Jihad, and not only against "terror" but against all the other, far less visible means of conducting Jihad.

Bush appears to be incapable of grasping this. It is not something that in his universe of privilege, a kind of Marxist view, economic determinism this time not from the los-de-abajo underside, but from the children of privilege who want to keep thewhole thing going, the problems of the world can always be solved by alleviating "poverty" or bringing "freedom" to good boys and girls on the other side of the mountain.

He thinks he can, he thinks he can, he thinks he can. He squanders lives, materiel (look at General Blum's report on the state of readiness of the National Guard), and money, about $500 billion already spent or committed to the Iraq venture, a venture hellbent on preventing Sunni-Shi'a hostlities, when we should devoutly wish them to continue and to grow in intensity, $500 billion that, had it been directed entirely to projects on energy, might be transforming the world energy market. No, that $500 million has been spent making Iraq a better place, and in trying to prevent the inevitable Sunni-Shi'a split from developing further.

But of course sensible Infidels want that split to widen. George Bush is not in that category; he's not a sensible Infidel. He's obstinate and a hallucinator. Eventually others will have to push him aside in order that this long-term war may be conducted with as little loss of life and equipment as possible.

exsgtbrown said

and just what "action" will the UN "peace keeping" force be authorized to do when they find Hezbollah terrorists moving weapons about?

Kofi has fully authorized them to stand to the side of the Hizb'Allah weaponry, in order to keep the peace by stopping Israel from responding.

See, Hizb'Allah can fire "peace missiles" and "peaceful mortars of peace" at Israel for months, and it is peaceful. But the day that Israel responds to Hizb'Allah in Lebanon, it becomes "The Israeli-Lebanese Crisis", it must be "solved" immediately. Then it can be shown nightly on the news, with each commentator asking, "When will this crisis be ended, so we can go back to peace?".

President Bush said yesterday that Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon had suffered a defeat in their monthlong war with Israel, and he again lashed out at Syria and Iran for sponsoring the terrorist group.

But did he say it in front of a huge mural that proclaimed "Mission Accomplished"? That's how we, and the extremist radicals who just happen to be Muslims (yet again!), will truly know that we won.

Then why have we not seen more countries like the USA formed around the world throughout history? Because we are unique Mr. president.

Posted by: tgusa

Oh yeah, we're unique. Democracies of the world

  • USA (1776)
  • Denmark (1849)
  • Australia (1901)
  • Sweden (1907)
  • Britain (1918)
  • Canada (1931)
  • Italy (1948)
  • Israel (1948)
  • Germany (1949)
  • Mexico (1949)
  • Turkey (1950)
  • France (1951)
  • Japan (1952)
  • India (1952)
  • Venezuela (1958)
  • Portugal (1974)
  • Greece (1974)
  • Colombia (1974)
  • Spain (1975)
  • Peru (1980)
  • Argentina (1983)
  • Bolivia (1983)
  • Brazil (1985)
  • Guatemala (1985)
  • Philippines (1986)
  • South Korea (1987)
  • Czech Republic (1989)
  • Namibia (1989)
  • Panama (1989)
  • Poland (1990)
  • Mongolia (1990)
  • Chile (1990)
  • Romania (1990)
  • Hungary (1990)
  • Zambia (1991)
  • Congo Brazzaville (1992)
  • Mali (1992)
  • Angola (1992)
  • Ghana (1992)
  • Madagascar (1992)
  • Cambodia (1993)
  • Kenya (1993)
  • Niger (1993)
  • Central Africa (1993)
  • Gabon (1993)
  • Malawi (1994)
  • South Africa (1994)
  • Ethiopia (1995)
  • Tanzania (1995)
  • Russia (1996)
  • Uganda (1996)
  • Taiwan (1999)
  • Nigeria (1999)
  • Senegal (2000)
  • Indonesia (2001)
  • Ukraine (2004)
  • Georgia (2004)
  • Afghanistan (2004)
  • Kyrgyzstan (2005)
  • Iraq (2005)
  • Palestine (2005)
  • Lebanon (2005)
  • Burundi (2005)
  • Liberia (2005)
  • Congo Zaire (2005)
  • Haiti (2006)
For those who think fighting to spread democracy is a fruitless prospect, here are the last remaining communist regimes in the world:
  • China (in name only)
  • Cuba (for only a little longer, God willing)
  • Vietnam (See what happens when you cut and run?)
  • Laos

I recently (July 29) read an interesting interview with Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt where he made the following observations:

"At first they said they wanted to create a buffer zone of 20 kilometers to put in an international force. But what does that mean when Hezbollah can fire rockets over your back? Now there is a new formula: the demilitarization of the South."

