Bush declares war against "individuals"

"Islamic fascists"? Never mind. Oh, and in other news: to avoid offending Germans, President Roosevelt has announced that he is dropping all reference to the "National Socialist German Workers Party," and will henceforth refer not to our war against the Nazis, but to our war against "individuals that would like to kill innocent Americans to achieve political objectives."

Archdhimmitude in Washington, as Bush bows to his Saudi masters: "Bush drops reference to 'Islamic fascists,'" from AP, with thanks to Andrew Bostom:

STATE DEPARTMENT President Bush has avoided repetition of a term that angered Muslims.

Responding last week to the foiling of an alleged plot to blow up flights between Britain and the United States, Bush said, "This nation is at war with Islamic fascists."

That triggered immediate objections from the Council of American-Islamic Relations, and another objection today from the government of Saudi Arabia.

In a statement after its weekly meeting, the Saudi Cabinet "warned against labeling Muslims with accusations of terrorism and fascism."

Bush didn't repeat the reference to "Islamic fascists" at the State Department today, referring instead to "individuals that would like to kill innocent Americans to achieve political objectives."

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Right. So that's what it is then: a war against a few select wahhabi salafist extremist tiny-minorityist shia fundamentalist individualists. That should clear everything up. That should provide a suitable standard to which we may all rally, under which we may all fight. In hoc signo...

Mr Bush doesn't see it, Mr Blair doesn't see it, Messrs Prodi, Chirac, Aznar and Putin don't see it either. I see it, you see it, I think we all see it, it's large, grey, got a big trunk, thick legs, big ears and wears a turban and it's right in the middle of the room.

For Aznar, read Zapatero ...

Haha...man...thts to every hardened supporter of Bush out there...folks, it was all smoke and mirrors..he doesnt really get it..it seemed like progress but it wasnt..the policy is the same...mistakes havent been rectified..resources are still being squandered....and whats worse he pandered to the Saudis..GREAT

It's a war against groups of individual people who buy thousands of cell phones, strip them of useful parts, lie though their teeth, wonder if they'll be jailed "forever", have cars filled with loads of money, airport security information, pictures of a Big Bridge - have wives poised to accuse those holding the criminals of 'racism' ..

Oh wait .. No .. it's not a war against those individual people (Muslim Individuals) ... they were all let go without so much as a tap on the wrist .. they are innocent individual individuals ..

Maybe it's a war against an individual individual (Muslim Male) who pushed his way past a 13 year old girl and then started shooting at ( Jewish ) individual individuals - killing one - injuring others - all while screaming hatred ...

Oh wait .. No .. it's not a war against him .. he was just an individual crazy exhibitionist individual ..

Maybe .. Nah .. We are not at war with anyone at all I suppose ..

They all "get it", they're just all insecure, opportunistic politicians, full of cowboy bravado when needing to appear brave, but fully cowgirl cowardly towards alienating portions of their polling samples. I guess the initial data on the "Islamic fascists" trial balloon wasn't to his liking.

"They all 'get it'"
--- from a posting above

No, they don't. You attribute it all to timidity. That was part of the Esdrujula Explanation offered here on several occasions. But Timidity was only part. There is Stupidity. There is Cupidity.

And for Infidels everywhere the result of that Stupidity, that Timidity, that Cupidity, may be, I fear, an unnecessarily high rate, at this point entirely avoidable, of Morbidity.

Take notes, remember all of this next election. If we are still here.

In a statement after its weekly meeting, the Saudi Cabinet "warned against labeling Muslims with accusations of terrorism and fascism."

They should be labelled with several other appropriate epithets, as well as "terrorists and fascists." I cannot believe that Bush has succumbed to Saudi pressure over something as serious as this. On second thought, yes, I can believe it. Bush is becoming as worthless as the Democrats in this crazy "war on terror" or war on whatever it's being called today and in doing so, is risking the lives of each and every one of us. I am so disgusted I could scream.

