Egypt: Christian knifed by Muslim who vows to kill him and all "infidels"

More persecution in Egypt. "Christian Cobbler Knifed for Offhand Comment: Muslim fanatic with criminal record admits intention to kill him and ‘all infidels,’" from Compass Direct:

August 15 (Compass Direct News) – A Muslim ex-convict stabbed and killed a Christian cobbler northeast of Cairo in June, confessing that he had planned to murder him because he was an ‘infidel’ who had made an offhand comment that offended him.

Hossam Hafez Ahmad Attaya knifed Fouad Fawzy Tawfik on June 27 as the shoemaker was bending down to take the Muslim man’s foot measurement near his shop in Zagazig, provincial capital of Sharkeya.

“I want to kill him because he is an infidel, let me kill them all!” Attaya was heard to shout as he sunk an eight-inch blade into the Christian’s left lung and stomach, according to Tawfik’s family.

“My brother was clearly victimized for being a Christian,” Noshe Fawzy Tawfik told Compass.

Restraining Attaya from stabbing Fouad Tawfik a second time, bystanders called an ambulance. The shoemaker died minutes later from loss of blood before he could reach the hospital.

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Violence coming from the "religion of peace".

Yes, a "lone fanatic," clearly "crazed." In need of psychiatric care. Just like the Jordanian policeman who carefully shot to death eight little Israeli schoolgirls who had come to visit a Peace Garden, or the Egyptian soldier who suddenly fired on Israli families, killing large numbers. Or like Sirhan Sirhan, enraged at Robert Kennedy, at all the Kennedys, at all of America, at all Infidels. Or like the man who killed Aaron Halberstam when he fired on a bus full of Yeshiva students. Or the Egyptian who shot and killed two people at the El Al counter at Los Angeles Airport. Or the recently-graudated student at UNC/Chapel Hill, the one who had in the last year "returned to Islam" after having ignored his ancestral faith, and who rented a large car and then tried to run down and kill as many students standing in The Pit as he could, or the man who rammed a car into a Wal-Mart to kill his fellow workers, Infidels all, or....oh, fill it up yourself. All of them clearly "insande."

And insane too, is the screaming Azzam Tamimi whose voice can be heard elsewhere at this site. Insane is Ahmadinejad, with his desire, so often and so clearly expressed, to wipe out every trace of Israel, and he expresses the views of Khamenei, and of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, the wildly-popular leader of a country of tens of millions, the man who when not ranting about the need to kill Infidels, to kill them wherever they are to be found, was also writing up advice to Muslims on the etiquette of serving up the meat of that goat or sheep or camel with which you have had sexual intercourse and then, in an extreme expression of post-coital melancholy, proceeded to slaughter. And what shall we make of such people as Yassir Arafat or his predecessor Ahmed Shukairy (back in the days before the local Arabs were repackaged as "the Palestinian people"), or Azzam Pasha in 1948, promising "massacres" greater than anything since the days of the Mongols. What shall we make even of that plucky little king, Hussein of Jordan, the one everyone was taught to love, giving the order to the Jordanian army in June 1967: "Kill the Jews. Kill them wherever you find them." Doesn't quite fit the image, does it? What shall we make of Saddam Hussein, of the Al-Saud with those textbooks just discovered, but which for the entire history of modern Arabia have been teaching children to hate, with a murderous hatred, all Christians, all Jews, all those who are not Muslim, or not Sunni Muslim.

He was just a "fanatic." And with a "criminal record." Nothing to do with Islam when that Christian, a Coptic cobbler who had trustingly bent over to take his foot measurements, was stabbed to death by that Muslim "fanatic."

This word "Infidel" is getting tiresome..........I resent Pagans and Heathen telling me they do not accept my God, the one true God who revealed Himself to Moses and to Jesus Christ. I really do not need folowers of 7th Century Dianetics being quite so disrespectful just because they have a prayer ritual with a lump of basalt.


I have no respect for anyone who worship as a god a moon rock and then try to say it is the same god. Give me a brake PLEASE.

Voyager: I believe Creedal Christianity would say "God who revealed himself to Moses and IN Jesus Christ." But it's just a word so let's not argue.

cowardly bastard

The Egyptian courts will certainly come down hard on him for murder. The killing of a Christian should get him, what? 6 months.

Would someone please tell me how I can keep track of what happens to this murderer within the Egyptian justice system? If, that is, anyone knows.

I'm a computer beginner, so don't know how to set about it. If someone will tell me how, in plain English rather than spodspeak, then I'll take responsibility for keeping folk up to date.

