Dead man walks


Look closely at the victim in the top photo, from the New York/New Duranty Times. His hat is tucked under his arm. Note the dust on his hand. It is the same young man. Was he buried under the rubble during a second airstrike while working with the rescuers after a first airstrike? it yet another photo fraud?

Michelle Malkin has much more.

UPDATE: Ace has a caption on the top photo that mitigates the dishonesty -- but makes the New Duranty Times caption all the more inexcusable.

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Send this man to Hollywood where he can put his acting and directing skills to better use.

Picture #1 has a figure in dark clothing with face hidden by rubble (left as one looks at the pic) - while Picture #2 has a similar looking character, with camera, to the right as one looks at the pic.

The man helping the 'injured' or 'dead' in the first picture looks very similar to the bare-breasted man in picture #2 (to the right as one looks at the picture) who appears to be a bystander 'just walking by'.

My amateur observation, that's all.

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Robert, I can't take credit for this, but a new word has been born this week.

photo fraud = "fauxtograph"

The war on terror can be won by exposing the enemy to the truth. †

They lie.

I can see exactly what you're talking about ummahnewslinks, same black camera bag. I know, my wife had worked as a photo-reporter and has one too. What a masquerade, and our media falls for it.

Score one for "war is deceit'" ala Mo'd.

I have been wondering, how many years have they been doing this kind of stuff? Five, Ten, Twenty? How many conflicts in how many countries over how many decades have we been lied to and or faked out? Look closely at the dead mans right shoulder, is that sweat?

See how the figure in the top photo is posed--an attractive young man, without a visible mark on him, artfully splayed out for the viewer. Of course, some bodies of people dead in blasts don't have obvious marks, but most have clear injuries and are covered in dust and rubble. Even previously healthy young people are often rather disturbing-looking when deceased.

I have studied art for years, and have a degree in Art History. This looks like a Deposition (Christ brought down from the cross) or a Pieta (Christ's followers lamenting over the body of Christ).

When I was a callow student, we would often titter at the artfull placement of fig leaves, tree branches, etc in safeguarding the modesty of various figures in Medieval and Rennaissance paintings. What is going on with this "body's" midsection? At first I thought he was wearing cut-off shorts (as unlikely as that would seem). On closer inspection, though, it's--what? A fortuitously modest draping of cloth? A copy of the Beruit Times?

Even without the evidence of the second photo, this seems oddly staged. Did the photographer know it was faked? Or was he led to this scene by some member of Hizb'allah, which he then proceeded to uncritically record for posterity?


Great post. Especially this:

This looks like a Deposition (Christ brought down from the cross) or a Pieta (Christ's followers lamenting over the body of Christ).

Striking symbols make impressions.

You have made a correct and most excellent observation.

Is it just me, or does the "dead man's" right leg in the top photo look like it's applying some pressure against the pipe?

"See how the figure in the top photo is posed--an attractive young man, without a visible mark on him, artfully splayed out for the viewer."

You all say Christ like pose? This is good, could'of been painted by Raphael. I love these pix! Nice work.

Just pass me another piece o' shoo-fly-pie pie "allah Mo'de", to savor it more. :)

*SIGH*, once again, the MSM is a willing participant in Islamic propaganda...


"Aug. 8, 2006— The photographer was sleep-deprived and hungry, feeling the strain of weeks in a war zone. He'd already filed dozens of strong photographs, but under pressure to produce something that would stand out from the competition, he made a fateful choice: He digitally altered one of his pictures to make it more compelling.

This could describe Adnan Hajj,..."

The man in the top photo is not dead. His skin has a bright glow and his muscles have esprit de corp in them. Not limp like somebody just killed, and not stiff like rigor mortis.

Dead people, even dead for only minutes, have a pale, sickly look to their skin. Rigor mortis also sets in the facial muscles first, within minutes of death, and the face no longer looks natural. And as you can see, this man is on top of the rubble, not underneath it.

Interesting how many Lebanese people seem to wear very revealing clothes. I presume those who support Hez will be doing something against that once they've taken over completely!

More media manipulation. Read this NYT article on Indian Muslim terrorism

Note the 3rd-to-last paragraph:

It is the same routine after every act of terror, said Sheik Abdul Qayyum, 20, recalling the Gujarat riots, which broke out after fire engulfed a train carrying Hindu pilgrims, killing 59. Whether the fire was deliberate or accidental is still disputed, and embroiled in political feuds.

Oh, the fire just sort of happened, now did it? The NYT seems to neglect the large Muslim mob that set fire to the train. NYT is truly a bastion of yellow journalism, always playing the spin-doctor.

Brilliant work.

He appears injured to me -- not dead. If he were dead, wouldn't his body be a lot limper, and wouldn't his head be hanging down more?

And it looks like he's holding that hat up against his body with his arm. He wouldn't be able to do that if he were dead because his body would be like a limp rag-doll.

