Fitzgerald: Vive la Différence!

"The wandering eyes of men will no longer be a concern for certain women in a popular Italian resort on the Adriatic Sea. The city council of Riccione has come up with a way to enable Muslim women to enjoy the sand and sea without being fully clothed: opening sections of the beach exclusively for their use. Muslim women will now be able to cast off their headscarves and robes because men will be banned from certain portions of the beach. These stretches of sand will also be fitted with tents and have only female lifeguards and waitresses in order to ensure that the Islamic law requiring women to be covered in the presence of men is not broken. Hotel owner Attillio Cenni wants to take things a step further and have female lifeguards—ala Pamela Anderson—keep a lookout for men while patrolling the sea in water scooters." -- from this article

Yes, in Italy, and in France, and in Spain, everywhere, Muslims have a divine right to beaches, to cities, to everything. They are Muslims, the most perfect of peoples, following the ways of Muhammad, the most Perfect Man. All in the end, little by little, step by step, succumb to the demands and needs of Muslims. That is what Infidels have to understand. For now, they appear still to have a life tenancy in Europe -- but eventually the lives of those Infidels now living their lives will be over, and that tenancy extinguished, not to be inherited by their Infidel children or their Infidel grandchildren.

It is right, it is proper, it is just, to make accommodations for Muslim men and Muslim women. It is right, it is proper, it is just, to shut off entire bits of the Italian coastline to all non-Muslims, despite the violence this does to long-established customs, practices, and laws. It is right, it is proper, it is just, to make sure that the shaytanic seductive wiles of women are kept far from the view of men, Muslim men, men easily maddened by those wiles, that flesh, that wicked seductiveness.

And it is not only women. It is also animals. For, according to John Hendren, an LA Times reporter in Iraq, on NPR yesterday morning, in what was one of the funniest and telling reports that can possibly be imagined -- JAY LENO take note -- shepherds in Iraq have been killed because they left their goats untethered. Why did that deserve death? Well, because those goats were proving so immensely attractive to Iraqi men, leading them astray just as you, or I, dear reader, might be led astray by Hedy Lamarr or Audrey Hepburn or Merle Oberon (yes, I said I was 98 years old, and I meant it), or possibly that ravishing Italian actress Laura Morante who appeared in John Malkovich's movie about the Sendero Luminoso and, unforgettably, in an interview on Italian television). And so the goats, or those who put the innocent Iraqi men made goat-mad by their untethered presence, putting those poor Muslim men at the end of their own tether, had to be killed.

You don't believe me? You have forgotten, then, the religious prescriptions of the Ayatollah Khomeini about what is forbidden, and what commanded, as to the disposition of the funeral baked meats, when the funeral is that of the animals of those baked meats themselves, and the animals in question, having endured the passionate embraces of Muslim men, are now posthumously serving a second duty: having sated the sexual need, they are now relieving that of hunger. But there are rules about this. There are always rules. And as Ayatollah Khomeini wrote in his collected works, one may not serve such meat of former lovers, goats or cows or sheep, to one's own family or one's own neighbors. But, in a spirit of waste-not-want-not, one can serve such meat to inhabitants of a village nearby.

Think about the Italian beach. Think about those Afghani men with their child-brides whose photographs were shown a few weeks ago in The Sunday Magazine of The New Duranty Times. Then think about John Hendren's report, on the goats and the murdered shepherds.

Then ask yourself: are we all alike? Do we all think alike? Is it just a matter of "poverty" or "lack of democracy"? Or is there something else here that a very great number of people in the Infidel world are missing, almost willfully missing, to their own future shame, chagrin, and horror?

Think of those shepherds being murdered for letting their goats, batting their goat eyes, roam free -- there to be seen, admired, and one knows what may then, and so frequently does, follow for present-day inhabitants of that Light Unto the Muslim Nations we are building in Iraq, at a cost in money of some $400 billion (in past, present, and committed future costs related to replacement of desert-degraded weapons and support for 20,000 American wounded).

Women. Goats. What's the difference? Shaytan, Shaytan, Shaytan.

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"Well, because those goats were proving so immensely attractive to Iraqi men..."

Several years ago, I saw Woody Allen's movie "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask." It was a film that explored different sexual fetishes in an episodic fashion. One of the sketches involved a man who fell in love with a sheep and sought counseling. He ended up a broken man, and as the sketch ended, was seen living as a homeless man, drinking out of a bottle of Woolite. When I first saw the movie, I thought is was a comedy. Only now do I realize it was a documentary.