I would like to know what the slimy Saudis intend to do if Bush ignores their warning. I can see Condi now, telling the boss he must be diplomatic at all times. Diplomacy is usually a path to nowhere; the U.N. is living proof of that.

This is sad, the man who is sending our troops into the valley of death to face bombs and bullets is afraid of words, afraid of offending someone, afraid that he will be criticized.

From the dictionary:
Cupidity - Excessive desire, especially for wealth; covetousness or avarice.

If Mr Bush desires anything, it is to be loved.
He'll have to pull a Colonel Cathcart, I'll have to be bribed.

islam attacks the world and our response is appeasement. Our PC government relaxes immigration, opens more student slots and carefully points out it is not islams fault.

Ok, you know the deal if you cant beat them join them. There are a lot of benefits:

Multiple wives, it lets the men have all the sex they want and gives the women an occasional break.

Fancy children more than women? Its all good just don’t flaunt it.

Prefer “alternate lifestyles”? It is ok also just don’t get caught (even the prophet was careful with this one), male children are ok (just not in public).

Fashion rules are out, tunics, baggy pants or burkas. At least it is cheaper than most clothing.

Mad at your wife? Trade her or sell her, you can always share her with your brother and take her back.

Mad at your daughter? Honor killing will solve that and it serves as an example to the other children.

Need money? Rob an infidel, he owes you anyway.

The best deal of all is sharia which allows for all the above and as long as you want to live out your um .. let’s call it more extreme desires they are allowed as long as you stick to the infidels.

I don’t understand why you are all not lining up. 1.2 billion muslims can’t be wrong. Can they?

Ronin, that sound wonderful, my pastor, F. A. Brimstone, told us that kind of conduct will send us to Hell.

In Islam I hear tell that I can toss a few bucks in the alms box, say a few more prayers, go to Mecca, and I'm good to go.

I wonder when a major American city is wiped out, and millions killed is Bush going to stand in the radio-active rubble and call the islamofascist mass murderers that did this ...'folks'

I'm not a BDS sufferer, but I think he's hopeless.

Pelayo he may be right but he is missing out on a great deal.

Anyone know where you get those thobes? I'll pay extra for one my size. Oh, and I want one of those funny looking knives on a belt. I'm going native :-O

I was told by many that my views were too hard on the poor islamo fascists..

I was even denied (on several blogs) to comment..

So i will say this here ..

You may not like it.
You may not want it.
You may pray against it..

But the FACT is

ALL and I do mean ALL muslims will either choose to leave islam.. or carry out ALL the tenants (including mass murder of any and ALL infidels)..

Islam cannot be reformed..
Islam cannot be bargained with..
Islam is far worse than the Nazis as even the nazis agreed to pull out of paris rather than see it destroyed..

Muslims and islam are far worse since to Islam
ANYTHING non islamic is to be DESTROYED..

The muslims are telling you..
Are you listening..

This is my own opinion based upon FACTS I alone gathered.. and i am responsible for the statements above.. not The honorable Robert spencer or Hugh

When civil unrest breaks out and martial law is introduced maybe then they'll wake up...

Just when I thought W was growing a pair he pull this. Guess his Saudi handlers gave him a dressing down. Good dhimmi.

What can I say?

Posted by: Carolyn2 at August 16, 2006 10:31 PM

That's me, SCREAMING!

I don't know if the West can survive this crap. I really don't. There's simply too many of these Muslims out there. They murder, beat and intimidate their women into spitting out half a dozen kids each (I'm too lazy to find statistics on average birth rate for western-dwelling Muslims but it's pretty high), and we can't even get our women up to replacement numbers averaging 2 per woman.

Not that it really matters. In Kosovo, in the 1950's Albanians, Muslims of course, comprised 50% of the population, and by 1999 had climbed to 90%. And Serbian women weren't completely useless when it came to having children.

It makes me wonder how soon Muslims in the West will create their own Muslim political parties, how quickly those parties will vote to turn over secular constitutions and how quickly what's left of the native British, French, etc. population will forget what a glass of wine and a porkchop tasted like.