To be present at the creation of a brilliant, funny, and needed word -- fauxtographer -- is exciting.

Stupid is as stupid does...

He doesn't appear injured to me. He appears like a poser, a young man who rather fancies himself posing to the world.

"The Western world is ruled by a group of friends who love one another and look out for one another because they owe all they have to their group, which a loving group of DIMMIES FOR OIL MONEY. they ARE TRAITORS! "

Um, that's exactly what Mike Moore said in Fahrenheit 9/11. But everyone here seems to hate him. What, because GWB is, according to Moore, one of that group of friends who love one another? Seems feasible to me. Feasible also that, as Moore said, GWB had a very nasty shock when he began to recognise the true nature of those 'friends'. I what we're seeing is his gradual process of dropping them.

Should read:

I hope that what we're seeing is his gradual process of dropping them.

Where is the other thread about the dead person under the sheets sitting up? Did that get deleted?

sanman, the last sentence says it all in the NYT article.

“I learned that as minority Muslims we are unprotected,” he said, and then quickly added, “According to the current situation, Muslims in the whole world are not protected.”

They work dilligently at remaining stuck in the dark ages, and reap their just rewards - ignorance and arrogance.
The world needs protection from THEM...

absolutely hilarious. reminds me of the girl in kosovo who claimed her sister little sister was raped and murdered. to the credit of W5 it think they went back a year later and found the little girl with her sister. the sister's response was she did nothing wrong as she was sure her story was true for someone else. And it was only the other person was a christian serb not a muslim lying animal.

Reporters and photographers should be reporting the news and photographing the events.

It appears the events and the news are working against the reporters and photographers.

Their true biased actions are being revealed. I agree with the poster above who noted "I have been wondering, how many years have they been doing this kind of stuff"

I have to seriously view any news report or "casualty" photographs as only Hezbollah photo ops directed and stage for the sole purpose of drumming up anti war sentiment and Muslim hatred. Remember these photos are also being shown to incite the Muslim followers in Muslim countries. The Muslim marches and protests usually have several people carrying these photos crying out "Death to Israel" and "Death to America".

What can these morons say when they are shown that they themselves are being mislead and deceived? What can the morons think when it is proven that their clerics are lying? Or am I presumptuous is thinking that they can think or see the truth?

I think we should turn these types of incidents into a great PR move and broadcast 24/7 into the Muslim airwaves. We should be promoting all lies discovered on the Airwaves. The Muslims have been good at PR, we can be good too!! And we really have been losing the PR war for far too long. Now we are starting to get good ammunition and it is the Muslims who is giving it to us. Let's use this opportunity to help turn the tide.

Graven Image: "I have studied art for years, and have a degree in Art History. This looks like a Deposition (Christ brought down from the cross) or a Pieta (Christ's followers lamenting over the body of Christ)."

The first thing that came to my mind as well. It's a beautiful composition, too bad the fake Jesus is still alive. It seems obvious by looking at his body that he's still alive. Kudos to the fauxtographer - brilliant effort and evocative.

The first causalty of war...

....apparently is my spelling

In the top photo, the young man is supposedly dead or unconscious. Yet his right foot is firmly parked on a narrow ladder, instead of being sprawled all over. Note also the tension of the neck muscles as his head is in an uncomfortable position.

If one brightens up both pictures, one notices that the right arm, just above the shoulder, have a couple of red splotches or dabs of paint.

In the second picture, the man is up and pointing, and one sees those dabs of paint quite clearly.


If you look at the picture taken in Qana, the one with the "White T-shirt" striding out with the dead girl in his arms, his head besieching heaven, one recalls the picture of the little girl fleeing the napalm attack in Vietnam. All iconic stuff.

Well I suppose photographers are human, they are after not only money but Pulitzer prizes, the competition is stiff, and a bit of kicking the Israelis wont do much harm.

OTH doing similar stuff with the Hezb'Allah can seriously damage your health.

Lili: people hate Michael Moore because he refuses to acknowledge Islam is attempting to destroy the western democracies when they are incontrovertibly attempting to do so. This man is even lobbying to foist this faulty view.

Try to view the documentary "OBSESSION: Radical Islam's War Against the West". The film even provides film footage of Michael Moore shouting to crowds from a podium "THERE IS NO TERRORIST THREAT!!!" No??

This documentary shows otherwise. It can be downloaded for free from Faith and would be worth your time to view.

ummahnewslinks wrote:


Great post. Especially this:

This looks like a Deposition (Christ brought down from the cross) or a Pieta (Christ's followers lamenting over the body of Christ).

Striking symbols make impressions.

Thanks for your kind words. You are right about the power of striking symbols--even when their provenance is not recognized by the viewer, they are likely to feel the power of the image. I fear that many people seeing this photo would indeed feel that it depicts a "Christ-like" figure.