EU and Israel want foxes to guard the henhouse

Turkey, Jordan, Egypt. Will these troops be protecting Israel from Hizballah, or Hizballah from Israel? "EU Wants Mideast Peace Force With Strong Muslim Component," from AP, with thanks to Bill:

The EU and U.N. agree the peacekeeping mission must have a strong Muslim component to give it credibility. But Israel objects to nations that do not recognize the Jewish state, saying such troops would make it impossible for Jerusalem to share intelligence with the U.N. force.

Israel's objection would include Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh, which have volunteered troops. Turkey, meanwhile, which does have diplomatic relations with Israel and would be acceptable to all parties, has not decided whether to join the force.

It was unclear how the United Nations would meet Israel's demand to prevent the Islamic militants of Hezbollah from rearming, including controlling the Lebanon-Syrian border.

"Israel seeks troops from Muslim nations," from AP:

JERUSALEM - Israel said Saturday it was encouraging some Muslim countries to send peacekeepers to southern Lebanon, a contribution that would lend credibility to the heavily European force....

The EU and U.N. agree the peacekeeping mission must have a strong Muslim component to give it credibility. Israel, however, objects to nations that do not recognize the Jewish state, saying such troops would make it impossible for Jerusalem to share intelligence with the U.N. force. That would exclude Indonesia, Bangladesh and Malaysia, which have offered troops.

But Israel said it has been in touch with other Muslim countries to encourage them to participate, particularly Turkey, which has diplomatic relations with Israel.

"If Turkey decides to send a contingent, we would welcome that," said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev.

Jordan and Egypt also are among Muslim countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel.

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One must not lose sight of the fact that Israel is completely surrounded by Islamic states, and plays a careful balancing act among them.

Isreal never really has "good" choices; only some less dangerous than others. Given the international pressure they get, always, they can hardly do otherwise. Imagine the outcry if Israel said that they would only accept American & Canadian troops, for instance.

I doubt that Israel is unaware of the shifting sands in the particular countries they've OK'd for the UN force. One hopes they plan accordingly.

The whole war has been a joke in execution and strategy from the very beginning. The opportunity was there and now the nonsense will continue and quite frankly, the Jihadists have won the publicity/media war. Again, like with Carter in 79 and Reagan in Beirut, the Jihadists have learned that they can get away with aggression without being thoroughly punished.

This sounds horribly cold, but I really do hope the Israeli soldier is given full opportunity to finish a job that was yanked out from underneath him, much like our own troops in Afghanistan.

I am sorry, but unintended civilian casualties and the bombing of infrastructure are part and parcel of waging an effective war. Ask any German who lived through 1943-1945. The death of soldiers during combat is often the product of poor strategic planning. Ask any soldier still alive who had to suffer with his buddies in the Huertgen Forest.

I realize we live in a different time and place, but the fundamentals of winning a war of attrition are much the same. I apologize for my soap box comments, but I used to admire Israel for not messing around with these sorts of matters, and I find their recent behavior disappointing.

Interesting piece of diplomacy putting the foxes in the henhouse, however the foxes have already taken over the henhouse anyway. Muslim on muslim to protect Israel from attack by muslims. Is it an explosive concoction or does it create a possible checkmate situation for countries like Turkey who is 98 Pct Muslim and wants to become a member of EU or Jordan who has allied itself with the US for decades to deal with? If it comes to fruition, the world can watch with great interest on how these same ideologies behave from different Islamic countries.

The present Israeli government has a death wish. Someone from Kadima already put too must trust in the UN during the war in Lebanon.

DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N. "peacekeeping" forces made a startling contribution: They openly published daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon.

UNIFIL--the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, a nearly 2,000-man blue-helmet contingent that has been present on the Lebanon-Israel border since 1978--is officially neutral. Yet, throughout the recent war, it posted on its website for all to see precise information about the movements of Israeli Defense Forces soldiers and the nature of their weaponry and materiel, even specifying the placement of IDF safety structures within hours of their construction. New information was sometimes only 30 minutes old when it was posted, and never more than 24 hours old.

This is just one more reason that Ehud Olmert must go! The dhimmitude and corruption of Olmert and Kadima have been an absolute disaster for Israel ... and not only for Israel, but for the Palestinian and Lebanese Christians who are being drowned in the Islamic tide.

Olmert should be prosecuted, not only for his corruption but for his treasonous policies. Now, more that ever, Israel needs Netanyahu, Liberman, or anybody other than these corrupt dhimmis.

If Israel's attack on Hezbollah brings UN and or EU troops, it was a vitory for Israel. In that case, Olmert made the right decision. However, it remains to be seen how much muscle this force would have. Not much I would assume.

If Israel has to have Muslim troops on the Lebanon border, why not have countries that are at least trying to be friends with it, such as Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan? Are they really that stupid to think that Egyptian and Jordanian troops are going to be more trustworthy than Malay, Bangladeshi or Indonesian troops? Why not pick friendly troops, since they have it?

Perhaps it is a good strategy since it will expose the camaradarie of Muslim countries, and they will have their militaries concentrated in one area.

Robert, I don't know if you are aware how much Israelis today loathe prime minister Olmert. I couldn't stand him long ago. If you know Hebrew, you can go onto the Hebrew language Internet sites, like nfc, nrg, rotternet, ynet, etc. The opposition to Olmert on these sites is overwhelming. Remember that his party, Qadima, got less than 1/4 of the vote in the recent Knesset elections [which meant 29 seats out of 120]. He only became prime minister because his party was the biggest among a half dozen or more small parties. Today, 8-28-06, Olmert did another thing to make himself hated. Defying the widespread call for a state investigating commission [the members not appointed by him], he announced "checking committees" that he would appoint. So Robert, when you write "Israel did such and such..." you are speaking of the government headed by Olmert. Israel did not approve of what Olmert did and does not approve of Olmert.
The good news for Pravoslavni is that Olmert's illegal political appointments while minister of Commerce in Sharon's government have been reported by the state controller and are not out in public. He may be investigated on this charge too, in addition to investigations regarding illegal receipt of funds from abroad through a non-arms length real estate transaction [he sold a house to a wealthy American above market price and then rented it back at less than market price] and illegally receiving gifts for his fountain pen collection.

Good to see your post. Any chance that Olmert's coalition will fall before they can do any more damage?

... and is there any possibility that Netanyahu and Liberman can overcome this self-destructive squabble and form a united front?

correction to my post above, fifth line from bottom:
... are noW out in public...

Pravo, yes, there is a chance that the despicable Olmert is on his way out. He angered many people by refusing a state investigating commission and going for one appointed by himself instead.