Yes, definitely not guily by reason of temporary insanity. For Allah's sake, let the poor man go, hasn't he suffered enough? Didn't the article say that the kafir made an offhand comment?

The time will come when non-Muslims will learn to insist on a full-wand search before trustingly bending over.

Nice quotations from George Young, erstwhile MI6 Station Chief in Middle East - listed in Stephen Dorril's book "MI6" page 569

no matter whatever wealth or material welfare they may acquire, either by their own acute intelligence or by the fruits of Western development and commerce, a point will always come when the discrepancy between their dreams and the reality becomes too great to bear, and there will be a desperate effort to find relief in a new focus of hate…………………

The Arab’s chief characteristic is a simple joy in destruction which has to be experienced to be believed….There is no gladder sound to the Arab ear than the crunch of glass, and his favourite spectacle is that of human suffering…..While the European has been building, the Arab has looted and torn down.

Nice quotations from George Young, erstwhile MI6 Station Chief in Middle East - listed in Stephen Dorril's book "MI6" page 569

no matter whatever wealth or material welfare they may acquire, either by their own acute intelligence or by the fruits of Western development and commerce, a point will always come when the discrepancy between their dreams and the reality becomes too great to bear, and there will be a desperate effort to find relief in a new focus of hate…………………

The Arab’s chief characteristic is a simple joy in destruction which has to be experienced to be believed….There is no gladder sound to the Arab ear than the crunch of glass, and his favourite spectacle is that of human suffering…..While the European has been building, the Arab has looted and torn down.

When will we start profiling the vermin. It is not racial at all, but ideological profiling. Check this excellent article in Jewish World Review from a former "imam" of the "religion of peace."

Not to worry folks, this was merely an isolated incident! This happens all the time in Christian countries!

Voyager said:
"The Arab’s chief characteristic is a simple joy in destruction which has to be experienced to be believed….There is no gladder sound to the Arab ear than the crunch of glass, and his favourite spectacle is that of human suffering…..While the European has been building, the Arab has looted and torn down."

John Abizaid, the Commander of the United States Central Command(CENTCOM) is an arab, Lebanese in fact. "the Arab's","the Arab","the Arab" statements that you made probably don't speak for at least a couple other members-past-present-and-future of the race. (Nor would they speak for the bulk of your fellow man.)
Christians would take offense, considering how many Prophets were Arab. Even atheist intellectuals would look down at and disagree with it. Apples and oranges are both fruit yes, but very different.
Try calling a non-Muslim Arab a Muslim and see what kind of reaction you get. They wouldn't all take the time to explain the difference.
Really, I hoped to get more from this group. Just when I see some promise... more bigotry and slurs.
The rest of you, keep up the good work and providing the enthralling links.

have_mercy said:
"John Abizaid is not an Arab, he is dsecended from Ethnic Chritian Maronites who fled Isalm."

According to Wikipedia...
"Abizaid was born in the United States to a Christian Lebanese-American family, is fluent in Arabic, and is the most senior military officer of direct Arab descent."
"the highest ranking Arab-American in the US military."

have_mercy went on to say:
"There not any Arab Prophets, save Mohammed, who was a false one, that Christiants would be offended for their sake. The book of Job mentions that Arabia is the land where Satan and his Cohorts hold court."

The religious rhetoric aside, I'm not making this a pro-Christian debate either. Richard Jansen from Colorado State University explains that "In this tradition Ishmael became the progenitor of all the Arabs. In the Biblical tradition God asked Abraham to offer up his second son Isaac as a human sacrifice and who was subsequently spared. Isaac was the progenitor of the Jews and his son Jacob took the name Israel. Thus the importance of Abraham to both the Jewish and the Islamic tradition and indeed to the Christian tradition as well."
There's a course on the subject available at the University of Washington called: Arab prophets of the Quran and Bible.
The Prof Brannon M Wheeler composed an award winning lecture about Arab Prophets for the American Schools of Oriental Research, viewable at:

lastly... and unfortunately, have_mercy said:
"As for bigotry and slurs, that implies that Arabs are unfairly impuned, but since they are not, that does not hold water. Saying the worst things about Nazis cannot be "more bigotry and slurs."
This sight was not designed to discriminate against any race including Arabs. This sight isn't even designed to bash all Muslims. It's called "Jihadwatch," not "Islamwatch" or "Arabwatch." You missed the point of my post. I didn't defend jihadis, ObL or condone 9/11. You attacked an entire ethnic group and I was trying politely to remind you to curtail your criticism.

Parting advice... I personally wouldn't recommend using the Book of Job as a "fact" in disputing anything intellectual.
It never my intention to pick a fight or seem confrontational.