Mr. Jumblatt is dubious. "Rice didn't clarify how the international force would deploy. As I've told the Americans: As long as Syria can send weapons to Hezbollah, there will be no change in the situation. Not with this regime in Damascus. We need a force that can cover all of Lebanon, like in Kosovo. Monitor the Syrian border, then talk."

The United States is not thinking about such a scheme, Mr. Jumblatt tells me. And that's why he plainly feels that American ambitions are likely to crash against the reality on the ground. If Hezbollah refuses to disarm (and it does), "then we enter a phase of all-out war, endless war, with the possibility that this will weaken the Lebanese state. Let us also remember that the Syrians a few days ago promised the Americans they would help them fight al Qaeda. This was, in fact, a backhanded warning that Syria could use al Qaeda to kill innocents in Lebanon."


One of the finer, in-depth analyses of the power struggle in Lebanon:

"Hizbollah's Iranian War in Lebanon"
by Walid Phares


We are still unique. None of those countries on your list are remotely similar to the USA.
China in name only? Somebody better tell the Chinese.
Is it “we” when it’s convenient but “you” when it is not?
It is good to see that we have wiped North Korea and Iran off the map.

Something smells, and it isn't Alarmed Pig Farmer's farm. . . .

"Nasrallah is transferring his entire fighting force from northern Lebanon to the South"


Gerald -
You forgot North Korea and Venezuela! Both with communist dictators!

Schools of communism
· Council communism
· De Leonism
· Eurocommunism
· Hoxhaism
· Juche
· Left communism
· Luxembourgism
· Marxism
· Leninism
· Marxism-Leninism
· Maoism
· Religious communism
· Stalinism
· Titoism
· Trotskyism

It's time to shine the light of truth, upon the darkness of evil; KnightHawk

Bush declares victory...
and the cow jumped over the moon

The US has not always been the friend to Israel we purport to be:

A Christian author says the United States has betrayed Israel in a major way over the past century. This betrayal, he says, involves far more than just urging the Jewish state to give portions of its land to the Arabs.

In his new book Judgment Day: Israel, Islam and the Nations, author Dave Hunt argues that the U.S. has the blood of Holocaust victims on its hands. In 1938, he says, President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated at a meeting in Evian, France, that America would do nothing about Adolf Hitler's plan to exterminate 11 million Jews he had marked out in eastern and western Europe. The author also documents that in 1944 the German dictator offered 500,000 Hungarian Jews for two dollars apiece, but Roosevelt and the State Department refused to take them in.

The author offers another example. Hunt says in 1973 -- just before the Yom Kippur War -- the U.S. knew an Israeli "Pearl Harbor" was coming, yet did nothing, fearing it would upset the Arabs. "We knew the [very] date -- [and] so did the Russians," says Hunt. "They moved all of their dependents out of there."

And according to Hunt, the National Security Administration sent "dispatch after dispatch" about the impending attack to President Richard Nixon. "They sat on Nixon's desk. He would not notify Israel," he says. "[Nixon's Secretary of State] Henry Kissinger ... hid out for three days in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, incommunicado."

Hunt contends that because of these and many other betrayals of God's chosen people, the Jews, the U.S. is heading for a horrible judgment at Armageddon. He claims that at that apocalyptic battle God will destroy the nations of the world for accepting "the Arab lie" that Israel is occupying the Palestinians' land.