My girlfriend, who is not an anti-dhimmi/jihad junkie like me, on looking at a news report from Malaysia of burkha-clad women excliamed.. "My God... they're EVERYWHERE"

What a setback.

We cannot expect to wage war against our enemy if we cannot even DEFINE or NAME him.

I fear it will take at least 2 more 9/11 type of tragedies before the politically correct government and mainstream media will finally (FINALLY) feel comfortable naming our enemy.

The same enemy of civilization, btw.

This is truly a war of civilizations. It pains my heart to see so many afraid to call a spade a spade.

Well reality is a bitch. I've stated before that Big W started out on his mission in Iraq with a clear and concise idea. Go and fight them where they live, o we don't have to fight them here. There was also the you're with us or against us.

How sad it is, Big W it seems has lost his focus a long time ago, and now, it appears he takes orders from the head of Islam, Saudi Arabia.

This has to be one of the saddest days in US history, when a President takes his cue from the Saudi Arabian gov't.

Unfortunately, if we have become this weak kneed things are worse than ever.


I was really pleasantly surprised when Bush called the terror suspects (ah who are we kidding, they're guilty) Islamic Fascists. But he backed down on that definition. It's like Niv said, someone from Saudi Arabia made a phone call...

The West has really gotten itself into a bind this time. Again. Will we survive?

In 732, the West was in big trouble. But our leaders knew who our enemies were. Charles Martel, grandfather of Charlemagne, knew who he was facing. The Muslims were coming for his kingdom, and he had to stop them. The Frankish king, with 15,000 men, anarmoured and on foot, defeated a Muslim force of as many as 400,000 men, including heavy cavalry, at the Battle of Tours. It's as far as the Muslims ever got inside Western Europe.

It's an interesting history lesson, but the point is: we are no longer as tough as the Franks. And George Bush is no Charles Martel.


I think you left out rigidity.
Posted by: Hugh at January 21, 2006 08:50 PM

Spanish words are classified into 4 categories, aguda, llana/grave, esdrújula and sobresdrújula, depending on where the words are stressed.

Esdrújulas are stressed in the third from last (antepenultimate) syllable. They are always graphically accentuated.

I did take the time to look up your post, but years earlier I was a bit too narrowly focused on my personal scheme for reaching my life goals to study non-native languages, so I had to look up the above also.

As a bumper-stickered, T-shirted, check writing JW/DWer I have dutifully memorized the "Rhyming Esdrújulas With Feminine Endings" list, and henceforth will refrain from commenting on this topic again, unless I use all four. However, as a last antagonism before I gratefully accept my spanking, however, I do wonder about a few REFE's you excluded:

temerity - those who thought they could ride the tiger, e.g. Reagon in Afghanistan, a calculated risk for short term goals with unintended consequences. Was he stupid, cupid, rigid...?
passivity - those who tried to lead peaceful lives, genuinely believing in appeasement and inclusivity. Stupid, timid...?
sincerity - those who held so idealistically to a fundamental positive hope in human nature that they did things like drop origami on jihadists, e.g. Thailand. Stupid, rigid, timid...?
perspiquity - having only started to regain our collective civilizational memory, recurring mistakes do seem dumb and/or naive, in retrospect
insanity - thinking you can post asinine kneejerk comments without ever getting skewered by Hugh


You and I are individuals as well. As is every other poster. Time we locked and loaded, since the GWOT is coming for us.

They all "get it"

posted by Concerned Citizen.

Yes, I also think, many of the politicians "get it". I am sure many of them know about Islam as much as we know. We should listen attentively to what they say. For example Schäuble, German secretary of the Interior said:

"in view of the planned first Islamic conference in Bonn's 'House of History' we must elucidate Muslims that they have become part of our local society and thus could be victims of terror attacks themselves "

It was the usual "nice moderate Muslims can help us to fight the evil small minority of extremists"-blabla and I'd like to puke when reading it. But look at the part in italic script: He clearly knows the most important thing one has to know about Islam:

He knows, they don't give a damn about infidel victims!