LOL... a most EXCELLENT article! And it would be so much funnier if it wasn't true. How sad they will come back and say that you are a racist, an islamophobe, a hater, and that you are "ignorant" of "true Islam."

Mark Twain said it best:

"It's not the parts of the bible I don't understand that upset me. It's the parts that I DO understand."

Same with the Queer'an.

Veil the goats; problem solved.

Surely an Iraqi equivalent of the Tractor Supply Company would stock the al-Acme Livestock Veil.

Otherwise, your randy neighbor can place the blame squarely on your goats for being so scandalously immodest.

For shame!

"and have female lifeguards—ala Pamela Anderson—keep a lookout for men"

Wouldn't a female lifeguard, dressed as a western whore in a bikini or one-piece, be inviting her own rape?

Soon the goats will be required to wear burkas on their heads to shield their alluring gazes from enticing weak muslim males.

Give muslim males estrogen...that will calm down their perverted sex drives.

Many beaches here used to be sex segregated. The L Street Beach in South Boston USA still is I think. Have not been there in 20 years but the men's side was clothing optional

Hugh is our very own Jack Kerouac armed with roll of teletype paper, happily hammering away at the Fitzgerald version of Mecca City Blues

"...eventually the lives of those Infidels now living their lives will be over, and that tenancy extinguished, not to be inherited by their Infidel children or their Infidel grandchildren."

And what will these non-Muslims inherit? If it is (1) the current widespread western non-Muslim attitudes of appeasement and accommodation of Muslim prejudices, (2) continued western self-denigration, and (3) continued wisespread anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment, that are to be passed on to subsequent generations, the situation in Europe does not look good.

How many non-Muslims in Europe, 75 years from now, will be around to inherit anything? Unfortunately, I think the most realistic predictions are the most pessimistic. Generally, each native European generation is about half the size of the previous, and each Muslim-in-Europe generation is about double the size of the previous. It is unlikely that this generation of native Europeans would do anything substantial to curb the demographic jihad, and it is even less likely that subsequent generations would do anything about it.

Now consider the possibility that Muslims do not achieve a majority in three generations but instead "only" reach the 10-15% range. In this scenario, when we take into account that Muslims tend to live in enclaves where the Muslim population approaches 100%, we could see civil wars breaking out. (If we don't see the riots in France last year as a test run, maybe we should. After all, the young Muslims who carried out those riots do see them as test runs). If civil wars do not break out, Muslims are still generally highly politically activist, and will have a large impact on any political decisions made in relation to Islam/Muslims domestically or internationally. Look at the major effect that the relatively small population of Muslims in Britain has had on politics and the media in that society. If the Brits and the French think their Muslims are a problem now, just wait 'til they reach 10, 15, 20, 25% of the population.


Can you imagine the uproar if a European country had a "native Europeans only" beach? There are two main reasons for the Muslim-only beach. One, which the Muslims will tell you publicly, is to keep the women away from the leering glances of the men. The other reason, not so public, is that Muslim women are told by their clerics and leaders that they cannot swim in the same water as non-Muslim women and non-Muslims generally. By immersing themselves in the water, non-Muslims have rendered the water polluted/corrupted impure.

Of course, this whole segregationist scheme was cooked up by Mohammad to keep the Muslims separate from non-Muslims. Muslims mixing with non-Muslims leads to fitnah and fasad, with Muslims being tempted away from their religion (see Ibn Kathir's commentary on 8:73). Perhaps Mohammad understood that, after a decade of largely unsuccessful preaching, and numerous defections, he would need to add strong social, political, legal, and militaristic policies to protect the flimsy religious ideas.


Can you imagine the uproar if it were to be discovered that small number of neo-Nazis in Europe had reinstituted Hitler's "Aryan" breeding program today? Yet many Muslims-in-Europe are knowingly* and explicitly engaging in something similar (though based on ideological adherence, not generally on race), in an attempt to increase the Muslim population as quick as possible. And note that this project is not, for the most part, being carried out by the secular or moderate Muslims, but rather is being carried out by Muslims with the most hostile views toward the west and non-Muslims. This is probably the future of Europe, if the appropriate countermeasures are not taken.

*For those readers who are taken aback by my implication that this is some kind of plot, please see this link Of course, not all Muslims are engaged in such a plot, but that's irrelevant. All that is needed for Muslims to continue toward a majority in Europe is for them to continue their traditionally high fertility rates, and for non-Muslims in Europe to continue with their extremely low fertility rates, for the next approximately 75-125 years (3-5 generations).