Hunt acknowledges that the United States has been a "friend" to Israel in some ways -- but primarily because of its strategic location. "[T]hey are a buffer between us and the Arabs," he says. He says it is unfortunate that America's alliance with the Jewish nation is not out of conviction or in obedience to God and to His Word -- "even though we claim to have Christians in high office."


i don't see a victory at all, for either side. there is no victory unless there is a defeat and the last time i checked, no one has admitted defeat.

don't worry, prepare. this war will continue and the battlefields will spread. at some point a line will be crossed and the gloves will come off. what is really sad is that the line after 9/11 has been erased in the footprints of the politcians scrambling for political advantage rather than uniting to face and defeat the enemy. hence, a new line has been partially drawn and that line is iran getting and using a nuke. to bad that it will come to that before we recognize the fight and the enemy who wages the war against us. meanwhile, our civilization has been infiltrated. our systems are being subverted. our laws are being turned against us. our freedom of press is willingly being used as propaganda for the enemy.

let us not forget that the cold war never ended either. we won the largest battle against communism with the collapse of the soviet union but the war did not end. the enemy just relocated, regrouped and is resurfacing in every Western nation and throughout the world, just look at venezuela, north korea, cuba, italy, russia, china, san francisco, etc... these communist enemies will work together with the islamics in order to bring down the West. the socialist left within every Western nation will be the usefull idiots to these groups.

recognize and name thy enemy.

Spirit of 1683 wrote: "...if one more rocket lands in Israel, they'll utterly devastate Lebanon. They'll absolutely wipe out Hizbollah next time..."

The implication being made here is that Israel will follow through next time and not be influenced by what the U.S. thinks. The problem with that idea lies in military logistics. A protracted war needs steady resupply of expendable munitions and related war materiel, and the primary source for resupply, for Israel, is the U.S. So if the U.S. does not cooperate, any large offensive will stall out into a stalemate.

So until the leaders in the U.S. wise up to the real origins and motivations behind the Hizbollah (and Hamas) threat, and embrace the goal of smashing these Islamic fascists decisively in all arenas of total conflict (i.e., not just the military arena), Israel will effectively be kept on a short leash. This impotence will go on indefinitely, and it will of course embolden the enemy to more violence.

Without a will to win by the U.S., there will be only continued stalemate in the Middle East. Stalemate has been the U.S. pattern of war fighting since the Korean War, excepting for the brief Reagan years. And Israel, whatever they decide they want to do, is held hostage to that feeble U.S. geo-strategic attitude.

Spirit Of 1683

I hope you are right that Israel will have learnt a lesson from all this.

And here I mean that Isreal should stop pretending that land for peace will bring peace. Over the last two decades, Barak, Yossi Belin and even Sharon, have misled Isrealis that they can get peace in exchange for land.

As for Israel's air war - I have never known of any country giving advance warning, as to when and where its next attack is going to be. It is Israel that has, over the last two decades, become infected PCness. Even as the war was ongoing, Olmert was thinking of implementing more withdrawals from the West Bank and the uprooting of thousands of Israelis. I have commented that this war has also another aim ie to enhance Olmert's political standing so he could proceed with his plan for withdrawal. Unfortunately for him, but hopefully for Israel, this plan has come unstuck.

Thank God I've finally found a discussion forum that's critical of the administration's position on this cease fire. I have really nothing to add to the astute comments about how it was anything but a victory, how Hezbollah continues to rearm, how Iran diverts attention from its' nuclear program, how Israel is portrayed by the media as the aggressors, etc, etc. I've been posting on conservative forums and getting lambasted for being critical of the administration, when all I want is for the "war on terror" to be a declared war on Islamofascism and not a smattering of empty phrases,worn-out slogans, and conciliatory measures. We need a more transcendent view by our leaders of what we are up against, which means more hawkish leaders who aren't afraid to confront the enemy with devestating force. I'm sick of making excuses for our leaders, be they GOP or Democrat, and conservatives giving Bush and CO a free pass on this cease fire are IMO only undermining the fight against the peril we find our selves in. Let's call a spade a spade and get to work. I can't stand it! I'm a bit heated about the cease fire, so if I'm overreacting someone correct me who's more focused.

If we had a president with a back bone we wouldn't have supported the cease fire and we would have went in with Israel to stop this terror group and every country that sponsors them once and for all. We need more General Patton and less patent leather. He was a true Conservative and no RINO.