Imagine a politician asking Catholics or Protestants for help in any matter, i.e. the drug problem. Would they say: You should help us, because also some Catholics/Protestants could be among drug-victims? NO.

That's the difference. They get it very well. And if you carefully listen to your politicians you will find similiar statements. We have just unlearned to listen. Same thing with normal "moderate Muslims". Listening to them - for example on internet forums - is very enligthening.

but to our war against "individuals that would like to kill innocent Americans to achieve political objectives.

If its a war against individual, then it fall on us as individuals to defend ourselves by waging war right back.

The problem is we're not in the 8th century where Muslims are categorised by their racial characteristics and the fact they are foreigners. No, the problem is that thanks to 30 years of importing Islam and promoting it, the West now finds itself in the position where it has to make concessions to avoid civil disturbances. Take a tough line and end up with a burned out town centre. Loss of political credence follows, along with the election.

Unfortunately the West has lost its Judeo-Christian foundations and is now adrift in a mess of relativism, with dhimmi politicians out seeking votes and focusing on the "rights" of the poor little muslim, who delight in leading them around by the nose as a farmer leads a dumb ox. We couldn't possibly return to the days when the West actually had some spine, could we? I do note that this week there seems to have been some tough talk from UK ministers in light of this recent airline plot, what we need is a few more of these to be uncovered and hit the headlines to force a change in government policy towards this 'religion'.

History shows one or two things:- Islam keeps creeping unless firmly held back, and that there appears to be a point at which the West no longer takes any nonsense. The West is good at appeasement to a point, but then a sea change takes place and arms are taken up. This will have to be a massive sea change, and it is difficult to see how it will come about. Probably as a result of a return to its Judeo-Christian roots, but these will take a generation or so to come through.

One thing is clear though - 4,000 people have already died in the last 5 years as a result of jihad ideology in the West, and if we're lucky only a few thousand more will die. If we're unlucky millions will die, and I fear this is the most likely outcome.

Please forward this piece to president@whitehouse.govLet His royal Dhimmie know what you think



The good news is that the west is awakening from its sleep. The recent terror plot bust in London is that much needed wake up call. More folks are starting to speak the truth of whom we are up against. Hang in there.


This is why Americans must be thankful for Admendment number 2, keeping and bearing arms.

There was this little fancy fire fly that wanted to hurt me. Go figure.

There was this little fancy fire fly that wanted to hurt me. Go figure.

There was this little fancy fire fly that wanted to hurt me. Go figure.

It seems those in the executive branch do understand the scope of this war.

Remember a year or two ago when Sec. Rumsfeld kept calling the thing something to the effect of 'the struggle against worldwide jihad' ? He and some other heads of departments and a cabinet secretary or two ( ? I think ?) began using the term for a week or two until it was stated that Pres. Bush wanted to continue to call it the 'war on terror'.

Occassionally Bush will indicate an understanding of the nature of the enemy through ad hoc statements like 'islamic facists' and other such things, which he retracts soon after. Also things like that passing obscenity between he and PM Blair over Syria being the epicenter of hizbullah terrorism.

What does it mean? To me, it means the enemy has been named and tagged and the nature of the war is being stated much more correctly in meetings behind closed doors and in secure conference rooms.

Why not bring the 'open secret' out into the light of public discourse? I don't know. I think we're trying to be subtle and sophisticated about how we prosecute this war and the attempt actually works against us.

The nature of the war, the base from which it springs and the name of the enemy must be set out for the world to see. It needs to be stated succinctly. All three of these things can fit on the same bumper sticker.

We need to fight the ideological battle even more than the military one. Why aren't we doing it in the light of day? We're missing a serious opportunity here. We will pay for it in lives as soon as the jihadis can get an operation past us. It's just a matter of time.