What's the fuss about ? As far as I can tell, this is about a section of beach for WOMEN only, not Muslim only.

Toobad, I would think it would be a muslim women only. The insecure muslim males would hate for their women to see how great normal women live life. Like, being able to wear a bathing suit instead of pajamas to swim, maybe seeing normal women happy and laughing out loud. Seeing normal women wearing nail polish, talking about going out, dating, finding your own husband. Working.

I'm sure there are MANY more reasons for wanting them segregated from everyone else.

Archimedes, in France the Muslim population has already gone beyond 10%. And one of the biggest effects of that can be seen in its prison population: 70% Muslim. What does that tell any sane and rational person? And one in three babies born in France today is a Muslim baby. So the France of 2040 will be 30% Muslim or thereabouts, and what it'll be like by 2070 or 2100, I hardly dare think. If its bad now, think of what it'll be like then, when the newborn of today reach adulthood and (in some cases) have kids of their own (I say some cases because of very low birth rates amongst the non-Muslim population thanks to too many Bridget Jones's). Spain's birth rate is only half of what is needed to sustain a stable population (1.1 births per woman compared with the 2.1 births needed to prevent populations from falling), but as for the most aggressive breeders, no prizes for guessing who they are.

Spirit of 1683,

France is definitely a problem. If present trends continue, it may the the first major western European nation to have a Muslim majority. The 30% Muslims by 2040 which you cite sounds plausible.

Note: You cite 10%. The CIA Fact Book for France gives 5-10% Muslims. I am not sure what the correct figure is, but I have been doing some rough calculations based on 7.5% France (simply taking the middle of the range given by CIA).

The resulting numbers vary greatly depending on the initial size of the Muslim subpopulation and the exact fertility rates. As long as Muslims generally aren't assimilating, their continued tradition of having an average fertility rate of about 4, together with the low non-Muslim fertility rate*, should make France a Muslim majority in about 3-4 generations (75-100 years). There would have to be significant changes in respective Muslim and non-Muslim fertility rates for this not to happen.

BTW, what I've said above doesn't take immigration into account. Depending on what France does with its immigration, this Muslim majority could happen earlier or later than expected.

Archimedes and the rest: remember that statistical trends do not continue. Birth rates in Europe and America are exceptionally low today among the native population because, in my view, of the poisonous influence of the me-decades, the seventies and eighties. The seventies taught people that self-fulfilment was all, and the eighties taught them that having a job - for both sexes - was the most important thing in life, to the exclusion of family and babies. The great British journalist and writer Keith Waterhouse, author of Billy Liar and a dozen other wonderful books, realized the culture change when he saw one young man come running and jumping out of an office building and tell a young woman: "I got the job!" and she replying: "Marvellous! You lucky dog!", after which they went more or less dancing together in the streets. A culture that places the sense of self-worth in having a job rather than a home and children will of course have more people earning wages and less having children. But that generation will die out, as the baby boomer are now beginning to head for the exit lounge; and the one that follows will come mostly from those who resisted the cultural pressure and had babies anyway, so that they will be in turn more motivated to have real families, and possibly a real family life. The Me generation will breed itself out. This, I think, is a certainty. The deluded egotism of the Me generation, in thrall without realizing it to the wishes of corporate big business, will fade away. To predict the future of the French and other Muslim communities is less easy, but I feel sure that a significant minority will become less rather than more Muslim. It might even mean a revitalization of the moribund French Churches: I know for a fact that both the Italian Catholic and the Danish Lutheran churches are receiving (on the quiet, for fear of retaliation) tens of thousands of Muslim converts. Or they might join the agnostic French mainstream. I do not say that these will be the majority, or anything like that, of the Muslim community, but as you are speaking of percentages, the fact that a certain percentage of the danger group will cease to be dangerous is important. It might also have collateral results, fragmenting the common front that these people seem to present to the outside world, and turning their violence inward, in the form of mutual suspiciousness - is this or that or that person going to betray us? And this, in turn, would have a very negative effect on the financial and economic power of the Muslim minority, since obviously, the more a person or family is successful among and integrated with the Infidels, the more they do business with them and interact with them, the more they will be suspicious to their own community. And this will mean that all the most active and intelligent part of the community will always tend to be separated from the rest and propelled towards the European mainstream.