We should be using this time to fight the ideological war. That is where we will finally win. And I don't subscribe to 'winning the hearts and minds' pap. Show them that they are wrong on the battlefield and show them they are wrong in all their assumptions. Allah hates muslims, the proof is everywhere. Mohammed is evil and criminal. Beat them down with their own beliefs and destroy any and all means jihadis have to mount attacks on non-believers - everywhere. Don't try to build anything - find them destroy them and all who would support the effort. Let the survivors deal with the consequences of their beloved jihad.

Americaningermany, Plague, Eisvogel:

I regret to inform you that you have all been cited for violations of the "Rhyming Esdrújulas With Feminine Endings" Explanation ordinance. Repent while you still can.

I agree with the earlier poster savitch who called Bush "hopeless."

The first website I visit every morning is

American Patrol

which focuses on immigration, borders and sovereignty. The people there regard Bush as the worst President ever, because he refuses to control the borders.

How can you be at war with Islamic fascists or anyone while allowing open borders? You can't. It's not a peripheral issue; it is central. Bush is a globalist who believes borders are an impediment to trade and business. So he leaves the American people open to attack in order to please his corporate pals.

Concerned citizen - I don't follow you on violations of the "Rhyming Esdrújulas With Feminine Endings" Explanation ordinance"

I think you're being entertaining but it's going over my head. Please explain what I'm doing wrong?

Thank You.

Dana is 100% correct. Our leaders see themselves governing the world in an era of post-nationalism. Globalism and multiculturalism are the twin pillars of their civic religion. As an aside, if any of you ladies and gentlemen are not members of the National Rifle Association, please consider joining.

Our soldiers, our police, our people are fighting a war with both arms tied behind their backs, blindfolded and gagged. The Nazis, yes Nazis, they hate Jews, gypsies and they, the remnants of the 13th Waffen SS division bred with the same hatred and ideological brutality, have no such restrictions. They aim to kill us because we are Jewish, because we are Christian, because we have no religion, because we are democratic, because we are us.

They operate from high complicit populations, willing human shields, they do this in so many different ways. We have to go out in the open and say we are not against Islam, we know it is just the extremists and extend the hand of friendship, then hope it is not sliced off with too much pain as inevitably it will.

We seem to be fighting people who will think nothing of beheading us, we go into ideological battle armed only with wise words and inoffensive gestures. We should be fighting a war with machine guns, not gestures of empathy, we should not be winning hearts and minds, we should be gaining land and territory.

We need a Crusade, if not a Christian one a multi faith push against the common enemy well within the next ten years, it will be the last, we will win, or we will lose, if we lose this fight then there will be no more fighting, they will have won, we will be gone, we won't even be remembered in history.

And we don't seriously expect W to do anything concrete about Iran getting nukes do we ? They will get them and they will get them on his watch, if they don't have them already.


I was just continuing to lick my wounds for the ass-kicking I got from Hugh for not characterizing the administration's motives in terms of "timidity, stupidity, cupidity, and rigidity", as in the JW/DW Official Esdrújulas Explanation for the Complete Understanding of Dhimmi Politics (ref. 257412 and 257427 above).

Each of us in our path have acquired a "critical mass" of information to reach the inescapable conclusion that Islam is "bad". I suspect that Bush is at least becoming suspicious, if he does not yet "get it". Or at least one of his trusted speech writers or handlers "gets" some part of it.

Yet, his comments in retrospect still seem like a Clinton-esque "trial balloon", except he didn't have an underling leak that he thought the problem was I.F., then have Snow refute it when the murmuring and mau-mauing started. In terms of "timidity", this seems like poll-driven political paralysis. (Please don't beat me again, Hugh!)

Okay Concerned Citizen - thank you for the explanation.

I don't know what the obstacles truly are to Pres. Bush having the moment of clarity, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's already had it and just hasn't shared it with the rest of us. He does seem to have lost his way and we have been sending mixed messages about the global jihad.

When the next big event occurs the choice will be made simple. You see, the jihadists and madhi mullahs don't really have a choice. They must continue to push their agenda as they have the population bulge of young middle easterners, have the bulge in oil money and have the advantage of a sleeping enemy. They have to keep striking now - because in a few decades things will be working against them. The trends have converged in their favor at the moment. Because of this and the inherent weak blindness of fascistic movements in identifying the strengths and health of the enemy and of incorrectly assessing their own strengths and vulnerabilities, those guiding the herd can't help themselves. It's now or never for dar al-Islam. Because of this, they will make the choice simple for us. It will come at a large loss of life in the unbelieving world, but they will suffer something an order of magnitude higher, at the least.

Look at the Hizbullah / Israeli battle. The ratio was put at 10:1

The Islamic world is going to force us into a simple decision. It won't be satisfied otherwise.

Now I don't know if Bush or his people understand this, but I don't see things going any other way. Suffering a huge loss or something in-your-face obvious like a ground invasion from Iran and it's partners is what we're going to have to have. We have to be pounded on the head with a hammer, even now. Iran will be doing us a favor.

When this thing gets going we're going to have to address all the problems:

Syria and Iran.
North Korea
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

If we topple the governments of those five nations we'll have 80% of an 80/20 type of issue.

The cost of taking out the first three is going to be large. I'm no military guy and am not employed by the Rand Corporation, but even statements by those two groups count for nothing until we pay 'the price'.


The funny looking knife is called a Kunja, or Khunja, or Kunjah (take your pick, though the middle one gets the sound nearest to correct).

It may look fancy, but it's not much cop in a fight. A Bowie is far superior.

Here's a quote I pulled off the Guardian blog yesterday. One of the topics being discussed was the Muslim Brotherhood, and like most journalists in most newspapers here in the UK, this journalist was being very "understanding" about Islam in her original column (name: Madeleine Bunting - about to take over as chair of some Labour Party oriented thinktank or other. Watch out for the name - a near perfect Dhimmi). I LOVE this quote (I love the film too):

"Listen. And understand. The mbunderstander is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are deaf"

That about sums up all Dhimmis. Certainly summed up Bunting. I laughed myself stupid for a while.

Another murder that will be written off as an anomaly, not really representative of what Islam is truly about, like the Muslim invasion of Europe and India.

Wow, you can see the real lobbying power of the Saudi's with Bush pulling a 180 on being a man to being a puppy with it's tail between it's legs.

This symbolizes that Bush has more concern of the Saudi's relations then he does of the Americans education and getting serious in this war.

So, this is the price (and there is more to come) the "free-world" has to pay for electing a corrupt and a timid "president" and "commander-in-chief". As the entire world can see, the leader of the "free-world" cowered down after a mere "phone-call" from those he declared were "friends" and "ally against war on terror" who has the gall to "warn" the "president" and "commander-in-chief" of the "free-world" (no seriously, the quotation marks are there for a reason) from naming the enemy, which low-and-behold, are the "friends" and "ally"!! .. which everyone was pointing to in the first place!

Confused? dazed? lost? baffled? dumb-founded? Not if one followed Bush's path to power. For a leader of the "free-world", Bush has nothing but failed businesses, funded by the same Wahabies who, he called (anyone surprised how Bush was sold out way before he took the oath of the president?) "friends" and "ally in war against terror". So badly is Bush's integrity compromised that his family even adopted the Wahabi ambassador (remember the famous quote "Bandar Bush"?). So, when came time to stand up to the Islamo-facist, Bush had his legs swiftly cut-off by the sword of Allah's Wahabis (masquarading as "friends" and "ally in war on terror"). All one has to ask oneself is: How can a man who has been corrupted by petro-dollars, stand up against those same Wahabis who funded his family-wealth? Answer: No, he can't. As we all see it happening in front of us...... Leader of the "free-world" cowering like a whimp to his Wahabi masters. By back-tracking on the important, relevant and significant term "Islamo-facist", Bush provd what I always suspected: Bush is corrupt and timid! As the proverb goes...... " Fish starts rotting in the head".

The free-world, that has put this corrupt and timid man to protect and lead, will pay a price of colossal proportions.

So, this is the price (and there is more to come) the "free-world" has to pay for electing a corrupt and a timid "president" and "commander-in-chief". As the entire world can see, the leader of the "free-world" cowered down after a mere "phone-call" from those he declared were "friends" and "ally against war on terror" who has the gall to "warn" the "president" and "commander-in-chief" of the "free-world" (no seriously, the quotation marks are there for a reason) from naming the enemy, who low-and-behold, are the same "friends" and "ally", who attacked America on 9/11!!

Confused? dazed? lost? baffled? dumb-founded? Not if one followed Bush's path to power. For a leader of the "free-world", Bush has nothing but failed businesses, funded by the same Wahabies who, he called (anyone surprised how Bush was sold out way before he took the oath of the president?) "friends" and "ally in war against terror". So badly is Bush's integrity compromised that his family even adopted the wahabi ambassador (remember the famous quote "Bandar Bush"?). So, when came time to stand up to the Islamo-facist, Bush had his legs swiftly cut-off by the sword of Allah's wahabi warriors (masquarading as "friends" and "ally in war on terror"). All one has to ask oneself is: How can a man who has been corrupted by petro-dollars, stand up against those same Wahabis who funded his family-wealth? Answer: No, he can't. As we all see it happening in front of us...... Leader of the "free-world" cowering like a whimp to his Wahabi masters. By back-tracking on the important, relevant and significant term "Islamo-facist", Bush provd what I always suspected: Bush is corrupt and timid! As the proverb goes...... " Fish starts rotting in the head".

The free-world, that has put this corrupt and timid man to protect and lead, will pay a price of colossal proportions.

Hugh corrected Concerned Citizen, who said "They all get it" but were too afraid to do anything about it, by noting:

No, they don't. You attribute it all to timidity. That was part of the Esdrujula Explanation offered here on several occasions. But Timidity was only part. There is Stupidity. There is Cupidity.

More important than timidity, stupidity and cupidity -- though I'm afraid it doesn't rhyme and has an infelicitously clunky ring to it -- is the PC Multiculturalist Template that dominates most political and geopolitical thoughts and feelings in our time. Without that Template, the three rhyming elves of Timidity, Cupidity and Stupidity would exert only marginal influence. But go ahead. Keep on rhymin', Simon.

Sir Henry Morgan,

I was thinking about that quote and how applicable it was to the jihadis, but I see how it can be applied to their appeasers as well. It's an easy pop culture reference to use to get people to understand the nature of the threat we face.

I think it's amazing how so many people here can be asking "What could possibly have made Bush cave in to the Saudis like that?" As if the answer isn't obvious. And yet the word "oil" doesn't appear anywhere in this entire discussion so far!

So I'm going to bring up that word:
Oil. OIL. OIL!!!!

The Saudis probably told Bush that it's within their power to restrict the oil supply from OPEC and drive the price of oil up to $150 a barrel--if Bush keeps ranting about "Islamic fascism."

That would take the pump price of gasoline here in the U.S. to around $6.00 a gallon--roughly double what it is now. And that would happen much faster than any alternatives like oil sands could be brought on line. Eventually alternatives would come on line, but at least through this winter New Englanders would be freezing without home heating oil and our transportation industry would be crippled from exorbitant prices for fuel.

Now until we can find a way to tighten our belts and live with that, Saudi Arabia can continue to push the West around. So can Iran.

If you want to tell your drug pusher to go to hell, you have to break your addiction to the drugs he's pushing.

Steven, you said it! I have come to the sad sad realization that guzzlers are just not American no more. Either we get our beloved giant trucks and trailers to run on ethanol, hydrogen or whatever, or we wallow in our dhimmi status to the high and mighty OPEC.

Folks, we got an addiction, it is called OIL.